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Re: chasing athleticism
« Reply #1200 on: September 17, 2013, 11:39:41 pm »

Nike Romaleos 2 are pretty sweet. Nicest shoe i've had.  Very snug though on my R foot. Wish it was slightly wider, they're really narrow lol. I wonder how narrow the Adidas must be since the Romaloes are said to be wider than than adipowers etc. I put them on and tried air squats, hit depth and had a flat back which was cool, cause I hadn't done any moblity work yet. Will do my usual mobility sequence later and then try squatting. I'm running on low sleep and dont think i'll hit any PRs today so I'll just enjoy the workout. Friday is gonna be all business though, i wanna get some PRs, it's been a while since I last got a squat one.
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Re: chasing athleticism
« Reply #1201 on: September 18, 2013, 12:19:28 am »
Nice! They are a cool looking pair of shoes. I love mine. Interested to see how you go in them.


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Re: chasing athleticism
« Reply #1202 on: September 18, 2013, 04:42:03 am »
Nice! They are a cool looking pair of shoes. I love mine. Interested to see how you go in them.

Shoes were perfect to squat in. They fit me like a glove and what I thought was too snug before simply disappeared once they moulded to my feet. The only thing I noticed was the straps drag underneath the foot when I walk around but otherwise i love them! More detail in the workout log.
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chasing athleticism -- W3D2
« Reply #1203 on: September 18, 2013, 04:53:44 am »
FS 2x110, 1x120, 1x130, 2x120, 3/4x110, 6x100 (PR)

BS 3x100, 6x110, 3x120, 4x115, 3x100

FS notes:
First shot with new WL shoes. I went down to a newly opened local gym to test them out because I haven't redone the flooring for my home gym yet and I don't wanna use the NR2s on the paved flooring in case it scruffs up the soles.

The gym was to unpredictably defy my attempts at a decent workout. To start with they have 20kg, 10kg plates and 5kg plates. And that's it. So if you're weak like me and you want to squat with 105, 112.5, 117.5, 125kg or 127.5kg you're out of luck.  ie no 2.5kg or 5kg jumps just 10kg lol. This is a big ass expensive gym that just opened btw. I dont know what you're supposed to do. So my warmup sequence which is usually 3x90, 2x105, 1x117.5, 1x125 became 3x90, 2x110, 1x120, 1x130. Not ideal, cause i'm not used to it. For my worksets I had planned on doing triples with 125kg and 115kg but i simply couldnt. Serves me right for not taking my own (1.25 and 2.5kg) plates right? I should know by now gyms are retarded and plan in advance.

Quote from: mc cunty ranty
- warning  rant below, skip if not interested..  --
I had to wait 20 minutes for some starting strengther bros do their quarter squats with 110kg first while I sat there like a pervert watching them them do their thing. Not even hating, cause i'm sure they'd be complaining about the weird as fuck guy who did shitty reverse squats in the deadlift cage with baby weights while they sat idly. I felt like a real piece of shit working up to my massive 130kg squat while ppl waited for me to leave so they could do their half squats with 90kg. The guy in the rack next to me was doing, no joke, decline bench press with 70kg. In the fucking 'deadlift rack'. Why is that even necessary i dunno. I keep saying deadlift rack cause a PT came and chased away 2 strengthers from the rack so that he could train his client with RDLs off the ground with awesome form. Why you have to do that in a power cage i dunno, but there you go.

Btw I think this whole 'you got to squat bro' movement is misguided. Most of these casual gym squatters would be better off using machines for leg strength. Hell I think i'm probably included in that category, squats done badly are way worse than machines done not-bad. 

I felt that my quads were being hit very hard, esp considering i did very little volume (or intensity for that matter). So that's a great sign that the shoes will help me with acquiring highly sought after athletic leg strength. I was also able to FS 130kg as well as I have with flatter shoes. I mean i was in no danger of repping it, because I was very weak today, but otherwise signs are good that the shoes are helping the areas I needed the most help.

Btw I did a lot of paused reps too, just because I was annoyed with the situation with the plates, to make the workout slightly less shit.

I've got post traumatic gym stress now. I'm gonna put on my old shoes and do some back squats when my heart rate goes back to normal.

BS notes:
Pretty ordinary session. But i noticed i have midfoot bar path on one rep?!. Not sure how that happened or what I did differently on the descent lol. interesting.

I didn't get a chance to do mobility work today. Will def do it before friday's workout though. I feel as though i'm close to making a form breakthrough, i just need to get everything to align before it happens. Mobility, recovery, strength, motivation, shoes.
« Last Edit: September 18, 2013, 07:14:05 am by entropy »
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Re: chasing athleticism
« Reply #1204 on: September 18, 2013, 09:47:38 am »
Yeah there's so many shit gyms in Australia. All these Jets and 24/7 gym franchises are popping up everywhere and saturating the market. It wouldn't be a bad thing if they had good equipment. Except they don't have equipment all they have is a bunch of machines and free weights that go up to like 30kg in increments of 5kg. You're lucky to even find one of those franchises with a bench press let alone a squat rack. Anytime Fitness seems to be alright but once again it's a similar environment with everything crammed into a small space with no staff, yet with superior equipment. I go to Goodlife now. I used to go to Fitness First but all the Fitness Firsts in Adelaide got acquired by Goodlife. Thankfully they haven't made any radical transformations and have kept most of the equipment as it is.
I can't really complain that much about my gym. It's pretty good but there's definitely more treadmills and cardio equipment than weights. We got 2 bench presses, 1 incline bench, 1 squat rack, and a Smith Machine. We also got a Cable Crossover. Dumb bells go from 2.5kg all the way up to 50kg in 2.5kg increments. As far as plates there's 1.25, 2.5, 5, 10, 15, 20 (as it should be). All the basics are covered. Got quite a few machines but I train pretty simplistically so I don't use them much. All in all it's a fairly good gym. The only thing I hate about it is the atmosphere. There's hardly any bodybuilders or strong lifters it's mainly fat people and cardio bunnies.
Once I get my license back I'm going to start going to Southbound.
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Re: chasing athleticism
« Reply #1205 on: September 18, 2013, 10:08:14 am »
lol no 2.5kg plates? that's just bizarre.
Muscles are nonsensical they have nothing to do with this bullshit.

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chasing athleticism -- W3D3
« Reply #1206 on: September 20, 2013, 10:19:18 am »
FS 0Fx132.5, 2x127.5, 6x102.5 (PR), 5x107.5, 6x100
BS 1x135, 6x112.5
BP 3x90, 5x86
ÇU 7x90, 3x100, 3x95
BRO 10x40, 10x50
OBGB 2x20

New training obsessions is rows.
« Last Edit: September 20, 2013, 10:24:43 am by entropy »
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chasing athleticism - W1D1
« Reply #1207 on: September 23, 2013, 06:11:03 am »
FS 1x117.5, 1x125, 1x132 (PR)
BS 5x120, 2x6x115, 3x117.5
FS 6x107.5(*), 4x107.5, 5x106

BP 7Fx84 (PR)

FS notes:
Plan was to work up to a heavy single PR and then do BS.

BS notes:
So i'm doing these with a plate under the heels. Slowly working back to my old PRs with flat shoes. I'm still a faggot though because my form is shit and I don't even give a shit anymore lulz.

FS 2 notes:
Heel elevated all sets. I failed to drop the safety pins 1 hole which confounded my 6PR attempt, I hit the pin on rep 4. Racked the bar, moved the pins down, then did the next 2 reps but of course that doesn't count as a 6 rep set. I tried again next set but my 4th rep was ugly enough that 6 was out of the question. For the 3rd set i decided to try my luck with 106 for a 6PR and i probably could have done a really ugly 6th but that's not a good habit to get into cause those ugly sets don't do much for gains. So my carelessness cost me a PR, it's ok, ill get it on wednesday.

So-so workout to begin the week. But on the balance i'll take it, still better than the last 3 weeks of fucking around in the gym. Upper body to come later!
« Last Edit: September 23, 2013, 09:19:06 am by entropy »
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Re: chasing athleticism
« Reply #1208 on: September 23, 2013, 01:20:43 pm »
Wooho, might do an adarquisque update on my computing adventures. Last week I had to put my regular PC out of commission after it overheated. I took it apart and cleaned the insides but because I took the heat sink out, have to wait til i've gotten thermal paste to re-apply on the cpu and heat sink. In the meantime I dragged out another unused PC in the house which had horror of horrors, windows vista. I have only now excaped the hell that is Vista without an admin password. I couldn't use 99% of the apps I downloaded to image a win7 iso. It took all of my patience to finally get a usb flash disk imaged with a windows7 iso so I could install windows 7 on it. Must say, after almost 15 years of using Linux exclusively, i'm finally going back to windows. Windows 7 just seems so right to me and it was about time I moved away from the ghetto and computing slum that is linux. It's just never going to get good enough i'm afraid to say, I believed it for the longest time and now i've lost the initial convictions i once strongly held against Microsoft. They've done an amazing job with Win7, and I can say that having using it all of an hour lol. Being able to play full screen HD flash video without my cpu fan exploding is awesome. At this point it's easier to bring my favorite linux apps onto windows than try to deal with the general shittiness of the linux experience. I'm gonna figure out how to setup emacs etc and then i'll be good. How exciting. The last time i was this excited about windows was back in highschool when someone slipped me a windows 98 cd lol that had just dropped at the time. Good times. Anyway i digress, expect more of the usual verbose loggings now that I have a proper computing environment setup and I dont have to click away on my phone!
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Re: chasing athleticism
« Reply #1209 on: September 25, 2013, 05:29:19 am »
I feel as though I failed in my strength accumulation phase. I should have hit at least a 140kg FS and a 150kg BS. As in tested and video taped, not calculated bullshit. In theory a 130x3 FS should be a 140kg max and a 6x130kg BS should be a 150kg max. But the truth is I never came close to realising those maxes. I doubled 140kg on the BS and that's not close to 150kg max. Maybe off by 5kg or so but that's still a lot when i'm talking about the bare minimum I wanted to achieve. I rather would have liked a 160kg BS and a 150kg at the very least, my goal was even more lofty to do 150kg for 5 reps before starting my cut to 75kg bw.

But then again this wasn't about strength, i wanted to gain mass. And i think to that end I succeeded somewhat. If it was strength alone I sought could have done an ego friendly smolov stint.

I can do more though. I might maintain my bodyweight for a few weeks and finish the job before cutting. I am talking about front squatting 140kg. My BS should be 135-140kg for 5-6 reps too. That seems like a good place to finish a strength gain phase and begin a cut phase. That way if I drop 10kg of bodyweight, I can put that 10kg on the bar and stay just as strong, but a lot stronger relative to bodyweight. That will be worth something. As it stands, maintaining a shitty 130kg FS and a who-knows-what-mediocre BS is close to worthless to me.

And yes this is partially inspired by acole's thread and a need to be more competitive. I haven't dug very deep i'm ashamed to admit. I can get more out of the amount of muscle i've got. Just need to work harder and keep my form truer.
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chasing athleticism
« Reply #1210 on: September 25, 2013, 07:16:35 am »
FS 5x107.5, 6x105 (PR)
BS 6x117.5, 6x117, 5x115
OHP 5x60, 3x62, 8x52.5 (PR), 9x50 (PR)

FS notes:
Switching to Nikes. I haven't done the flooring yet but I'll def do it this weekend so i'll start properly next week but in the mean time i'll be able to adjust and adapt. Using plates underneath heels sucks so I won't be doing that again.

BS notes:
Done with nikes. I had really nice form!! Feels good man. Next time i'll go for 3x6x120kg and from there it's +2kg per workout. Hopefully that'll take me up to 135kg or so without stalling because i've done a reset of sorts now.
« Last Edit: September 25, 2013, 09:08:31 am by entropy »
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Re: chasing athleticism
« Reply #1211 on: September 26, 2013, 01:57:04 am »
BW is 196 this morning of the 26th, would have liked to be sub 195 by 1st October, just so September wasn't a complete waste of time but we'll see what happens, there is still a few days left yet.
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Re: chasing athleticism
« Reply #1212 on: September 26, 2013, 02:15:03 am »
BW is 196 this morning of the 26th, would have liked to be sub 195 by 1st October, just so September wasn't a complete waste of time but we'll see what happens, there is still a few days left yet.

You've still got 5 days left. Plenty of time to drop 1lb.
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chasing athleticism
« Reply #1213 on: September 27, 2013, 06:58:48 am »
FS 1x125, 1x130, 0Fx132.5, 5x112.5 (PR), 6x107 (PR)
BS 6x120, 5x119.5, 6x120B
BP 4x90 (PR), 5Fx86 (PR)
CU 7x90.5, 3x100, 3x95, 4x92.5

Salient workout notes:
All squats from here forwards will be done with weighlifting shoes, nike romaloes 2, unless otherwise indicated.

FS notes:
I came oh-so-close to locking out that 132.5, but i am too weak today. Yes I know I seem to say that every time but it's actually true, i'm going into these workouts ill prepared without having my recovery ducks in a row.

Anyway finally got that 112.5kg fiver which once seemed like a hard goal and has eluded me for what is probably 6 months? So even while weak and with horrible recovery i can still make long term PRs. But that's just because I haven't trained 5s for ages and i'm stronger now so it's not exactly a great achievement. I should be doing 5s with 120kg really.

BS notes:
Blah, shitty form. Actually the video looked fine. I tried a belt for the 3rd set, and it was suprsingly easy. Does that mean I could do with much stronger abs? Or does it mean my core is just fatigued. Or does it mean an increase of IAP just made light work of the set. Who knows but i should experiment more to see if I can derive a strength benefit from a belt.

In addition to belt on BS, i should experiment with it on FS too. Maybe after doing my last warmup set of 130kg, i should put on a belt for heavy max single? Will explore.
« Last Edit: September 27, 2013, 09:24:24 am by entropy »
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Re: chasing athleticism
« Reply #1214 on: September 27, 2013, 07:26:19 am »
BW is 196 this morning of the 26th, would have liked to be sub 195 by 1st October, just so September wasn't a complete waste of time but we'll see what happens, there is still a few days left yet.

You've still got 5 days left. Plenty of time to drop 1lb.

Coges, nope bro, i'm not cutting actively right now, want to get my squat goals before resuming cut for acole's contest. I did make one breakthru though. I remembered that when I did my awesome cut earlier this year to get down to ~10%bodyfat, I did it by flipping around any internet advice from GFH camp which favours high calorie, high fat eating. So where they say high dietary fat intake for gainz, i went low fat intake for health. Health is the thing, when you think about the effect of food on the inside of your body, it makes it easy to eat well, which then leads to more mental strength and discipline not just for nutrition but also towards training. That's why I made good gains in the gym as well as in the mirror because I flipped around bad advice which suited me really well. So even though i'm going to hold my bodweight stable, i'll make the necessary changes to my mindset to prepare me for the long cut ahead.

I'll see how it goes maybe i can still make it though, you never know.
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