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chasing athleticism - W5D2
« Reply #1050 on: July 31, 2013, 06:43:19 am »
FS 3x123 (PR), 5Fx112.5
BS 2x6x120 (PR)
OHP 4x59.5, 3x62.5, 4x60

Salient changes: didnt wear shorts under my tracks, liberal mobility activation work preworkout, 2 pairs of socks on both feet. Very tight laces and strap.

FS notes:
Was a 3RM effort. Friday's scheduled 3x125kg shud be very difficult if not impossible but somehow i'll have to get it to make up lost ground in the last 2 weeks of stalled FS.

BS notes:
10 RPE effort on these as well :/ I should have scheduled 6x119.5kg before switching bigger plates. Make a note for that in future when approaching 10kg milestones. Nevertheless should press on from here, 2x6x122kg on friday.

First time ohp in 3 weeks, have to try avoid skipping these, it's the only trap exercise I have lol and hbbs like big traps and mine don't exist.

June summary:
FS 1x110kg, 3x105kg (1st July) ----> 3x123kg (31st july)
BS 6x90kg (1st July) ----> 6x120kg (31st july)

Added 30kg to my HBBS worksets. And a solid 18kg to my FS. My bodyweight has gone up a fair bit though but I am an expert at cutting and will get my abs back.
August Plan:
August goal: FS 3x140kg and HBBS 6x140kg (@ BW of ~85 kg)

Aggressively pushing my squats up 20kg.  After august  I'll begin a long cut back to a bodyweight of 75kg/165lb giving me abz(~9% bodyfat), double bodyweight front squats and high bar backsquats. That's the plan. 1 month of extremely hard work to build some decent leg mass and absolute strength (+ 20kg to my squats)  and then 4-6 months of cutting away the bodyfat and training sprint, jumps and plyos to achieve excellent relative strength and athleticism. Hopefully by new years i'll have abs, solid lifts, 40" svj, 2xbw fs/hbbs, sub 4s 30m sprint and then I can focus on conditioning and get in top basketball shape for april's tournament which I want to dominate by being an athletic and skilled beast.

I am confident about attaining the HBBS goal. The FS one will be much harder, esp if I try to do it concurrently with HBBS. But we'll see. I should get to at least FS 3x130kg and BS 6x130kg concurrently and anything over 135kg  on FS will be ace. I can always focus on FS after getting the BS goal anyways, and the additional strength and mass from HBBS will help FS esp since my BS form is deep, upright and athletic and shoudl carry over nicely to FS.
I just thought to make a note that my thighs aren't that big, they were actually a lot bigger back when I was ~75kg. I dont understand this at all. I'm stronger and moving more weight and heavier so wtf is going on? The reason I just found this out is because i tried out my swimming board shorts which were tight in the summer. They're loose right now. Maybe cause i was jumping and sprinting more then?? Will recheck after august.
« Last Edit: July 31, 2013, 10:41:43 am by entropy »
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Re: chasing athleticism
« Reply #1051 on: July 31, 2013, 09:47:50 am »
what's your SVJ now, again?
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Re: chasing athleticism
« Reply #1052 on: July 31, 2013, 09:54:35 am »
what's your SVJ now, again?

right now idk, but last year I think i was at 32-33" (in my running shoes) or so when i had just started dunking properly. I never measured it formally just by rim touch on my arm. I should still have that video somewhere (if you want to see it, lemme know i'll PM). Since then i can jump higher (in shitty shoes) and got a lot stronger and leaner this year, so potentially higher than that now. 40" is just a nice round number, better than 37.25" or something heh. I'll probably never formally measure either, when I can SVJ touch the top of the backboard square i'll be satisfied for my purposes and i believe that's around a 36" leap with my 98" barefoot reach.

edit - Above invitation stands for anyone else who could care to verify my claims. Would be nice to have an official 'vag certified' label for my SVJ/RVJ claim lol.

This has got me thinking. How did my fat weak person jump so high last august?? i was front squatting to barely parallel depth with lite weights.. and my backsquat was horrible and unathletic (lbbs/hbbs hybrid with shit depth). I see I was doing RDLs with 125kg for a triple and 100kg for 10 reps. Could it be Raptor was right and RDL's are a good exercise? NOooo cant be. But the other thing was i was sprinting and jumping i think 1x a week. I must have been doing something right back then..

Woke up in the middle of the night hungry and went to eat half a loaf of bread, a banana and protein shake lol. Gotta get those PRs on friday somehow. This is how it must be like to be a bodybuilder, always eating!
« Last Edit: July 31, 2013, 04:02:14 pm by entropy »
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Re: chasing athleticism
« Reply #1053 on: July 31, 2013, 05:05:32 pm »
what's your SVJ now, again?

right now idk, but last year I think i was at 32-33" (in my running shoes) or so when i had just started dunking properly. I never measured it formally just by rim touch on my arm. I should still have that video somewhere (if you want to see it, lemme know i'll PM). Since then i can jump higher (in shitty shoes) and got a lot stronger and leaner this year, so potentially higher than that now. 40" is just a nice round number, better than 37.25" or something heh. I'll probably never formally measure either, when I can SVJ touch the top of the backboard square i'll be satisfied for my purposes and i believe that's around a 36" leap with my 98" barefoot reach.

edit - Above invitation stands for anyone else who could care to verify my claims. Would be nice to have an official 'vag certified' label for my SVJ/RVJ claim lol.

How tall are you?  I'm 5'11 and I'm out 3 inches from the height of the top backboard square but I certainly don't have a 40 inch vertical!


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Re: chasing athleticism
« Reply #1054 on: July 31, 2013, 05:18:06 pm »
4" taller but im guessing you have a similar reach to me? Mine is 98"/8'2" barefoot dunno what it is in shoes, prob an inch higher. small hands :(  You also jump a lot higher if you're closing in on 40". I'm closer to 30". We're talking SVJ now right. Cause 3" short of the top of the square svj is pretty damn good! Last time i tried i was just above halfway up the box, can't remember if that was rvj or svj, either way, long way to go.

Found this fiba specification pdf

measurements are in mm

ground to top of rim - 3050mm (120")
base of rim to top of square - 450mm (17.7")

so approx height of top of the square is 3500mm = 137.8 ~ 138". This is on the high side cause it's from the base of the rim not the top of the rim.

But anyway with a 98" reach. i need roughly a 40" raw dog vertical to reach the top of the square. Maybe shoes add 1" to my reach. And maybe the rim adds 1". So call it 38".
« Last Edit: July 31, 2013, 05:41:31 pm by entropy »
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Re: chasing athleticism
« Reply #1055 on: July 31, 2013, 05:52:43 pm »
I'll probably never formally measure either, when I can SVJ touch the top of the backboard square i'll be satisfied for my purposes and i believe that's around a 36" leap with my 98" barefoot reach.

edit - Above invitation stands for anyone else who could care to verify my claims. Would be nice to have an official 'vag certified' label for my SVJ/RVJ claim lol.

Verified! Top of backboard is 11'4'' (136''), your reach in shoes is 99'' to 100'' so you need 36'' to 37'' to touch it.

4" taller but im guessing you have a similar reach to me? Mine is 7'10" barefoot dunno what it is in shoes, prob an inch higher.

Not verified! 7'10'' is 94''. 98'' is 8'2''.

Probably lost something in the conversion. Use google, type your reach in cm and then "in inches".
Example ( i am guessing the correct one for you ):
google "249cm in inches" ---> 98.03''
Target training paces (min/km), calculated from 5K PR 22:49 :
Easy run : 5:48
Tempo run : 4:50
VO2-max run :4:21
Speed form run : 4:02


it's the biggest trick in the run game.. go slow to go fast. it doesn't make sense until it smacks you in the face and you're like ....... wtf?


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Re: chasing athleticism
« Reply #1056 on: July 31, 2013, 11:52:00 pm »
Oh, 40 inch standing vertical.  I'm not even close.  Maybe 34-35 on a good day.  I'm only talking about running vertical.  I don't really get reach measurements; when I stand up with one hand I can touch around 7'8 in shoes so about tour difference is about equal to our height difference.  But, if I go on tip toes and dislocate my shoulder I can get close to 8 feet.  If I don't stretch hard it's more like 7'6.  I measure my vertical with my head cause I find it's much simpler.  I can hit my head on the backboard pretty easily so that means my vertical as at least 36 inches.  I'm far from the rim but need another object to jump for; maybe the goal post...    Surprised you are only 6'3, you look so much taller in your video.


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Re: chasing athleticism
« Reply #1057 on: August 01, 2013, 02:26:12 am »
I jump much lower on a fast break type approach. I think my strongest jump is highest off 2 or 3 steps, what's the acronym for that - DSVJ and TSVJ? That's more meaningful to me, so touching the top of the square off a coupla steps would be cool. And being able to do it SVJ would just mean i've got enough hops to dunk in a game off a stand still in a post situation even with a defender infront if i am close enough to the rim. I tried that earlier this year and missed the dunk :( Would have been my only game time dunk too). Without a defender there i get that dunk cause i can SVJ dunk but with a defender and with game time fatigue, i gave up about 2-3" and just missed it. Better conditioning would help there too.

That's my height barefoot last i checked.

Also hitting head on the backboard? that sounds risky?!

But yes regarding the other conversation in LBSS thread, my interest is in power dunks during games. Not a big involved runup or elaborate build up (when do you get the chance to do that in a game? the lane is often or always clogged), just a coupla steps max with a quick move, drop step and bang explode up with two hands and hit the rim hard, pulling it down. power play.
Today's food. I am uncomfortable eating so much but it's just short term so i'll allow it
half a loaf of fancy gourmet type bread
3 eggs
2.5 scoop whey
650mL lowfat milk
3 sausages
3 slices wholemeal bread
2 bananas

going to try eat some beef today. i eat it maybe a coupla times a year if that, but i need to front squat 125kg for a triple tomorrow to keep myself unstuck so by any means necessary. also started supplementing with taurine today. i had bought some last year for help with mood control during cutting, but it actually made me feel worse so i didn't use it. seems to be ok now, been putting it in my shakes.
« Last Edit: August 01, 2013, 04:11:05 am by entropy »
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chasing athleticism -- W5D3
« Reply #1058 on: August 02, 2013, 10:06:05 am »
FS 1x120, 2x125 (PR), 1x124
BS 5x122 (PR), 6x121 (PR)
BP 6Fx86
DL 5x60, 3x90, 3x100, 1x100, 1x130, 1Fx150, 1x140

FS notes:
I watched a new technique video (see bs notes) just before the workout and it must have got in my head subconsciously because I approached my lifts completely differently today. Watching on video, I was going super slow motion into the squat. Not my usual groove at all. I did the double with 125kg and racked it cause I thought I would have failed the 3rd rep because I felt my 2nd rep was uggers. But on video it looked smooth and easy, so either the video is lying or my mind is.

BS notes:
Knees-in is not only ok, it's good. So says the chinese olympic coach i've been following on youtube. Even with BS i went into the hole slow and deliberate and didn't get any bounce. Lost count (when does that ever happen to me? never!) and did one rep short. But the 5th was sufficiently goodmorny that I wouldn't have got a 6th anyway. On the 2nd set, i caught the bounce and it was decidedly easier.

DL notes:
Having some trouble with DL form (of course.. lol). I can't break the bar off the ground without hips first going up. Not sure what this means or how to fix it. Bother. Still, it did the job, got some nice back work in thanks to the old trusty deadlift. If only I knew how to fix my form.

I believe I've made one big mistake in my training the last year or so. While focusing on front squat was good, i neglected my back, and because I dont have a very strong back right now, it's limiting my ability to backsquat. Just doing deadlifts once a week would have done wonders for me. Regretting that now.
« Last Edit: August 02, 2013, 01:12:43 pm by entropy »
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Re: chasing athleticism
« Reply #1059 on: August 02, 2013, 10:24:35 am »
don't regret, address and move forward.

your platitude of the day.
Muscles are nonsensical they have nothing to do with this bullshit.

- Avishek

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chasing athleticism - W1D1
« Reply #1060 on: August 05, 2013, 07:16:50 am »
FS 3x124 (PR)
BS 6x123 (PR), 5x123, 9x107.5 (PR)
BP 6x60, 6x60, 6x70, 8x79.5 (PR)
RP 1x100, 1x130, 1x150, 1x160, 5x100

Salient changes: Slowly shedding and unlearning every piece of western advice on squatting - today it was the big chest cue which got binned. Switched back to coke from pepsi preworkout.

FS notes:
Monster effort to lock out the 3rd rep. Only 1 set of FS, focus is on BS now. I have a suspicion even that 1 heavy triple is taking out too much out of me to backsquat properly though.

BS notes:
New chinese inspired cue really made my biceps work harder keeping elbows in place vertically. But it made the lift a lot easier on the concentric. Now biceps must adapt so I can make the new form automatic.

Upper body notes:
Looked at my log to see what I did last time on mondays bench get a PR on friday's bench, tried to replicate it in today's workout. Lets see what happens friday, hopefully 6x86kg will finally fall! Have decided to move chinups to weds, mondays getting too hard and weds are a better fit. But I still did 1 set of chins to keep my body keen and keep the movement pattern fresh.

Back notes:
Tried rack pulls. Did them from the bottom most pin. It works out to be just below my knee. Watching the video frame by frame, i see that just before I break the bar off the pins, my middle back rises slightly. So that's bad. I need to figure out a way to keep it flat thruout the lift.

Day 1 of 28 day HBBS specialisation cycle. Goal is 6x140kg by the end. If my FS is 3x130kg by the end that will do but i'm happy just to maintain a 125kg triple. I also invite advice on how to keep myself unstuck on backsquats. I feel as though the 6s are now high intensity and something needs to give (volume?). I've reduced FS volume a lot. Do i need to reduce frequency too? not sure. BS is a hard beast to tame.
LBSS yep you're right, i took the advice and did deads on friday but over the weekend i found I had tweaked my back and hurt my spine and i'm terrified of deadlifts again. I need a safer back exercise. The only one i keep coming back to is goodmornings but i'm not sure if it's an effective exercise or if it's just a waste of time the way RDLs turned out. Suppose I could give them a chance though. Really short of ideas otherwise. The other option is heavy rack pulls which might be safer but i'm afraid to try in case they too snap my shit up. Pendlay rows to me seem dangerous for the same reason as DLs are, doing a pull off the ground where my breaking the bar off the ground with good form is the problem.
« Last Edit: August 05, 2013, 09:07:35 am by entropy »
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Re: chasing athleticism
« Reply #1061 on: August 05, 2013, 10:43:36 am »
there's all kinds of shit you can do for your back that aren't DL variations, GMs or pendlay rows. any DB row variation, shrugs, hypers/reverse hypers, regular barbell rows, cable rows a la king(fish), pull ups and chin ups, and on and on.

EDIT: or, you know, light rack pulls. there's not absolute need to go heavy from day one. why not start with light rack pulls? why did you start with heavy deads, anyway?
« Last Edit: August 05, 2013, 10:46:04 am by LBSS »
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Re: chasing athleticism
« Reply #1062 on: August 05, 2013, 11:09:16 am »
Why did I go heavy? Because I needed back strength last week, not in a months time lol when i'm done with my high bar squatting cycle. Like need it asap.

I think rack pulls were ok today, cause they're very close to a flat back, just a tiny rounding of middle back.  A lot better than pulls from the ground which are scary.

Sure, I can try regular rows. Anything using dbs is out cause I dont have any. I can also try cable rows cause i have a pulley system, but that sounds like a gimmicky exercise (yes i know kf does them but that doesn't prove anything).. will try that out nevertheless.

I dont have a back extension bench thing :( It's prob the most important piece of equipment i'm missing but they're fairly expensive last time i checked.

I might be getting a coach next week, he might be able to teach me to pull correctly from the floor too.

Thanks for your suggestions.
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Re: chasing athleticism
« Reply #1063 on: August 05, 2013, 11:14:43 am »
Why did I go heavy? Because I needed back strength last week, not in a months time lol when i'm done with my high bar squatting cycle. Like need it asap.

it's hard to tell if you're joking here.
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Re: chasing athleticism
« Reply #1064 on: August 05, 2013, 11:19:24 am »
Not joking. Which variant of cable row does KF do, seated or the lying one?
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