Oof it's been awhile
Just been hunting preparing for another lockdown
Went to the gym today and just did full body.
Bench was 5x5@225 drop set and finished with AMRAP 3 minutes 135
Oh press just up to 135x5(front delt still fucked)
Deadlift/as squat super set
Worked to 200 for the squat and 300 for the deadlifts for idk how many reps
Then cable and db work with tbar rows
I haven't kept track of anything I've been eating so I went into my samsung health app and ballparked some meals and calories.
Just consists of venison, 2 protein shakes, bfast sausage, veggies, fruit, eggs, toast, steak etc. It has me around 2500 as an estimate so gives me some wiggle room since I won't eat bfast sausage every day n what not and I added another piece of toast cuz the calories was so low. But it's mostly protein, then carbs and fat are close to the same so idk I'll lower the carbs a lil bit.
I'll start it Sunday since we are doing Thanksgiving tomorrow cuz everyone had to work Thursday.