3 min AMRAP with 1 minute rest x 5 rounds
3 hang power clean @ 135
6 push ups
9 air squats
I did average of 3 sets per round but some were 3 sets plus 2 cleans or some shit and round 3 I did 4 sets.
This was a good beginner one, I felt tight as shit early on but round 3 I loosened up and went for it which made me breathe a lot harder the rest of the rounds
5 minutes on the stairmaster lol
This was harder than running, my pchain was on fire.
Going to hit pool room stuff after my dump then do another 5 mins on the stairmaster and head out.
Pool room stuff idk yet but will involve burpees, wallball, jump rope and idk jj or something.
50 jump rope x all sets
This is one that I want to track on a weekly basis. My burpees are terrible right now plus some hip pain caused me to slow down. Ultimately I'm just shit at burpees. Ik I can do the set of ten in under a minute(burpees alone) when I was good, probably 40 seconds. So I would like to see how much time I can cut from the 19:51. Around the round of 7 I started to go faster on the burpees so goal is to do each round unbroken.