Nothing yesterday, allergies was hitting me
Going to run outside for once then do a big wod of idk the set rep scheme but I'll do
Sandbag clean and press
Sled pulls
Db rdl
Sand bag front squat
Did not do it lol will try to do it today before John wick 3
Ran 20 minutes
Full squat to 275 and felt my IT band start to go
Had to jab it with the squat rack pegs to make it feel tolerable
Deadlift to 315x8
Oh press to 185x2x5
loool nice. give us recap
i liked 1. started watching 2 but stopped paying attention. 3 might be better.
same issue I had with Reeves in the Matrix. first one = incredible. didn't enjoy the rest, barely watched em`
leggo wick 3.
also had that problem with equalizer 1 vs 2, and mission impossible 1 vs 1+.
i liked predator 1 & 2 tho.