Incline db press
150 Wallball for time
Push ups on dumbbells (keep a straighter wrist)
DB front squat
Tricep work
I am drinking my coffee now and just trying to wake up more
I am going to warm up and see if I can run today or not, my whole body is shot to shit.
If I can run then I will do the stretch and 25 minutes, if not then I will ride the bike.
I will also walk at the end then when i inevitably get kicked off the track cuz of the kids then I will finish off on the bike.
Swapped db front squats with sit ups
Did it all and after my final around just now I started to feel sick so I may cut it off there and skip triceps. I'm going to sit and gather myself and if it goes away soon I'll just go out and walk.
Overall it felt harder than it should have, my legs are just so sore that for the first 8 minutes of the run i could just feel how tight my hamstrings were. Also on the wallballs I maybe hit parallel but that was as far down as my legs would allow me to go.
Also, I heard that I did well in my interview for the apprenticeship but I still didn't get it. Basically it's politics there, they hire family members all of the time and they play the diversity card so if there are women who are going to be retiring then they will just hire women...even though the 1 girl caused quite a few blocks costing them money....and I never did...and I know more equipment....and I have co workers who emailed the plant manager, my line managers told him to hire me....but diversity.