Last week was bad with thanksgiving and a wedding.
today nothing because it took longer than expected to get my car winter ready and i had to go out of my way to return the tuxs before work.
Normal workout tomorrow, a lot of body weight stuff, machines, dumbbells, running.
I have the fitness test again for the county(the one i already did but have to do again because i took myself off the list to wait to see what happened with another county) Its not a pass or fail, just kind of do it and see what happens.
I am thinking about just doing it because right away i can make good money and if i went the paramedic route, itd be about 2 years until i made what id make starting february.
Anyway that one is just how many push ups can you do to failure, 1.5 mile run test(not going to take it too serious) and sit ups in a minute which is just horrendous for me and always has been.
"make dat money fam"
someone i train with on occasion (recently) just did a practice ironman by himself.. today..
112 mi cycling in 5h:56m:29s
26.2 mi run in 4h:24m:57s
2+ mi swim in 1h:05m:30s
guh that's pretty insane.
I ran for 25 or 30 minutes on the track, i mean it was slow but consistent and i didnt feel worn out. I'm not looking to try and beat my time from last time i did the fitness test because I cant lol
I did
Push ups 25/20/10/10/5 with slow negatives
db work, 2 sets of 70x10 and 80x10
a lot of tricep work
Figured id get a heavy stimulus early on so hopefully i wont feel like a puss when i try to do the push up portion on friday. Sit ups on the other hand, no point, im just going to wing it.
I want to do 1 more track run tomorrow, thursday will be a treadmill run and friday is the test.
Tomorrow will be idk .5 miles/walk 2 laps--.5 miles/walk 2 laps and just do that for 30-40 minutes
Thursday will be just a 1.5 mile run at idk maybe ill do 6mph.
I definitely feel like the incline running did help out quite a bit.
My goal is 240-245 by february, I hopped back on my diet the best I could starting today(had emergency situations this morning that prevented me from eating at normal times)
I had 1 protein shake: 1 serving of Cashew Milk, 3 servings of brotein(80g protein roughly)
1 Lenny and Larrys vegan cookie: 32g protein, 53g carbs I think
Rotisserie chicken: combined with what i ate earlier and what im about to heat up I would think its half a chicken with a lot of veggies and a wheat roll because they are amazing.
So lets break it down to me doing that in 1 wk
16 mile bike rides a day
3.7 miles running per day
.3 miles swam per day.
Thats nuts
When I get in better shape, I actually want to try that..well I'd have to start off with 6 days a wk because of the gym being closed on sundays.