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John Stamos

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Re: Triathlon sprint prep
« Reply #1845 on: August 17, 2016, 11:33:19 am »
Season 1 recap
Main hot girls father and friends were attacked by Brendan James in HS because he was a freak, he attacked her father but he lived and he killed 5 other people, police shot him and he fell into the lake and the figured they killed him.  You find out that emmas mom and Brendan james boned and knocked up emmas mom and thats why her father left. Brendan James was disfigured AF and had a special mask(killers mask) made to keep his face like together after surgery.
Main hot girl w/nice butt has killer after her
Main hot girl and friends try to find out who it is
Main hot girl finds out who killer is (half sister) at party and main killer dies
Ending scenes show Main Hot girls friend had letters from the main killer

Season 2

Emma(main hot girl with nice butt) is back in lakewood after having a psychotic break and everything seems to be the same.  Noah(friend) starts a podcast about everything that happened and had suspicions that main killer had an accomplice and tried to piece it together.  Main killer mainly stalks Emmas friend who brought the killer to lakewood, not too kill but to just fuck with everyone and tries to get video footage to pin everything on her and emma(you find out later he makes a video)  Jake(friend) is the first to go but nothing happens with that until like 4 episodes in when they are at school and they unroll a banner and he drops out and almost lands on his gf.  This is when everything starts and they just throw curveball after curveball so you have no clue who the killer is and even a few things that should have been explained werent.  Kieren(emmas bf after her first boyfriend died in season 1) cousin who shows up this season was at the previous bfs funeral before anyone knew him.  He took Emma to an abandoned house to try to bone and there were 2 bodies in the bathroom(the cousin isnt the killer btw) but its strange that they didn't explain that.  More killings and sabatage and what not happens and you get to the final episode that I am rewatching  where you get to find out who the killer is.  Ending scene shows killer in Jail and killer calls claiming to be his lawyer and says "Who said you can wear my mask"

First Season was all John Carpenter and had a Scream 4 feeling to it where it picked on itself and picked on social media a lot.  Also contained creative narrating.  This season didn't feel like that and it seemed like it was too technological for the killer to do by himself(uploading a video as a virus onto a computer nerd who hacks computer and cant stop it for instance) I am not a fan of slasher movies like this where the second movie(or season) incorporates the main character being a nut job which makes sense but they do too much of her being crazy and seeing things and it just didnt feel like it worked.  It still peaked my interest once jakes body was revealed and was kind of disappointed in the deaths simply because its supposed to one up itself and idt this time it did.  The new PC characters would have annoyed me because they did it simply because the first season was too white but the characters were good. 

Killer reveal: I wont in case someone reads my shitty reviews and wants to watch it but it annoys me that once the killers get revealed they have to do creepy killer voice...idk its off putting, the first killer did that also.  I enjoyed the season but I would have enjoyed it more if I didnt wait week to week to watch the episodes I think. 

This season was a 3/4 out of 5 because of the slow start.

Will be reviewing a new show called idk yet, I forgot what it was but it picks on Millennials and how coddled they are and I believe its on ABC or something.  They did a test screening for Millennials(probably college aged kids 24 and under or so) even though I count as a Millennial and i guess it pissed all of them off and they said good the shows perfect then haha.
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Re: Triathlon sprint prep
« Reply #1846 on: August 18, 2016, 02:57:25 am »
Season 1 recap
Main hot girls father and friends were attacked by Brendan James in HS because he was a freak, he attacked her father but he lived and he killed 5 other people, police shot him and he fell into the lake and the figured they killed him.  You find out that emmas mom and Brendan james boned and knocked up emmas mom and thats why her father left. Brendan James was disfigured AF and had a special mask(killers mask) made to keep his face like together after surgery.
Main hot girl w/nice butt has killer after her
Main hot girl and friends try to find out who it is
Main hot girl finds out who killer is (half sister) at party and main killer dies
Ending scenes show Main Hot girls friend had letters from the main killer

Season 2

Emma(main hot girl with nice butt) is back in lakewood after having a psychotic break and everything seems to be the same.  Noah(friend) starts a podcast about everything that happened and had suspicions that main killer had an accomplice and tried to piece it together.  Main killer mainly stalks Emmas friend who brought the killer to lakewood, not too kill but to just fuck with everyone and tries to get video footage to pin everything on her and emma(you find out later he makes a video)  Jake(friend) is the first to go but nothing happens with that until like 4 episodes in when they are at school and they unroll a banner and he drops out and almost lands on his gf.  This is when everything starts and they just throw curveball after curveball so you have no clue who the killer is and even a few things that should have been explained werent.  Kieren(emmas bf after her first boyfriend died in season 1) cousin who shows up this season was at the previous bfs funeral before anyone knew him.  He took Emma to an abandoned house to try to bone and there were 2 bodies in the bathroom(the cousin isnt the killer btw) but its strange that they didn't explain that.  More killings and sabatage and what not happens and you get to the final episode that I am rewatching  where you get to find out who the killer is.  Ending scene shows killer in Jail and killer calls claiming to be his lawyer and says "Who said you can wear my mask"

First Season was all John Carpenter and had a Scream 4 feeling to it where it picked on itself and picked on social media a lot.  Also contained creative narrating.  This season didn't feel like that and it seemed like it was too technological for the killer to do by himself(uploading a video as a virus onto a computer nerd who hacks computer and cant stop it for instance) I am not a fan of slasher movies like this where the second movie(or season) incorporates the main character being a nut job which makes sense but they do too much of her being crazy and seeing things and it just didnt feel like it worked.  It still peaked my interest once jakes body was revealed and was kind of disappointed in the deaths simply because its supposed to one up itself and idt this time it did.  The new PC characters would have annoyed me because they did it simply because the first season was too white but the characters were good. 

Killer reveal: I wont in case someone reads my shitty reviews and wants to watch it but it annoys me that once the killers get revealed they have to do creepy killer voice...idk its off putting, the first killer did that also.  I enjoyed the season but I would have enjoyed it more if I didnt wait week to week to watch the episodes I think. 

This season was a 3/4 out of 5 because of the slow start.

Will be reviewing a new show called idk yet, I forgot what it was but it picks on Millennials and how coddled they are and I believe its on ABC or something.  They did a test screening for Millennials(probably college aged kids 24 and under or so) even though I count as a Millennial and i guess it pissed all of them off and they said good the shows perfect then haha.

eagerly awaiting this review..  :headbang:

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Re: Triathlon sprint prep
« Reply #1847 on: August 18, 2016, 11:18:02 am »
Yeah I think it has one of the guys from that community sho, I'll try to find the trailer for it.
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Re: Triathlon sprint prep
« Reply #1848 on: August 18, 2016, 11:34:28 am »

Skwaat: legs started to feel shitty immediately haha no power from the bottom, just gotta do a lot more hammy work I guess
Did singles up to 275, felt decent just ass and hammies sore from previous workout

Hammy curls, single legs

Push ups
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Re: Triathlon sprint prep
« Reply #1849 on: August 19, 2016, 01:11:40 pm »
Oh pressx 4 sets
Incline benchx 3 sets
Flat DB pressx 3 sets
DB raisesx 4 sets

Clean and push ups wod
240 something I think or 230 idk it was slower, just worn out and grip was failing and my trapz are fried
Walked 20 minutes

Still not too shabby.

Tomorrow is supposed to be pull but I'll combine pull and Skwaat. 

This is the last week of no running, I got achilles stuff randomly but my hips feel good.  Will incorporate slow 1 miles each day and slowly work up.
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Re: Triathlon sprint prep
« Reply #1850 on: August 20, 2016, 07:05:40 pm »
Nothing today just being lazy and eating junk food.  Body temperature and what not is going bananas.  Eating junk for once I think is jacking up my metabolism

Walking tomorrow for 10 miles this time around the track, maybe the even terrain will help out my feet not get so banged up.
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Re: Triathlon sprint prep
« Reply #1851 on: August 21, 2016, 12:22:43 pm »
2 miles and got rained out. I think there was a couple there waiting for me to leave so they could fuck in their truck.

Being a fatty today again, tomorrow is back into running along with everything else.
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Re: Triathlon sprint prep
« Reply #1852 on: August 22, 2016, 09:44:03 am »
1 mile run
12 minute pace, felt like a good warm up and taking it slow getting back into everything

Bench, did triples with 225 and 235, still pussy status
DB Flyes: 35, 45,55,65 for sets of 8-10
DB OH press: up to 60 i think for a set of 10
DB Front raise for 3 sets of 30s

Finishing up with triceps

On the clean/push up wod I am usually around the 45 second mark when I finish the cleans for 21 minus 10 seconds for getting ready.  Today I was on my 17th push up by the 45 second mark so I was flying and was going to destroy my best.  I wasn't worn out but when I got up from push ups I immediately felt like I was going to puke.

I finished it but blah

did triceps

I am down to 267 and i ate like horse shit all weekend, on saturday i ordered 2 quesadillas and they were huge AF, ice cream etc etc just horrible so maybe thats a spike in metabolism? lol

« Last Edit: August 22, 2016, 11:36:11 am by John Stamos »
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Re: Triathlon sprint prep
« Reply #1853 on: August 23, 2016, 11:19:43 am »
Nothing today

Had to get my car inspected and looking through my apps to make sure everything is set.  Walking today and tomorrow will do a pull day.
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Re: Triathlon sprint prep
« Reply #1854 on: August 24, 2016, 10:30:27 am »
Mile run

Rdl: felt weird, went 225 and said fuck it, my posture is off.

Lat pull downx a lot

Wallball/Inverted row

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Re: Triathlon sprint prep
« Reply #1855 on: August 25, 2016, 04:31:29 pm »
Woke up with a migraine and just felt whooped for no reason at all

will hit legs and upperbody tomorrow to make up for it, maybe run 1 mile before the workout and 1 mile after.

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Re: Triathlon sprint prep
« Reply #1856 on: August 26, 2016, 09:46:07 am »
1 mile run

Skwaats, pathetic, hurt my upper inner thigh/groin on my second time last set

Ended it there to take a shower to get some heat on everything

Icing my nuts now

Skwaats aren't idk normal, my muscles just hurt instead of getting a good pump or the normal feeling.  Feels like on each erything I'm just going to tear shit.

Gonna just walk for awhile depending on how it feels in the morning.

Decided on box squats for now on
« Last Edit: August 26, 2016, 03:01:35 pm by John Stamos »
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Re: Triathlon sprint prep
« Reply #1857 on: August 26, 2016, 09:23:33 pm »
Gonn do the Bring Sally up workout challenge tomorrow.

Just tried it at work, lasted 58 seconds lmao

Twerkout ideas for them

Push ups
inverted rows
weighted free squat
leg raises
front raise
side raise

I can do 1 exercise for the whole song or rotate between push ups and squats or something

oooo burpees would be bad

« Last Edit: August 26, 2016, 10:06:06 pm by John Stamos »
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Re: Triathlon sprint prep
« Reply #1858 on: August 28, 2016, 11:42:38 am »
5 Miles total today,  about time eat and I just started to feel sick.
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Re: Triathlon sprint prep
« Reply #1859 on: August 28, 2016, 09:04:22 pm »
how long did the 5 take?
Muscles are nonsensical they have nothing to do with this bullshit.

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