Ash VS The Evil Dead
Awesome show and I'm not a huge fan of the movies tbh. Starz was the perfect channel for it to be on because if they had to edit a lot of the stuff out for it to be on another channel, it'd completely ruin it. The humor in it is kind of dry humor but it works and it was pretty gory which fit perfectly with the show.
As far as the humor I will give an example, they go to the cabin where it all started in the movies and he tells everyone that he has to go alone because everyone he loves dies that goes there. Of course they ignore him and show up, events take place and his friend Pablo is in the basement. Ash hops down into the basement and says something to the line of "Don't worry Pedro I'm coming for you..I mean Pablo." Before anyone attacks me saying I laughed at a racist joke, I think it was geared more towards him saying Pablo and the girl were his friends and he loved them etc etc and then he forgot his name for a second, just a little quip and thats how I took it.
Synopsis, he gets hammered with a girl and reads her "poetry" from the book(I cant remember what the book was called) but it brought the evil back and he has to find a way to stop it.
I'd recommend it for on your own or if you know a girl that likes horror type of movies and shows then you can "starz and chill"
Scream season 2 looks like it will be coming to an end soon so I will do a review on that mind fuck of a show.