Warm upx10 mins at 5mph
4x400 with 400 recovery at 7.1mph
- I strung the first 2 together then after that I walked for .15 and jogget the last .1 into the next. This sucked but it could've been worse and has felt worse. I think I was a bitch with the recovery.
- I felt tired by this and I tied my shoes too tight. I walked yet again for the recovery portion because I felt sick. Last one I did it at 9mph and the first 3 were 7.1
In a few weeks I plan on buying a bike so I can stay outside instead of having to go for a long run outside, drive to the gym and hop on the bike inside.
bike to gym and then bike inside? wtf. ;f
Haha I meant I'd go to the trail and do my 30 minute runs, go back to my car get on my bike and go back out onto the trail so I don't have to go to the gym right after and get on a shitty stationary.
What I've eaten today
1 protein shake
2 eggs
1 steak about .5lbs with bbq sauce
I have 1lb of turkey in my lunch cooler so i will probably eat about 1/2lb of that.
My stomach has just shrunk like a mofo, eating meals that would be considered snacks to what I used to eat just fill me up hardcore now.
That is only 1400 calories for the day, say 1500 with my coffee...i had a banana too so about 1611.
So I will be at around 1800-1900 if i eat the full lb of turkey and I guess I will do that if I can, eating kind of just sucks right now.
my macros for the day if i eat the lb of turkey is
I dont like the fat, i should have at least 40 more grams of fat so maybe when I get home I will have a few servings of Pnut Butter.
Very good chance why I feel like poooooop today.
Also I am taking progress pics every 10lbs or so...I just wish that my S6 didn't take such clear pics hahaha
But eventually when I get down to where I want to be I will do something with them.