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Re: Eric's Journal:Dad Bod to God Bod
« Reply #1290 on: November 21, 2015, 04:31:08 pm »
Diet this wknd consists of oatmeal, salads, protien shakes n mini cheddar pretzels...theyre alright nothing great.

Monday i believe i use the same weight but i add 2 reps
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Re: Eric's Journal:Dad Bod to God Bod
« Reply #1291 on: November 22, 2015, 10:04:12 am »
Having a lot of fun in the comments section of the youtube video about the black lives matter people going into the college library and "protesting"

ya that video was annoying.

a silent protest would have been impressive ;f

interrogating students who are studying etc, chanting non stop.. it's a library ffs. If it was a KKK library then that would make more sense.



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Re: Eric's Journal:Dad Bod to God Bod
« Reply #1292 on: November 24, 2015, 08:10:07 am »
Upperbody day...idk i dont really feel like typing it out lol

2 exercises for each upperbody muscle group, for bis i tried out the BFRT and it was weird but my bis were all sorts of pumped up

Super hot chica in the gym, I think she might compete in bikini or physique or shes a stripper because normal women that go to the gym don't train like her and she has a physique body....I had to go out to the track to relax a bit....if you cant tell, its more likely that big foot will workout in my gym then a girl like her lol.
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Re: Eric's Journal:Dad Bod to God Bod
« Reply #1293 on: November 24, 2015, 09:28:00 am »
see, all that is racist.
Muscles are nonsensical they have nothing to do with this bullshit.

- Avishek

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Re: Eric's Journal:Dad Bod to God Bod
« Reply #1294 on: November 24, 2015, 12:22:21 pm »

it's racist to say that these dumb asses should focus on fixing problems within their own community and violence towards each other?  There's a black guy who commented and said the same exact thing as I did, so I am just a bit confused.  If I came off as racist then sure, I didn't mean too, it's hard to not get pissed off at the stupidity of these people, especially with what happened in Minneapolis.

it's only not racist to say that if you also acknowledge that many, many, many of the problems faced by black people in this country are the direct result of centuries of violent oppression of and theft from them by white people -- oppression and theft that continue to this day -- and that the solution to those problems, if one even exists, lies in the dismantling of the systems of institutionalized racism.
Muscles are nonsensical they have nothing to do with this bullshit.

- Avishek

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Re: Eric's Journal:Dad Bod to God Bod
« Reply #1295 on: November 24, 2015, 01:33:12 pm »
At least we know Eric is voting Donald Trump.

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Re: Eric's Journal:Dad Bod to God Bod
« Reply #1296 on: November 24, 2015, 02:16:39 pm »
ADARQ..Thoughts on

Akbar jaffar ahbab..idk his real name, the kid who took apart an old clock and put it in a little case is suing the city and school i believe for 15 million dollars.

lmao.. sounds bad if you can't at least spell his name right, you know? That's like someone saying "Barack Hussain Mohammed". 8|

Unrelated slightly, but here's a video of someone making the same 'clock' that Ahmed Mohamed made:

I'm not really annoyed with Ahmed, he doesn't know how much he "doesn't know". He comes off sounding like a "douche" when he talks about inventing something just by taking it apart; but he's 14, so he gets a pass. His family seems like they are using him a bit. If so, that's definitely a real problem. So many people now hate the kid, his family could be making it worse. dno. If the police did violate his rights, I have no problem with them suing. 15mil sounds like a big number but, sometimes those numbers are important to get law enforcement to follow the rules.

         My thoughts are, some of his teachers came out and said he was a douche bag in school, doing shit just to get attention and to be a prick so obviously my conclusion is he thought because he is a muslim, bringing in a clock that looks like a bomb during the times of all of the school shootings and what not, would cause a national attention.  If they win then I think it's absolute bullshit and they will probably win because PC bro.

I definitely don't think Ahmed thought that far ahead.. He's really young. Seems naive but energetic + passionate. His family may have thought that far ahead, who knows. Or his family may have just played that card once it happened to him. PC or not, these cases reach the masses quicker when it's a "minority" that has been "victimized" due to the possible discrimination/profiling etc. I mean it makes sense..

There are tons of cases that hit the news, of kids being expelled/arrested for bringing water guns/toy guns etc to school. I've seen a ton of em. So it's not like other incidents don't hit the news.

Alot of people are annoyed that Obama invited him to the white house.. Sure, Obama could have been trolled, or ignored it. But, Obama is also probably thinking about the "anti muslim sentiment" in the US. Look at it now.. Politicians talking about monitoring mosques, having muslims "register" etc. It's crazy shit given the principles of this country.. So minorities sometimes deserve a little "extra", given that a majority has so much power. Obama's invitation to Ahmed probably backfired though; Liberals loved it.. Conservatives hated it. Go figure.


An article about someone making a fake FB group whites united NYU or something.
If it was real, do you think it's racist? even though blacks and muslims and what not can form their own groups and be PC bro?

Well it's not racist by definition:

a person who believes that a particular race is superior to another.
synonyms:   racial bigot, racialist, xenophobe, chauvinist, supremacist More
having or showing the belief that a particular race is superior to another.
"we are investigating complaints about racist abuse at the club"

If white people get together and "embrace their white ness" or discuss issues affecting white people, then it's fine as long as they don't identify their race as superior or plot to oppress people of other races.. It obviously seems weird, but, if other races can do it, then whites should be able to as well.

I wouldn't go to such a meeting because i'm not "proud to be white". I'm white, whatever; genetics. I was lucky to be born a human, and an american. So I personally wouldn't be interested.

Like LBSS said, there is an "institutional racism" in the united states. So minorities banding together to discuss a perceived or real victimization based on race, makes sense.

Legitimate concerns ^^

1000 years from now society will be so integrated that people will laugh thinking back at these dividing lines.

I wrote a long ass comment to some jasmin chick about it, basically she said whites are idiots etc etc and she wont apologize for her black pride etc etc.

"whites are idiots" is racist :f

So I told her that if she and the other BLM people had so much black pride, then they would do what they could to set good examples, clean up their neighborhoods, get kids involved with school instead of drugs and gangs etc etc and to inform her that ignoring black on black crimes that happen daily is worse than focusing on the few incidents of cops shooting criminals.

i'm sure many of them do.. there are probably some great things to come out of black lives matter.. but the news media is going to sensationalize alot of the bad things, such as how some of them protest "disrespectfully" & "irresponsibly".

I also mentioned the black kids that raped and murdered a pastors white pregnant wife, and a black guy who shot a medical student in the stomach who was trying to stop a robbery and then pointed a gun to his head and tried to kill him but his gun jammed.

ya but, every race has disgusting criminals. You can name lots of white serial killers, even ones who eat people. Then white mass shooters. Asian mass shooters. Black snipers, etc..

Every race is committing heinous stupid crimes.

Before this comment gets thumbs down lol  I just want to be clear that I am not racist.  If you're a good person, no matter the race or religion or anything then ballin, we can hit bi's and tri's.

i don't believe you're racist in the "superiority sense", so no you're probably not racist. These "double standards" and "political correctness" elements bother you, which is fine.. but, you still have to put yourself in their shoes. There is and has been a real problem in this country for minorities in this country, especially blacks.

As for whites not being able to be victimized by racism, i've experienced racism several times (from white & black people). I've also experienced it as a third party, ie, white people verbally/physically attacking me/my friends because they were black. I've had white people try to jump me, black people tried to shoot me. Finally, i've experienced "profiling" and harassment/threats from cops. I have some experience in the race victimization department. It's a big cluster fuck. The real problem is embracing these divisions (by race, religion etc) to band people together to victimize people of another race/religion etc.

dno my 2cents.

pc man


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Re: Eric's Journal:Dad Bod to God Bod
« Reply #1297 on: December 01, 2015, 05:48:37 pm »
My response is: Union Yes. You can guess the rest of what I feel about it. Instituting a living wage is humane and makes economic sense. The main (rational) argument against wage hikes is that they'll boost unemployment because business won't hire as many people if they have to pay them more.

This is thoroughly refuted by the majority (though not 100%, it's not like climate change where the consensus in the community that studies the issue really is near-total) of economic studies of the phenomenon, which show that there is little to no effect of wage hikes on employment rate. For a good, recent review of the evidence and an attempt to explain why wage hikes show no such effects in real life, check this out:

There are also irrational or evidence-free arguments against wage hikes, which amount to the equivalent of telling homeless people to get a job. Hard to know where to start with those.

The irrational argument in favor is that we are forcing people to live in poverty even though we have the means to do otherwise, and that is immoral.
Muscles are nonsensical they have nothing to do with this bullshit.

- Avishek

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Re: Eric's Journal:Dad Bod to God Bod
« Reply #1298 on: December 01, 2015, 06:42:02 pm »

it's racist to say that these dumb asses should focus on fixing problems within their own community and violence towards each other?  There's a black guy who commented and said the same exact thing as I did, so I am just a bit confused.  If I came off as racist then sure, I didn't mean too, it's hard to not get pissed off at the stupidity of these people, especially with what happened in Minneapolis.

it's only not racist to say that if you also acknowledge that many, many, many of the problems faced by black people in this country are the direct result of centuries of violent oppression of and theft from them by white people -- oppression and theft that continue to this day -- and that the solution to those problems, if one even exists, lies in the dismantling of the systems of institutionalized racism.

Agree 100%.  But at least it appears as racism via ignorance which seems both forgivable and curable...   Then again when I read:

"it's racist to say that these dumb asses should focus on fixing problems within their own community and violence towards each other?"

instead of:

"I think that the largest problems in the black community are not the result of centuries of violent oppression and existing institutionalized racism but rather problems inter-community that can be fixed if black people attempting to dismantle systems of institutionalized racism focus within the community..."

It comes across as a teeeeeny bit overtly racist rather than ignorant and respectful... 

As far as the favorite question by people trying to prove a double standard that doesn't exist: "Why can't we make a white-pride club"?

Well, first of all people already have.  And they are overtly racist.  So you might want a new name...  This has been figured out and there already exist a hundred super PACs with names like "take america back" which look out for white people.   Second, what would you talk about at the "white club" meetings?  You do realize that black clubs in college don't just exist to talk about how great it is to be black and not have to slather yourself in sunscreen every time you go to the beach right?  The exist to combat problems in the black community (which you seem to be a big proponent of) AND fight institutional racism for individuals who would be powerless fighting it on their own...  Will the white club devote itself to fighting racism as well?   Cause that would be strange because white people can just join BSU if they want to do that (when I was in undergrad there were multiple white people in BSU, shoot the valedictorian at Morehouse a few years ago was white!)!

And as far as Muslim clubs... Again you realize it's a religion and you are welcome to convert to it whenever you want.  And that predominantly white religions and cultural groups have tons of totally accepted clubs as well ( italian club, irish club, lutheran club, etc).   Come to think of it I welcome you to convert to whatever you want...  if you think it's not fair that there isn't a club for white people then "convert" to black and join up... since scandal and HTGAWM  got popular the swirl is in and you would be surprised at the love you will get... (half joking).

Seriously, racism sucks.  But it's not unique to whites.  It's a large percentage of older people.  I am mixed so for Thanksgiving every year I have a choice to spend it with some combination of racist white friends and family, racist catholic friends and family, racist black friends and family, or racist muslim friends and family....  And my moms new boyfriend is Japanese so if he his extended family is still alive I might be able to get another flavor of racism... 


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Re: Eric's Journal:Dad Bod to God Bod
« Reply #1299 on: December 01, 2015, 06:57:10 pm »

This is thoroughly refuted by the majority (though not 100%, it's not like climate change where the consensus in the community that studies the issue really is near-total) of economic studies of the phenomenon, which show that there is little to no effect of wage hikes on employment rate. For a good, recent review of the evidence and an attempt to explain why wage hikes show no such effects in real life, check this out:

I think the reason there is never going to be total consensus is because it depends on the level of wage hike.  Minimum wage is so low now that a moderate increase won't affect true employment rate ( it may increase unemployment temporarily as the pool gets bigger because better wages encourage more unskilled people on assistance and disability to work instead of collect a paltry paycheck )...

The other great benefit to paying a living wage is the savings we have in the mish-mash of bureaucratic programs to help the poor.  In LA you can literally buy food-stamps for 50 cents on the dollar in the hood...  To get them the amount of paperwork you fill out is so daunting that people are hired to teach people how to do it.   Additionally, for new buildings there are all kind of programs and rules about setting aside "low-income" and "very-low income" units in new apartment buildings so the working poor can afford them.  Again qualifying for the units is a massive paperwork burden AND if you do qualify you essentially enter a lottery to see if you will get an apartment that 100 other people also qualify for and dearly need...  And then there is the chance nobody will get it because the corrupt developer will find his way to give the apartment to his "poor" aunt who lives 3 hours away in a cheap suburb...  Of course she will never live in it and instead make a killing on Air BnB...

People try to come up with ways to battle this problem all the time...  But the seem about as logical is solving centuries of racism by telling black people to focus on violence in your own community...   I don't see how society tolerate ideas like food-stamps and afforadable housing for the working poor... I understand charity for the homeless or programs for mental health patients BUT how did we get to the point where we can accept it as totally normal that someone who lives in our city and who works a full-time job in our community won't be able to afford shelter or food and so should rely on a social safety net to supplement their low paying job!   It really seems inhumane.  If you work you should make enough money to buy food and live in market rate housing.   That is pretty simple.  The social safety net should be for people unable to work (children, mental health, disabled, etc).   That would make it a lot smaller net AND would really help things in the black community :)


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Re: Eric's Journal:Dad Bod to God Bod
« Reply #1300 on: December 01, 2015, 07:04:32 pm »
What's not helping them is the reporters that ask, why do you deserve 15hr when paramedics make less and they save lives and the persons response was, because we have to work the drive through windows and make the fries.

I don't get why that has any affect on their agenda.  You watched one video of one uneducated person saying one somewhat silly thing and decided their cause was not worthy?  If this is your standard then nothing is worthy.  Look at numbers instead of sensationalized videos...

I know there are a number of fast food employees that probably can't get better work for various reasons but I still see fast food places as resume building jobs...a job that you can show other employers that you're dependable and to get a good reference. 

Yes, ideally thats what they are... But while your doing that shouldn't you make a living wage, not a high wage, but a wage where you can afford to live near where you work?

As far as homeless people, the video of the meter maid hitting the homeless guy in the head and yelling at him to get a job really pissed me off...fuck nyc, I hope they split it from the state.  Once my gambling problem with playing the lottery really kicked in, I always told myself I would start some kind of business with living situations and try to help out the homeless. 

Again, you make decisions about policy based on videos of individuals?  I am sure there is a video out their of a homeless person beating someone up and stealing their money to go buy crack...  But, my thoughts on homelessness don't come from videos, they come from data.  I'm glad this video made your more compassionate but I implore you to explore issues for which you hold strong opinions a little deeper and from a less emotional perspective...


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Re: Eric's Journal:Dad Bod to God Bod
« Reply #1301 on: December 01, 2015, 09:27:40 pm »
I lied about sticking to just lifting

Adarq: Thoughts on the fast food workers who want 15 an hour?  Also, the vet who works at KFC, his main argument is he can't afford to provide for his family which is acceptable, but he loves cooking for KFC.  I have a response to both but before I get burned at the stake.....mmmm steak, I want to hear what ya'll have to say.

The issue of the minimum wage always creates a predictable argument along the lines of ‘you cannot have a minimum wage rise because it will cause unemployment among the low-skill ranks of the workforce’. However, if you took that logic there would never be a minimum wage rise!!!

Mass unemployment arises from a lack of aggregate demand. Firms will not hire people if they cannot sell the goods and services that the workers produce because they don’t want to accumulate inventories. No matter how cheap wages are firms will not employ people as there is nothing for them to do. The only way that real wage cuts would increase employment would be if they boosted private spending and reduced the desire to save. However, people already living on the minimum wage don’t have the desire or capacity to save much anyway so they tend to spend their earnings anyway. Therefore, by cutting the wage all it is doing is reducing aggregate demand in the economy. Hence this method of stimulating employment will always fail at the macroeconomic level. Workers rely on real wages growth to fund consumption growth and without it they borrow or the economy goes into recession.

This is a briefing paper (#406) from the US Economic Policy Institute.

The EPI concluded that for the US:

1. “wages did not stagnate for the vast majority because growth in productivity (or income and wealth creation) collapsed. Yes, the policy shifts that led to rising inequality were also associated with a slowdown in productivity growth, but even with this slowdown, productivity still managed to rise substantially in recent decades. But essentially none of this productivity growth flowed into the paychecks of typical American workers”

2. “pay failed to track productivity primarily due to two key dynamics representing rising inequality: the rising inequality of compensation (more wage and salary income accumulating at the very top of the pay scale) and the shift in the share of overall national income going to owners of capital and away from the pay of employees.”

3. “although boosting productivity growth is an important long-run goal, this will not lead to broad-based wage gains unless we pursue policies that reconnect productivity growth and the pay of the vast majority.”

When the EPI released the report, the accompanying Press Statement said that:
The fact of the matter is, for decades, a typical worker’s pay rose alongside productivity—but since the 1970s, as a hugely disproportionate share of income generated by rising productivity has gone to extraordinarily highly paid managers and owners of capital … The relationship between rising productivity and worker pay has broken down because workers’ bargaining power has been intentionally hamstrung by a series of intentional policy decisions, made on behalf of those with the most income, wealth, and power …Our problem is not a lack of growth. For the past 40 years, productivity has gone up substantially, but these gains have not reached working people … The problem is that wages have been suppressed by a restructuring of rules on behalf of those with wealth and power.

The EPI also noted that “If the hourly pay of typical American workers had kept pace with productivity growth since the 1970s, then there would have been no rise in income inequality during that period
”. That is a stunning conclusion in itself.
This is not only in America where this is the case it’s pretty much worldwide.

In the 2006 OECD Employment Outlook entitled “Boosting Jobs and Incomes”, which is based on a comprehensive econometric analysis of employment outcomes across 20 OECD countries between 1983 and 2003. The OECD found that:
   There is no significant correlation between unemployment and employment protection legislation;
   The level of the minimum wage has no significant direct impact on unemployment; and
   Highly centralised wage bargaining significantly reduces unemployment.

In my opinion the US minimum wage is too low and we can see that with the massive income inequality that exists and all the socio-economic problems that arise from it. Do fast food workers deserve 15 an hour?  Well do CEOs deserve their extravagant salaries when usually it is these very people who lead the cheer squad when it comes to the claims that workers have to take pay cuts and surrender penalty rates and that the minimum wage should be abandoned! Of course they will always justify their own salaries with the line that it’s essential to award these salaries to attract top quality executives, yet we know that a companies performance is not closely linked at times to the pay that the CEO gets, which puts a hole in that argument. The top CEO (from JC Penny Co) earned 53.3 million in the fiscal year to 2012 compared to the average worker in 2012 in his company who earned $29,688. You don’t need to be an economist to work out that raising the pay of the average worker and reducing executive pay would also lead less income inequality and also boost private spending and aggregate demand. Without question the minimum wage could be raised in the US without affecting unemployment so ultimately I support raising it.
« Last Edit: December 01, 2015, 09:34:24 pm by Mutumbo000 »
"IMO, It didn't happen if it's not on vid/official"- adarqui

It's easier to keep up than it is to catch up...


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Re: Eric's Journal:Dad Bod to God Bod
« Reply #1302 on: December 01, 2015, 09:54:35 pm »

Do you think colleges need safe zones for kids or do you agree with the one president of Wesleyan who told them this is a college not a day care?

Honestly I'm not familiar with what safe zones for kids are.  Provided day care for the children of the students?  I think ideally all zones should be safe.  Although I don't think its a simple issue, while I'm an strong advocate of gun control I do think spending time legislating gun free zones is a bit worthless.


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Re: Eric's Journal:Dad Bod to God Bod
« Reply #1303 on: December 01, 2015, 10:19:43 pm »

Tod, I suck at quoting bits and pieces

1. Media is everything these days, show one interview of that worker and then it will influence a lot of people, idk how many times I saw it shared on facebook

- Yes, I realize that.  I'm just suggesting for you not to be one of those people who looks only at one video or what he sees around him rather than looking at the actual data.  I realize how bad media has become...  The internet is extremely polarizing...   Someone has a bad experience with black people and feels a little negative and starts googling and before you know it he is on some site the aggregates story and video (some true, mostly false) about horrific things black people do and then the person becomes an angry racist.   Happens the other way too, black people are angry about racism and find their way to a site where they are indoctrinated with hate against white people and start to believe that American policy is one big conspiracy to hurt black people....   Even happens to  people who are just slightly skeptical of western medicine...  They find their way to natural new or some horrible site and start believing vaccines cause autism and that cancer can be cured with a few herbs and oils...

2. When I made the focus on your own community comment, the kick starter for all of this was michael brown and the hands up stuff was a lie but they still ran with it.  Maybe there are black groups out there that are trying to clean up the streets but we never see it because it's never on the news.  The BLM calling for killing cops has already resulted in a few innocent cops being executed like the one that was pumping gas and the guy unloaded a whole clip into him and the two NYC cops who were shot in their cars.  To me and what we see, I see them doing more harm than good.  If everyone worshiped Sam Jacksons character Coach Carter, we would all be friends.

- You were there when Mike Brown was killed?  I didn't realize you knew for sure what nobody else seems to know.  I think you need to do a better job finding out about positive black groups.   Perhaps your should join your local NAACP chapter and volunteer?   Have you considered that?   The problem is you go by what you hear and you see but you seem to look at a very biased slanted view of the world.   Serious, go to your local NAACP and say you want to help.   I don't know who Coach Carter is so I can't comment.

3.  I can't say for other places but near where I live, there are plenty of those housing units that are either based on salary or super cheap(2-300) a month.  10 is more reasonable than them wanting to jack it up to 15 tomorrow(ik it would take several years)

Again, because you see plenty of them there must be enough?  Well, your wrong.  There is a massive affordable housing shortage in this country.  A market rate solution is the only thing that will work.  People here have listed know every reason why raising minimum wage would be positive and have only negligible negative impact on employment and maybe a tiny bit of inflation...  And in addition one of it's greatest benefits would be the psychological benefit workers would have knowing that they work and can pay for a market rate apartment and put food on the table rather than they work and have to rely on charity to survive, do you know how damaging that is?   But you still think it's not "reasonable" to allow workers to earn a living wage and more reasonable to put all low-wage workers together in a housing project (which contributes to crime btw).  Why is it not reasonable?  Because in your world poor people should be poor?

4.  I've wanted them to split up NYC and NYS for a long time for a number of reasons(and to get rid of cuomo).  I mentioned the video because it was just something that popped into my head when I saw his comment about the homeless.  It wasn't my reasoning for wanting to help the homeless, just a random comment like whenever in my journal I talked about taking dumps, just a random thought.

Well, I'm no expert in the idea of splitting up NYC and NYS and can't think of why it would make sense...  I don't mind anecdotes every so often,,,  But if you are going to go on this forum and call us dumb asses (which is pretty offensive, but I've heard worse in my time so I can take it) then all I'm asking is you back up some of your arguments with actual data about why policy may be effective rather than a story or a video.   

Since you have supplied a million anecdotes I will share one about myself.  I'm a sprinter and I'm mixed between african and european descent (primarily european I have even sequenced my genome).  I don't look typically black or white so I get a lot of questions like "what are you" all the time but none more than after a sprint race especially when I perform well.   I've been asked this by countless people.   I can tell you the most disappointed, racist, and defeatist talk comes from white people who find out about my background...  Everytime they are like "Oh... Africa... that sucks, I thought you might be our fast white person" or "ohhh, makes sense, that's why your fast".   Black people have never had an issue with my whiteness and generally don't really care to the degree that white people do in regards to sprinting...   I bring this story up everytime someone says "why do they call Obama black - he is half white?".   If they knew what it was like to be mixed around both black and white people they would understand.

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Re: Eric's Journal:Dad Bod to God Bod
« Reply #1304 on: December 03, 2015, 07:47:18 am »
Today was a upper body day with deadlifts and I did OH press instead of benching

nothing too amazing, just 2-5 sets of 5-12 reps of bis, tris, chest, back, shoulders

Yesterday was Squat, bench, hammys
squat: 315x4x7
bench: 245x4x7

for some reason, I was drained yesterday and it carried over to this morning

Tomorrow is

squat: 330x5x5
Every Monday
50 JR

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