yeah if your butt wink is bad then spending a little extra time, like 3-4 minutes, doing some hip and ankle mobility stuff before you work out is not a bad idea. i'll dig up a vid of what i do right before squats, every time. dreyth does it too and his deep squat is super solid now.
depends on your goals, though. last i remember you were trying to lose weight and work on conditioning for a work physical. if that's me here's what i'm doing, roughly speaking:
1. get diet in order. infinite options here but pick something and be consistent about it. i think you get plenty of protein and veggies so as long as you're in a deficit here week to week you're probably doing okay.
2. lots of low-impact steady-state cardio. biking/stationary biking, uphill walking on the treadmill, maybe some light jogging mixed with walking. easy on the joints, long on the duration. 30 minutes on days when i lift, an hour on days when i don't. alternatively could do some chiller long circuits on lifting days and steady-state on non-lifting days.
3. stretch every day, with primary focus on opening hips, ankles, and thoracic spine. lmk if you want some ideas for a mobility routine.
4. low-volume weight lifting ~3 times per week. work up to a set or two of five for the big lifts (BP, squat, DL) and two or three sets of 8-10 for supplemental lifts (RDL, GHR, rows/pull ups, beach work. try to add weight over time but don't get too pressed about it.
5. at least one day of full rest per week.
that's basically it. you have the dedication/discipline to work out consistently, you just need a little bit of structure i think. i know you <3 circuits but crossfit-style circuits are in that weird medium-intensity space where they're too hard to let you recover from heavy work but too light to be building strength. not a great training focus for most people. you're better off building strength and muscle through PL/BB stuff and building a fitness base through low intensity cardio. still, they can be really fun, especially if you're working out with other people.