I've been putting off my degree because the classes I take in the academy count for 16 credits so I just gotta see how many will count towards it and finish up from there.
Yesterday I did a quick back workout, cant remember what I did in the morning, just some lat pulldowns, db rows and bicep work
This morning: Chest/tris
Bench: Reps- 1,2,3,4.....10
Weights: 250, 245, 225, 215, 195, 175, 155, 135, 155, 175
lying tricep extensions(DBs): Weights- 40,35,30,25,20,15,20,25,30,35
Reps- 20 reps each
Tricep pushdowns: 5x10 medium weight
1 arm rope pushdowns: 40x5x10
Lat pulldown for 5 sets for a pump, i think 130lbs or so.
Weather is shitty out even though it had a sunshine for the picture on the news website so tonight i will do some more machine work and BW stuff i couldnt do this morning due to old folks and some running n hwhat not