i think it depends on what you're trying to accomplish. that's the main issue with @fit, it's kind of hard to use it to progress toward anything. so what's your main goal right now? if it's just to get in better shape and you refuse to do normal cardio,* i'd switch to more DE stuff (oly lifts but heavy, NOT for time or reps or some bullshit like that; power lifts for DE or heavy doubles/triples) and skill work (HSPU, double unders, KB work), plus more of the longer, grindier workouts, like eva, chelsea, jackie. and i'd do them submax but i'd do multiples. so like, maybe do jackie twice through but not try to murder myself on the first set. or eva x4 but forget about the pull ups. no crossfitter is doing real pull ups, anyway. SLAP tears are for idiots.**
*and i don't blame you if you don't, rowing 5000m sounds like hell.
**like me, maybe a little bit but hopefully it's just irritated. but from grabbing the rim, which makes it okay.***