Now that I'm getting back into it more, I think I'm going to start throwing in more running, jumping and wallball shots,
wk 1(starting tomorrow)
+ 1/2 mile run warm up- everyday
+ 100 wallball shots on shoulder and chest days
+ 300 count jump rope- every day
still doing the farmers walk when I can which is generally only in the mornings
soo this coming week
Monday- chest/shoulders + run + wallball + Jump Rope
Tuesday- off(gotta work 6-6 but ill see if its open until 830, if so then i can probably make it in)
wednesday- off- xmas and i gotta work 6-6
Thursday- Back day + Run + jump rope
Friday- Wheels + Run + jump rope
Just checked i wont be able to workout on xmas eve or new years eve or new years day