Author Topic: Triathlon sprint prep  (Read 1058177 times)

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Re: #Eric'sGettingCutGettingButt
« Reply #1440 on: February 15, 2016, 10:19:38 am »
Yeah haha that's what I had to do, I noticed it at first then I didn't notice it again until after my run.  I have to get the linkage fixed so I only had about a half hour this morning, will go back in a few hours.

Light run- 2 miles at a 6 min half mile splits.  Cardiovascular wise I was fine, breathing stayed consistent from the first half mile on and could've kept going for an hour if I wanted.  Later I will be doing bw movements, stretching and a brisk walk.  Tonight will be my focus on a 8 min mile pace.

I noticed cuz of my Donald duck ass that I was leaning forward in the run and it made things harder and burnt my legs a bit more, so stretching and focusing on keeping upright.

Weight, didn't even body just defys the laws of physics and jesus and man because no way in fuck should I not be losing weight.
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Re: #Eric'sGettingCutGettingButt
« Reply #1441 on: February 15, 2016, 08:40:54 pm »
Nothing tonight, around 1 I got really tired for some reason and just passed out and woke up with a nasty headache, even with medicine I still feel like shit.  Not a good start haha but I think I can get put in the next fitness testing, i just have to get civil service to respond back to me
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Re: #Eric'sGettingCutGettingButt
« Reply #1442 on: February 16, 2016, 09:44:27 am »
Well we have freezing rain and the roads are covered in slush and ice so no gym, made it halfway to the gym and someone came into my lane and almost went head on so I said fuck this shit.

No fitness test, I was told if I called in on saturday that I would get shit canned because theres no one to cover my shift and theres a good chance we would lose the contract and I cant risk calling in, losing my job to go to a fitness test that I am not ready for.

I still have 2 sheriffs left, and Im taking a test for jamesville CO and my counties custody officer in April

So Adarq, I would like to Collab with you about making a new program designed to keep my muscle but get better at running.  I would like to get down to 10 mins for the 1.5 miles.

I would like to leave legs on fridays because of the weekend being rest days

I would like to run everyday or some form of cardio even if its 2 days long distance, 2 days "sprints" and  1-2 days of active recovery on a bike going 10 miles or something(I'll probably have to get a pillow or something)

Now I am wondering if I should go with,
       -long distance
       -Long Distance
        -Active Recovery(bike with pump session)
        -Active Recovery

For the workouts, 1 heavy movement then supa sets for 10-15 reps area

Long distance will be starting at 2 miles and over time I will increase it by .5 miles whenever I feel like 2 miles isn't working me hard anymore at lets say 6mph

Sprints will be 1 mile- Working towards a 5:50 mile

Goal Body weight: 215lbs

Before I felt like I was going through the motions but now I am legit motivated, I dont want to sit there and have to plan out a fucking  week where I have to try to get ready for it.

So adarq if you feel like tearing it apart I'll be here to listen.
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Re: #Eric'sGettingCutGettingButt
« Reply #1443 on: February 17, 2016, 12:32:21 pm »
I may just do 2 long distances, 1 sprint and the rest active recovery days so I don't burn myself out

Just took my steroids( Red Acid, 24/7 burn, Vitamin C, Mens 1 a day etc etc)

Cooking a steak and took in a 40 gram Brotein shake

This morning

Benched: up to 275 for a triple(felt super weak)
RSlanger: 275x10
R Slanger: 225xa lot
135x a lot

Incline DB press, 50/60/70/80x15-10
Seated OH press: just worked with 60s for a lot
DB flyes: worked up to 50sx a lot
DB side/front raise SUPA SET: 20/25/30 for sets of 10-15

Incline push upsx3 sets of 20

Machine drop sets for chest press, flyes and tricep work on lat pulldown

long walk

Going to go back later to hit more cardio up
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Re: #Eric'sGettingCutGettingButt
« Reply #1444 on: February 17, 2016, 03:43:00 pm »
Well I'm uber duper super pissed

My weekdays are an open schedule at work so I pick the days I work then they fill in the rest.  I was scheduled for sat-wednesday and after I called in yesterday due to the weather, all of a sudden he gave my tuesday/wednesday away to someone else.  He's a shitty cock sucking piece of shit "supervisor" who does everything he says we shouldn't do and his bff gets special treatment.  I might just try for the post office or something if they have a test, get good benefits and pay and I will only have to drive 3-4 miles to work. 

I'm going to the gym tonight to bike and run my moobs off and I just got my new hat and hip circle in so I will play around with that.
« Last Edit: February 17, 2016, 03:47:33 pm by Eric »
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Re: #Eric'sGettingCutGettingButt
« Reply #1445 on: February 18, 2016, 08:47:14 am »
Getting my hair cut at 10 then hitting up the gym

Pull day with hip circle

then some sort of running depending on how my legs feel
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Re: #Eric'sGettingCutGettingButt
« Reply #1446 on: February 18, 2016, 11:40:10 am »
Well that sucked.

 :ibrunning: felt super shitty after back.  Felt tight and hard to breath, hips kept pushing back so I'd lean forward and just overall felt exhausted with a 10.30 mile pace.  As bad as I felt if I can figure out pacing soon then I should do better, I came out way too fast and that doomed me at the half mile mark.

Gonna walk/ jog another mile n fill this out at home
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Re: #Eric'sGettingCutGettingButt
« Reply #1447 on: February 18, 2016, 01:26:47 pm »
-11lbs I think

Deadlift w/hip circle- 315x multiple sets of 2/weight went up easy, I could feel my glutes and hammys activating a lot more
Lat pulldownsx8x10
lots of biceps

then the run.

There is a program on my phone for running that sets the pace for you, idk if it can be customized or not but I might try it out, I just need a workout arm band thing for it.

the first beginner program is for 30 minutes, has a 5 minute warm up with soft music and has a gps tracker on it, and it can track your heart rate and all that shit, I think the goal of it is a 5 min warm up then a 1.7 mile run in 20 then 5 min cool down or something and I am about to find out what they say during the actual run.  speed also lol itll say turtle for mine but if you're not running fast enough it yells at you to speed up, the first part of the beginner program is like a fast walk at 3.4 mph but i think it speeds up after 5 minutes or something.

I might stick with this for next week and just go through beginner-advance programs that way im not just winging it.

Also, Adarq, do you recommend any running shoes?  The ones I have now i bought cheap cuz they were like last years model and they are fine but I can definitely tell they dont give a whole lot of support in the ankles
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Re: #Eric'sGettingCutGettingButt
« Reply #1448 on: February 18, 2016, 08:55:35 pm »
Hey man,

Would you say the compex is definitely useful in recovery from your experience so far?

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Re: #Eric'sGettingCutGettingButt
« Reply #1449 on: February 19, 2016, 02:16:42 pm »
yeah I like it a lot, I've been really sore and you wont be completely recovered but if you keep up with it then you will have minimal soreness.  The shitty thing is you have to turn it up more if you have more fat in certain areas haha.  For 220 something dollars or whatever I paid for it, it will be worth the money as long as it doesnt break within the first year.

The beginner running program on the S6: Easy but hard
I think the beginner program is for people more obese than I am because it wants you to jog but they give you walking paces.
5 min warm up then 3.6mph, 3.8mph, 4mph then back down but it keeps telling you to jog which for me was a super fast walk, I had to put it up to 4.5 just to have some kind of a jogging pace.  Whole thing lasted for 30 minutes with the warm up and cool down.  It won't be my main running program, ill try the intermediate program next and use the beginner for active recovery days.

After the run my legs were feeling the burn but I decided to go light with the hip circle

I worked with 275 for multiple sets of 2.  The hip circle worked great for the deadlift but for skwaats I think I need a bigger one because I kept getting stuck a little above parallel.  Afterwards though I didnt do anything because I could feel my hammys and ass cramp up.

tomorrow I will attempt something and I will be joining my old gym soon so i can hit it up on fridays-sundays and just random days during the week to up the volume.  I will wait until the snow is just about done to join though .
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John Stamos

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Re: #Eric'sGettingCutGettingButt
« Reply #1450 on: February 20, 2016, 11:24:53 am »
My quads were sore and and weak yesterday so I threw the compex on them last night.

45mins x endurance setting
20mins x active recovery setting.

What I did was turn it up until it felt like a cramping spot appeared on my leg and it worked the knot out and just kept going up and up.  My hammies and glutes are sore but my quads feel refreshed.

Might be changing jobs if they piss me off more, if that's the case then I will be doing 11pm-7am and working out afterwards.  Also thinking about the post office that's hiring near me.

Anyway I also sent in my canvass letter for a sheriffs departments yesterday and I am 17 on the list so hopefully I should get in first round.
« Last Edit: February 20, 2016, 12:05:33 pm by Eric »
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Re: #Eric'sGettingCutGettingButt
« Reply #1451 on: February 20, 2016, 04:57:29 pm »
is it true compex's have "potentiation" mode loll.  Does it do what it sounds like?  Potentiates the muscle for better performance?

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Re: #Eric'sGettingCutGettingButt
« Reply #1452 on: February 20, 2016, 05:20:51 pm »
Lol I think all of the getting stronger and all that stuff is bullshit but as far as recovery goes it works.  Tonight I'll use it on my biceps so i will let you know how well it works on other muscle groups.  When you turn it way up its like a massage.
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Re: #Eric'sGettingCutGettingButt
« Reply #1453 on: February 21, 2016, 08:33:07 am »
Just going to be a turd today, tomorrow will be the beginner running program, I think there is one and I will try it out.

There is a light running program then it goes power walking then calorie burning, endurance, and speed coach ones which are an hour long or more.

I have also been around 65 beats for my resting heart rate, 71-75 after fat burner and I  would like to get to 50s.


Bench: heavy doubles with slanger and drop sets with close grip
DB OH press: 4 sets then drop sets
Flat DB press: same as OH
DB front/side/rear
DB flyes: work heavy and drop set
Push ups
Machine work



Running program
Bw stuff
Brown pump

« Last Edit: February 21, 2016, 11:12:17 am by Eric »
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Re: #Eric'sGettingCutGettingButt
« Reply #1454 on: February 22, 2016, 11:08:41 am »
Fatty today, upped the amount of food I ate yesterday and yeah it made me heavier along with all of the protein shakes and fluids

The running programs are starting to be a joke and annoying, I cant ever get on the track so it takes forever to recognize that I am on a treadmill so even though I am going faster than the speed it wants me to go it tells me to speed up or to take a break.  Theres a 5 minute warm up and it still wants to start out at a fast walking pace which kills.  So I might look at the nike one I downloaded and see that that is like but I ran 1.6 miles today, my legs and hips were just broken.

Tomorrow I want to try to get on the track when no one is around or hop on the treadmill and do speed half mile runs.  If I am on the treadmill I want to warm up and just try for 8 min mile pace.

Bench: 275xdoubles for 3-5 sets
Drop set 225x5

DB OH press: 30x10, 40x10, 50x10, 60x10, 50x10, 45x10, 40x10, 35x10, 30x10
I cant remember if i did DB presses
DB Flyes: 30x10, 40x10, 50x10, 45x10, 40x10, 35x10, 30x10, 25x10, 25x15 partials
DB side raise:20x15, 25x10, 30x10, 20x2x10
DB Front raise: same as side
push ups- 3 sets

machine drop sets

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