going from that high height of a depth jump height, do you feel you still gain alot from an explosive strength stanpoint even though it is more "reactive" since your rebounding onto a box?
well i've always preferred regular DJ's rather than DJ's onto boxes/over hurdles for exactly that reason you stated.. DJ's over hurdles/onto boxes are great for people with sprinting emphasis, but for vert enthusisitists (sp) they lack that complete triple extensions and highest touch stimulus... so I PREFER normal dj's for vert, of course there is nothing wrong with incorporating both methods but one should be incorporated alot more than the other based on your goal: sprinting or jumping... so ya I feel dj's onto boxes/over hurdles are less of an explosive strength adaptation and more of a stiffness/reactive adaptation.
one very nice aspect of dj's onto boxes/over hurdles though, is there decreased specificity to jumping.. for me, this is a good thing, because I burn out on jumping quick in my brain.. for example, if i go dunk monday, well it's pretty impossible for me to dunk tuesday, i might be fresh wednesday, but i'll definitely be fresh thursday.. so these forms of dj's are working other parts of those cortical areas in the brain responsible for jump programming, which should allow me to get in some extra work without burning out my "highest touch/highest head head + runup jumps"..
also, it minimizes the TWO impacts.. I was only getting one major impact landing (the drop from the box), then i'd land on the bench, so I cut my plyo-shock-impact in half
so ya i like what i did last night and will probably try and do it again tomorrow just to see what's up.. might start incorporating that alot more.. my shins/calfs/achilles/quads do feel pretty worked as i woke up this morning, but i feel very strong and have some stim from it.
peace man!