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Re: ADARQ's journal
« Reply #4680 on: May 27, 2012, 05:22:38 pm »
yo adarq,
i remember you had fucked with BW stuff in your VJ training. after a year of basically doing nothing im trying to get back to training and get my vert better then ever. i want to try doing all BW stuff + light dumbells though and possibly mix in maybe squat with a bar once or every other a week to at least monitor my "strenf". ive been having some back issues from unloading boxes at my last job and want to see what i can do with just bodyweight. i think starting over might have been good. i got really locked into doing the same rep scheme every single day because i was worried about losing ground before and i might play with different stuff this time around. i know you did some body weight strength training experimental shit though and i was curious what worked for you and what didnt. ive really just been doing SL squats on a chair with some glute raises but i havent gotten serious yet. i might also try mixing in high frequency SL squatting since i feel more comfortable doing that bw and its easier without having to go to the gym. hit me about about any advise or experience you have. peace man hope your enjoying retirement ;)...


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Re: ADARQ's journal
« Reply #4681 on: May 28, 2012, 08:58:27 am »
hey, ill reply to both of yall tomorrow.. wanted to tonight, but got obsessed with finishing something.. 9am going to sleep ;f



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Re: ADARQ's journal
« Reply #4682 on: May 30, 2012, 07:59:41 am »
What are you trying to achieve, with the coding, what will the final finished product do?

sup man.. well, a few things im achieving with the bot:

1. it's a "never ending project" in that, there's always new functionality/ideas to implement. so it gives me alot of stuff to work on, every day, without getting bored, because the variety of modules/concepts is just ridiculous. this has me messing with api's/etc that i normally wouldn't have anything to do with..

2. i'm trying to implement some very unique concepts.. so this has me really trying to think outside of the box, and do things that have never really been done before.. one example is the raw tcp/ip resuming of established connections even after reboots etc.. that is a pretty unique idea, you won't find software of any kind that incorporates that.. i mean if there is one, it's very hard to find.. stuff like that, and my sigprotect/other fault tolerant stuff im putting into the bot, memory swapping to disk for crash resume, entirely function pointer'ed for patching of any function called in the bot etc.. all of that is me trying to do something unique.

3. it'll be a good example of "my expertise level" if i need to show potential employers/whomever something i've programmed.. when that occasion arises, hopefully soon, i'll have a solid piece of software that they could read and/or test, demos/docs to go with it etc..

4. i'm trying to take my "brain" and express it in software... that's why this bot has become more of a learning tool, and will continue to do so.. i want it to eventually be a nice 'companion' for whatever you need.. hence the timer/RSS update system, bitwise operator mods, quiz mods, stack/queue/tree mods, math mods, and the general pipable/lisp-like syntax to achieve the same results in so many different ways.. i want this thing to be like, a "personal assistant", but chat bot style.. which is why it is IRC based, even though it can handle other protocols such as http or whatever someone feels like adding to it.... so it can become more of a "social assistant", ie, updating a group of people on current events/news/tech stuff, allowing groups of people to program/test things together instead of individually etc..

5. i want to eventually integrate it into a 'smarthome' concept or something really weird.. ie, actually integrated into physical hardware/devices, whether it's through irda or whatever.. this gives me even more stuff to code lol.

6. i want it to exist after i die, and then people will be able to still utilize it and think they are conversing with me & my chatbot assistant on irc, ie, achieving some sort of serious AI years down the road..... so, when i die, the bot will live on, which is an extension of my brain right? so did i really die? no.. until the bot crashes for good or the internet collapses due to WWIII.


52,000 lines of code after tonight... it now can spawn an IRC SERVER for people to login to and chat, but, it can also CONNECT to the IRC server IT SPAWNED.. so it's connecting to itself wtf. pretty cool.. now i can have it do some insane things on the ircd it spawns.. no flooding rules etc.. can have it post debug messages to whoever joins #debug, for example..... the ircd module is going to get nuts.. lots of cool ideas for that.

the grelinkd/grelinkc mods are so sick.... makes developing this thing soooooooooooooooo much easier, because it never breaks the connection with the destination ircd, it just keeps resuming..

i have to mod grelinkd to ACCEPT RAW connections now.. i have it working real good accepting grelinkc connections, but, i need to get it to accept regular connections now and tunnel that through itself, so people can connect to a service, bot can crash/restart, and they wouldn't knwo the difference.. because the whole time they are connected to the transparent relay grelink daemon...

but ya eventually i want to make some serious money.. so im going to keep programming every second of every day, until i do.


i should release version 1.0 of this thing by the end of the month, with the BotLife online magazine thing i want to do.. lmfao

peace man.

VEGA,ill respond to you tmw my bad shit.

ps: me not journaling is because, im just LOCKED into programming/trying to get stuff working.. ive always been OCD, but, i was OCD about the forum/dunking/training.. right now im OCD about programming, so i pretty much am just tunnel visioned with that.. so sorry for not answering q's/foruming/journaling as much, i blame my genetics..... :F



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Re: ADARQ's journal
« Reply #4683 on: May 31, 2012, 06:52:12 pm »
Are you using learning concepts on this bot, like neural networks, genetic algorithms (so he'll learn on its own and mimic your brain, searching stuff:, PAC learning and stuff like that. Or you just play "by the ear" and let it evolve as you learn new programming techniques?


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Re: ADARQ's journal
« Reply #4684 on: June 03, 2012, 05:43:53 am »
Are you using learning concepts on this bot, like neural networks, genetic algorithms (so he'll learn on its own and mimic your brain, searching stuff:, PAC learning and stuff like that. Or you just play "by the ear" and let it evolve as you learn new programming techniques?

yo nightfly.. nah not yet, i have only incorporated existing 'ai bot' software into the bot, such as AIML/alicebot (howie version).

i planned on doing alot more by now in that area, but, i've instead really focused on the core functionality of the bot.... soooooooooooooooooo much stuff left to do before i really dive into a.i. {neural nets, genetic programming, and such).

i have implemented a few tools which will help me incorporate a.i later on, such as the aiml stuff, stanford lexical parser, some wordbanks (moby) & wordnet, embedded scheme interpreter.. etc.. but as for really diving in and adding a.i. components, nope, not yet.

i got so much stuff done today.. mostly in preparation of the 'root version' of the bot, ie, a minimal bot process which will run as root to perform certain tasks, such as creating raw socket descriptors and passing them over unix dom sockets along with the credentials..

i basically need an FD PASSING daemon which has root privs, so i can use raw sockets from the chroot'd/unpriv'd bot..

this fd passing daemon will be very minimal, and should only contain crticial modules, maybe ill call them rmods.. rmod_rfdpassd ..

from this, i can do the following:

bot -> request raw socket fd from rmod_rfdpassd -> use fd for sending raw ip/tcp/icmp/udp etc datagrams, for say, spoofing my traceroute reply (icmp time to live exceededs), raw tcp/ip connections, incorporate mods for users such as "ping" (so sending raw ip/icmp packets).. etc

other uses for this daemon, unsure of at this time..

wrote a mod_bsdavltree module.. has demo/example code for AVL BINARY TREE operations, using bsd's tree.h....

i absolutely HATE tree.h.. those macros are hideous..

i need to write another mod to test this btree-avl lib i downloaded, looks like what i want.. i dont want to code my own avl btree, but i do want to incorporate a solid implementation of an already existing one into my dlist.c routines.....

this way, i can use dlist_t objects as AVL trees........ this would make traversing data SO much faster, say, for traversing the modules list (to find the module structure for a given trigger) or to traverse ircd channel/user trees..

but i want to pack it inside my dlist routines.. because i absolutely love those routines.. i use them everywhere in this code.. pretty much every time im parsing something, i bot_tokenize it which turns it into dlists.. and i have dlists everywhere inside the bot structures..

this thing will probably run out of heap space eventually lmfao.

i basically have until july 1st to get a ton more stuff implemented into this bot.. so i can pub the initial source/demo/doc files.. this project will live much longer than july 1st, but, july 1st is when i start aggressively looking for computer programming/tech jobs... so i need a demo of my skills to go along with my resume.

55,000 lines of code in a little over 2 months..



sup man.. as far as what worked for me with BW training, high rep walking lunges on ball of foot made my glutes/calves/quads feel ridicuslouly strong.. was quite shocking.. beyond that, basic reactive work and of course other BW exercises such as glute bridges, GHR's, bar-dips, pullups/chinups, core work, high rep calve raises, sprints, jump rope, etc all were necessary..

eventually i started including depth drops and split squat drops (after a progression of course), and that helped to spur more gains in that "bw-only environment".. but it also was really intense.. i felt lifting was less intense than split squat drops/depth drops... the fasciae of my feet were getting wrecked on the split squat drops.. but they definitely did increase my leg power/reactivity.

so, most of your work should be sprinting/jumping, normal BW exercises & low level reactive exercises.. a smaller percentage of your total work should be progressing your more advanced drops/plyos such as depth drop progression, depth jump progression, split squat drop progression etc.

hope that helps some.....

try crazy-high rep BW walking lunges out, your glutes/hams/quads will be unusable for days... i have some vid up on adarqtv with the variation i used, looks robotic an uses ball of foot on front foot..



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Re: ADARQ's journal
« Reply #4685 on: June 03, 2012, 06:06:57 am »
What is this bot supposed to do?
Current PR status:

All time squat: 165 kg/Old age squat: 130 kg
All time deadlift: 184 kg/Old age deadlift: 140 kg
All time bench: 85 kg/Old age bench: 70kgx5reps
All time hip thrust (same as old age hip thrust): 160kgx5reps


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Re: ADARQ's journal
« Reply #4686 on: June 04, 2012, 11:33:52 am »
sorry for idiot question...

what is a bot?
BW: 74kg
Ht: 174cm, 5'8
reach: 220cm


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Re: ADARQ's journal
« Reply #4687 on: June 08, 2012, 05:24:11 am »
sorry for idiot question...

what is a bot?

'bot' covers a realy big spectrum.. in general, it's software that automates things for you.. like a 'robot'.. so you program into it, the ability to solve problems/perform tasks, then you can have those tasks automated. you can also link a bot with another, have them perform tasks 'together', ie split tasks into smaller pieces, work on those, then provide solutions/feedback to the endusers.

so a bot is just a software robot.. good bots are able to perform a wide variety of tasks, make things easier for you, share resources/tasks with other bots, even self propogate/find each other on the internet using various protocols etc.

pC = amazing

man i've been downloading all kinds of informative podcasts/mp3's to my ipod.. it has zero music on it now.. whenever I leave the house, i have the ipod blasting education into my ear.. today i listened to probably ~6 hours worth of "fresh air (NPR" pod casts.. just ridiculous how intense it stimulated my brain.. i came home, and coded up a storm.. not to mention i learned a ton.

listening to informative podcasts 'while im not at home' is now apart of my daily routine.. i'm listening to them at work, in car, at dog park, outside walking etc.. while i'm home, im not listening because i have to focus pretty hard on programming.. can't turn the podcasts into background noise, because then i wouldn't learn much.

i had this idea months ago but i figured i'd read instead... BAD DECISION.. this is 120491049120412940x more effective.

man when i got home after listening to 6 hours of straight intelligence, my brain was so amp'd it was ridiculous.

very happy about this :D ;f

my two favorite podcasts on my ipod are:
fresh air (NPR/terri gross)
compucast (nice comp sci radio show)

oh i have a ton of tedtalks on there too..




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« Reply #4688 on: June 12, 2012, 02:35:42 am »
darqbot message from ADARQ:


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Re: ADARQ's journal
« Reply #4689 on: June 12, 2012, 03:23:49 am »
weird my smf module stopped working out of nowhere.... paste:

03:08 <@deadbeef> ^rant rant started..
03:09 <@deadbeef> testing rant module.. allows for multi line chunks of data to be logged and then piped etc.
03:09 <@deadbeef> ok what did i do todat: i didn't sleep.. 0 hours sleep.. took dog to park real early, 7am.. i love that time
                  of day
03:09 <@deadbeef> did lots of coding.. ate pretty good.
03:10 <@deadbeef> trying to fix my diet.. i have been eating really bad, which is a product of funds i guess, but still, need
                  to fix it.
03:10 <@deadbeef> i've been stretching more, trying to loosen up even though i'm not 'physically active'.
03:11 <@deadbeef> found a bunch of bot obsessed programmers on irc.. really cool.. they have a bunch of custom bots in their
                  channel, and they always seem to be coding.. so, found some cool people to talk to regarding programming.
03:11 <@deadbeef> saw that snow white movie, was decent i guess.. special effects were pretty dope.
03:12 <@deadbeef> had a margarita pizza from california pizza kitchen.
03:12 <@deadbeef> watched pat buchanon act a fool on stossel, what a nutbag.
03:12 <@deadbeef> ok peace


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Re: ADARQ's journal
« Reply #4690 on: June 12, 2012, 07:32:07 am »
Terry Gross is boss although my cousin (an actress) pointed out that she sucks at interviewing actors: infantilizes them or asks insulting questions. But in general she's awesome.

Diane Rehm is also really good, not sure if she's podcasted but I'd guess she is. Her voice is wacky. My uncle (father of that cousin -- talented family) has been on her show at least once.
Muscles are nonsensical they have nothing to do with this bullshit.

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Re: ADARQ's journal
« Reply #4691 on: June 12, 2012, 10:19:44 am »
Terry Gross is boss although my cousin (an actress) pointed out that she sucks at interviewing actors: infantilizes them or asks insulting questions. But in general she's awesome.

she's my fav.. beyond her being a great interviewer, her voice is so soothing hah.

this one interview i heard yesterday, was perfect.. an interview with "baratunde thurston", a writer for "the onion". had me lmfao'n at work. i'd listen to that again, great stuff.

you have any recommendations for podcasts/streams, politics/science related?

Diane Rehm is also really good, not sure if she's podcasted but I'd guess she is. Her voice is wacky. My uncle (father of that cousin -- talented family) has been on her show at least once.

cool.. what did he go on there to talk about?

i love rehm's wacky voice :F



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« Reply #4692 on: June 18, 2012, 09:37:55 am »
darqbot message from ADARQUI:

testing rant..
man this is the best i've felt in months.. legs, mind, everything.. which is very interesting considering how i've been sleeping lately
^a(get) addjournal|^e
in the last 5 days, i've only slept when i feel incredibly tired.. i have not forced myself to sleep at all.. for example, in the last 2 days, i only slept one hour.. a one hour nap.
last night i slept 4 hours.. watching heat game, i just passed out.
i've been feeling pretty good sleeping this way.. this is basically a modification to the "4-5 hours sleep per night experiment".. i'd find that, come 7-8 am, i would be very alert, yet i would force myself to sleep.. and when i woke up, i felt horrible..
now, i only sleep when i absolutely cannot stay awake any longer.. which seems to have me experiencing some very vivid dreams again.
going to keep this up for a while, it makes so much sense.


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« Reply #4693 on: June 18, 2012, 09:39:21 am »
darqbot message from ADARQUI:

ps: my legs feel so good, so springy and strong, that i literally feel like i can dunk.. of course i can't anymore but, that is just crazy because my legs have felt like crap for a few months now.


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Re: adarq's-journal
« Reply #4694 on: June 19, 2012, 07:24:56 am »
darqbot message from ADARQUI:

testing rant..
man this is the best i've felt in months.. legs, mind, everything.. which is very interesting considering how i've been sleeping lately
^a(get) addjournal|^e
in the last 5 days, i've only slept when i feel incredibly tired.. i have not forced myself to sleep at all.. for example, in the last 2 days, i only slept one hour.. a one hour nap.
last night i slept 4 hours.. watching heat game, i just passed out.
i've been feeling pretty good sleeping this way.. this is basically a modification to the "4-5 hours sleep per night experiment".. i'd find that, come 7-8 am, i would be very alert, yet i would force myself to sleep.. and when i woke up, i felt horrible..
now, i only sleep when i absolutely cannot stay awake any longer.. which seems to have me experiencing some very vivid dreams again.
going to keep this up for a while, it makes so much sense.

Interesting with the sleep...
I've been waking up around 4am consistently (usually get up at 6:30) and feel ready to get up. I just don't know what I'd do and end up going back to sleep the sleep so I don't crash at like 8 that night. I might try just getting up once though and see how it goes. There must be a reason why I keep waking up so early (body rested?).