What are you doing to cut Adarq? I'm at 218 (down from 222), and I'd like to get down to around 200 again to lower my bodyfat% and reduce the load on my knees. Then as I increase my strength build my weight back up to 215-ish but continue with the low bodyfat. I'm at 18%bf (which surprised me a bit) and I'd like to get down to single digits.
ya i feel crazy light with this weight loss..
what im doing is, just one meal a day, except for 1 cheat day per week where i grub out.. so for that one meal it's either just eggs, or eggs in combo with carbs if i want to dunk.. it's not the healthiest thing thats for sure, but gotta do some weird things for me to get down to 130.. then i can eat normal.
I'm in the process of changing my diet and trying to exercise more outside of just basketball. Any tips? Thanks bro.
well, just lower total calorie intake, but keep protein high.. the 1 meal a day thing seems to work really good, it's a fasting technique, it might be worth the try.. if i can go from 155 to 144 in like 1.5 weeks and im already crazy light, then for people with more mass/more fat it should work really well.. you could have that one meal be around 1500 kcal and still drop weight very fast.. im under 700 kcal usually, but, once i get to 130, i might stay with the one meal a day thing and shoot for 2000 kcal for that meal..
the fasting stuff is good, me and lance are both on one.. haha
lots of research indicating increased gH after 24hour fasts.. im basically fasting 23 hours, then eat a big meal, then fast 23 hours hah.