bw 158
crazy shit check below..
afternoon workout:
- 30 rounds on the heavybag, mostly light but with speed working on technique etc
- first 15 rounds : mixing up combos / jabs /etc, normal
- second 15 rounds: all jabs, orthodox and southpaw, 150-200 jabs per round just pumping out jabs orthodox then switching stance and pumping out jabs southpaw
late night workout:
so im doing my interval sprints, ive already run like 10 sprints.. so im walking up to this marker im going to use as a start, and bam i take off, about 350-400m sprint is the goal, im like 30m from finish and this cop car is doing a U turn mad quick and pulls into the grass and puts his lights on so i slow down etc..
cop: "SIT DOWN!!!!!"
me: "god damn motherfucking shit man can't i stand up i just sprint like 400m" (out of breathe for all of my comments)
cop: "SIT DOWN NOW!!!!!!!!!!!"
me: sits down, "god damn man im just working out"
cop: calls for backup, "why did you run from me?"
me: "what? what do you mean?"
cop: "I was trying to flag you down from behind and you took off"
me: "i had my earphones in man i had no idea you were behind me"
cop: "put your hands behind your head"
me: "ah man what the fuck"
cop: "whats your name , what do you do ...." all that b.s
me: tells him ...
cop: "why are you in all black?"
me: "who cares man, im just training"
cop: "you look like a criminal"
me: "what the fuck man im just training, i wear black to stand out less around all the gang kids driving by etc"
other cops arrive etc.. ask me shit
cop: "ok man stand up do u have any weapons, i need to pat you down"
me: "no"
cop: pats me down, "ok well now i know you so i wont be as interested in stopping you"
then i dipped loololol
fucking sucked i got all tight from sitting down like that.
interval sprints:
- about 5 miles worth, max V
- hamstrings were dead, so i walked about 5 miles
neutral grip pullups:
- 10,10,8,6,6
hurt my back a bit lifting my gpa when igot home haha...