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Re: ADARQ's journal
« Reply #3015 on: March 04, 2011, 06:32:58 am »
feel crazy explosive/strong all day, even with horrible sleep.. i feel so light.. only problem is both medial hamstring tendons are "strained slightly".. i hope after some sleep they are not bothering me, would really want to dunk friday outdoor.

thinking about allowing my body to sleep when it wants, instead of trying to sleep around 6am-7am every day, ill just sleep whenever im tired.. out of nowhere im entering a multiphasic sleep schedule.



bw = 151
soreness = hamstrings slightly, calfs, vmo's slightly
aches/injuries = both medial hamstring tendons slightly strained, back a little fatigued
fatigue = low
diet = 3 eggs + protein/water-drink + vit-C-drink + sunflower seeds + 1 banana, sleep 4 hours, beef/veggie chunky soup + 1 banana, 3 eggs + some A1 sauce + vit-C-drink + sunflower seeds + 2 bananas

rest, light stretching of my hamstrings/adductors/calfs throughout the day.. feel crazy light on my feet/very strong (even before stretching).. 3 hours sleep last night, stayed up, got tired, slept 4 hours... etc... this is interesting..

hope i feel good whenever i 'wakeup', cause if i do, PR jumps.

peace everyone



Purpose: To log data in a format that is easier to analyze (for ourselves and readers of our journals), so that training setbacks are avoided & progression is of primary importance, thus making our training as efficient & effective as possible.

How-to: Copy, Paste & modify the template to suit your needs: Include this post at the end of each of your training journal posts by clicking "modify" on your previous post, copy and paste it into the current post, and then add the new data.

- DO NOT squat without heels elevated, used to heels elevated, too much sitting back aggravates back injury
- DO NOT deadlift aggravates back injury
- DO NOT overstretch quads, aggravates ankle injury <-- happens every time, STOP IT
- as of 1/15/2011, don't do 325 x 5, instead, hit MSEM singles at 325+, stay 305-315 x 5+
- cut out milk, water + protein shakes from now on, more vitamin C, at least 6 bananas per day, more chicken/eggs
- utilize pin squats more, pin 6 work up then transition into pin 7

01/11/2011: PROJECT SSR7, get down to 150 or less as soon as possible.. maintain 315 x 5 half squat strength + keep a set of 20 maintained (245-265), fix right ankle, more interval conditioning, don't neglect my necessary exercises



01/11/2011: 159
01/12/2011: 158
01/13/2011: 156
01/14/2011: 156
01/15/2011: 155.4
01/16/2011: 154.4
01/17/2011: 154.0
01/18/2011: 153.6
01/19/2011: 154.4
01/20/2011: 153
01/21/2011: 153
01/23/2011: 153.6
01/24/2011: 154
01/25/2011: 152.8 (nopoop)
01/26/2011: 153.6
01/27/2011: 151.6
01/28/2011: 152.2
01/29/2011: 151.4
01/30/2011: 154
01/31/2011: 154
02/03/2011: 153
02/04/2011: 153
02/05/2011: 152
02/06/2011: 154
02/07/2011: 155
02/08/2011: 155
02/09/2011: 153
02/10/2011: 152.8
02/11/2011: 153.0
02/12/2011: 152.6
02/13/2011: 150.8
02/14/2011: 153
02/15/2011: 153
02/16/2011: 152
02/17/2011: 155
02/18/2011: 153
02/19/2011: 152.4
02/20/2011: 153
02/21/2011: 152.4
02/22/2011: 151
02/23/2011: 151
02/24/2011: 154
02/25/2011: 152
02/26/2011: 152
02/27/2011: 154
02/28/2011: 153
03/01/2011: 152
03/02/2011: 152
03/03/2011: 151

01/11/2011: protein shake, jumps/dunks + protein shake, protein shake, philly cheese steaks + fries, 2 cookies, training, protein shake
01/12/2011: southwestern chicken sandwhich (mcdonalds), protein shake, cheeseburger, training, protein shake, protein shake + turkey & cheese sandwhich
01/13/2011: protein shake, southern chicken sandwhich, 4 slices pizza + piece of cake (FML), southern chicken sandwhich (had another one ready :) + 2 bananas
01/14/2011: smaller protein shake + 1 teaspoon coffee, smaller protein shake + 1 teaspoon coffee, dunking + protein shake, egg & cheese sandwhich (2 eggs, multi grain bread), reactive session, protein shake, protein shake + turkey and cheese sandwhich
01/15/2011: protein shake, cheeseburger, protein shake, training + protein shake, protein shake, turkey & cheese sandwhich
01/16/2011: protein shake, greek salad (feta/olives/peppers/dressing/lettuce) with grilled chicken (epic), cheeseburger (ground beef) on multigrain bread, light-training, protein shake + banana
01/17/2011:  protein shake + 2 teaspoon coffee, driving around looking for a court for 1.5 hours, cheeseburger on multigrain bread + banana, 7 mile walk, small protein shake, squatting, protein shake, turkey & cheese + banana + protein shake
01/18/2011: protein shake + banana, egg sandwhich with cheese + banana + protein shake, protein shake + 2 bananas, turkey & cheese sandwich
01/19/2011: protein shake + 2 teaspoon coffee, dunking + monster energy + protein shake, protein shake, cheeseburger, training + payday chocolate bar (stopped at CVS), protein shake, protein shake + turkey & cheese sandwich
01/20/2011: SICK: prot shake, cheeseburger, prot shake, prot shake + turkey & cheese
01/21/2011: SICK: chocolate covered almonds, philly cheesesteak + fries, 2 cookies, chocolate covered almonds.. tons of liquid, bad idea, mucous bigtime after that
01/22/2011: SICK: 3 bags of chocolate covered almonds, thats it
01/23/2011: SICK: 3 bananas, beef stew + 2 cookies, 3 bananas + some fig newtons + protein drink (no milk just protein)
01/24/2011: SICK: chicken soup + milkLESS protein shake, milkLESS protein shake + a few fig newtons, walking + light sprinting, squatting, milkLESS protein shake + banana, milkLESS protein shake + turkey & cheese sandwhich + tea + gatorade drink
01/25/2011: SICK: chicken soup + milkLESS protein shake, milkLESS protein shake + 2 bananas, cheeseburger + 2 bananas, milkLESS protein shake
01/26/2011: SICK: double chicken tariyaki stir fry, 1cupmilk protein shake + 1 banana, training, 1cupmilk protein shake + 1 banana, 1cupmilk protein shake + 1 banana
01/27/2011: SICK: 1cupMilk protein shake + 1 banana, 4 slices of pizza + 1cupMilk protein shake + 2 cookies, trainingA, milkLESS protein shake, trainingB, 1cup milk protein shake + cookie, glass of gatoraid, 1cupMilk protein shake
01/28/2011: chicken soup + 1cupMilk protein shake, 1cupMilk protein shake + cookie + banana, workout #1, 1cupmilk protein shake, workout #2, 1cupmilk protein, 1cupmilk protein shake + turkey and cheese sandwhich + 1 banana
01/29/2011: protein shake, 2 ibuprofen + gatorade, cheeseburger + almonds + 1 banana, 2 ibuprofen + gatorade + 2 bananas, protein shake + 2 bananas + 2 ibuprofen + gatorade
01/30/2011: gatorade + 2 ibuprofen + protein shake + 2 bananas, gatorade + 2 ibuprofen, greek salad + grilled chicken, 5 granola bars + 1 cookie, training, gatorade + 3 ibuprofen + 1 banana + protein shake, almonds
01/31/2011: gatorade + 2 ibuprofen + protein shake + 1 banana, gumbo soup (chunky) + almonds, gatorade + 2 ibuprofen, gatorade + 2 ibuprofen + protein shake + 3 bananas + turkey & cheese sandwich
02/03/2011: gatorade + 2 ibuprofen + protein shake, 2 spicy chicken sandwiches from wendy's & some fries, training + protein shake, protein shake + gatorade + 2 ibuprofen, turkey & cheese sandwhich + gatorade + 2 ibuprofen
02/04/2011: protein shake + gatorade + 2 ibuprofen, egg and cheese sandwhich on multigrain bread, bag of chocolate almonds, training + protein shake, protein shake + gatorade + 2 ibuprofen, turkey & cheese sandwich + gatorade + small amount of trail mix (so good)
02/05/2011: protein shake + gatorade + 2 ibuprofen, egg and cheese sandwhich on multigrain bread + banana + trail mix, training + protein shake, protein shake + gatorade + 2 ibuprofen, peanutbutter sandwich + banana
02/06/2011: protein shake + gatorade + 2 ibuprofen + chocolate almonds, philly cheesesteak + fries + 2 cookies, banana + gatorade + 2 ibuprofen + some chocolates
02/07/2011: protein shake + gatorade, chocolates + egg & cheese sandwhich + gatorade, training + protein shake, protein shake + gatorade, PB sandwhich + 2 bananas + protein shake + gatorade
02/08/2011: protein shake + gatorade, 2 slices pizza + reeces m&m's (whole bag) + green tea, training + protein shake, protein shake, gatorade + 2 bananas + 3 ibuprofen, gatorade + protein shake + 2 bananas
02/09/2011: SICK: water/protein drink + banana, walk + popcorn chicken (big size :), multi vitamin + vitamin C drink + banana, vitamin C drink + banana + water/protein drink, training + vitamin C drink + water/protein drink, vitamin C drink + water/protein drink + 2 bananas + some peanuts, 2 bananas + pb burrito + 3 ibuprofen
02/10/2011: SICK: diet = protein/water drink + vitamin C drink + 2 bananas, popcorn chicken + vitamin C drink + 2 bananas, beef/veggie chunky soup + vitamin C drink + 2 bananas, vitamin C drink + 3 ibuprofen + some peanutbutter (2-3tblspn) + 1 banana
02/11/2011: SICK: pollo tropical quarter chicken white, probiotic + vit C drink, 3 eggs + 3 pieces of cheese + 2 bananas + green tea, training + protein/water-drink + vit-C-drink, protein/water-drink + vit-C-drink + 2 bananas, vit-C-drink + chicken & sausage gumbo chunky soup + 2 bananas
02/12/2011: SICK: vit-C-drink + probiotic + 2 bananas, 3 eggs + 2 pieces of cheese + 2 bananas + 5 pieces of chocolate, water/protein-drink + vitamin-C-drink + 2 bananans + 5 chocolates, chunky soup + vit-C-drink + probiotic + 1 banana + water/protein-drink
02/13/2011: SICK: vit-C-drink + probiotic + 2 bananas + 3-4 chocolate covered cherries (real small but mad good), pot roast (wuth carrots/potatos etc) + small spinach salad + 3 chocolates, 1 banana, training + vit-C-drink, protein/water-drink + vit-C-drink + 1 banana, 3 bananas + PB burrito + protein/water-drink + vit-C-drink + probiotic
02/14/2011: SICK: vit-C-drink + probiotic + water/protein-drink, 3 eggs + 2 cheese + some sunflower seeds + peanuts + green tea + 2 bananas, protein/water-drink + training, vit-C-drink + probiotic + 2 alieve + some peanuts/sunflower seeds + 2 bananas + protein/water-drink + beef/veggie chunky soup
02/15/2011: SICK:  vit-C-drink + probiotic + protein/water-drink + 1 banana, 1/4th chicken breast + vit-C-drink + 3 bananas + 1 cornbread, vit-C-drink + 3 eggs + 2 cheese + sunflower seeds + peanuts + 3 bananas, protein/water-drink + 1 ibuprofen
02/16/2011: SICK: protein/coffee/water-drink, training + protein/gatorade-drink, beef jerkey + green tea, chipotle big chicken burrito, tons of DIET coke, training #2 + protein/gatorade-drink, protein/water-drink + 2 bananas + 4 chocolates + vit-C-drink + probiotic, potroast + veggie chunky soup + gatorade-drink + 2 ibuprofen + 1 meatlover's pizza slice + 2 bananas
02/17/2011: SICK: protein + 3 bananas, 3 eggs + 1 cheese + sunflower seeds/peanuts + 5 chocolates + vit-C-drink + probiotic, training + gatorade/protein-drink, gatorade/protein-drink, chunky soup + vit-C-drink + probiotic + 2 ibuprofen + 3 bananas + a few chocolate peanuts
02/18/2011: SICK: 8 hershey's chocolate squares + protein/gatorade/vit-C-drink, 3 eggs + 1 cheese + vit-C-drink + probiotic + sunflower seeds + 2 bananans, 4 hersheys squares, training + gatorade/protein-drink, protein-drink + 4 chocolates + 2 bananas, beef/veggie soup + 2 bananas + vit-C-drink + probiotic + a few chocolate peanuts
02/19/2011: SICK: protein/water-drink + vit-C-drink + probiotic + 2 banananas, 3 eggs + 2 chese + 5 chocolate squares + sunflower seeds + vit-C-drink + 3 bananas, protein/water-drink + 4 chocolate squares + 3 bananas, gumbo chunky soup + vit-C-drink + probiotic + protein/water-drink + 2 chocolate squares + 1 banana
02/20/2011: SICK: banana + protein/water-drink + vit-C-drink + probiotic, 3 eggs + 2 cheese + sunflower seeds + 1 banana + protein/coffee-drink, green tea + 4 chocolates, training + protein/gatorade/vit-C-drink, protein/gatorade-drink, protein/gatorade/vit-C-drink + probiotic + 3 ibuprofen + turkey & cheese sandwich + 4 bananas
02/21/2011: SICK: 4 dark chocolates + protein/water-drink + 1 banana, bacon angus snack wrap + sunflower seeds + 2 bananas, 4 chocolates + protein/vit-C/gatorade-drink + probiotic, training + protein/vit-C/gatorade-drink, 3 ibuprofen + protein/vit-C/gatorade-drink + 2 chocolates, beef + veggie chunky soup + protein/vit-C/gatorade-drink + probiotic + 2 bananas,
02/22/2011: protein/water-drink + 1 banana, 3 eggs + 2 cheese + sunflower seeds + protein/gatorade/vit-C/probiotic-drink, protein/gatorade-drink, training + protein/gatorade-drink, protein/gatorade/vit-C-drink + 1 banana, 2 bananas + beef/veggie chunky soup + protein/gatorade-drink + 2 ibuprofen,
02/23/2011: diet = two mcdonalds snack wraps (chicken, steak) + 4 bananas + vit-C-drink + probiotic, 4 chocolates, greek salad + grilled chicken, 4 biscotti's, 4 bananas + some chocolates + gatorade/vit-C-drink, protein/gatorade/vit-C-drink + 8 chocolates
02/24/2011: protein/gatorade/vit-c/probiotic-drink + 4 chocolates, 3 eggs + 2 cheese + sunflower seeds + protein/coffee(3tspn)-drink + 4 chocolates, 4 chocolates + protein/gatorade-drink, training + protein/gatorade/vit-C/drink , protein/gatorade/vit-C-drink, beef + veggie chunky soup + biscotti
02/25/2011: 3 mcdonalds crispy chicken snack wraps + 2 cookies, protein/gatorade/vit-C/probiotic-drink + 10 chocolates, chicken noodle soup + protein/water-drink + 4 chocolates, training + protein/gatorade/vitamin-C-drink, protein/gatorade/vitamin-C-drink, 3/4th pint of vanilla bean haagendazs + loaded turkey & cheese sandwich + 2 vit-c-drinks
02/26/2011: protein/gatorade/vit-C/probiotic-drink + 10 chocolates, 2 bananas + popcorn chicken + sunflower seeds, training + protein/gatorade/vit-C-drink, protein/gatorade-drink + 7 chocolates + 2 bananas, beef + veggie chunky soup + 2 bananas,
02/27/2011: 4 bananas + popcorn chicken, 3 bananas + greek salad + grilled chicken + 2 biscotti, 4 bananas + 5 chocolates + trail mix + protein/gatorade/vit-C/probiotic-drink
02/28/2011: protein/gatorade/vit-C/probiotic-drink, 3 eggs + 1 cheese + sunflower seeds + banana + coffee drink (3tspn coffee), protein/gatorade/vit-C-drink, training + protein/gatorade/vit-C-drink, beef + veggie chunky soup + vit-C drink + tons of water + 3 ibuprofen
-- EGG DIET !! --
03/01/2011: protein/water-drink + 1 banana, 2 eggs + 1 banana + vit-C-drink + sunflower seeds, 3 eggs + 2 cheese + sunflower seeds + 2 bananas + vit-C-drink, protein/water-drink + pb sandwich + 2 bananas,
03/02/2011: 2 tspn coffee + whey protein, protein/gatorade-drink, training + protein/gatorade/vit-C-drink, protein-drink, 3 eggs + sunflower seeds + 3 biscotti, training + protein/gatorade/vit-C-drink, protein-drink, vit-C/probiotic-drink + 3 eggs + sunflower seeds + 1 banana
03/03/2011: 3 eggs + protein/water-drink + vit-C-drink + sunflower seeds + 1 banana, sleep 4 hours, beef/veggie chunky soup + 1 banana, 3 eggs + some A1 sauce + vit-C-drink + sunflower seeds + 2 bananas

01/11/2011: hamstrings a little
01/12/2011: none
01/13/2011: calfs a little
01/14/2011: none
01/15/2011: calfs
01/16/2011: none
01/17/2011: none
01/18/2011: none
01/19/2011: none
01/20/2011: calfs
01/21/2011: none
01/23/2011: none
01/24/2011: none
01/25/2011: hamstrings
01/26/2011: hamstrings (a ton), glutes a little
01/27/2011: hamstrings (a lot)
01/28/2011: hamstrings still
01/29/2011: hamstrings, quads FATIGUED (quarter squats ftw)
01/30/2011: hamstrings a little, quads fatigued
01/31/2011: calfs a little
02/03/2011: hamstrings, quads
02/04/2011: hamstrings, glutes, quads
02/05/2011: very sore, hamstrings (mostly), glutes, quads
02/06/2011: extremely sore in hamstrings & quads, glutes sore
02/07/2011: extremely sore in quads (vmo mostly) and hamstrings
02/08/2011: hamstrings a little, calfs a little, quads a little (fatigued)
02/09/2011: calfs/hams/quads
02/10/2011: none really (calfs a little actually)
02/11/2011: none
02/12/2011: hamstrings, calfs
02/13/2011: none
02/14/2011: none
02/15/2011: none
02/16/2011: none
02/17/2011: none
02/18/2011: none
02/19/2011: none
02/20/2011: none
02/21/2011: calfs slightly, quads/vmos slightly
02/22/2011: none
02/23/2011: calfs
02/24/2011: calfs a little
02/25/2011: quads (vmo's mostly), calfs
02/26/2011: calfs alot
02/27/2011: calfs alot
02/28/2011: none
03/01/2011: vmo's + hams
03/02/2011: quads a little, hamstrings a little, hands hurt from dunking (ripped 3 caleousesdfsdgsd, some fingertips bleeding)
03/03/2011: hamstrings slightly, calfs, vmo's slightly

01/11/2011: right ankle (need to ice it more)
01/12/2011: right ankle, left lower back/glute at night (weird), bottom of feet a little
01/13/2011: right ankle a little, left glute/lower back a little
01/14/2011: right ankle VERY slightly, felt good pretty much all day even during dunk session
01/15/2011: right ankle a little, big toes sore/strained from all the jump rope
01/16/2011: left big toe/ball of foot = turf toe, pretty painful
01/17/2011: left big toe (turf toe) , felt better initially today, even when thinking i'd be able to dunk, calf raises aggravated it throughout the day
01/18/2011: ok here we go, both big toes (left is worse), left knee a little, hm that's it ok nevermind
01/19/2011: left toe felt a little weird waking up, felt fine during dunk session amazingly, feels horrible AFTER my 14 mile walk + interval jogs
01/20/2011: left bigtoe VERY BAD..
01/21/2011: left big toe, a little better than 1/20/2011, positive sign
01/23/2011: none early on, big toe during/after calf raises
01/24/2011: left big toe a little, left knee a little (odd about the knee)
01/25/2011: left knee still wtf, very odd.. came out of nowhere, didn't do anything to tweak it that I know of
01/26/2011: left hamstring tendon a little, turf toe a little - much worse after i stretched it after walking + light interval sprints
01/27/2011: left big toe
01/28/2011: TOE/FOOT.. ok, it felt "ok" all day, after training, it feels so painful it's ridiculous.. definitely a stress fracture in there + turf toe.
01/29/2011: gout toe, very bad during the day, could barely walk, then ibuprofen + water + bananas + ice + lymph drain helped
01/30/2011: gout-toe AFTER training, felt good prior
01/31/2011: none
02/03/2011: big toe slightly after squatting
02/04/2011: bumped right knee in the car - hurt sooooo bad haha, got a lump/cut it open a bit.. then i hit it again, same spot, on some wooden thing.. iced it before going to workout, felt fine during training, more of a flesh wound.
02/05/2011: bump under right knee from yesterday
02/06/2011: left heel (achilles tendonitis ish slightly), left big toe slightly
02/07/2011: left big toe slightly
02/08/2011: right ankle a little (from stretching quads), left toe a little (no ibuprofen???)
02/09/2011: SICK: right elbow + right rotator cuff (shower knob is messed up, took 10min at max force the last two days to shut it off, wrecked my shit), right ankle a little
02/10/2011: SICK: shoulder a little, have to turn the water off to the entire house to turn the shower off, plumber soon hahah
02/11/2011: SICK: where do i start, staph infection is back, feel sick, left nut hurting during bball warmup, left achilles tweaky only a few times throughout the day, slight headache.. legs felt good though, so did shoulder.. left knee bugged out a little during squatting.
02/12/2011: SICK: left nut/groin, left achilles a little, right ankle slightly,  EDIT: left forearm strained from dunk session last night
02/13/2011: SICK: left nut, left forearm still strained, left lower back a little after squatting
02/14/2011: SICK: left toe a little, lower back a little, right ankle a little, left forearm still strained,
02/15/2011: SICK: left forearm strain still, right hip slightly
02/16/2011: SICK: none
02/17/2011: SICK: LEFT KNEE (from slipping yesterday FFFFFFFUUUUUUUUU), lower back slightly during squatting
02/18/2011: SICK: low back a little, knee felt good (from the slip)
02/19/2011: SICK: lower back slightly, ham tendon a little (from picking up my grandpa)
02/20/2011: SICK: right plantar fasciitis WTF, right ham origin after training
02/21/2011: SICK: right PF/foot pad
02/22/2011: right PF/footpad, right thigh bruise (from re-racking the 70 lb db's onto my thighs after db bench, pretty painful today, bad bruise hehe)
02/23/2011: left ham tendon, right thigh bruise
02/24/2011: none
02/25/2011: low back/TLF a bit inflamed, right and left hands wrecked from dunking, bad cut on fingertip, 3 caleouses ripped off
02/26/2011: left patella tendon insertion inflamed until ibuprofen, hands still F'd, right ring finger still cut on fingertip, left achilles a little achy, AFTER TRAINING: back a little achy, right ham tendon a little achy
02/27/2011: right ham tendon slightly (kinda annoying, it definitely pulled a bit yesterday, i felt it on 45deg hyper), hands still stingy but better
02/28/2011: after training: left knee a little, right hip, right ball of foot
03/01/2011: right hip a little, ankles achy, hands & joints of fingers hurt from dunking
03/02/2011: none before training, after dunk session: both hamstrings & hamstring tendons (medial), quads sore
03/03/2011: both medial hamstring tendons slightly strained, back a little fatigued

01/11/2011: high
01/12/2011: low
01/13/2011: high
01/14/2011: moderate
01/15/2011: low
01/16/2011: low
01/17/2011: low
01/18/2011: moderate
01/19/2011: moderate
01/20/2011: sick
01/21/2011: sick
01/23/2011: sick
01/24/2011: sick, extremely high fatigue
01/25/2011: sick, high
01/26/2011: sick, high
01/27/2011: sick, moderate
01/28/2011: moderate
01/29/2011: low
01/30/2011: low
01/31/2011: low
02/03/2011: high
02/04/2011: moderate
02/05/2011: high
02/06/2011: very high
02/07/2011: very high
02/08/2011: high
02/09/2011: extremely high
02/10/2011: high
02/11/2011: moderate
02/12/2011: high
02/13/2011: high
02/14/2011: high
02/15/2011: high
02/16/2011: moderate
02/17/2011: moderate
02/18/2011: moderate
02/19/2011: low
02/20/2011: moderate
02/21/2011: high
02/22/2011: moderate
02/23/2011: extremely high
02/24/2011: high (very bad sleep, naps helped though)
02/25/2011: extremely high
02/26/2011: high
02/27/2011: moderate
02/28/2011: moderate
03/01/2011: high
03/02/2011: high kind of (3 hours sleep, mentally tired yet also kind of apeshit aggressive)
03/03/2011: low

01/11/2011: 6 hours (6:30am to 12:30pm)
01/12/2011: 9 hours sleep
01/13/2011: 9 hours sleep
01/14/2011: 8 hours sleep
01/15/2011: 10 hours sleep
01/16/2011: 9 hours sleep
01/17/2011: 8 hours sleep
01/18/2011: 8 hours sleep
01/19/2011: 5 hours sleep
01/20/2011: 5 hours sleep
01/20/2011: 5 hours sleep
01/23/2011: 8 hours sleep
01/24/2011: 8 hours sleep
01/25/2011: 8 hours sleep
01/26/2011: 8 hours sleep
01/27/2011: 8 hours sleep
01/28/2011: 10 hours sleep
01/28/2011: 9 hours sleep
01/30/2011: 8 hours sleep
01/31/2011: 10 hours sleep
02/03/2011: 10 hours sleep
02/04/2011: 10 hours sleep
02/05/2011: 7 hours + 3 hours
02/06/2011: 8 hours sleep
02/07/2011: 8 hours sleep
02/08/2011: 9 hours sleep
02/09/2011: 8 hours sleep, same dream over and over (walking in mall and out of mall to my car), happens everytime i get sick (same dream 3-5 times during night)
02/10/2011: 10 hours sleep
02/11/2011: 8 hours sleep
02/11/2011: 10 hours sleep
02/12/2011: 8 hours sleep
02/13/2011: 10 hours sleep
02/14/2011: 10 hours sleep
02/15/2011: 10 hours sleep
02/16/2011: 4 hours sleep (couldn't stop coughing for ~2 hours)
02/17/2011: 9 hours sleep
02/18/2011: 9 hours sleep
02/19/2011: 9 hours sleep
02/20/2011: 8 hours sleep
02/21/2011: 9 hours sleep
02/22/2011: 8 hours sleep
02/23/2011: 9 hours sleep
02/24/2011: ~6 hours, very rough sleep, waking up a ton, really bad, naps during day helped otherwise i would have been toast
02/25/2011: 4 hours, awake for 3 hours, then 3 hours sleep
02/26/2011: 9 hours sleep
02/27/2011: 9 hours sleep
02/28/2011: 8 hours
03/01/2011: 8 hours
03/02/2011: 3 hours (4pm-7pm)
03/03/2011: 3 hours (6am-9am), 4 hours (4pm-8pm)

01/11/2011: iced right ankle for 20 minutes
01/12/2011: iced ankle twice, need to use colder ice, massaged it hard, felt good temporarily but made it ache more later
01/13/2011: iced right ankle once, felt pretty nice after, used the REALLY cold gel ice pack direct application
01/14/2011: iced ankle before bed
01/15/2011: iced ankle once during day, wanted too before bed but was doing calf raises
01/16/2011: iced left big toe twice
01/17/2011: iced left big toe for 20min
01/18/2011: iced both big toes 3 times each, to complete numbness, brutal
01/19/2011: iced big toe (left) after long walk session
01/20/2011: iced toe
01/21/2011: iced toe
01/24/2011: iced toe after training
01/27/2011: iced toe after training, twice
01/28/2011: iced the hell out of my foot/toe, tons
01/29/2011: iced the hell out of my foot/toe + 6 total ibuprofen
01/30/2011: iced the hell out of my foot/toe + 7 total ibuprofen
01/31/2011: iced toe 3 times, 6 total ibuprofen
02/03/2011: iced toe twice, 6 total ibuprofen
02/04/2011: iced toe twice, 4 total ibuprofen
02/05/2011: iced toe twice, 4 total ibuprofen
02/06/2011: iced toe once, 4 total ibuprofen
02/07/2011: iced toe twice, 0 total ibuprofen
02/08/2011: iced toe twice, 3 total ibuprofen (after training)
02/09/2011: iced toe once, 3 total ibuprofen (before bed)
02/10/2011: iced toe once, 6 total ibuprofen (3 ibu 2x/day)
02/11/2011: nothing & ran out of ibuprofen, need to get some tomorrow
02/14/2011: 2 alive + icing toe after training, toe flaring up after training - some decently painful feelings
02/15/2011: 3 total ibuprofen <- after training
02/16/2011: 2 ibuprofen total <- after training
02/17/2011: 2 ibuprofen total <- after training
02/20/2011: 3 ibuprofen total <-- after training, icing right foot
02/21/2011: 3 ibuprofen total <-- after training, icing rgiht foto
02/22/2011: 3 ibuprofen, 2 ibuprofen, training, 2 ibuprofen..... iced right thigh twice
02/25/2011: iced bottom of foot
02/26/2011: 3 ibuprofen, training, 3 ibuprofen + icing right foot
02/28/2011: 3 ibuprofen <-- after training
03/02/2011: iced right ball of foot
03/03/2011: 6 ibuprofen throughout the day, 3 then 3

01/11/2011: hamstrings very good, calfs lightly, stretching quads tomorrow
01/12/2011: hamstrings and low back very good, stretching quads reinjures my ankle.. stretched lower back too much to fix this annoying tweak and now my ham tendon injury is bugging a little
01/13/2011: nothing really, occasionally some back stretches to loosen it up a little, nothing focused though
02/04/2011: light hamstring/glute/adductor stretching
02/05/2011: light hamstring/glute/adductor stretching
02/07/2011: intense hamstring/quad stretching
02/08/2011: stretched adductors good
02/11/2011: stretched adductors good, hamstrings
02/12/2011: stretch groin/adductors, calfs
02/14/2011: groin/adductors, right tfl/piriformis/glutes, both hip flexors/quads
02/20/2011: stretched groin/adductors
02/26/2011: stretched groin/adductors bigtime
02/28/2011: bunch of stretching before sleep
03/01/2011: some stretching
03/02/2011: hamstrings/groin/calfs/bottom of feet
03/03/2011: hamstrings/adductors/calfs throughout the day, actually alot of light stretching


01/11/2011: horrible, very fatigued
01/14/2011: felt good, didn't really get amped up but still landed some nice dunks:
01/19/2011: felt very good, amp'd, turf toe didn't bug me too much but i worried about it flaring, best i've jumped indoor link-to-vid
02/03/2011: felt crappy, 34-35" on max jump, L-SLRVJ on layups got maybe 28
02/04/2011: felt better, 34-35" on max jump again but better consistency, L-SLRVJ layup jumps were much better overall (rim touch every time)
02/05/2011: landed a dunk off lob @ around 45min, close on some dribble ups, lots of layups
02/07/2011: just dribble up attempts, quads dead
02/08/2011: dribble ups and lobs, quads feeling a bit better
02/11/2011: SICK: dribble ups were hard but misses, felt good jumping astonishingly, hit some good jumps/dunks..
02/16/2011: SICK:, landed some good dunks, some real nice misses
02/17/2011: SICK: felt very explosive, was getting up good off 1-step lead & L-SLRVJ
02/18/2011: SICK: warmup sucked, sucked off dribble dunk, early on dunks sucked, then bam, started flying:
02/20/2011: SICK: FLYING.................... too many people on court but flying:
02/22/2011: got up good, but lots of fatigue:
02/24/2011: got up pretty nasty:
02/28/2011: got up pretty nasty again but was mentally out of it
03/02/2011: got up real good, no sleep though, dunk session in morning without sleeping

01/12/2011: half squat 315 x 5 @ 157, dropping down for 245 x 20 but because of diet only hit 10 and called it quit
01/15/2011: half squat 325 x 5 @ 154, dropping down for 275 x 10+, hit 10 or 11, just toast from 325 ::: link-to-vid
01/17/2011: half squat 315 x 5, 325 x 1, 335 x 1, 345 x 1 (too high), 275 x 10,10,15 (153 lb at time of squat)
01/24/2011: half squat, 45 @ 3 x 10, 135 x 8, 185 x 10, 225 x 10, 245 x 10, 265 x 10, 285 x 8, 305 x 5, (152 at time of squat)
01/28/2011: workout #2: squat @ 151 lb   half SQ: 45 @ 295 x 5, 315 x 6 (7=pinned), knees shift quarter squat: 335 x 5, 355 x 5, 375 x 3, half squat: 275 x 10 (dead)
-- different gym, different rack, pin settings changed ...
02/03/2011: half squat: 45 @ 3 x 10, 135 x 8, 185 x 8, 225 x 5, 245 x 5, 265 x 5, 285 x 5, 305 x 3 (4=fail) (heels elevated too much)
02/04/2011: half squat: 45 @ 3 x 10, 135 x 5, 185 x 5, 225 x 5, 245 x 1,1,1, 265 x 1,1,1 285 x 1,1 305 x 1,1 315 x 1,1
02/05/2011: half squat: 245 @ 5 x 10, 3min rest +++ half squat "MEBM": 225 x 18 ... closer stance, more vmo
02/08/2011: half squat: 295 x 5 good depth, 315 x 4 a little high
02/09/2011: (3-5 sec pause every set) pin 6 squat: 275 x 5,  pin 7 squat: 295 x 5, 315 x 1,1, 325 x 1,1 335 x 1,1
02/11/2011: SICK: half squat: 295 x 5 <- a bit of fatigue from dunk session
02/13/2011: SICK: half squat: 45 @ 4 x 10, 135 x 10, 185 x 10, 235 x 5, 255 x 5, 275 @ 10, 10, 255 x 5 (dead)
02/14/2011: SICK: - S1: half squat pin 6: ... 275 x 5, 295 x 1 ..... pin 7:[/b] 315 x 1, 325 x 1, 335 x 1, 345 x 1, 355 x 1, 365 x 1 ......  pin 6: 315 x 1, 1, 1, 1
02/16/2011: SICK: - half squat (good depth): 285 x 5, 305 x 1, 315 x 1,1  +++ - S1: half squat: 305 x 1, 1, 1, 1
02/17/2011: SICK: - half squat: 45 @ 3x10, 135 x 15, 185 x 15, 225 x 10, 245 x 10, 265 x 10, 285 x 10 <-- very hard but got it
02/18/2011: SICK: pin 6 squat: 275 x 5, 295 x 1, 315 x 1  ++++    pin 7 squat: 335 x 1, 355 x 1, 375 x fail
02/20/2011: SICK: half squat: 45 @ 3 x 10, 135 x 5, 185 x 5, 235 x 5, 255 x 5, 275 x 5, 295 x 5, 315 x 1, 325 x 1, 335 x 1
02/21/2011: SICK: half squat: 45 @ 3 x 10, 135 x 10, 185 x 10, 235 x 10, 265 x 5, 285 x 10
02/22/2011: pin 6 half squat: 295 x 4, 315 x 1, 325 x 1 +++ pin 7 half squat: 335 x 1, 345 x 1, 365 x 1 +++ S1: pin 6 half squat: 315 x 1, 1, 1
02/24/2011: half squat: ... 295 x 5, 315 x 5, 335 x 1  <-- time of squatting, 152
02/25/2011: half squat: 45 @ 3 x 10, 135 x 8, 185 x 8, 235 x 8, 265 x 5, 285 x 15
02/26/2011: - pin 6 squat: ... 275 x 5, 315 x 5, 335 x fail lolol.... +++  pin 7 squat: 335 x 1, 365 x 1, 385 x 1 +++ pin 6 MSEM squat: 315 x 1,1,1,1 <-- 40 seconds rest between each rep +++ pin 6 MSEM squat: 325 x 1,1,fail,fail <-- 60s rest between each rep
02/28/2011: dead: - half squat: 285 x 5, dead.... 245 @ 3 x 10..........
03/02/2011: - half squat pin 6: ... 275 x 5, 305 x 3, 325 x 4, 275 @ 3 x 10 (tired, good though, quads burning)

01/11/2011: neutral grip pullups, done towards the end of a jump rope workout, 2 x 10, 2 x 8
01/12/2011: chinups BW @ 4x10
01/14/2011: a bunch of neutral grip pullups in my reactive workout, sets of 8 and one set of 10
01/16/2011: 4-5 pushup sets x 20, submax
01/17/2011: some pushups throughout the day, sets of 20, sore in chest
01/23/2011: PU = 125, 8 sets of 15-20 light
01/25/2011: few sets of single leg pushups
01/26/2011: pushups in 30 minutes, PU: 40, 25, 25, 25, 25, 25, 25, 20, 30,
01/27/2011: neutral grip pullups: BW @ 10, 10, 10, 10, 8, 8, 8,
01/29/2011: neutral grip pullups: 12, 12, 12, 12, 11, 11,  +  pushups: 45, 35, 35, 40, 30,
01/31/2011: neutral grip pullup: BW @ 15, 13, 14, 12, 12, 7   &&  pushups: BW @ 46, 50, 45, 40,
02/03/2011: S1: neutral grip pullups: BW @ 10, 10, 10, 8, 8, 8
02/04/2011: 5 dips, 30 pushups lol
02/05/2011: 45 lb plate swing @ 3 x 6
02/07/2011: S1: db swing: 40 lb @ 5 x 8
02/08/2011: neutral grip pullups: BW @ 10
02/11/2011: S1: stiff arm plate swings: 45 lb @ 10, 10, 10,
02/14/2011: - S3: plate swing: 5, 5, 5, 5, 5
02/16/2011: - S2: stiff arm plate swing: 45 lb @ 5, 5, 5, 5
02/17/2011: - S1: max-speed neutral grip pullups: 8, 8, 8,    +++    - S2: max-speed neutral grip pullups: 8, 8, 8
02/20/2011: - S2: 45 lb plate swing: 10, 10
02/21/2011: - S1: explosive neutral grip pullups done for max speed: BW @ 4 x 8
02/22/2011: - S1: ballistic neutral grip pullups: 8, 8, 8
02/24/2011: - S1: 45 lb stiff arm plate raises: 10, 10 <-- very explosive
02/25/2011: - S1: ballistic neutral grip pullup: BW @ 10, 10, 10
02/26/2011: - S1: ballistic neutral grip pullup: 8, 8, 8
03/02/2011: - S2: ballistic neutral grip pullups: 3 x 10

02/04/2011: DB bench: 40 lb @ 2 x 10, 50 lb x 10 (last rep = pause ~20s then press)
02/07/2011: flat DB bench: 50 @ 3 x 10, 55 x 5, 60 x 8
02/09/2011: db bench: 60 lb @ 3 x 8, pause on last rep of each set (5s)
02/14/2011: S2: db bench: 50 @ 10, 60 @ 8,8 65 @ 8
02/16/2011: - S1: DB bench: 45 x 10, 55 x 5, 65 x 5, 70 x fail
02/17/2011: - S1: db bench: 50 x 15, 60 x 10, 65 x 10
02/18/2011: - db bench: 50 x 5, 60 x 5, 65 x 8
02/20/2011: - S1: db bench: 50 x 5, 60 x 5, 65 x 10
02/21/2011: - db bench press: 50 x 10, 60 x 5, 70 x FAIL, 65 x FAIL <-- lmao, fatigued
02/22/2011: - S1: db bench: 47.5 x 10, 55 x 10, 60 x 12
02/24/2011: - db bench press: 50 x 10, 60 x 14
02/25/2011: - S1: db bench press: 50 x 10, 60 x 5, 65 x 10
02/26/2011: - S1: db bench: 50 x 10, 60 x 10
03/02/2011: - S1: db bench: 55 @ 3 x 10

02/05/2011: 60 lb @ 3 x 8
02/08/2011: 65 lb @ 3 x 8
02/11/2011: 1-arm db row: 65 lb x 10 <-- one set hah
02/16/2011: - S1 DB row: 45 x 10, 55 x 5, 65 x 5, 70 x 5
02/18/2011: - S1: db 1-arm row: 70 x 5, 80 x 5, 85 x 5
02/20/2011: - S1: db row: 50 x 5, 60 x 5, 65 x 10
02/24/2011: - db row: 65 x 8, 75 x 8

01/11/2011: bodyweight: 70, 100, 100, 100
01/13/2011: total prone reverse hyper reps: 910
01/14/2011: 3 x 100
01/16/2011: 4-5 x 100, plus a ton of prone reverse hypers: 750 total
01/17/2011: CR-70, PU-20, GB-100, CR-70, PU-20, GB-120, PU-20, CR-80, GB-150, CR-70, GB-100, CR-60,
01/18/2011: PRH @ 50 + 60 + 60 + 60 + 60 + 60 + 100 + 100 + 100 + 100 + 50 + 50 + 50 + 50 + 50 = 1000 !!
01/23/2011: GB total = 800, 8x100
01/25/2011: GB-220, GB-130+70+100+100+100+100
01/29/2011: glute bridges: 150, 120, 120, 150, 210,  (short rest)
01/31/2011: prone rev hyper: 100, 100, 100,
02/03/2011: S1: 45deg hyper: BW x 40, BW + 25 lb x 20, 20, 20, BW x 40
02/04/2011: 45deg hyper: 45, 45, 35, 35, 30 <- hams/glutes toast
02/07/2011: S1: 45deg hyper: BW @ 50, BW + 35 lb @ 20, 20, 23, BW @ 50, 60, 80
02/09/2011: S1: 45 deg hyper: 55, 50, 50,
02/11/2011: S1: 45deg hyper: BW + 25 lb @ 30, 30, 30
02/13/2011: prone rev hyper: with waffles on @ 100, 100, 100,    ++++++ glute bridge: 100 <- felt like a feather
02/14/2011: - S3: 45deg hyper: BW x 50, BW + 35 lb @ 30,30,30, BW x 100
02/16/2011: - S2: 45 deg hyper: BW @ 50, BW + 35 @ 25, 25, 25, BW x 70
02/17/2011: - S2: 45deg hyper: BW @ 50, 60 ,70
02/18/2011: - 45deg hyper: BW x 50, BW + 35 lb @ 30, 30
02/20/2011: - S2: 45 deg hyper: BW x 80, BW + 35 x 35
02/21/2011: - S1: 45 deg hyper: BW x 80, BW + 25 lb x 40, BW + 35 lb x 40
02/24/2011: - S1: 45 deg hyper: BW x 100, BW + 35 lb x 30
02/25/2011: - 45 deg hyper: BW x 20, BW + 35 lb @ 4 x 30, BW + 45 lb x 25
02/26/2011: - 45 deg hyper: BW x 70
03/01/2011: prone reverse hyper: 100 + 100 + 150 + 100 + 100 + 100

01/11/2011: bodyweight: 40, 50, 50, 50
01/12/2011: BW x 50, 50, 50, 50
01/14/2011: 35 lb total + BW @ 50, 60, 50
01/15/2011: 60, 60, 60, 50, 50, 50, 50    
01/17/2011: CR-70, PU-20, GB-100, CR-70, PU-20, GB-120, PU-20, CR-80, GB-150, CR-70, GB-100, CR-60, AND 35 lb total @ 60,50,50
01/23/2011: CR = 445 total, highest set = 100
01/25/2011: CR-100, CR-100, CR-100,
01/30/2011: BW + 35 lb total @ 50, 50, 50, 50, 50, 50,
02/05/2011: BW + 60 lb total @ 5 x 25
02/09/2011: - S1: db calf raise: BW + 60 lb total @ 30, 30, 40
02/14/2011: - S2: db calf raise: 30 @ 30, 30, 35, 35
02/18/2011: - S1: db calf raises: 30 lb each hand @ 30, 30, 30
02/22/2011: - db calf raises: 40 lb each hand @ 4 x 30, 45 each hand @ 1 x 30
02/26/2011: - S1: db (each hand) calf raise: 50 x 30, 60 x 25, 50 x 30, 50 x 30, 50 x 30
03/02/2011: - S1: db calf raises: 47.5 @ 3 x 25 ........ 40 @ 3  30


01/11/2011: barbell low squat ankle hops (worked up to ~4 sets of 95 lb x 50) + barbell mini pogos (45 lb, sets of 100)
01/14/2011: barbell low squat ankle hops (worked up to ~4 sets of 115 lb x 40), tons of jump rope
01/15/2011: interval sprints mixed in with 6 mile walk @ 20 x 6 or so, 8 x 5 for MR half tucks
01/19/2011: light interval sprints mixed in with 12-14 mile walk (in 2.5 hours), very bouncy, didn't lose bounce at all, stopped by cops twice in 2 diff cities
01/27/2011: 7 miles traveled, bunch of nice 20-30 yard sprints, felt good, acceleration suffering cause of sore hamstrings, then a bunch of MR halftucks, and sets of 30, 30, 20, 20
01/30/2011: max effort sprints (20's and a few 40's), MR halftucks: 5 x 30, 5 x 15
02/25/2011: - submax MR half tucks: 25, 25, 25, 25, 50 +++ submax LBJ's: 50, 50,  +++ submax MR half tucks: 50,
02/26/2011: - MR halftuck: 4 x 20, 2 x 50

01/11/2011: 5500 total jump rope reps, felt great, mostly sets of 200-300 turns, one set of 400 turns in 3min
01/12/2011: 2200 total jump rope turns
01/14/2011: 4430 total turns, mostly sets of 300
02/03/2011: basketball work/dribbling/shooting
02/04/2011: basketball work/dribbling/shooting
02/05/2011: basketball work/dribbling/shooting
02/07/2011: basketball work/dribbling/shooting
02/08/2011: basketball work/dribbling/shooting
02/09/2011: basketball work/dribbling/shooting (very light, sick)
02/14/2011: basketball work/dribbling/shooting (light, sick)
02/16/2011: bball work : explosive moves + pullup j's, some explosive layups etc, everything pretty powerful (L-SLRVJ=10'6, R-SLRVJ=10'2)
02/17/2011: bball work: explosive moves/dribbling/shooting, powerful
02/21/2011: 1.5 hours of bball work, some explosive moves but mostly recovery
02/25/2011: - very long warmup, because i felt dead, ~30min of light bball work
02/26/2011: felt CRAZY explosive... didn't do any jumps though, not even ME layups.. stuck to explosive dribbling/pullup J's etc.. about 30 minutes of this after a light warmup.

01/15/2011: 6 mile walk with interval sprints/reactive work mixed in
01/17/2011: 7 mile walk with light interval jogs mixed in, felt so explosive/bouncy
01/19/2011: 12-14 mile walk with light interval sprints mixed in, very bouncy, didn't lose bounce at all, stopped by cops in 2 cities
01/24/2011: 6 miles walking + light interval sprints
01/26/2011: 7 miles walking + light jogs
01/27/2011: 7 miles walk + sprints & MR halftucks
01/28/2011: 8 miles walked + light jogs mixed in
01/30/2011: 6 miles walked + max effort sprints (20's and a few 40's) + mr halftucks (5 x 30, 5 x 15)
02/06/2011: lymph drain 30min
02/07/2011: lymph drain 30min

02/05/2011: hanging knee raises: 3 x 18-20

02/10/2011: REST!!!!
02/12/2011: REST!!!!
02/15/2011: REST!!!!
02/18/2011: REST!!!!
02/23/2011: REST!!!!
02/27/2011: REST!!!!
03/01/2011: REST!!!!
03/03/2011: REST!!!!


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Re: ADARQ's journal
« Reply #3016 on: March 04, 2011, 10:44:15 am »
i want to know who put METHAMPHETAMINE in my protein powder.. seriously, how the F am i still awake/this alert.. and feeling so strong



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Re: ADARQ's journal
« Reply #3017 on: March 04, 2011, 11:16:12 am »
i want to know who put METHAMPHETAMINE in my protein powder.. seriously, how the F am i still awake/this alert.. and feeling so strong


someone deffinetly slipped something into a drink of yours hahaha. Are you going to dunk today man? i bet youd get up real good since youre feeling so explosive/doped up on  meth LOL


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Re: ADARQ's journal
« Reply #3018 on: March 04, 2011, 07:44:55 pm »
i want to know who put METHAMPHETAMINE in my protein powder.. seriously, how the F am i still awake/this alert.. and feeling so strong


someone deffinetly slipped something into a drink of yours hahaha. Are you going to dunk today man? i bet youd get up real good since youre feeling so explosive/doped up on  meth LOL

ya man im bout to go dunk, leaving soon.. my eyes feel real tired but body feels great.. im expecting big things in this dunk session.


peace man!



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Re: ADARQ's journal
« Reply #3019 on: March 04, 2011, 10:25:36 pm »
besides "PR'n my warmup jumps", things sucked tonight... by far the best warmup/short lob jumps i've ever done, i'm pretty sure i was hitting 37 during my damn warmups..

things that sucked:
- went to my breakaway rim court, packed.. had to goto a stiff-rim court
- so windy, my max effort high lobs would fly all over the place, really shut me down.. i had to throw the ball 6 feet to the damn left just to get it to bounce in front of the hoop.. really sucked
- too many little jits around
- need to break in my new pair of nike zoom waffle racers, for outdoor.. these work fine indoors on a grippy court, but outdoors i was slipping..

so ya other than that, not sure if i pr'd a max jump because my high lobs really were all over the place..... definite PR on warmup jumps though, landing two handers/one handers at will during my warmups, from a short run up + lob.



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Re: ADARQ's journal
« Reply #3020 on: March 04, 2011, 11:00:11 pm »
i want to know who put METHAMPHETAMINE in my protein powder.. seriously, how the F am i still awake/this alert.. and feeling so strong


someone deffinetly slipped something into a drink of yours hahaha. Are you going to dunk today man? i bet youd get up real good since youre feeling so explosive/doped up on  meth LOL

ya man im bout to go dunk, leaving soon.. my eyes feel real tired but body feels great.. im expecting big things in this dunk session.


peace man!


^^ loool


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Re: ADARQ's journal
« Reply #3021 on: March 04, 2011, 11:50:49 pm »
bleh, didn't even check the whole footage, took stills from like first 15 jumps, just too windy/slippery..  nothing amazing.. happy with the warmup jumps though, those looks cool on vid, just effortless dunks from short run up.

next dunk session = sunday most likely.. gotta volume squat tonight, big volume hopefully, on low kcal.



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Re: ADARQ's journal
« Reply #3022 on: March 05, 2011, 06:52:34 am »
somewhat promising dunk session today but nothing like i wanted.. check post above, external factors really played a part.. next dunk session = sunday.

definitely good warmup jumps though, best short lob dunks ever, getting up real easy.





BW = 151
soreness = none
aches/injuries = right ham tendon a little, after training: right hip a little - did something stupid while squatting
fatigue = moderate
diet = blueberries-inside-glass-of-water + protein/water drink + banana, sleep 12pm-6pm, arabic coffee+protein drink (bolthouse), 3eggs + some sunflower seeds, training + protein/vit-C/gatorade-drink, beef+veggie chunky soup + 2 bananas, 3 eggs + A1 sauce + 2 cheese + bunch of blueberries + sunflower seeds + 3 ibuprofen

150 after workout, 152 before going to sleep......

workout #1: dunks
- best short lob dunks ever, best warmup jumps ever, crazy explosiveness
- max effort lobs went to shit: slipping sometimes and way too much wind, major wind

workout #2: strength
- half squat: 45 @ 4 x 10, 135 x 10, 185 x 5, 225 x 5, 275 x 5 (tweaked hip, tried going way too fast like a dumb ass), 315 x 3, 325 x 2, 275 @ 4 x 8, 1 x 11
-- ^^^ could have hit 315 for 5 so that's a good sign, dead come 325 x 2 bleh
- S1: db bench press: 45 x 10, 55 x 8, 60 x 8, 65 x 7
- S1: db calf raise: 45 lb each hand @ 4 x 30,
- S2: db 1 arm row: 65 x 5e, 75 x 5e, 85 x 5e
- S2: db calf raise:  55 lb each hand @ 1 x 25, 65 @ 1 x 25, 75 @ 1 x 20
- 45 deg hyper: BW @ 5 x 50, 1 x 80

done.. dumb ass move on the squats, I felt so powerful that I was thinking about 335 x 5 etc so i was really trying to push the speed way too hard too early, and with my lack of sleep/dunk sessions earlier, not a good idea.. hoping i wakeup and it's gone :<

- really stretched hip flexors hard, for ~3+ minutes, 3x
- lots of adductor/light hamstring stretches




Purpose: To log data in a format that is easier to analyze (for ourselves and readers of our journals), so that training setbacks are avoided & progression is of primary importance, thus making our training as efficient & effective as possible.

How-to: Copy, Paste & modify the template to suit your needs: Include this post at the end of each of your training journal posts by clicking "modify" on your previous post, copy and paste it into the current post, and then add the new data.

- DO NOT squat without heels elevated, used to heels elevated, too much sitting back aggravates back injury
- DO NOT deadlift aggravates back injury
- DO NOT overstretch quads, aggravates ankle injury <-- happens every time, STOP IT
- as of 1/15/2011, don't do 325 x 5, instead, hit MSEM singles at 325+, stay 305-315 x 5+
- cut out milk, water + protein shakes from now on, more vitamin C, at least 6 bananas per day, more chicken/eggs
- utilize pin squats more, pin 6 work up then transition into pin 7

01/11/2011: PROJECT SSR7, get down to 150 or less as soon as possible.. maintain 315 x 5 half squat strength + keep a set of 20 maintained (245-265), fix right ankle, more interval conditioning, don't neglect my necessary exercises



01/11/2011: 159
01/12/2011: 158
01/13/2011: 156
01/14/2011: 156
01/15/2011: 155.4
01/16/2011: 154.4
01/17/2011: 154.0
01/18/2011: 153.6
01/19/2011: 154.4
01/20/2011: 153
01/21/2011: 153
01/23/2011: 153.6
01/24/2011: 154
01/25/2011: 152.8 (nopoop)
01/26/2011: 153.6
01/27/2011: 151.6
01/28/2011: 152.2
01/29/2011: 151.4
01/30/2011: 154
01/31/2011: 154
02/03/2011: 153
02/04/2011: 153
02/05/2011: 152
02/06/2011: 154
02/07/2011: 155
02/08/2011: 155
02/09/2011: 153
02/10/2011: 152.8
02/11/2011: 153.0
02/12/2011: 152.6
02/13/2011: 150.8
02/14/2011: 153
02/15/2011: 153
02/16/2011: 152
02/17/2011: 155
02/18/2011: 153
02/19/2011: 152.4
02/20/2011: 153
02/21/2011: 152.4
02/22/2011: 151
02/23/2011: 151
02/24/2011: 154
02/25/2011: 152
02/26/2011: 152
02/27/2011: 154
02/28/2011: 153
03/01/2011: 152
03/02/2011: 152
03/03/2011: 151
03/04/2011: 151

01/11/2011: protein shake, jumps/dunks + protein shake, protein shake, philly cheese steaks + fries, 2 cookies, training, protein shake
01/12/2011: southwestern chicken sandwhich (mcdonalds), protein shake, cheeseburger, training, protein shake, protein shake + turkey & cheese sandwhich
01/13/2011: protein shake, southern chicken sandwhich, 4 slices pizza + piece of cake (FML), southern chicken sandwhich (had another one ready :) + 2 bananas
01/14/2011: smaller protein shake + 1 teaspoon coffee, smaller protein shake + 1 teaspoon coffee, dunking + protein shake, egg & cheese sandwhich (2 eggs, multi grain bread), reactive session, protein shake, protein shake + turkey and cheese sandwhich
01/15/2011: protein shake, cheeseburger, protein shake, training + protein shake, protein shake, turkey & cheese sandwhich
01/16/2011: protein shake, greek salad (feta/olives/peppers/dressing/lettuce) with grilled chicken (epic), cheeseburger (ground beef) on multigrain bread, light-training, protein shake + banana
01/17/2011:  protein shake + 2 teaspoon coffee, driving around looking for a court for 1.5 hours, cheeseburger on multigrain bread + banana, 7 mile walk, small protein shake, squatting, protein shake, turkey & cheese + banana + protein shake
01/18/2011: protein shake + banana, egg sandwhich with cheese + banana + protein shake, protein shake + 2 bananas, turkey & cheese sandwich
01/19/2011: protein shake + 2 teaspoon coffee, dunking + monster energy + protein shake, protein shake, cheeseburger, training + payday chocolate bar (stopped at CVS), protein shake, protein shake + turkey & cheese sandwich
01/20/2011: SICK: prot shake, cheeseburger, prot shake, prot shake + turkey & cheese
01/21/2011: SICK: chocolate covered almonds, philly cheesesteak + fries, 2 cookies, chocolate covered almonds.. tons of liquid, bad idea, mucous bigtime after that
01/22/2011: SICK: 3 bags of chocolate covered almonds, thats it
01/23/2011: SICK: 3 bananas, beef stew + 2 cookies, 3 bananas + some fig newtons + protein drink (no milk just protein)
01/24/2011: SICK: chicken soup + milkLESS protein shake, milkLESS protein shake + a few fig newtons, walking + light sprinting, squatting, milkLESS protein shake + banana, milkLESS protein shake + turkey & cheese sandwhich + tea + gatorade drink
01/25/2011: SICK: chicken soup + milkLESS protein shake, milkLESS protein shake + 2 bananas, cheeseburger + 2 bananas, milkLESS protein shake
01/26/2011: SICK: double chicken tariyaki stir fry, 1cupmilk protein shake + 1 banana, training, 1cupmilk protein shake + 1 banana, 1cupmilk protein shake + 1 banana
01/27/2011: SICK: 1cupMilk protein shake + 1 banana, 4 slices of pizza + 1cupMilk protein shake + 2 cookies, trainingA, milkLESS protein shake, trainingB, 1cup milk protein shake + cookie, glass of gatoraid, 1cupMilk protein shake
01/28/2011: chicken soup + 1cupMilk protein shake, 1cupMilk protein shake + cookie + banana, workout #1, 1cupmilk protein shake, workout #2, 1cupmilk protein, 1cupmilk protein shake + turkey and cheese sandwhich + 1 banana
01/29/2011: protein shake, 2 ibuprofen + gatorade, cheeseburger + almonds + 1 banana, 2 ibuprofen + gatorade + 2 bananas, protein shake + 2 bananas + 2 ibuprofen + gatorade
01/30/2011: gatorade + 2 ibuprofen + protein shake + 2 bananas, gatorade + 2 ibuprofen, greek salad + grilled chicken, 5 granola bars + 1 cookie, training, gatorade + 3 ibuprofen + 1 banana + protein shake, almonds
01/31/2011: gatorade + 2 ibuprofen + protein shake + 1 banana, gumbo soup (chunky) + almonds, gatorade + 2 ibuprofen, gatorade + 2 ibuprofen + protein shake + 3 bananas + turkey & cheese sandwich
02/03/2011: gatorade + 2 ibuprofen + protein shake, 2 spicy chicken sandwiches from wendy's & some fries, training + protein shake, protein shake + gatorade + 2 ibuprofen, turkey & cheese sandwhich + gatorade + 2 ibuprofen
02/04/2011: protein shake + gatorade + 2 ibuprofen, egg and cheese sandwhich on multigrain bread, bag of chocolate almonds, training + protein shake, protein shake + gatorade + 2 ibuprofen, turkey & cheese sandwich + gatorade + small amount of trail mix (so good)
02/05/2011: protein shake + gatorade + 2 ibuprofen, egg and cheese sandwhich on multigrain bread + banana + trail mix, training + protein shake, protein shake + gatorade + 2 ibuprofen, peanutbutter sandwich + banana
02/06/2011: protein shake + gatorade + 2 ibuprofen + chocolate almonds, philly cheesesteak + fries + 2 cookies, banana + gatorade + 2 ibuprofen + some chocolates
02/07/2011: protein shake + gatorade, chocolates + egg & cheese sandwhich + gatorade, training + protein shake, protein shake + gatorade, PB sandwhich + 2 bananas + protein shake + gatorade
02/08/2011: protein shake + gatorade, 2 slices pizza + reeces m&m's (whole bag) + green tea, training + protein shake, protein shake, gatorade + 2 bananas + 3 ibuprofen, gatorade + protein shake + 2 bananas
02/09/2011: SICK: water/protein drink + banana, walk + popcorn chicken (big size :), multi vitamin + vitamin C drink + banana, vitamin C drink + banana + water/protein drink, training + vitamin C drink + water/protein drink, vitamin C drink + water/protein drink + 2 bananas + some peanuts, 2 bananas + pb burrito + 3 ibuprofen
02/10/2011: SICK: diet = protein/water drink + vitamin C drink + 2 bananas, popcorn chicken + vitamin C drink + 2 bananas, beef/veggie chunky soup + vitamin C drink + 2 bananas, vitamin C drink + 3 ibuprofen + some peanutbutter (2-3tblspn) + 1 banana
02/11/2011: SICK: pollo tropical quarter chicken white, probiotic + vit C drink, 3 eggs + 3 pieces of cheese + 2 bananas + green tea, training + protein/water-drink + vit-C-drink, protein/water-drink + vit-C-drink + 2 bananas, vit-C-drink + chicken & sausage gumbo chunky soup + 2 bananas
02/12/2011: SICK: vit-C-drink + probiotic + 2 bananas, 3 eggs + 2 pieces of cheese + 2 bananas + 5 pieces of chocolate, water/protein-drink + vitamin-C-drink + 2 bananans + 5 chocolates, chunky soup + vit-C-drink + probiotic + 1 banana + water/protein-drink
02/13/2011: SICK: vit-C-drink + probiotic + 2 bananas + 3-4 chocolate covered cherries (real small but mad good), pot roast (wuth carrots/potatos etc) + small spinach salad + 3 chocolates, 1 banana, training + vit-C-drink, protein/water-drink + vit-C-drink + 1 banana, 3 bananas + PB burrito + protein/water-drink + vit-C-drink + probiotic
02/14/2011: SICK: vit-C-drink + probiotic + water/protein-drink, 3 eggs + 2 cheese + some sunflower seeds + peanuts + green tea + 2 bananas, protein/water-drink + training, vit-C-drink + probiotic + 2 alieve + some peanuts/sunflower seeds + 2 bananas + protein/water-drink + beef/veggie chunky soup
02/15/2011: SICK:  vit-C-drink + probiotic + protein/water-drink + 1 banana, 1/4th chicken breast + vit-C-drink + 3 bananas + 1 cornbread, vit-C-drink + 3 eggs + 2 cheese + sunflower seeds + peanuts + 3 bananas, protein/water-drink + 1 ibuprofen
02/16/2011: SICK: protein/coffee/water-drink, training + protein/gatorade-drink, beef jerkey + green tea, chipotle big chicken burrito, tons of DIET coke, training #2 + protein/gatorade-drink, protein/water-drink + 2 bananas + 4 chocolates + vit-C-drink + probiotic, potroast + veggie chunky soup + gatorade-drink + 2 ibuprofen + 1 meatlover's pizza slice + 2 bananas
02/17/2011: SICK: protein + 3 bananas, 3 eggs + 1 cheese + sunflower seeds/peanuts + 5 chocolates + vit-C-drink + probiotic, training + gatorade/protein-drink, gatorade/protein-drink, chunky soup + vit-C-drink + probiotic + 2 ibuprofen + 3 bananas + a few chocolate peanuts
02/18/2011: SICK: 8 hershey's chocolate squares + protein/gatorade/vit-C-drink, 3 eggs + 1 cheese + vit-C-drink + probiotic + sunflower seeds + 2 bananans, 4 hersheys squares, training + gatorade/protein-drink, protein-drink + 4 chocolates + 2 bananas, beef/veggie soup + 2 bananas + vit-C-drink + probiotic + a few chocolate peanuts
02/19/2011: SICK: protein/water-drink + vit-C-drink + probiotic + 2 banananas, 3 eggs + 2 chese + 5 chocolate squares + sunflower seeds + vit-C-drink + 3 bananas, protein/water-drink + 4 chocolate squares + 3 bananas, gumbo chunky soup + vit-C-drink + probiotic + protein/water-drink + 2 chocolate squares + 1 banana
02/20/2011: SICK: banana + protein/water-drink + vit-C-drink + probiotic, 3 eggs + 2 cheese + sunflower seeds + 1 banana + protein/coffee-drink, green tea + 4 chocolates, training + protein/gatorade/vit-C-drink, protein/gatorade-drink, protein/gatorade/vit-C-drink + probiotic + 3 ibuprofen + turkey & cheese sandwich + 4 bananas
02/21/2011: SICK: 4 dark chocolates + protein/water-drink + 1 banana, bacon angus snack wrap + sunflower seeds + 2 bananas, 4 chocolates + protein/vit-C/gatorade-drink + probiotic, training + protein/vit-C/gatorade-drink, 3 ibuprofen + protein/vit-C/gatorade-drink + 2 chocolates, beef + veggie chunky soup + protein/vit-C/gatorade-drink + probiotic + 2 bananas,
02/22/2011: protein/water-drink + 1 banana, 3 eggs + 2 cheese + sunflower seeds + protein/gatorade/vit-C/probiotic-drink, protein/gatorade-drink, training + protein/gatorade-drink, protein/gatorade/vit-C-drink + 1 banana, 2 bananas + beef/veggie chunky soup + protein/gatorade-drink + 2 ibuprofen,
02/23/2011: diet = two mcdonalds snack wraps (chicken, steak) + 4 bananas + vit-C-drink + probiotic, 4 chocolates, greek salad + grilled chicken, 4 biscotti's, 4 bananas + some chocolates + gatorade/vit-C-drink, protein/gatorade/vit-C-drink + 8 chocolates
02/24/2011: protein/gatorade/vit-c/probiotic-drink + 4 chocolates, 3 eggs + 2 cheese + sunflower seeds + protein/coffee(3tspn)-drink + 4 chocolates, 4 chocolates + protein/gatorade-drink, training + protein/gatorade/vit-C/drink , protein/gatorade/vit-C-drink, beef + veggie chunky soup + biscotti
02/25/2011: 3 mcdonalds crispy chicken snack wraps + 2 cookies, protein/gatorade/vit-C/probiotic-drink + 10 chocolates, chicken noodle soup + protein/water-drink + 4 chocolates, training + protein/gatorade/vitamin-C-drink, protein/gatorade/vitamin-C-drink, 3/4th pint of vanilla bean haagendazs + loaded turkey & cheese sandwich + 2 vit-c-drinks
02/26/2011: protein/gatorade/vit-C/probiotic-drink + 10 chocolates, 2 bananas + popcorn chicken + sunflower seeds, training + protein/gatorade/vit-C-drink, protein/gatorade-drink + 7 chocolates + 2 bananas, beef + veggie chunky soup + 2 bananas,
02/27/2011: 4 bananas + popcorn chicken, 3 bananas + greek salad + grilled chicken + 2 biscotti, 4 bananas + 5 chocolates + trail mix + protein/gatorade/vit-C/probiotic-drink
02/28/2011: protein/gatorade/vit-C/probiotic-drink, 3 eggs + 1 cheese + sunflower seeds + banana + coffee drink (3tspn coffee), protein/gatorade/vit-C-drink, training + protein/gatorade/vit-C-drink, beef + veggie chunky soup + vit-C drink + tons of water + 3 ibuprofen
-- EGG DIET !! --
03/01/2011: protein/water-drink + 1 banana, 2 eggs + 1 banana + vit-C-drink + sunflower seeds, 3 eggs + 2 cheese + sunflower seeds + 2 bananas + vit-C-drink, protein/water-drink + pb sandwich + 2 bananas,
03/02/2011: 2 tspn coffee + whey protein, protein/gatorade-drink, training + protein/gatorade/vit-C-drink, protein-drink, 3 eggs + sunflower seeds + 3 biscotti, training + protein/gatorade/vit-C-drink, protein-drink, vit-C/probiotic-drink + 3 eggs + sunflower seeds + 1 banana
03/03/2011: 3 eggs + protein/water-drink + vit-C-drink + sunflower seeds + 1 banana, sleep 4 hours, beef/veggie chunky soup + 1 banana, 3 eggs + some A1 sauce + vit-C-drink + sunflower seeds + 2 bananas
03/04/2011:  blueberries-inside-glass-of-water + protein/water drink + banana, sleep 12pm-6pm, arabic coffee+protein drink (bolthouse), 3eggs + some sunflower seeds, training + protein/vit-C/gatorade-drink, beef+veggie chunky soup + 2 bananas, 3 eggs + A1 sauce + 2 cheese + bunch of blueberries + sunflower seeds + 3 ibuprofen

01/11/2011: hamstrings a little
01/12/2011: none
01/13/2011: calfs a little
01/14/2011: none
01/15/2011: calfs
01/16/2011: none
01/17/2011: none
01/18/2011: none
01/19/2011: none
01/20/2011: calfs
01/21/2011: none
01/23/2011: none
01/24/2011: none
01/25/2011: hamstrings
01/26/2011: hamstrings (a ton), glutes a little
01/27/2011: hamstrings (a lot)
01/28/2011: hamstrings still
01/29/2011: hamstrings, quads FATIGUED (quarter squats ftw)
01/30/2011: hamstrings a little, quads fatigued
01/31/2011: calfs a little
02/03/2011: hamstrings, quads
02/04/2011: hamstrings, glutes, quads
02/05/2011: very sore, hamstrings (mostly), glutes, quads
02/06/2011: extremely sore in hamstrings & quads, glutes sore
02/07/2011: extremely sore in quads (vmo mostly) and hamstrings
02/08/2011: hamstrings a little, calfs a little, quads a little (fatigued)
02/09/2011: calfs/hams/quads
02/10/2011: none really (calfs a little actually)
02/11/2011: none
02/12/2011: hamstrings, calfs
02/13/2011: none
02/14/2011: none
02/15/2011: none
02/16/2011: none
02/17/2011: none
02/18/2011: none
02/19/2011: none
02/20/2011: none
02/21/2011: calfs slightly, quads/vmos slightly
02/22/2011: none
02/23/2011: calfs
02/24/2011: calfs a little
02/25/2011: quads (vmo's mostly), calfs
02/26/2011: calfs alot
02/27/2011: calfs alot
02/28/2011: none
03/01/2011: vmo's + hams
03/02/2011: quads a little, hamstrings a little, hands hurt from dunking (ripped 3 caleousesdfsdgsd, some fingertips bleeding)
03/03/2011: hamstrings slightly, calfs, vmo's slightly
03/04/2011: none

01/11/2011: right ankle (need to ice it more)
01/12/2011: right ankle, left lower back/glute at night (weird), bottom of feet a little
01/13/2011: right ankle a little, left glute/lower back a little
01/14/2011: right ankle VERY slightly, felt good pretty much all day even during dunk session
01/15/2011: right ankle a little, big toes sore/strained from all the jump rope
01/16/2011: left big toe/ball of foot = turf toe, pretty painful
01/17/2011: left big toe (turf toe) , felt better initially today, even when thinking i'd be able to dunk, calf raises aggravated it throughout the day
01/18/2011: ok here we go, both big toes (left is worse), left knee a little, hm that's it ok nevermind
01/19/2011: left toe felt a little weird waking up, felt fine during dunk session amazingly, feels horrible AFTER my 14 mile walk + interval jogs
01/20/2011: left bigtoe VERY BAD..
01/21/2011: left big toe, a little better than 1/20/2011, positive sign
01/23/2011: none early on, big toe during/after calf raises
01/24/2011: left big toe a little, left knee a little (odd about the knee)
01/25/2011: left knee still wtf, very odd.. came out of nowhere, didn't do anything to tweak it that I know of
01/26/2011: left hamstring tendon a little, turf toe a little - much worse after i stretched it after walking + light interval sprints
01/27/2011: left big toe
01/28/2011: TOE/FOOT.. ok, it felt "ok" all day, after training, it feels so painful it's ridiculous.. definitely a stress fracture in there + turf toe.
01/29/2011: gout toe, very bad during the day, could barely walk, then ibuprofen + water + bananas + ice + lymph drain helped
01/30/2011: gout-toe AFTER training, felt good prior
01/31/2011: none
02/03/2011: big toe slightly after squatting
02/04/2011: bumped right knee in the car - hurt sooooo bad haha, got a lump/cut it open a bit.. then i hit it again, same spot, on some wooden thing.. iced it before going to workout, felt fine during training, more of a flesh wound.
02/05/2011: bump under right knee from yesterday
02/06/2011: left heel (achilles tendonitis ish slightly), left big toe slightly
02/07/2011: left big toe slightly
02/08/2011: right ankle a little (from stretching quads), left toe a little (no ibuprofen???)
02/09/2011: SICK: right elbow + right rotator cuff (shower knob is messed up, took 10min at max force the last two days to shut it off, wrecked my shit), right ankle a little
02/10/2011: SICK: shoulder a little, have to turn the water off to the entire house to turn the shower off, plumber soon hahah
02/11/2011: SICK: where do i start, staph infection is back, feel sick, left nut hurting during bball warmup, left achilles tweaky only a few times throughout the day, slight headache.. legs felt good though, so did shoulder.. left knee bugged out a little during squatting.
02/12/2011: SICK: left nut/groin, left achilles a little, right ankle slightly,  EDIT: left forearm strained from dunk session last night
02/13/2011: SICK: left nut, left forearm still strained, left lower back a little after squatting
02/14/2011: SICK: left toe a little, lower back a little, right ankle a little, left forearm still strained,
02/15/2011: SICK: left forearm strain still, right hip slightly
02/16/2011: SICK: none
02/17/2011: SICK: LEFT KNEE (from slipping yesterday FFFFFFFUUUUUUUUU), lower back slightly during squatting
02/18/2011: SICK: low back a little, knee felt good (from the slip)
02/19/2011: SICK: lower back slightly, ham tendon a little (from picking up my grandpa)
02/20/2011: SICK: right plantar fasciitis WTF, right ham origin after training
02/21/2011: SICK: right PF/foot pad
02/22/2011: right PF/footpad, right thigh bruise (from re-racking the 70 lb db's onto my thighs after db bench, pretty painful today, bad bruise hehe)
02/23/2011: left ham tendon, right thigh bruise
02/24/2011: none
02/25/2011: low back/TLF a bit inflamed, right and left hands wrecked from dunking, bad cut on fingertip, 3 caleouses ripped off
02/26/2011: left patella tendon insertion inflamed until ibuprofen, hands still F'd, right ring finger still cut on fingertip, left achilles a little achy, AFTER TRAINING: back a little achy, right ham tendon a little achy
02/27/2011: right ham tendon slightly (kinda annoying, it definitely pulled a bit yesterday, i felt it on 45deg hyper), hands still stingy but better
02/28/2011: after training: left knee a little, right hip, right ball of foot
03/01/2011: right hip a little, ankles achy, hands & joints of fingers hurt from dunking
03/02/2011: none before training, after dunk session: both hamstrings & hamstring tendons (medial), quads sore
03/03/2011: both medial hamstring tendons slightly strained, back a little fatigued
03/04/2011: right ham tendon a little, after training: right hip a little - did something stupid while squatting

01/11/2011: high
01/12/2011: low
01/13/2011: high
01/14/2011: moderate
01/15/2011: low
01/16/2011: low
01/17/2011: low
01/18/2011: moderate
01/19/2011: moderate
01/20/2011: sick
01/21/2011: sick
01/23/2011: sick
01/24/2011: sick, extremely high fatigue
01/25/2011: sick, high
01/26/2011: sick, high
01/27/2011: sick, moderate
01/28/2011: moderate
01/29/2011: low
01/30/2011: low
01/31/2011: low
02/03/2011: high
02/04/2011: moderate
02/05/2011: high
02/06/2011: very high
02/07/2011: very high
02/08/2011: high
02/09/2011: extremely high
02/10/2011: high
02/11/2011: moderate
02/12/2011: high
02/13/2011: high
02/14/2011: high
02/15/2011: high
02/16/2011: moderate
02/17/2011: moderate
02/18/2011: moderate
02/19/2011: low
02/20/2011: moderate
02/21/2011: high
02/22/2011: moderate
02/23/2011: extremely high
02/24/2011: high (very bad sleep, naps helped though)
02/25/2011: extremely high
02/26/2011: high
02/27/2011: moderate
02/28/2011: moderate
03/01/2011: high
03/02/2011: high kind of (3 hours sleep, mentally tired yet also kind of apeshit aggressive)
03/03/2011: low
03/04/2011: moderate

01/11/2011: 6 hours (6:30am to 12:30pm)
01/12/2011: 9 hours sleep
01/13/2011: 9 hours sleep
01/14/2011: 8 hours sleep
01/15/2011: 10 hours sleep
01/16/2011: 9 hours sleep
01/17/2011: 8 hours sleep
01/18/2011: 8 hours sleep
01/19/2011: 5 hours sleep
01/20/2011: 5 hours sleep
01/20/2011: 5 hours sleep
01/23/2011: 8 hours sleep
01/24/2011: 8 hours sleep
01/25/2011: 8 hours sleep
01/26/2011: 8 hours sleep
01/27/2011: 8 hours sleep
01/28/2011: 10 hours sleep
01/28/2011: 9 hours sleep
01/30/2011: 8 hours sleep
01/31/2011: 10 hours sleep
02/03/2011: 10 hours sleep
02/04/2011: 10 hours sleep
02/05/2011: 7 hours + 3 hours
02/06/2011: 8 hours sleep
02/07/2011: 8 hours sleep
02/08/2011: 9 hours sleep
02/09/2011: 8 hours sleep, same dream over and over (walking in mall and out of mall to my car), happens everytime i get sick (same dream 3-5 times during night)
02/10/2011: 10 hours sleep
02/11/2011: 8 hours sleep
02/11/2011: 10 hours sleep
02/12/2011: 8 hours sleep
02/13/2011: 10 hours sleep
02/14/2011: 10 hours sleep
02/15/2011: 10 hours sleep
02/16/2011: 4 hours sleep (couldn't stop coughing for ~2 hours)
02/17/2011: 9 hours sleep
02/18/2011: 9 hours sleep
02/19/2011: 9 hours sleep
02/20/2011: 8 hours sleep
02/21/2011: 9 hours sleep
02/22/2011: 8 hours sleep
02/23/2011: 9 hours sleep
02/24/2011: ~6 hours, very rough sleep, waking up a ton, really bad, naps during day helped otherwise i would have been toast
02/25/2011: 4 hours, awake for 3 hours, then 3 hours sleep
02/26/2011: 9 hours sleep
02/27/2011: 9 hours sleep
02/28/2011: 8 hours
03/01/2011: 8 hours
03/02/2011: 3 hours (4pm-7pm)
03/03/2011: 3 hours (6am-9am), 4 hours (4pm-8pm)
03/04/2011: 6 hours (12pm-6pm)

01/11/2011: iced right ankle for 20 minutes
01/12/2011: iced ankle twice, need to use colder ice, massaged it hard, felt good temporarily but made it ache more later
01/13/2011: iced right ankle once, felt pretty nice after, used the REALLY cold gel ice pack direct application
01/14/2011: iced ankle before bed
01/15/2011: iced ankle once during day, wanted too before bed but was doing calf raises
01/16/2011: iced left big toe twice
01/17/2011: iced left big toe for 20min
01/18/2011: iced both big toes 3 times each, to complete numbness, brutal
01/19/2011: iced big toe (left) after long walk session
01/20/2011: iced toe
01/21/2011: iced toe
01/24/2011: iced toe after training
01/27/2011: iced toe after training, twice
01/28/2011: iced the hell out of my foot/toe, tons
01/29/2011: iced the hell out of my foot/toe + 6 total ibuprofen
01/30/2011: iced the hell out of my foot/toe + 7 total ibuprofen
01/31/2011: iced toe 3 times, 6 total ibuprofen
02/03/2011: iced toe twice, 6 total ibuprofen
02/04/2011: iced toe twice, 4 total ibuprofen
02/05/2011: iced toe twice, 4 total ibuprofen
02/06/2011: iced toe once, 4 total ibuprofen
02/07/2011: iced toe twice, 0 total ibuprofen
02/08/2011: iced toe twice, 3 total ibuprofen (after training)
02/09/2011: iced toe once, 3 total ibuprofen (before bed)
02/10/2011: iced toe once, 6 total ibuprofen (3 ibu 2x/day)
02/11/2011: nothing & ran out of ibuprofen, need to get some tomorrow
02/14/2011: 2 alive + icing toe after training, toe flaring up after training - some decently painful feelings
02/15/2011: 3 total ibuprofen <- after training
02/16/2011: 2 ibuprofen total <- after training
02/17/2011: 2 ibuprofen total <- after training
02/20/2011: 3 ibuprofen total <-- after training, icing right foot
02/21/2011: 3 ibuprofen total <-- after training, icing rgiht foto
02/22/2011: 3 ibuprofen, 2 ibuprofen, training, 2 ibuprofen..... iced right thigh twice
02/25/2011: iced bottom of foot
02/26/2011: 3 ibuprofen, training, 3 ibuprofen + icing right foot
02/28/2011: 3 ibuprofen <-- after training
03/02/2011: iced right ball of foot
03/03/2011: 6 ibuprofen throughout the day, 3 then 3
03/04/2011: 3 ibuprofen after workout

01/11/2011: hamstrings very good, calfs lightly, stretching quads tomorrow
01/12/2011: hamstrings and low back very good, stretching quads reinjures my ankle.. stretched lower back too much to fix this annoying tweak and now my ham tendon injury is bugging a little
01/13/2011: nothing really, occasionally some back stretches to loosen it up a little, nothing focused though
02/04/2011: light hamstring/glute/adductor stretching
02/05/2011: light hamstring/glute/adductor stretching
02/07/2011: intense hamstring/quad stretching
02/08/2011: stretched adductors good
02/11/2011: stretched adductors good, hamstrings
02/12/2011: stretch groin/adductors, calfs
02/14/2011: groin/adductors, right tfl/piriformis/glutes, both hip flexors/quads
02/20/2011: stretched groin/adductors
02/26/2011: stretched groin/adductors bigtime
02/28/2011: bunch of stretching before sleep
03/01/2011: some stretching
03/02/2011: hamstrings/groin/calfs/bottom of feet
03/03/2011: hamstrings/adductors/calfs throughout the day, actually alot of light stretching
03/04/2011: stretched hip flexors bigtime, adductors/hamstrings


01/11/2011: horrible, very fatigued
01/14/2011: felt good, didn't really get amped up but still landed some nice dunks:
01/19/2011: felt very good, amp'd, turf toe didn't bug me too much but i worried about it flaring, best i've jumped indoor link-to-vid
02/03/2011: felt crappy, 34-35" on max jump, L-SLRVJ on layups got maybe 28
02/04/2011: felt better, 34-35" on max jump again but better consistency, L-SLRVJ layup jumps were much better overall (rim touch every time)
02/05/2011: landed a dunk off lob @ around 45min, close on some dribble ups, lots of layups
02/07/2011: just dribble up attempts, quads dead
02/08/2011: dribble ups and lobs, quads feeling a bit better
02/11/2011: SICK: dribble ups were hard but misses, felt good jumping astonishingly, hit some good jumps/dunks..
02/16/2011: SICK:, landed some good dunks, some real nice misses
02/17/2011: SICK: felt very explosive, was getting up good off 1-step lead & L-SLRVJ
02/18/2011: SICK: warmup sucked, sucked off dribble dunk, early on dunks sucked, then bam, started flying:
02/20/2011: SICK: FLYING.................... too many people on court but flying:
02/22/2011: got up good, but lots of fatigue:
02/24/2011: got up pretty nasty:
02/28/2011: got up pretty nasty again but was mentally out of it
03/02/2011: got up real good, no sleep though, dunk session in morning without sleeping
03/04/2011: was flying early, best warmup jumps/short lob dunks EVER, but way too windy/starting slipping on max RVJ's

01/12/2011: half squat 315 x 5 @ 157, dropping down for 245 x 20 but because of diet only hit 10 and called it quit
01/15/2011: half squat 325 x 5 @ 154, dropping down for 275 x 10+, hit 10 or 11, just toast from 325 ::: link-to-vid
01/17/2011: half squat 315 x 5, 325 x 1, 335 x 1, 345 x 1 (too high), 275 x 10,10,15 (153 lb at time of squat)
01/24/2011: half squat, 45 @ 3 x 10, 135 x 8, 185 x 10, 225 x 10, 245 x 10, 265 x 10, 285 x 8, 305 x 5, (152 at time of squat)
01/28/2011: workout #2: squat @ 151 lb   half SQ: 45 @ 295 x 5, 315 x 6 (7=pinned), knees shift quarter squat: 335 x 5, 355 x 5, 375 x 3, half squat: 275 x 10 (dead)
-- different gym, different rack, pin settings changed ...
02/03/2011: half squat: 45 @ 3 x 10, 135 x 8, 185 x 8, 225 x 5, 245 x 5, 265 x 5, 285 x 5, 305 x 3 (4=fail) (heels elevated too much)
02/04/2011: half squat: 45 @ 3 x 10, 135 x 5, 185 x 5, 225 x 5, 245 x 1,1,1, 265 x 1,1,1 285 x 1,1 305 x 1,1 315 x 1,1
02/05/2011: half squat: 245 @ 5 x 10, 3min rest +++ half squat "MEBM": 225 x 18 ... closer stance, more vmo
02/08/2011: half squat: 295 x 5 good depth, 315 x 4 a little high
02/09/2011: (3-5 sec pause every set) pin 6 squat: 275 x 5,  pin 7 squat: 295 x 5, 315 x 1,1, 325 x 1,1 335 x 1,1
02/11/2011: SICK: half squat: 295 x 5 <- a bit of fatigue from dunk session
02/13/2011: SICK: half squat: 45 @ 4 x 10, 135 x 10, 185 x 10, 235 x 5, 255 x 5, 275 @ 10, 10, 255 x 5 (dead)
02/14/2011: SICK: - S1: half squat pin 6: ... 275 x 5, 295 x 1 ..... pin 7:[/b] 315 x 1, 325 x 1, 335 x 1, 345 x 1, 355 x 1, 365 x 1 ......  pin 6: 315 x 1, 1, 1, 1
02/16/2011: SICK: - half squat (good depth): 285 x 5, 305 x 1, 315 x 1,1  +++ - S1: half squat: 305 x 1, 1, 1, 1
02/17/2011: SICK: - half squat: 45 @ 3x10, 135 x 15, 185 x 15, 225 x 10, 245 x 10, 265 x 10, 285 x 10 <-- very hard but got it
02/18/2011: SICK: pin 6 squat: 275 x 5, 295 x 1, 315 x 1  ++++    pin 7 squat: 335 x 1, 355 x 1, 375 x fail
02/20/2011: SICK: half squat: 45 @ 3 x 10, 135 x 5, 185 x 5, 235 x 5, 255 x 5, 275 x 5, 295 x 5, 315 x 1, 325 x 1, 335 x 1
02/21/2011: SICK: half squat: 45 @ 3 x 10, 135 x 10, 185 x 10, 235 x 10, 265 x 5, 285 x 10
02/22/2011: pin 6 half squat: 295 x 4, 315 x 1, 325 x 1 +++ pin 7 half squat: 335 x 1, 345 x 1, 365 x 1 +++ S1: pin 6 half squat: 315 x 1, 1, 1
02/24/2011: half squat: ... 295 x 5, 315 x 5, 335 x 1  <-- time of squatting, 152
02/25/2011: half squat: 45 @ 3 x 10, 135 x 8, 185 x 8, 235 x 8, 265 x 5, 285 x 15
02/26/2011: - pin 6 squat: ... 275 x 5, 315 x 5, 335 x fail lolol.... +++  pin 7 squat: 335 x 1, 365 x 1, 385 x 1 +++ pin 6 MSEM squat: 315 x 1,1,1,1 <-- 40 seconds rest between each rep +++ pin 6 MSEM squat: 325 x 1,1,fail,fail <-- 60s rest between each rep
02/28/2011: dead: - half squat: 285 x 5, dead.... 245 @ 3 x 10..........
03/02/2011: - half squat pin 6: ... 275 x 5, 305 x 3, 325 x 4, 275 @ 3 x 10 (tired, good though, quads burning)
03/04/2011: - half squat: 275 x 5 (tweaked hip, tried going way too fast like a dumb ass), 315 x 3, 325 x 2, 275 @ 4 x 8, 1 x 11... could have hit 315 for 5 so that's a good sign, dead come 325 x 2 bleh

01/11/2011: neutral grip pullups, done towards the end of a jump rope workout, 2 x 10, 2 x 8
01/12/2011: chinups BW @ 4x10
01/14/2011: a bunch of neutral grip pullups in my reactive workout, sets of 8 and one set of 10
01/16/2011: 4-5 pushup sets x 20, submax
01/17/2011: some pushups throughout the day, sets of 20, sore in chest
01/23/2011: PU = 125, 8 sets of 15-20 light
01/25/2011: few sets of single leg pushups
01/26/2011: pushups in 30 minutes, PU: 40, 25, 25, 25, 25, 25, 25, 20, 30,
01/27/2011: neutral grip pullups: BW @ 10, 10, 10, 10, 8, 8, 8,
01/29/2011: neutral grip pullups: 12, 12, 12, 12, 11, 11,  +  pushups: 45, 35, 35, 40, 30,
01/31/2011: neutral grip pullup: BW @ 15, 13, 14, 12, 12, 7   &&  pushups: BW @ 46, 50, 45, 40,
02/03/2011: S1: neutral grip pullups: BW @ 10, 10, 10, 8, 8, 8
02/04/2011: 5 dips, 30 pushups lol
02/05/2011: 45 lb plate swing @ 3 x 6
02/07/2011: S1: db swing: 40 lb @ 5 x 8
02/08/2011: neutral grip pullups: BW @ 10
02/11/2011: S1: stiff arm plate swings: 45 lb @ 10, 10, 10,
02/14/2011: - S3: plate swing: 5, 5, 5, 5, 5
02/16/2011: - S2: stiff arm plate swing: 45 lb @ 5, 5, 5, 5
02/17/2011: - S1: max-speed neutral grip pullups: 8, 8, 8,    +++    - S2: max-speed neutral grip pullups: 8, 8, 8
02/20/2011: - S2: 45 lb plate swing: 10, 10
02/21/2011: - S1: explosive neutral grip pullups done for max speed: BW @ 4 x 8
02/22/2011: - S1: ballistic neutral grip pullups: 8, 8, 8
02/24/2011: - S1: 45 lb stiff arm plate raises: 10, 10 <-- very explosive
02/25/2011: - S1: ballistic neutral grip pullup: BW @ 10, 10, 10
02/26/2011: - S1: ballistic neutral grip pullup: 8, 8, 8
03/02/2011: - S2: ballistic neutral grip pullups: 3 x 10

02/04/2011: DB bench: 40 lb @ 2 x 10, 50 lb x 10 (last rep = pause ~20s then press)
02/07/2011: flat DB bench: 50 @ 3 x 10, 55 x 5, 60 x 8
02/09/2011: db bench: 60 lb @ 3 x 8, pause on last rep of each set (5s)
02/14/2011: S2: db bench: 50 @ 10, 60 @ 8,8 65 @ 8
02/16/2011: - S1: DB bench: 45 x 10, 55 x 5, 65 x 5, 70 x fail
02/17/2011: - S1: db bench: 50 x 15, 60 x 10, 65 x 10
02/18/2011: - db bench: 50 x 5, 60 x 5, 65 x 8
02/20/2011: - S1: db bench: 50 x 5, 60 x 5, 65 x 10
02/21/2011: - db bench press: 50 x 10, 60 x 5, 70 x FAIL, 65 x FAIL <-- lmao, fatigued
02/22/2011: - S1: db bench: 47.5 x 10, 55 x 10, 60 x 12
02/24/2011: - db bench press: 50 x 10, 60 x 14
02/25/2011: - S1: db bench press: 50 x 10, 60 x 5, 65 x 10
02/26/2011: - S1: db bench: 50 x 10, 60 x 10
03/02/2011: - S1: db bench: 55 @ 3 x 10
03/04/2011: - S1: db bench press: 45 x 10, 55 x 8, 60 x 8, 65 x 7

02/05/2011: 60 lb @ 3 x 8
02/08/2011: 65 lb @ 3 x 8
02/11/2011: 1-arm db row: 65 lb x 10 <-- one set hah
02/16/2011: - S1 DB row: 45 x 10, 55 x 5, 65 x 5, 70 x 5
02/18/2011: - S1: db 1-arm row: 70 x 5, 80 x 5, 85 x 5
02/20/2011: - S1: db row: 50 x 5, 60 x 5, 65 x 10
02/24/2011: - db row: 65 x 8, 75 x 8
03/04/2011: - S2: db 1 arm row: 65 x 5e, 75 x 5e, 85 x 5e

01/11/2011: bodyweight: 70, 100, 100, 100
01/13/2011: total prone reverse hyper reps: 910
01/14/2011: 3 x 100
01/16/2011: 4-5 x 100, plus a ton of prone reverse hypers: 750 total
01/17/2011: CR-70, PU-20, GB-100, CR-70, PU-20, GB-120, PU-20, CR-80, GB-150, CR-70, GB-100, CR-60,
01/18/2011: PRH @ 50 + 60 + 60 + 60 + 60 + 60 + 100 + 100 + 100 + 100 + 50 + 50 + 50 + 50 + 50 = 1000 !!
01/23/2011: GB total = 800, 8x100
01/25/2011: GB-220, GB-130+70+100+100+100+100
01/29/2011: glute bridges: 150, 120, 120, 150, 210,  (short rest)
01/31/2011: prone rev hyper: 100, 100, 100,
02/03/2011: S1: 45deg hyper: BW x 40, BW + 25 lb x 20, 20, 20, BW x 40
02/04/2011: 45deg hyper: 45, 45, 35, 35, 30 <- hams/glutes toast
02/07/2011: S1: 45deg hyper: BW @ 50, BW + 35 lb @ 20, 20, 23, BW @ 50, 60, 80
02/09/2011: S1: 45 deg hyper: 55, 50, 50,
02/11/2011: S1: 45deg hyper: BW + 25 lb @ 30, 30, 30
02/13/2011: prone rev hyper: with waffles on @ 100, 100, 100,    ++++++ glute bridge: 100 <- felt like a feather
02/14/2011: - S3: 45deg hyper: BW x 50, BW + 35 lb @ 30,30,30, BW x 100
02/16/2011: - S2: 45 deg hyper: BW @ 50, BW + 35 @ 25, 25, 25, BW x 70
02/17/2011: - S2: 45deg hyper: BW @ 50, 60 ,70
02/18/2011: - 45deg hyper: BW x 50, BW + 35 lb @ 30, 30
02/20/2011: - S2: 45 deg hyper: BW x 80, BW + 35 x 35
02/21/2011: - S1: 45 deg hyper: BW x 80, BW + 25 lb x 40, BW + 35 lb x 40
02/24/2011: - S1: 45 deg hyper: BW x 100, BW + 35 lb x 30
02/25/2011: - 45 deg hyper: BW x 20, BW + 35 lb @ 4 x 30, BW + 45 lb x 25
02/26/2011: - 45 deg hyper: BW x 70
03/01/2011: prone reverse hyper: 100 + 100 + 150 + 100 + 100 + 100
03/04/2011: - 45 deg hyper: BW @ 5 x 50, 1 x 80

01/11/2011: bodyweight: 40, 50, 50, 50
01/12/2011: BW x 50, 50, 50, 50
01/14/2011: 35 lb total + BW @ 50, 60, 50
01/15/2011: 60, 60, 60, 50, 50, 50, 50    
01/17/2011: CR-70, PU-20, GB-100, CR-70, PU-20, GB-120, PU-20, CR-80, GB-150, CR-70, GB-100, CR-60, AND 35 lb total @ 60,50,50
01/23/2011: CR = 445 total, highest set = 100
01/25/2011: CR-100, CR-100, CR-100,
01/30/2011: BW + 35 lb total @ 50, 50, 50, 50, 50, 50,
02/05/2011: BW + 60 lb total @ 5 x 25
02/09/2011: - S1: db calf raise: BW + 60 lb total @ 30, 30, 40
02/14/2011: - S2: db calf raise: 30 @ 30, 30, 35, 35
02/18/2011: - S1: db calf raises: 30 lb each hand @ 30, 30, 30
02/22/2011: - db calf raises: 40 lb each hand @ 4 x 30, 45 each hand @ 1 x 30
02/26/2011: - S1: db (each hand) calf raise: 50 x 30, 60 x 25, 50 x 30, 50 x 30, 50 x 30
03/02/2011: - S1: db calf raises: 47.5 @ 3 x 25 ........ 40 @ 3  30
03/04/2011: - S1: db calf raise: 45 lb each hand @ 4 x 30, +++ - S2: db calf raise:  55 lb each hand @ 1 x 25, 65 @ 1 x 25, 75 @ 1 x 20


01/11/2011: barbell low squat ankle hops (worked up to ~4 sets of 95 lb x 50) + barbell mini pogos (45 lb, sets of 100)
01/14/2011: barbell low squat ankle hops (worked up to ~4 sets of 115 lb x 40), tons of jump rope
01/15/2011: interval sprints mixed in with 6 mile walk @ 20 x 6 or so, 8 x 5 for MR half tucks
01/19/2011: light interval sprints mixed in with 12-14 mile walk (in 2.5 hours), very bouncy, didn't lose bounce at all, stopped by cops twice in 2 diff cities
01/27/2011: 7 miles traveled, bunch of nice 20-30 yard sprints, felt good, acceleration suffering cause of sore hamstrings, then a bunch of MR halftucks, and sets of 30, 30, 20, 20
01/30/2011: max effort sprints (20's and a few 40's), MR halftucks: 5 x 30, 5 x 15
02/25/2011: - submax MR half tucks: 25, 25, 25, 25, 50 +++ submax LBJ's: 50, 50,  +++ submax MR half tucks: 50,
02/26/2011: - MR halftuck: 4 x 20, 2 x 50

01/11/2011: 5500 total jump rope reps, felt great, mostly sets of 200-300 turns, one set of 400 turns in 3min
01/12/2011: 2200 total jump rope turns
01/14/2011: 4430 total turns, mostly sets of 300
02/03/2011: basketball work/dribbling/shooting
02/04/2011: basketball work/dribbling/shooting
02/05/2011: basketball work/dribbling/shooting
02/07/2011: basketball work/dribbling/shooting
02/08/2011: basketball work/dribbling/shooting
02/09/2011: basketball work/dribbling/shooting (very light, sick)
02/14/2011: basketball work/dribbling/shooting (light, sick)
02/16/2011: bball work : explosive moves + pullup j's, some explosive layups etc, everything pretty powerful (L-SLRVJ=10'6, R-SLRVJ=10'2)
02/17/2011: bball work: explosive moves/dribbling/shooting, powerful
02/21/2011: 1.5 hours of bball work, some explosive moves but mostly recovery
02/25/2011: - very long warmup, because i felt dead, ~30min of light bball work
02/26/2011: felt CRAZY explosive... didn't do any jumps though, not even ME layups.. stuck to explosive dribbling/pullup J's etc.. about 30 minutes of this after a light warmup.

01/15/2011: 6 mile walk with interval sprints/reactive work mixed in
01/17/2011: 7 mile walk with light interval jogs mixed in, felt so explosive/bouncy
01/19/2011: 12-14 mile walk with light interval sprints mixed in, very bouncy, didn't lose bounce at all, stopped by cops in 2 cities
01/24/2011: 6 miles walking + light interval sprints
01/26/2011: 7 miles walking + light jogs
01/27/2011: 7 miles walk + sprints & MR halftucks
01/28/2011: 8 miles walked + light jogs mixed in
01/30/2011: 6 miles walked + max effort sprints (20's and a few 40's) + mr halftucks (5 x 30, 5 x 15)
02/06/2011: lymph drain 30min
02/07/2011: lymph drain 30min

02/05/2011: hanging knee raises: 3 x 18-20

02/10/2011: REST!!!!
02/12/2011: REST!!!!
02/15/2011: REST!!!!
02/18/2011: REST!!!!
02/23/2011: REST!!!!
02/27/2011: REST!!!!
03/01/2011: REST!!!!
03/03/2011: REST!!!!


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Re: ADARQ's journal
« Reply #3023 on: March 05, 2011, 09:18:33 pm »
one of my workup sets from last night, didnt put any top sets koz i failed my objective.. anyway this is the set that tweaked my hip a little..


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Re: ADARQ's journal
« Reply #3024 on: March 05, 2011, 09:28:29 pm »
If yu don't mind me asking, how many years have you been working on increasing your vertical and how much have you gained since then?


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Re: ADARQ's journal
« Reply #3025 on: March 06, 2011, 01:13:45 am »
If yu don't mind me asking, how many years have you been working on increasing your vertical and how much have you gained since then?

well, check my bio out, goto about -> bio (at the top), but, i forget i think i started vert training in 2007 with a 10'4 touch (highest it had been in a long time because I was so in shape from boxing and ridiculously lean).. and I got it up to 11'2 touch by 2009 or so (the first time i dunked was in 2008 at age 26).. then I "quit" all training for like 6-7 months for some crazy reason, had never quit training my entire life until that point.. so now we're well into 2010, that's when i got back into training for vert, had to restart, had more of a 10'2 touch after a month or so of working out/jumping... then I kept getting back into shape and improving my training so, i'd say im about 10 months or so since the onset of that re-training period.. not sure of the exact dates.. im back up to 11'+ touch, trying to put everything together right now for a climb to 11'6+



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Re: ADARQ's journal
« Reply #3026 on: March 06, 2011, 01:35:08 am »
for last night's 275 x 5 workup set focusing on speed:

so i got 9 hours sleep last night and i felt tired all day and weak.....................................................


bw = 149.6
soreness = none
aches/injuries = left & right ham tendon very slightly, right hip a little (lame)
fatigue = high, very tired today
diet = 3 eggs + protein/water-drink + A1 + sunflower seeds + 1 banana, 3 eggs + protein/water-drink + 2 cheese + sunflower seeds + 2 bananas + vit-C-drink

active rest workout:
- prone reverse hypers: (still in the process of doing them, goal = 1000 total), 100 + 100 + 120 + ... i'll edit tomorrow or later..

funny, i finally get alot of sleep, and i feel crazy tired.. still tired right now i might actually sleep soon (very early).. legs felt like jello all day until after my second egg dinner, now they feel pretty good.

tomorrow dunks hopefully, dont have much time to do it but should be able to get something in




Purpose: To log data in a format that is easier to analyze (for ourselves and readers of our journals), so that training setbacks are avoided & progression is of primary importance, thus making our training as efficient & effective as possible.

How-to: Copy, Paste & modify the template to suit your needs: Include this post at the end of each of your training journal posts by clicking "modify" on your previous post, copy and paste it into the current post, and then add the new data.

- DO NOT squat without heels elevated, used to heels elevated, too much sitting back aggravates back injury
- DO NOT deadlift aggravates back injury
- DO NOT overstretch quads, aggravates ankle injury <-- happens every time, STOP IT
- as of 1/15/2011, don't do 325 x 5, instead, hit MSEM singles at 325+, stay 305-315 x 5+
- cut out milk, water + protein shakes from now on, more vitamin C, at least 6 bananas per day, more chicken/eggs
- utilize pin squats more, pin 6 work up then transition into pin 7

01/11/2011: PROJECT SSR7, get down to 150 or less as soon as possible.. maintain 315 x 5 half squat strength + keep a set of 20 maintained (245-265), fix right ankle, more interval conditioning, don't neglect my necessary exercises



01/11/2011: 159
01/12/2011: 158
01/13/2011: 156
01/14/2011: 156
01/15/2011: 155.4
01/16/2011: 154.4
01/17/2011: 154.0
01/18/2011: 153.6
01/19/2011: 154.4
01/20/2011: 153
01/21/2011: 153
01/23/2011: 153.6
01/24/2011: 154
01/25/2011: 152.8 (nopoop)
01/26/2011: 153.6
01/27/2011: 151.6
01/28/2011: 152.2
01/29/2011: 151.4
01/30/2011: 154
01/31/2011: 154
02/03/2011: 153
02/04/2011: 153
02/05/2011: 152
02/06/2011: 154
02/07/2011: 155
02/08/2011: 155
02/09/2011: 153
02/10/2011: 152.8
02/11/2011: 153.0
02/12/2011: 152.6
02/13/2011: 150.8
02/14/2011: 153
02/15/2011: 153
02/16/2011: 152
02/17/2011: 155
02/18/2011: 153
02/19/2011: 152.4
02/20/2011: 153
02/21/2011: 152.4
02/22/2011: 151
02/23/2011: 151
02/24/2011: 154
02/25/2011: 152
02/26/2011: 152
02/27/2011: 154
02/28/2011: 153
03/01/2011: 152
03/02/2011: 152
03/03/2011: 151
03/04/2011: 151
03/05/2011: 149.6

01/11/2011: protein shake, jumps/dunks + protein shake, protein shake, philly cheese steaks + fries, 2 cookies, training, protein shake
01/12/2011: southwestern chicken sandwhich (mcdonalds), protein shake, cheeseburger, training, protein shake, protein shake + turkey & cheese sandwhich
01/13/2011: protein shake, southern chicken sandwhich, 4 slices pizza + piece of cake (FML), southern chicken sandwhich (had another one ready :) + 2 bananas
01/14/2011: smaller protein shake + 1 teaspoon coffee, smaller protein shake + 1 teaspoon coffee, dunking + protein shake, egg & cheese sandwhich (2 eggs, multi grain bread), reactive session, protein shake, protein shake + turkey and cheese sandwhich
01/15/2011: protein shake, cheeseburger, protein shake, training + protein shake, protein shake, turkey & cheese sandwhich
01/16/2011: protein shake, greek salad (feta/olives/peppers/dressing/lettuce) with grilled chicken (epic), cheeseburger (ground beef) on multigrain bread, light-training, protein shake + banana
01/17/2011:  protein shake + 2 teaspoon coffee, driving around looking for a court for 1.5 hours, cheeseburger on multigrain bread + banana, 7 mile walk, small protein shake, squatting, protein shake, turkey & cheese + banana + protein shake
01/18/2011: protein shake + banana, egg sandwhich with cheese + banana + protein shake, protein shake + 2 bananas, turkey & cheese sandwich
01/19/2011: protein shake + 2 teaspoon coffee, dunking + monster energy + protein shake, protein shake, cheeseburger, training + payday chocolate bar (stopped at CVS), protein shake, protein shake + turkey & cheese sandwich
01/20/2011: SICK: prot shake, cheeseburger, prot shake, prot shake + turkey & cheese
01/21/2011: SICK: chocolate covered almonds, philly cheesesteak + fries, 2 cookies, chocolate covered almonds.. tons of liquid, bad idea, mucous bigtime after that
01/22/2011: SICK: 3 bags of chocolate covered almonds, thats it
01/23/2011: SICK: 3 bananas, beef stew + 2 cookies, 3 bananas + some fig newtons + protein drink (no milk just protein)
01/24/2011: SICK: chicken soup + milkLESS protein shake, milkLESS protein shake + a few fig newtons, walking + light sprinting, squatting, milkLESS protein shake + banana, milkLESS protein shake + turkey & cheese sandwhich + tea + gatorade drink
01/25/2011: SICK: chicken soup + milkLESS protein shake, milkLESS protein shake + 2 bananas, cheeseburger + 2 bananas, milkLESS protein shake
01/26/2011: SICK: double chicken tariyaki stir fry, 1cupmilk protein shake + 1 banana, training, 1cupmilk protein shake + 1 banana, 1cupmilk protein shake + 1 banana
01/27/2011: SICK: 1cupMilk protein shake + 1 banana, 4 slices of pizza + 1cupMilk protein shake + 2 cookies, trainingA, milkLESS protein shake, trainingB, 1cup milk protein shake + cookie, glass of gatoraid, 1cupMilk protein shake
01/28/2011: chicken soup + 1cupMilk protein shake, 1cupMilk protein shake + cookie + banana, workout #1, 1cupmilk protein shake, workout #2, 1cupmilk protein, 1cupmilk protein shake + turkey and cheese sandwhich + 1 banana
01/29/2011: protein shake, 2 ibuprofen + gatorade, cheeseburger + almonds + 1 banana, 2 ibuprofen + gatorade + 2 bananas, protein shake + 2 bananas + 2 ibuprofen + gatorade
01/30/2011: gatorade + 2 ibuprofen + protein shake + 2 bananas, gatorade + 2 ibuprofen, greek salad + grilled chicken, 5 granola bars + 1 cookie, training, gatorade + 3 ibuprofen + 1 banana + protein shake, almonds
01/31/2011: gatorade + 2 ibuprofen + protein shake + 1 banana, gumbo soup (chunky) + almonds, gatorade + 2 ibuprofen, gatorade + 2 ibuprofen + protein shake + 3 bananas + turkey & cheese sandwich
02/03/2011: gatorade + 2 ibuprofen + protein shake, 2 spicy chicken sandwiches from wendy's & some fries, training + protein shake, protein shake + gatorade + 2 ibuprofen, turkey & cheese sandwhich + gatorade + 2 ibuprofen
02/04/2011: protein shake + gatorade + 2 ibuprofen, egg and cheese sandwhich on multigrain bread, bag of chocolate almonds, training + protein shake, protein shake + gatorade + 2 ibuprofen, turkey & cheese sandwich + gatorade + small amount of trail mix (so good)
02/05/2011: protein shake + gatorade + 2 ibuprofen, egg and cheese sandwhich on multigrain bread + banana + trail mix, training + protein shake, protein shake + gatorade + 2 ibuprofen, peanutbutter sandwich + banana
02/06/2011: protein shake + gatorade + 2 ibuprofen + chocolate almonds, philly cheesesteak + fries + 2 cookies, banana + gatorade + 2 ibuprofen + some chocolates
02/07/2011: protein shake + gatorade, chocolates + egg & cheese sandwhich + gatorade, training + protein shake, protein shake + gatorade, PB sandwhich + 2 bananas + protein shake + gatorade
02/08/2011: protein shake + gatorade, 2 slices pizza + reeces m&m's (whole bag) + green tea, training + protein shake, protein shake, gatorade + 2 bananas + 3 ibuprofen, gatorade + protein shake + 2 bananas
02/09/2011: SICK: water/protein drink + banana, walk + popcorn chicken (big size :), multi vitamin + vitamin C drink + banana, vitamin C drink + banana + water/protein drink, training + vitamin C drink + water/protein drink, vitamin C drink + water/protein drink + 2 bananas + some peanuts, 2 bananas + pb burrito + 3 ibuprofen
02/10/2011: SICK: diet = protein/water drink + vitamin C drink + 2 bananas, popcorn chicken + vitamin C drink + 2 bananas, beef/veggie chunky soup + vitamin C drink + 2 bananas, vitamin C drink + 3 ibuprofen + some peanutbutter (2-3tblspn) + 1 banana
02/11/2011: SICK: pollo tropical quarter chicken white, probiotic + vit C drink, 3 eggs + 3 pieces of cheese + 2 bananas + green tea, training + protein/water-drink + vit-C-drink, protein/water-drink + vit-C-drink + 2 bananas, vit-C-drink + chicken & sausage gumbo chunky soup + 2 bananas
02/12/2011: SICK: vit-C-drink + probiotic + 2 bananas, 3 eggs + 2 pieces of cheese + 2 bananas + 5 pieces of chocolate, water/protein-drink + vitamin-C-drink + 2 bananans + 5 chocolates, chunky soup + vit-C-drink + probiotic + 1 banana + water/protein-drink
02/13/2011: SICK: vit-C-drink + probiotic + 2 bananas + 3-4 chocolate covered cherries (real small but mad good), pot roast (wuth carrots/potatos etc) + small spinach salad + 3 chocolates, 1 banana, training + vit-C-drink, protein/water-drink + vit-C-drink + 1 banana, 3 bananas + PB burrito + protein/water-drink + vit-C-drink + probiotic
02/14/2011: SICK: vit-C-drink + probiotic + water/protein-drink, 3 eggs + 2 cheese + some sunflower seeds + peanuts + green tea + 2 bananas, protein/water-drink + training, vit-C-drink + probiotic + 2 alieve + some peanuts/sunflower seeds + 2 bananas + protein/water-drink + beef/veggie chunky soup
02/15/2011: SICK:  vit-C-drink + probiotic + protein/water-drink + 1 banana, 1/4th chicken breast + vit-C-drink + 3 bananas + 1 cornbread, vit-C-drink + 3 eggs + 2 cheese + sunflower seeds + peanuts + 3 bananas, protein/water-drink + 1 ibuprofen
02/16/2011: SICK: protein/coffee/water-drink, training + protein/gatorade-drink, beef jerkey + green tea, chipotle big chicken burrito, tons of DIET coke, training #2 + protein/gatorade-drink, protein/water-drink + 2 bananas + 4 chocolates + vit-C-drink + probiotic, potroast + veggie chunky soup + gatorade-drink + 2 ibuprofen + 1 meatlover's pizza slice + 2 bananas
02/17/2011: SICK: protein + 3 bananas, 3 eggs + 1 cheese + sunflower seeds/peanuts + 5 chocolates + vit-C-drink + probiotic, training + gatorade/protein-drink, gatorade/protein-drink, chunky soup + vit-C-drink + probiotic + 2 ibuprofen + 3 bananas + a few chocolate peanuts
02/18/2011: SICK: 8 hershey's chocolate squares + protein/gatorade/vit-C-drink, 3 eggs + 1 cheese + vit-C-drink + probiotic + sunflower seeds + 2 bananans, 4 hersheys squares, training + gatorade/protein-drink, protein-drink + 4 chocolates + 2 bananas, beef/veggie soup + 2 bananas + vit-C-drink + probiotic + a few chocolate peanuts
02/19/2011: SICK: protein/water-drink + vit-C-drink + probiotic + 2 banananas, 3 eggs + 2 chese + 5 chocolate squares + sunflower seeds + vit-C-drink + 3 bananas, protein/water-drink + 4 chocolate squares + 3 bananas, gumbo chunky soup + vit-C-drink + probiotic + protein/water-drink + 2 chocolate squares + 1 banana
02/20/2011: SICK: banana + protein/water-drink + vit-C-drink + probiotic, 3 eggs + 2 cheese + sunflower seeds + 1 banana + protein/coffee-drink, green tea + 4 chocolates, training + protein/gatorade/vit-C-drink, protein/gatorade-drink, protein/gatorade/vit-C-drink + probiotic + 3 ibuprofen + turkey & cheese sandwich + 4 bananas
02/21/2011: SICK: 4 dark chocolates + protein/water-drink + 1 banana, bacon angus snack wrap + sunflower seeds + 2 bananas, 4 chocolates + protein/vit-C/gatorade-drink + probiotic, training + protein/vit-C/gatorade-drink, 3 ibuprofen + protein/vit-C/gatorade-drink + 2 chocolates, beef + veggie chunky soup + protein/vit-C/gatorade-drink + probiotic + 2 bananas,
02/22/2011: protein/water-drink + 1 banana, 3 eggs + 2 cheese + sunflower seeds + protein/gatorade/vit-C/probiotic-drink, protein/gatorade-drink, training + protein/gatorade-drink, protein/gatorade/vit-C-drink + 1 banana, 2 bananas + beef/veggie chunky soup + protein/gatorade-drink + 2 ibuprofen,
02/23/2011: diet = two mcdonalds snack wraps (chicken, steak) + 4 bananas + vit-C-drink + probiotic, 4 chocolates, greek salad + grilled chicken, 4 biscotti's, 4 bananas + some chocolates + gatorade/vit-C-drink, protein/gatorade/vit-C-drink + 8 chocolates
02/24/2011: protein/gatorade/vit-c/probiotic-drink + 4 chocolates, 3 eggs + 2 cheese + sunflower seeds + protein/coffee(3tspn)-drink + 4 chocolates, 4 chocolates + protein/gatorade-drink, training + protein/gatorade/vit-C/drink , protein/gatorade/vit-C-drink, beef + veggie chunky soup + biscotti
02/25/2011: 3 mcdonalds crispy chicken snack wraps + 2 cookies, protein/gatorade/vit-C/probiotic-drink + 10 chocolates, chicken noodle soup + protein/water-drink + 4 chocolates, training + protein/gatorade/vitamin-C-drink, protein/gatorade/vitamin-C-drink, 3/4th pint of vanilla bean haagendazs + loaded turkey & cheese sandwich + 2 vit-c-drinks
02/26/2011: protein/gatorade/vit-C/probiotic-drink + 10 chocolates, 2 bananas + popcorn chicken + sunflower seeds, training + protein/gatorade/vit-C-drink, protein/gatorade-drink + 7 chocolates + 2 bananas, beef + veggie chunky soup + 2 bananas,
02/27/2011: 4 bananas + popcorn chicken, 3 bananas + greek salad + grilled chicken + 2 biscotti, 4 bananas + 5 chocolates + trail mix + protein/gatorade/vit-C/probiotic-drink
02/28/2011: protein/gatorade/vit-C/probiotic-drink, 3 eggs + 1 cheese + sunflower seeds + banana + coffee drink (3tspn coffee), protein/gatorade/vit-C-drink, training + protein/gatorade/vit-C-drink, beef + veggie chunky soup + vit-C drink + tons of water + 3 ibuprofen
-- EGG DIET !! --
03/01/2011: protein/water-drink + 1 banana, 2 eggs + 1 banana + vit-C-drink + sunflower seeds, 3 eggs + 2 cheese + sunflower seeds + 2 bananas + vit-C-drink, protein/water-drink + pb sandwich + 2 bananas,
03/02/2011: 2 tspn coffee + whey protein, protein/gatorade-drink, training + protein/gatorade/vit-C-drink, protein-drink, 3 eggs + sunflower seeds + 3 biscotti, training + protein/gatorade/vit-C-drink, protein-drink, vit-C/probiotic-drink + 3 eggs + sunflower seeds + 1 banana
03/03/2011: 3 eggs + protein/water-drink + vit-C-drink + sunflower seeds + 1 banana, sleep 4 hours, beef/veggie chunky soup + 1 banana, 3 eggs + some A1 sauce + vit-C-drink + sunflower seeds + 2 bananas
03/04/2011:  blueberries-inside-glass-of-water + protein/water drink + banana, sleep 12pm-6pm, arabic coffee+protein drink (bolthouse), 3eggs + some sunflower seeds, training + protein/vit-C/gatorade-drink, beef+veggie chunky soup + 2 bananas, 3 eggs + A1 sauce + 2 cheese + bunch of blueberries + sunflower seeds + 3 ibuprofen
03/05/2011: 3 eggs + protein/water-drink + A1 + sunflower seeds + 1 banana, 3 eggs + protein/water-drink + 2 cheese + sunflower seeds + 2 bananas + vit-C-drink

01/11/2011: hamstrings a little
01/12/2011: none
01/13/2011: calfs a little
01/14/2011: none
01/15/2011: calfs
01/16/2011: none
01/17/2011: none
01/18/2011: none
01/19/2011: none
01/20/2011: calfs
01/21/2011: none
01/23/2011: none
01/24/2011: none
01/25/2011: hamstrings
01/26/2011: hamstrings (a ton), glutes a little
01/27/2011: hamstrings (a lot)
01/28/2011: hamstrings still
01/29/2011: hamstrings, quads FATIGUED (quarter squats ftw)
01/30/2011: hamstrings a little, quads fatigued
01/31/2011: calfs a little
02/03/2011: hamstrings, quads
02/04/2011: hamstrings, glutes, quads
02/05/2011: very sore, hamstrings (mostly), glutes, quads
02/06/2011: extremely sore in hamstrings & quads, glutes sore
02/07/2011: extremely sore in quads (vmo mostly) and hamstrings
02/08/2011: hamstrings a little, calfs a little, quads a little (fatigued)
02/09/2011: calfs/hams/quads
02/10/2011: none really (calfs a little actually)
02/11/2011: none
02/12/2011: hamstrings, calfs
02/13/2011: none
02/14/2011: none
02/15/2011: none
02/16/2011: none
02/17/2011: none
02/18/2011: none
02/19/2011: none
02/20/2011: none
02/21/2011: calfs slightly, quads/vmos slightly
02/22/2011: none
02/23/2011: calfs
02/24/2011: calfs a little
02/25/2011: quads (vmo's mostly), calfs
02/26/2011: calfs alot
02/27/2011: calfs alot
02/28/2011: none
03/01/2011: vmo's + hams
03/02/2011: quads a little, hamstrings a little, hands hurt from dunking (ripped 3 caleousesdfsdgsd, some fingertips bleeding)
03/03/2011: hamstrings slightly, calfs, vmo's slightly
03/04/2011: none
03/05/2011: none

01/11/2011: right ankle (need to ice it more)
01/12/2011: right ankle, left lower back/glute at night (weird), bottom of feet a little
01/13/2011: right ankle a little, left glute/lower back a little
01/14/2011: right ankle VERY slightly, felt good pretty much all day even during dunk session
01/15/2011: right ankle a little, big toes sore/strained from all the jump rope
01/16/2011: left big toe/ball of foot = turf toe, pretty painful
01/17/2011: left big toe (turf toe) , felt better initially today, even when thinking i'd be able to dunk, calf raises aggravated it throughout the day
01/18/2011: ok here we go, both big toes (left is worse), left knee a little, hm that's it ok nevermind
01/19/2011: left toe felt a little weird waking up, felt fine during dunk session amazingly, feels horrible AFTER my 14 mile walk + interval jogs
01/20/2011: left bigtoe VERY BAD..
01/21/2011: left big toe, a little better than 1/20/2011, positive sign
01/23/2011: none early on, big toe during/after calf raises
01/24/2011: left big toe a little, left knee a little (odd about the knee)
01/25/2011: left knee still wtf, very odd.. came out of nowhere, didn't do anything to tweak it that I know of
01/26/2011: left hamstring tendon a little, turf toe a little - much worse after i stretched it after walking + light interval sprints
01/27/2011: left big toe
01/28/2011: TOE/FOOT.. ok, it felt "ok" all day, after training, it feels so painful it's ridiculous.. definitely a stress fracture in there + turf toe.
01/29/2011: gout toe, very bad during the day, could barely walk, then ibuprofen + water + bananas + ice + lymph drain helped
01/30/2011: gout-toe AFTER training, felt good prior
01/31/2011: none
02/03/2011: big toe slightly after squatting
02/04/2011: bumped right knee in the car - hurt sooooo bad haha, got a lump/cut it open a bit.. then i hit it again, same spot, on some wooden thing.. iced it before going to workout, felt fine during training, more of a flesh wound.
02/05/2011: bump under right knee from yesterday
02/06/2011: left heel (achilles tendonitis ish slightly), left big toe slightly
02/07/2011: left big toe slightly
02/08/2011: right ankle a little (from stretching quads), left toe a little (no ibuprofen???)
02/09/2011: SICK: right elbow + right rotator cuff (shower knob is messed up, took 10min at max force the last two days to shut it off, wrecked my shit), right ankle a little
02/10/2011: SICK: shoulder a little, have to turn the water off to the entire house to turn the shower off, plumber soon hahah
02/11/2011: SICK: where do i start, staph infection is back, feel sick, left nut hurting during bball warmup, left achilles tweaky only a few times throughout the day, slight headache.. legs felt good though, so did shoulder.. left knee bugged out a little during squatting.
02/12/2011: SICK: left nut/groin, left achilles a little, right ankle slightly,  EDIT: left forearm strained from dunk session last night
02/13/2011: SICK: left nut, left forearm still strained, left lower back a little after squatting
02/14/2011: SICK: left toe a little, lower back a little, right ankle a little, left forearm still strained,
02/15/2011: SICK: left forearm strain still, right hip slightly
02/16/2011: SICK: none
02/17/2011: SICK: LEFT KNEE (from slipping yesterday FFFFFFFUUUUUUUUU), lower back slightly during squatting
02/18/2011: SICK: low back a little, knee felt good (from the slip)
02/19/2011: SICK: lower back slightly, ham tendon a little (from picking up my grandpa)
02/20/2011: SICK: right plantar fasciitis WTF, right ham origin after training
02/21/2011: SICK: right PF/foot pad
02/22/2011: right PF/footpad, right thigh bruise (from re-racking the 70 lb db's onto my thighs after db bench, pretty painful today, bad bruise hehe)
02/23/2011: left ham tendon, right thigh bruise
02/24/2011: none
02/25/2011: low back/TLF a bit inflamed, right and left hands wrecked from dunking, bad cut on fingertip, 3 caleouses ripped off
02/26/2011: left patella tendon insertion inflamed until ibuprofen, hands still F'd, right ring finger still cut on fingertip, left achilles a little achy, AFTER TRAINING: back a little achy, right ham tendon a little achy
02/27/2011: right ham tendon slightly (kinda annoying, it definitely pulled a bit yesterday, i felt it on 45deg hyper), hands still stingy but better
02/28/2011: after training: left knee a little, right hip, right ball of foot
03/01/2011: right hip a little, ankles achy, hands & joints of fingers hurt from dunking
03/02/2011: none before training, after dunk session: both hamstrings & hamstring tendons (medial), quads sore
03/03/2011: both medial hamstring tendons slightly strained, back a little fatigued
03/04/2011: right ham tendon a little, after training: right hip a little - did something stupid while squatting
03/05/2011: left & right ham tendon very slightly, right hip a little (lame)

01/11/2011: high
01/12/2011: low
01/13/2011: high
01/14/2011: moderate
01/15/2011: low
01/16/2011: low
01/17/2011: low
01/18/2011: moderate
01/19/2011: moderate
01/20/2011: sick
01/21/2011: sick
01/23/2011: sick
01/24/2011: sick, extremely high fatigue
01/25/2011: sick, high
01/26/2011: sick, high
01/27/2011: sick, moderate
01/28/2011: moderate
01/29/2011: low
01/30/2011: low
01/31/2011: low
02/03/2011: high
02/04/2011: moderate
02/05/2011: high
02/06/2011: very high
02/07/2011: very high
02/08/2011: high
02/09/2011: extremely high
02/10/2011: high
02/11/2011: moderate
02/12/2011: high
02/13/2011: high
02/14/2011: high
02/15/2011: high
02/16/2011: moderate
02/17/2011: moderate
02/18/2011: moderate
02/19/2011: low
02/20/2011: moderate
02/21/2011: high
02/22/2011: moderate
02/23/2011: extremely high
02/24/2011: high (very bad sleep, naps helped though)
02/25/2011: extremely high
02/26/2011: high
02/27/2011: moderate
02/28/2011: moderate
03/01/2011: high
03/02/2011: high kind of (3 hours sleep, mentally tired yet also kind of apeshit aggressive)
03/03/2011: low
03/04/2011: moderate
03/05/2011: high, very tired

01/11/2011: 6 hours (6:30am to 12:30pm)
01/12/2011: 9 hours sleep
01/13/2011: 9 hours sleep
01/14/2011: 8 hours sleep
01/15/2011: 10 hours sleep
01/16/2011: 9 hours sleep
01/17/2011: 8 hours sleep
01/18/2011: 8 hours sleep
01/19/2011: 5 hours sleep
01/20/2011: 5 hours sleep
01/20/2011: 5 hours sleep
01/23/2011: 8 hours sleep
01/24/2011: 8 hours sleep
01/25/2011: 8 hours sleep
01/26/2011: 8 hours sleep
01/27/2011: 8 hours sleep
01/28/2011: 10 hours sleep
01/28/2011: 9 hours sleep
01/30/2011: 8 hours sleep
01/31/2011: 10 hours sleep
02/03/2011: 10 hours sleep
02/04/2011: 10 hours sleep
02/05/2011: 7 hours + 3 hours
02/06/2011: 8 hours sleep
02/07/2011: 8 hours sleep
02/08/2011: 9 hours sleep
02/09/2011: 8 hours sleep, same dream over and over (walking in mall and out of mall to my car), happens everytime i get sick (same dream 3-5 times during night)
02/10/2011: 10 hours sleep
02/11/2011: 8 hours sleep
02/11/2011: 10 hours sleep
02/12/2011: 8 hours sleep
02/13/2011: 10 hours sleep
02/14/2011: 10 hours sleep
02/15/2011: 10 hours sleep
02/16/2011: 4 hours sleep (couldn't stop coughing for ~2 hours)
02/17/2011: 9 hours sleep
02/18/2011: 9 hours sleep
02/19/2011: 9 hours sleep
02/20/2011: 8 hours sleep
02/21/2011: 9 hours sleep
02/22/2011: 8 hours sleep
02/23/2011: 9 hours sleep
02/24/2011: ~6 hours, very rough sleep, waking up a ton, really bad, naps during day helped otherwise i would have been toast
02/25/2011: 4 hours, awake for 3 hours, then 3 hours sleep
02/26/2011: 9 hours sleep
02/27/2011: 9 hours sleep
02/28/2011: 8 hours
03/01/2011: 8 hours
03/02/2011: 3 hours (4pm-7pm)
03/03/2011: 3 hours (6am-9am), 4 hours (4pm-8pm)
03/04/2011: 6 hours (12pm-6pm)
03/05/2011: 9 hours

01/11/2011: iced right ankle for 20 minutes
01/12/2011: iced ankle twice, need to use colder ice, massaged it hard, felt good temporarily but made it ache more later
01/13/2011: iced right ankle once, felt pretty nice after, used the REALLY cold gel ice pack direct application
01/14/2011: iced ankle before bed
01/15/2011: iced ankle once during day, wanted too before bed but was doing calf raises
01/16/2011: iced left big toe twice
01/17/2011: iced left big toe for 20min
01/18/2011: iced both big toes 3 times each, to complete numbness, brutal
01/19/2011: iced big toe (left) after long walk session
01/20/2011: iced toe
01/21/2011: iced toe
01/24/2011: iced toe after training
01/27/2011: iced toe after training, twice
01/28/2011: iced the hell out of my foot/toe, tons
01/29/2011: iced the hell out of my foot/toe + 6 total ibuprofen
01/30/2011: iced the hell out of my foot/toe + 7 total ibuprofen
01/31/2011: iced toe 3 times, 6 total ibuprofen
02/03/2011: iced toe twice, 6 total ibuprofen
02/04/2011: iced toe twice, 4 total ibuprofen
02/05/2011: iced toe twice, 4 total ibuprofen
02/06/2011: iced toe once, 4 total ibuprofen
02/07/2011: iced toe twice, 0 total ibuprofen
02/08/2011: iced toe twice, 3 total ibuprofen (after training)
02/09/2011: iced toe once, 3 total ibuprofen (before bed)
02/10/2011: iced toe once, 6 total ibuprofen (3 ibu 2x/day)
02/11/2011: nothing & ran out of ibuprofen, need to get some tomorrow
02/14/2011: 2 alive + icing toe after training, toe flaring up after training - some decently painful feelings
02/15/2011: 3 total ibuprofen <- after training
02/16/2011: 2 ibuprofen total <- after training
02/17/2011: 2 ibuprofen total <- after training
02/20/2011: 3 ibuprofen total <-- after training, icing right foot
02/21/2011: 3 ibuprofen total <-- after training, icing rgiht foto
02/22/2011: 3 ibuprofen, 2 ibuprofen, training, 2 ibuprofen..... iced right thigh twice
02/25/2011: iced bottom of foot
02/26/2011: 3 ibuprofen, training, 3 ibuprofen + icing right foot
02/28/2011: 3 ibuprofen <-- after training
03/02/2011: iced right ball of foot
03/03/2011: 6 ibuprofen throughout the day, 3 then 3
03/04/2011: 3 ibuprofen after workout

01/11/2011: hamstrings very good, calfs lightly, stretching quads tomorrow
01/12/2011: hamstrings and low back very good, stretching quads reinjures my ankle.. stretched lower back too much to fix this annoying tweak and now my ham tendon injury is bugging a little
01/13/2011: nothing really, occasionally some back stretches to loosen it up a little, nothing focused though
02/04/2011: light hamstring/glute/adductor stretching
02/05/2011: light hamstring/glute/adductor stretching
02/07/2011: intense hamstring/quad stretching
02/08/2011: stretched adductors good
02/11/2011: stretched adductors good, hamstrings
02/12/2011: stretch groin/adductors, calfs
02/14/2011: groin/adductors, right tfl/piriformis/glutes, both hip flexors/quads
02/20/2011: stretched groin/adductors
02/26/2011: stretched groin/adductors bigtime
02/28/2011: bunch of stretching before sleep
03/01/2011: some stretching
03/02/2011: hamstrings/groin/calfs/bottom of feet
03/03/2011: hamstrings/adductors/calfs throughout the day, actually alot of light stretching
03/04/2011: stretched hip flexors bigtime, adductors/hamstrings
03/05/2011: calfs, hams, adductors


01/11/2011: horrible, very fatigued
01/14/2011: felt good, didn't really get amped up but still landed some nice dunks:
01/19/2011: felt very good, amp'd, turf toe didn't bug me too much but i worried about it flaring, best i've jumped indoor link-to-vid
02/03/2011: felt crappy, 34-35" on max jump, L-SLRVJ on layups got maybe 28
02/04/2011: felt better, 34-35" on max jump again but better consistency, L-SLRVJ layup jumps were much better overall (rim touch every time)
02/05/2011: landed a dunk off lob @ around 45min, close on some dribble ups, lots of layups
02/07/2011: just dribble up attempts, quads dead
02/08/2011: dribble ups and lobs, quads feeling a bit better
02/11/2011: SICK: dribble ups were hard but misses, felt good jumping astonishingly, hit some good jumps/dunks..
02/16/2011: SICK:, landed some good dunks, some real nice misses
02/17/2011: SICK: felt very explosive, was getting up good off 1-step lead & L-SLRVJ
02/18/2011: SICK: warmup sucked, sucked off dribble dunk, early on dunks sucked, then bam, started flying:
02/20/2011: SICK: FLYING.................... too many people on court but flying:
02/22/2011: got up good, but lots of fatigue:
02/24/2011: got up pretty nasty:
02/28/2011: got up pretty nasty again but was mentally out of it
03/02/2011: got up real good, no sleep though, dunk session in morning without sleeping
03/04/2011: was flying early, best warmup jumps/short lob dunks EVER, but way too windy/starting slipping on max RVJ's

01/12/2011: half squat 315 x 5 @ 157, dropping down for 245 x 20 but because of diet only hit 10 and called it quit
01/15/2011: half squat 325 x 5 @ 154, dropping down for 275 x 10+, hit 10 or 11, just toast from 325 ::: link-to-vid
01/17/2011: half squat 315 x 5, 325 x 1, 335 x 1, 345 x 1 (too high), 275 x 10,10,15 (153 lb at time of squat)
01/24/2011: half squat, 45 @ 3 x 10, 135 x 8, 185 x 10, 225 x 10, 245 x 10, 265 x 10, 285 x 8, 305 x 5, (152 at time of squat)
01/28/2011: workout #2: squat @ 151 lb   half SQ: 45 @ 295 x 5, 315 x 6 (7=pinned), knees shift quarter squat: 335 x 5, 355 x 5, 375 x 3, half squat: 275 x 10 (dead)
-- different gym, different rack, pin settings changed ...
02/03/2011: half squat: 45 @ 3 x 10, 135 x 8, 185 x 8, 225 x 5, 245 x 5, 265 x 5, 285 x 5, 305 x 3 (4=fail) (heels elevated too much)
02/04/2011: half squat: 45 @ 3 x 10, 135 x 5, 185 x 5, 225 x 5, 245 x 1,1,1, 265 x 1,1,1 285 x 1,1 305 x 1,1 315 x 1,1
02/05/2011: half squat: 245 @ 5 x 10, 3min rest +++ half squat "MEBM": 225 x 18 ... closer stance, more vmo
02/08/2011: half squat: 295 x 5 good depth, 315 x 4 a little high
02/09/2011: (3-5 sec pause every set) pin 6 squat: 275 x 5,  pin 7 squat: 295 x 5, 315 x 1,1, 325 x 1,1 335 x 1,1
02/11/2011: SICK: half squat: 295 x 5 <- a bit of fatigue from dunk session
02/13/2011: SICK: half squat: 45 @ 4 x 10, 135 x 10, 185 x 10, 235 x 5, 255 x 5, 275 @ 10, 10, 255 x 5 (dead)
02/14/2011: SICK: - S1: half squat pin 6: ... 275 x 5, 295 x 1 ..... pin 7:[/b] 315 x 1, 325 x 1, 335 x 1, 345 x 1, 355 x 1, 365 x 1 ......  pin 6: 315 x 1, 1, 1, 1
02/16/2011: SICK: - half squat (good depth): 285 x 5, 305 x 1, 315 x 1,1  +++ - S1: half squat: 305 x 1, 1, 1, 1
02/17/2011: SICK: - half squat: 45 @ 3x10, 135 x 15, 185 x 15, 225 x 10, 245 x 10, 265 x 10, 285 x 10 <-- very hard but got it
02/18/2011: SICK: pin 6 squat: 275 x 5, 295 x 1, 315 x 1  ++++    pin 7 squat: 335 x 1, 355 x 1, 375 x fail
02/20/2011: SICK: half squat: 45 @ 3 x 10, 135 x 5, 185 x 5, 235 x 5, 255 x 5, 275 x 5, 295 x 5, 315 x 1, 325 x 1, 335 x 1
02/21/2011: SICK: half squat: 45 @ 3 x 10, 135 x 10, 185 x 10, 235 x 10, 265 x 5, 285 x 10
02/22/2011: pin 6 half squat: 295 x 4, 315 x 1, 325 x 1 +++ pin 7 half squat: 335 x 1, 345 x 1, 365 x 1 +++ S1: pin 6 half squat: 315 x 1, 1, 1
02/24/2011: half squat: ... 295 x 5, 315 x 5, 335 x 1  <-- time of squatting, 152
02/25/2011: half squat: 45 @ 3 x 10, 135 x 8, 185 x 8, 235 x 8, 265 x 5, 285 x 15
02/26/2011: - pin 6 squat: ... 275 x 5, 315 x 5, 335 x fail lolol.... +++  pin 7 squat: 335 x 1, 365 x 1, 385 x 1 +++ pin 6 MSEM squat: 315 x 1,1,1,1 <-- 40 seconds rest between each rep +++ pin 6 MSEM squat: 325 x 1,1,fail,fail <-- 60s rest between each rep
02/28/2011: dead: - half squat: 285 x 5, dead.... 245 @ 3 x 10..........
03/02/2011: - half squat pin 6: ... 275 x 5, 305 x 3, 325 x 4, 275 @ 3 x 10 (tired, good though, quads burning)
03/04/2011: - half squat: 275 x 5 (tweaked hip, tried going way too fast like a dumb ass), 315 x 3, 325 x 2, 275 @ 4 x 8, 1 x 11... could have hit 315 for 5 so that's a good sign, dead come 325 x 2 bleh

01/11/2011: neutral grip pullups, done towards the end of a jump rope workout, 2 x 10, 2 x 8
01/12/2011: chinups BW @ 4x10
01/14/2011: a bunch of neutral grip pullups in my reactive workout, sets of 8 and one set of 10
01/16/2011: 4-5 pushup sets x 20, submax
01/17/2011: some pushups throughout the day, sets of 20, sore in chest
01/23/2011: PU = 125, 8 sets of 15-20 light
01/25/2011: few sets of single leg pushups
01/26/2011: pushups in 30 minutes, PU: 40, 25, 25, 25, 25, 25, 25, 20, 30,
01/27/2011: neutral grip pullups: BW @ 10, 10, 10, 10, 8, 8, 8,
01/29/2011: neutral grip pullups: 12, 12, 12, 12, 11, 11,  +  pushups: 45, 35, 35, 40, 30,
01/31/2011: neutral grip pullup: BW @ 15, 13, 14, 12, 12, 7   &&  pushups: BW @ 46, 50, 45, 40,
02/03/2011: S1: neutral grip pullups: BW @ 10, 10, 10, 8, 8, 8
02/04/2011: 5 dips, 30 pushups lol
02/05/2011: 45 lb plate swing @ 3 x 6
02/07/2011: S1: db swing: 40 lb @ 5 x 8
02/08/2011: neutral grip pullups: BW @ 10
02/11/2011: S1: stiff arm plate swings: 45 lb @ 10, 10, 10,
02/14/2011: - S3: plate swing: 5, 5, 5, 5, 5
02/16/2011: - S2: stiff arm plate swing: 45 lb @ 5, 5, 5, 5
02/17/2011: - S1: max-speed neutral grip pullups: 8, 8, 8,    +++    - S2: max-speed neutral grip pullups: 8, 8, 8
02/20/2011: - S2: 45 lb plate swing: 10, 10
02/21/2011: - S1: explosive neutral grip pullups done for max speed: BW @ 4 x 8
02/22/2011: - S1: ballistic neutral grip pullups: 8, 8, 8
02/24/2011: - S1: 45 lb stiff arm plate raises: 10, 10 <-- very explosive
02/25/2011: - S1: ballistic neutral grip pullup: BW @ 10, 10, 10
02/26/2011: - S1: ballistic neutral grip pullup: 8, 8, 8
03/02/2011: - S2: ballistic neutral grip pullups: 3 x 10

02/04/2011: DB bench: 40 lb @ 2 x 10, 50 lb x 10 (last rep = pause ~20s then press)
02/07/2011: flat DB bench: 50 @ 3 x 10, 55 x 5, 60 x 8
02/09/2011: db bench: 60 lb @ 3 x 8, pause on last rep of each set (5s)
02/14/2011: S2: db bench: 50 @ 10, 60 @ 8,8 65 @ 8
02/16/2011: - S1: DB bench: 45 x 10, 55 x 5, 65 x 5, 70 x fail
02/17/2011: - S1: db bench: 50 x 15, 60 x 10, 65 x 10
02/18/2011: - db bench: 50 x 5, 60 x 5, 65 x 8
02/20/2011: - S1: db bench: 50 x 5, 60 x 5, 65 x 10
02/21/2011: - db bench press: 50 x 10, 60 x 5, 70 x FAIL, 65 x FAIL <-- lmao, fatigued
02/22/2011: - S1: db bench: 47.5 x 10, 55 x 10, 60 x 12
02/24/2011: - db bench press: 50 x 10, 60 x 14
02/25/2011: - S1: db bench press: 50 x 10, 60 x 5, 65 x 10
02/26/2011: - S1: db bench: 50 x 10, 60 x 10
03/02/2011: - S1: db bench: 55 @ 3 x 10
03/04/2011: - S1: db bench press: 45 x 10, 55 x 8, 60 x 8, 65 x 7

02/05/2011: 60 lb @ 3 x 8
02/08/2011: 65 lb @ 3 x 8
02/11/2011: 1-arm db row: 65 lb x 10 <-- one set hah
02/16/2011: - S1 DB row: 45 x 10, 55 x 5, 65 x 5, 70 x 5
02/18/2011: - S1: db 1-arm row: 70 x 5, 80 x 5, 85 x 5
02/20/2011: - S1: db row: 50 x 5, 60 x 5, 65 x 10
02/24/2011: - db row: 65 x 8, 75 x 8
03/04/2011: - S2: db 1 arm row: 65 x 5e, 75 x 5e, 85 x 5e

01/11/2011: bodyweight: 70, 100, 100, 100
01/13/2011: total prone reverse hyper reps: 910
01/14/2011: 3 x 100
01/16/2011: 4-5 x 100, plus a ton of prone reverse hypers: 750 total
01/17/2011: CR-70, PU-20, GB-100, CR-70, PU-20, GB-120, PU-20, CR-80, GB-150, CR-70, GB-100, CR-60,
01/18/2011: PRH @ 50 + 60 + 60 + 60 + 60 + 60 + 100 + 100 + 100 + 100 + 50 + 50 + 50 + 50 + 50 = 1000 !!
01/23/2011: GB total = 800, 8x100
01/25/2011: GB-220, GB-130+70+100+100+100+100
01/29/2011: glute bridges: 150, 120, 120, 150, 210,  (short rest)
01/31/2011: prone rev hyper: 100, 100, 100,
02/03/2011: S1: 45deg hyper: BW x 40, BW + 25 lb x 20, 20, 20, BW x 40
02/04/2011: 45deg hyper: 45, 45, 35, 35, 30 <- hams/glutes toast
02/07/2011: S1: 45deg hyper: BW @ 50, BW + 35 lb @ 20, 20, 23, BW @ 50, 60, 80
02/09/2011: S1: 45 deg hyper: 55, 50, 50,
02/11/2011: S1: 45deg hyper: BW + 25 lb @ 30, 30, 30
02/13/2011: prone rev hyper: with waffles on @ 100, 100, 100,    ++++++ glute bridge: 100 <- felt like a feather
02/14/2011: - S3: 45deg hyper: BW x 50, BW + 35 lb @ 30,30,30, BW x 100
02/16/2011: - S2: 45 deg hyper: BW @ 50, BW + 35 @ 25, 25, 25, BW x 70
02/17/2011: - S2: 45deg hyper: BW @ 50, 60 ,70
02/18/2011: - 45deg hyper: BW x 50, BW + 35 lb @ 30, 30
02/20/2011: - S2: 45 deg hyper: BW x 80, BW + 35 x 35
02/21/2011: - S1: 45 deg hyper: BW x 80, BW + 25 lb x 40, BW + 35 lb x 40
02/24/2011: - S1: 45 deg hyper: BW x 100, BW + 35 lb x 30
02/25/2011: - 45 deg hyper: BW x 20, BW + 35 lb @ 4 x 30, BW + 45 lb x 25
02/26/2011: - 45 deg hyper: BW x 70
03/01/2011: prone reverse hyper: 100 + 100 + 150 + 100 + 100 + 100
03/04/2011: - 45 deg hyper: BW @ 5 x 50, 1 x 80

01/11/2011: bodyweight: 40, 50, 50, 50
01/12/2011: BW x 50, 50, 50, 50
01/14/2011: 35 lb total + BW @ 50, 60, 50
01/15/2011: 60, 60, 60, 50, 50, 50, 50    
01/17/2011: CR-70, PU-20, GB-100, CR-70, PU-20, GB-120, PU-20, CR-80, GB-150, CR-70, GB-100, CR-60, AND 35 lb total @ 60,50,50
01/23/2011: CR = 445 total, highest set = 100
01/25/2011: CR-100, CR-100, CR-100,
01/30/2011: BW + 35 lb total @ 50, 50, 50, 50, 50, 50,
02/05/2011: BW + 60 lb total @ 5 x 25
02/09/2011: - S1: db calf raise: BW + 60 lb total @ 30, 30, 40
02/14/2011: - S2: db calf raise: 30 @ 30, 30, 35, 35
02/18/2011: - S1: db calf raises: 30 lb each hand @ 30, 30, 30
02/22/2011: - db calf raises: 40 lb each hand @ 4 x 30, 45 each hand @ 1 x 30
02/26/2011: - S1: db (each hand) calf raise: 50 x 30, 60 x 25, 50 x 30, 50 x 30, 50 x 30
03/02/2011: - S1: db calf raises: 47.5 @ 3 x 25 ........ 40 @ 3  30
03/04/2011: - S1: db calf raise: 45 lb each hand @ 4 x 30, +++ - S2: db calf raise:  55 lb each hand @ 1 x 25, 65 @ 1 x 25, 75 @ 1 x 20


01/11/2011: barbell low squat ankle hops (worked up to ~4 sets of 95 lb x 50) + barbell mini pogos (45 lb, sets of 100)
01/14/2011: barbell low squat ankle hops (worked up to ~4 sets of 115 lb x 40), tons of jump rope
01/15/2011: interval sprints mixed in with 6 mile walk @ 20 x 6 or so, 8 x 5 for MR half tucks
01/19/2011: light interval sprints mixed in with 12-14 mile walk (in 2.5 hours), very bouncy, didn't lose bounce at all, stopped by cops twice in 2 diff cities
01/27/2011: 7 miles traveled, bunch of nice 20-30 yard sprints, felt good, acceleration suffering cause of sore hamstrings, then a bunch of MR halftucks, and sets of 30, 30, 20, 20
01/30/2011: max effort sprints (20's and a few 40's), MR halftucks: 5 x 30, 5 x 15
02/25/2011: - submax MR half tucks: 25, 25, 25, 25, 50 +++ submax LBJ's: 50, 50,  +++ submax MR half tucks: 50,
02/26/2011: - MR halftuck: 4 x 20, 2 x 50

01/11/2011: 5500 total jump rope reps, felt great, mostly sets of 200-300 turns, one set of 400 turns in 3min
01/12/2011: 2200 total jump rope turns
01/14/2011: 4430 total turns, mostly sets of 300
02/03/2011: basketball work/dribbling/shooting
02/04/2011: basketball work/dribbling/shooting
02/05/2011: basketball work/dribbling/shooting
02/07/2011: basketball work/dribbling/shooting
02/08/2011: basketball work/dribbling/shooting
02/09/2011: basketball work/dribbling/shooting (very light, sick)
02/14/2011: basketball work/dribbling/shooting (light, sick)
02/16/2011: bball work : explosive moves + pullup j's, some explosive layups etc, everything pretty powerful (L-SLRVJ=10'6, R-SLRVJ=10'2)
02/17/2011: bball work: explosive moves/dribbling/shooting, powerful
02/21/2011: 1.5 hours of bball work, some explosive moves but mostly recovery
02/25/2011: - very long warmup, because i felt dead, ~30min of light bball work
02/26/2011: felt CRAZY explosive... didn't do any jumps though, not even ME layups.. stuck to explosive dribbling/pullup J's etc.. about 30 minutes of this after a light warmup.

01/15/2011: 6 mile walk with interval sprints/reactive work mixed in
01/17/2011: 7 mile walk with light interval jogs mixed in, felt so explosive/bouncy
01/19/2011: 12-14 mile walk with light interval sprints mixed in, very bouncy, didn't lose bounce at all, stopped by cops in 2 cities
01/24/2011: 6 miles walking + light interval sprints
01/26/2011: 7 miles walking + light jogs
01/27/2011: 7 miles walk + sprints & MR halftucks
01/28/2011: 8 miles walked + light jogs mixed in
01/30/2011: 6 miles walked + max effort sprints (20's and a few 40's) + mr halftucks (5 x 30, 5 x 15)
02/06/2011: lymph drain 30min
02/07/2011: lymph drain 30min

02/05/2011: hanging knee raises: 3 x 18-20

02/10/2011: REST!!!!
02/12/2011: REST!!!!
02/15/2011: REST!!!!
02/18/2011: REST!!!!
02/23/2011: REST!!!!
02/27/2011: REST!!!!
03/01/2011: REST!!!!
03/03/2011: REST!!!!
03/05/2011: REST!!!!


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Re: ADARQ's journal
« Reply #3027 on: March 06, 2011, 06:04:30 am »
3 hours sleep, bout to go dunk... dno how it's going to turn out but going to do it in a sec.

btw staph lump popping up on my left armpit, fml.. 3rd flare up.. painful already so not a good sign..


edit: how i feel:

better than yesterday, more alert, stronger, not the best but not tired..

edit #2: streets look real wet, rained last night, outdoor courts might night be dry fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck...


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Re: ADARQ's journal
« Reply #3028 on: March 06, 2011, 07:22:44 am »
I don't lift for girls, I lift for guys on the internet

[7:31pm] adarq: ripp, being honest, it's hard for u to beat jcsbck, he's on fire lately
[7:31pm] adarq: he's just
[7:31pm] adarq: wrecking people
[7:31pm] adarq: daily

Say NO to Maroko

And also NO to anyone who associates with him. No Taylor Allan. No Adam Scammenauger. No Kelly Baggett. No Elliot Hulse. No Jtrinsey. NO JUMP USA

Don't PM me asking me training questions. I'm here for the lulz. If you want help, post on the forums and get help from all the members, maybe even me.


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Re: ADARQ's journal
« Reply #3029 on: March 06, 2011, 08:25:56 am »
By the way, check out the jumpmanual spam on TVS.
Current PR status:

All time squat: 165 kg/Old age squat: 130 kg
All time deadlift: 184 kg/Old age deadlift: 140 kg
All time bench: 85 kg/Old age bench: 70kgx5reps
All time hip thrust (same as old age hip thrust): 160kgx5reps