You might be coming from another plant. Admit it, that's a strong possibility.
hm? what you mean?
btw i first read plant=planet, so i was like

but now im like ??
not sure, even with an insane running jump, my SVJ is still going to be WAAAAAAY lower.. picture stefan holm's SLRVJ vs his SVJ, really huge difference.. my SVJ would definitely be better than his 24, shit it already is lmao, but i don't see it improving to 35+" simply by getting those stats we mentioned.. i'd have to practice SVJ's a ton, which I hate... though, once i get to that level, i might suck it up and do that just so I can try to "master SVJ".
peace man!
true, i hate SVJ, just feels so akward. But ya man go get that 140. Do you have anytime time frame goal as to when you want to be down to that weight?
nah no time frame, the sooner the better.. even though my "genetics" prefer me to be very skinny/light, getting down to 140 is going to be hard from a diet sense (because i'm not putting in the type of cardio that has gotten me that low before, ie boxing/running/jump rope training).. I definitely have the fat to lose, which sounds insane but it's the truth haha, so diet is the #1 issue.. so far, cleaning up my diet the last few days and need to make a push to 145, that'll take about 4 weeks if I don't wimp out.
ya when I go to do an SVJ, I feel "empty", I just don't want to even do that style of jump.. people who don't mind SVJ'n or enjoy it, never understand what i'm talking about.. but ya it just feels very awkward and there's really no motivation for me to jump in that style.
I was watching you 11" jump video and I saw that when you jumped you did a butt kick then forced your legs back down. I watched a football player on YouTube jump to grab money of the ceiling a he did it twice in the air does that get you even more air. I tried practicing that. It doesn't come natural to me, but it looks like it helps a lot.
try not to think about that stuff.. if you watch elite dunkers/jumpers, they all have different jump/plant styles etc.. air up there for example, jumps nearly stiff legged as he's in the air (on his max jumps).. it definitely won't get you "more air", it just adds to the "illusion" of more air.. but if you think about stuff like that during maximal effort movements, it'll cause too much "interference" and cause your jumps to suffer.. so I wouldn't force it, that's for sure..
I was watching you 11" jump video and I saw that when you jumped you did a butt kick then forced your legs back down. I watched a football player on YouTube jump to grab money of the ceiling a he did it twice in the air does that get you even more air. I tried practicing that. It doesn't come natural to me, but it looks like it helps a lot.
Cool observation...imma keep that in mind next time I jump off 2 legs.
good observation yes, useful no :F
we've had talks on this forum about it before, don't let stuff like that get in your head.. the only reason you would do that would be to make dunks "look better" etc...... from a stylistic standpoint.
I went grocery shopping and had some food, my legs feel so light right now it's ridiculous... they feel crazy strong.. only problem is the ham tendon very slight strain, that could cause me to push friday's dunk session to saturday, whack... hoping after i sleep though, that it'll be 100x better, stuff like that usually happens with me.
pC folks.