took me a while to sleep, so amp'd up, then dad wakes me up doing something after about 2 hours sleep... so needless to say, falling back asleep is not ez.. heh
thanks to everyone who cares lol.. really appreciate the concerns.
my saving did train me, for sure,
Deep shit, still a bit shaken up I see
Get some rest and use all dat stress/agression on dem squats!
ps how'd the Toe manage?
lol ya that's funny, definitely too amp'd to type perfect.. i was fixing lots of typos last night before i posted.
toe managed fine, incredibly, i felt 100% healthy during/after the incident.. which is just an amazing testament to adrenaline, because, i was at the end of my workout, quads were damn near 'pulling' from fatigue... didn't feel quads at all during or after the incident, everything just went into overdrive to save my hobo ass.
i cant recall feeling even the slightest bit of lactic acid during the entire incident........... that's interesting..
full speed ~100 yards while being chased, no lactic acid.. what?
i havn't stopped coughing since ~30min after the incident tho.. keep coughing, it's odd.
holyshit dude, over the course of 100m, im surprised they only fired 6 shots. glad your ok though my man. thats crazy shit.
thanks man.. ya well the chase fucked up their initial plan.. at that point only one guy was coming after me, chasing.. so had that not happened, who knows what would have happened.. the 4 shots out the car driveby style towards the end were like a last ditch effort to put one in me.
WTFFFFFFFF ... did you talk to the cops or anything?
ya dude lol, 20 cop cars easily, just in the area of the incident.. cop suv's, people speeding around everywhere, then ~10 cop cars somewhere else when they thought they apprehended them.. big incident.
funny thing is, i forgot to mention, one of the cops who came to assist coral springs PD, he has stopped me 2 times while walking in tamarac, but he's been cool with me, so he ends up being there, and we're like 'hey man whatsup!!' haha..
Would you recognize the unmasked guy's face? I mean wtf?
dno, i doubt it, who knows though.. shit happened VERY quick.. the initial ~1 second of the incident happened very fast.. "yo" -> sprinting.. soon as dude started rolling down window i was gearing up to sprint ME, then he says yo and i just fucking floored it, koz i knew that "yo" had trouble behind it.. all that happened within 1 second, then they jumped out the car and chase started.
How far away from home you were? Fucking niggars!
not a fan of that word but it's definitely amazing to me how people would want to mess with someone just minding their business.. i mean, people like that have beefs with other gang/criminal kids, settle your beefs with them, not innocent old ladies walking down the street, shit happens all the time to old people/totally oblivious innocent people..
lance worked at a facility where tons of the inmates were in there for killing innocent people for gang initiations......
my saving did train me
That was funny... if there's anything funny in such a story. Damn, you need to be careful next time... it's not smart to continue with the same schedule and itinerary...
yup, i dont usually go the same route anyway, i always mix it up slightly... but ya, changes henceforth.. lulz
Glad you're alright man.
lucky the instinct to run really fast from death is the oldest instinct there is. combine that with your training and they had no chance of catching you
thanks man & ya, that shit is just a damn reflex.. thank evolution.
woulda been bad if one of the dude's was former high school defensive back, 4.3 speed, who went bad.. i actually still think i coulda outran tho i felt that fast and no signals telling me i need to slow down.
caseyy combest eat ur heart out.
my goodness.
think u might be right, an initiation sorta thing. good thing they were bad shots man. i would've been shaking for sure.
scary shit! dun think a rambo knife will help u with guns man, stay safe!
ya man nothing fucks with a gun.. i didnt have a good knife with me either, definitely not rambo, or i'd be in prison right now if i had that on me, its illegal to carry off your property around here.. getting my new 'legal' blade tho soon, can't wait.
but ya, no match for guns.
wat is a 5-10-5 tho?
a change of direction drill, that's what it felt like as i was running one way dropped my hips + touched the ground and sprinted back the other way.. felt exactly like one side of a 5-10-5 (pro shuttle) drill haha.....
pc errbody.