[02:33am] adarq: .weather 33321
[02:33am] Sh0gun: adarq: Fort Lauderdale, FL - Clear, 37[02:33am] adarq: lol
bw = 155.5 (158 before poops damn too heavy)
soreness = right calf a bit
aches/injuries = right hip a little, mid back
diet = protein shake + 2 teaspoon coffee, dunks + gatoraid drink + protein, protein shake, cheeseburger + almonds + crackers + cheese dip, training 2A, half protein shake, training 2B, protein shake, pb sandwhich
workout #1:
- jumps/dunks
- didn't jump good initially, went to indoor court first, surface was too slippery, left and went outdoors, kind of threw me off a bit.. anyway, jumped good after like 30min, was really annoying early on..
workout #2A:
- 6 mile traversed in 1 hour 15min or so, submax 40-70 stride sprints, ME MR halftucks linear 13 x 20
- felt VERY bouncy
workout #2B:
- MSEM half squat: 45 @ 4x10, 135 @ 5, 185 @ 5, 245 @ 3, 265 @ 3, 285 @ 1,1 305 @ 1,1
325 @ 1,1,1,1 1,1,1,1stretching:
- stretched full body for an hour but, best thing i did, was this stretch where you lie down flat then bring your legs over your face, point of foot touching ground above your head. i held that for 2 sets, for about 5-8 minutes.. really helped my erectors which have been pretty tight lately, feel very good from it.
the bar was so cold it felt like an ice cube... ill try and get some footage up tomorrow with some dunks/msem.
thursday dunk session should be really good is my prediction.
the 2nd set from sunday, 295 x 8 msem.. finally got it uploaded, worse quality so that it only rendered in 3 hours instead of 10 ahahaah.