INSANE overlay!!!! Danggg dude...I hope you ingrain the motor patterns for tricks so that you're more comfortable performing 'em cuz you SURE AS HELL got the height for it!!! *MIND-BLOWN*
haha thanks man, to both posts..
ya about the dribbling, tonight idribbled, made yesterday look crappy compared to tonight.. i mean already so many movements are back, barely messed up tonight and worked on some crazy transitions/other moves.. i got into it real good with a few songs.. ya man i got to keep up with the dribbling, i want to get some vid of what i can really do, in that realm.. would be fun, cause i literally get into some dance-like shit which is pretty cool, i can go 3-8 minutes completely non stop etc trying to match a song.
i think finally im pretty focused on getting back into dribbling, mostly because i am trying to get into more areas for video content hahaha.. i do love it though, dno why i always stop for the last few years.
i'm focused now though
peace & thanks!