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Re: ADARQ's journal
« Reply #1590 on: September 29, 2010, 06:16:49 am »

its like dunking and jumping very high...

when im just alone in the court...

i can only touch the rim...

but when like my parents or some cute girls watch me play... or even just your friends...

from 30 inch... you gain like 6 inches immediately! then grab the rim!

its true man!

especially if other players want to have jump contest... then can get the net, backboard, touch the rim. etc...

then boom... you grab the rim or dunk... everybody goes like... "dude, thats not 10 feet regulation" or "the rim is bent"...


ya im the same way man.. when i'm by myself i get up whatever, but when there's tons of people around, a good 3-4" or so... i've always been that way, always perform better when people are around/watching.

peace man


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Re: ADARQ's journal
« Reply #1591 on: September 30, 2010, 05:00:36 am »
uh, level-7'd again.. nothing major but just scared the shit out of me.. so im at the basketball court, doing some jumps, and my 'predator' soundtrack song comes on.. then out of nowhere i hear this HUGE noise and then i see some huge thing falling out of the sky, turned out to be a like ~10 foot palm tree thing falling off a palm tree.. dno, just crazy timing considering the predator song haha.. looked like predator falling out of a tree @ 2am.



bw = 154
soreness = left soleus (horrible, from the midfoot runs), both hamstrings a little
aches/injuries = left hamstring tendon, left ankle, left knee
fatigue = none (mental) today, thankfully

late workout, courts still wet, non stop rain

workout: jumps + strength, courts wet
- 1 mile midfoot run (calf dead)

- 1-2 step leads, a bunch of LR/RL DLRVJ jumps, hit ~32" off LR-DLRVJ and ~30-31" off RL-DLRVJ.. on wet surface with dead calf, nice
- mixed in MR tucks and deep landing MR tucks, all x 10 reps
- L-SLRVJ : hit some NASTY jumps without a full runup, again around 3 step runup but not accelerating max, hit a bunch of ~32's or so, felt insane................ very odd, i really was getting up major considering..
- R-SLRVJ : hit some ~10'4 touches or so

- 1.5 mile midfoot run (calf dead)

- deep landing MR tucks mixed with squats

- paused (3-5s) pin squat off pin 11: 245 @ 3 x 5

- S1: barbell calf raise: 165 @ 4 x 10
- S1: neutral grip pullups: 5, 5, 5, 5

so i've been doing alot of stretching, has my legs feeling very shitty, but, they feel powerful and very bouncy... but not fresh, so it's a weird feeling.. i stretched throughout the day today, and im about to stretch for about an hour.. it's kind of bugging my hamstring tendon a LITTLE i think, so i have to be careful, but i'm interested to see how i jump friday with stretching tonight/tomorrow.. friday it's forecasted to be dry/no rain, so i want to go hit some nasty SLRVJ jumps or maybe dunks..

i want my SLRVJ to be PR levels 2 saturday's from now when i dunk with eddie again.

tomorrow is lots of walking, maybe 10-12 miles or so again.



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Re: ADARQ's journal
« Reply #1592 on: September 30, 2010, 06:00:27 am »
uh, level-7'd again.. nothing major but just scared the shit out of me.. so im at the basketball court, doing some jumps, and my 'predator' soundtrack song comes on.. then out of nowhere i hear this HUGE noise and then i see some huge thing falling out of the sky, turned out to be a like ~10 foot palm tree thing falling off a palm tree.. dno, just crazy timing considering the predator song haha.. looked like predator falling out of a tree @ 2am.


Lol, that feeling is awesome though. Especially when it happens without you being in any real danger.

soreness = left soleus (horrible, from the midfoot runs), both hamstrings a little

When you're running like a mile mid-foot, does it end up being like a strength endurance sort of burn in the calfs? Sorta like the burn in the legs when doing ultra-rep lunges?

Also, I've been doing some 'strength' SLVJ's. Like standing at the free-throw line and doing only my penultimate step into a maximal SLJ, trying to touch rim (scraping it on most attempts). Sounds similar to what you've done in this workout. Eddie's jumps look like he has more bend in the knee than Holm for example, and I wanna get a similar sort of single leg pop. Hope it works out for us!

Keep it up.

23 Years
91kg / 200lb
SVJ-27/28 inches
RVJ- 31 inches
SLVJ-34 inches


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Re: ADARQ's journal
« Reply #1593 on: September 30, 2010, 06:08:03 am »
uh, level-7'd again.. nothing major but just scared the shit out of me.. so im at the basketball court, doing some jumps, and my 'predator' soundtrack song comes on.. then out of nowhere i hear this HUGE noise and then i see some huge thing falling out of the sky, turned out to be a like ~10 foot palm tree thing falling off a palm tree.. dno, just crazy timing considering the predator song haha.. looked like predator falling out of a tree @ 2am.


Lol, that feeling is awesome though. Especially when it happens without you being in any real danger.

soreness = left soleus (horrible, from the midfoot runs), both hamstrings a little

When you're running like a mile mid-foot, does it end up being like a strength endurance sort of burn in the calfs? Sorta like the burn in the legs when doing ultra-rep lunges?

nah it's a different feeling.. like a weird 'pull'.. and if i only do 1 mile or so, when fresh, i don't feel it at all really, btu the next day my left soleus is DEAD.. so today it was more like a pull on each plant of that leg, felt painful.. but i've delt with it before so i know it's pretty much alright, tomorrow is nothing intense so it should be alot better for friday, hopefully.

Also, I've been doing some 'strength' SLVJ's. Like standing at the free-throw line and doing only my penultimate step into a maximal SLJ, trying to touch rim (scraping it on most attempts). Sounds similar to what you've done in this workout. Eddie's jumps look like he has more bend in the knee than Holm for example, and I wanna get a similar sort of single leg pop. Hope it works out for us!

Keep it up.

ya, those do help, eddie does alot of those on warmups.. short run ups working on just getting high off a few steps.. then once he starts feeling good he'll move it up.. similar to how i do it for my DLRVJ warmups etc.. he just does it naturally, so do i.. kind of a 'buildup mentality'..

he used to do short run up sessions all the time at MSC, when he didn't feel like going max or when it wasn't a priority in the programming.

ya man he lands more like donald thomas, check the crazy weird analysis subforum, high jumpers, holm vs thomas.. good example there.. eddie tried stiffer plants (less knee bend) but it never worked too good for him.. his best jumps have always come with considerable knee bend.. that's some serious strength HEH.. but more of a basketball player style of jump.. most bball guys that don't have a track and field background will do SLRVJ's like that from what i've seen.

peace man


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Re: ADARQ's journal
« Reply #1594 on: October 01, 2010, 05:01:16 am »
RACCOON ...... got alpha'd

ok so i'm crossing this bridge, and then i see something right near me, like ~5-6 feet to the left of me... turns out it's a raccoon, and it's staring at me.. so, i stare back.. then i approach it, making little smoochy sounds.. it's looking at me like some cute little animal, it was a large raccoon, but they look cute.. it didn't hiss or anything.. i was trying to get close while making those sounds.. then it bailed under the bridge...........

then i hear the sounds of brutal murder.. it must have torn something apart, so bad.. i took my ear piece off to listen, it was just horrible screetches and something sounded like it was getting ripped to shreds.



bw = 154
soreness = left calf horrible
aches/injuries = legs dead
fatigue = major

walk: 8 miles
- legs toast.. couldn't even do my light sprints, calfs/quads/everything just felt like i was super glued to the ground.
- saw about 8 cops

this damn calf shit drives me nuts.. it's from my old calf tear which had me in crutches for 2 months, back when i was like 20-21.. it's gastroc and soleus.. it's just so crazy how i can sprint but when i jog mid foot it keeps coming back.. that must mean it's mostly soleus then.. i dno man i dug my fingers into it so hard, basically trying to stick my thumb into my leg.. made it hurt more right after but then actually felt better throughout the day, but it's still shitty.. i can only imagine that there's a shitload of scar tissue that rips when i do this midfoot jog shit.

still, it's driving me nuts.. i hate how i can't fix it... when stuff like this happens i usually go apeshit on it until it's better, or worse.. ive been doing some weird soleus stretch for the last 1 hour, which can bug my ham tendon so i have to be careful.

i just hate this fucking calf tear shit, i hate the idiot who knee'd my calf much more though, that little spaz piece of shit.



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Re: ADARQ's journal
« Reply #1595 on: October 01, 2010, 05:23:14 am »
Ha raccoons. We had a couple of them go through our trash in Canada. What a mess.

Sucks about your calf. Have you considered if it might be a compartment syndrome? That would be BAAAD!!


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Re: ADARQ's journal
« Reply #1596 on: October 01, 2010, 05:32:03 am »
Ha raccoons. We had a couple of them go through our trash in Canada. What a mess.

hah, ya they are sneaky buggers. i like them though, they are cool looking/sneaky.

Sucks about your calf. Have you considered if it might be a compartment syndrome? That would be BAAAD!!

pretty sure it's from the tear i had, koz man, my right calf is fine most of the time during these midfoot runs, and after.. my muscles are so small too, in my posterior lower leg, i just really think it has to do with that tear i suffered.. it was major.. no walking for around 2 months, i can only imagine how bad it actually was in there.. no mri but tons of rehab/stim/massage at a PT place.

hope it's not compartment, but i doubt it..

peace man


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Re: ADARQ's journal
« Reply #1597 on: October 01, 2010, 06:58:37 am »
walk: 8 miles
- legs toast.. couldn't even do my light sprints, calfs/quads/everything just felt like i was super glued to the ground.
- saw about 8 cops


this damn calf shit drives me nuts.. it's from my old calf tear which had me in crutches for 2 months, back when i was like 20-21.. it's gastroc and soleus.. it's just so crazy how i can sprint but when i jog mid foot it keeps coming back.. that must mean it's mostly soleus then.. i dno man i dug my fingers into it so hard, basically trying to stick my thumb into my leg.. made it hurt more right after but then actually felt better throughout the day, but it's still shitty.. i can only imagine that there's a shitload of scar tissue that rips when i do this midfoot jog shit.

still, it's driving me nuts.. i hate how i can't fix it... when stuff like this happens i usually go apeshit on it until it's better, or worse.. ive been doing some weird soleus stretch for the last 1 hour, which can bug my ham tendon so i have to be careful.

i just hate this fucking calf tear shit, i hate the idiot who knee'd my calf much more though, that little spaz piece of shit.

yo I thought you were ending GPP and moving into SPP? That really blows about your calves man; do you find self-trigger point therapy helpful? It usual just causes me more pain (I used to do that shit with the lateral aspect of my knees a lot in the past). Who knee'd your calf???

uh, level-7'd again.. nothing major but just scared the shit out of me.. so im at the basketball court, doing some jumps, and my 'predator' soundtrack song comes on.. then out of nowhere i hear this HUGE noise and then i see some huge thing falling out of the sky, turned out to be a like ~10 foot palm tree thing falling off a palm tree.. dno, just crazy timing considering the predator song haha.. looked like predator falling out of a tree @ 2am.



bw = 154
soreness = left soleus (horrible, from the midfoot runs), both hamstrings a little
aches/injuries = left hamstring tendon, left ankle, left knee
fatigue = none (mental) today, thankfully


late workout, courts still wet, non stop rain

workout: jumps + strength, courts wet
- 1 mile midfoot run (calf dead)

- 1-2 step leads, a bunch of LR/RL DLRVJ jumps, hit ~32" off LR-DLRVJ and ~30-31" off RL-DLRVJ.. on wet surface with dead calf, nice
- mixed in MR tucks and deep landing MR tucks, all x 10 reps
- L-SLRVJ : hit some NASTY jumps without a full runup, again around 3 step runup but not accelerating max, hit a bunch of ~32's or so, felt insane................ very odd, i really was getting up major considering..
- R-SLRVJ : hit some ~10'4 touches or so

- 1.5 mile midfoot run (calf dead)

- deep landing MR tucks mixed with squats

- paused (3-5s) pin squat off pin 11: 245 @ 3 x 5

- S1: barbell calf raise: 165 @ 4 x 10
- S1: neutral grip pullups: 5, 5, 5, 5


so i've been doing alot of stretching, has my legs feeling very shitty, but, they feel powerful and very bouncy... but not fresh, so it's a weird feeling.. i stretched throughout the day today, and im about to stretch for about an hour.. it's kind of bugging my hamstring tendon a LITTLE i think, so i have to be careful, but i'm interested to see how i jump friday with stretching tonight/tomorrow.. friday it's forecasted to be dry/no rain, so i want to go hit some nasty SLRVJ jumps or maybe dunks..

i want my SLRVJ to be PR levels 2 saturday's from now when i dunk with eddie again.

tomorrow is lots of walking, maybe 10-12 miles or so again.

Dang man, I'm surprised you were able to have such a productive training session after a level 7 level 7 experiences usually get me feeling all negative after the fact. Dang man it's insane that you hit 32s with a 3 step run up ON A RAINY SURFACE!!! mad propz!!!


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Re: ADARQ's journal
« Reply #1598 on: October 01, 2010, 03:29:09 pm »
yo I thought you were ending GPP and moving into SPP? That really blows about your calves man; do you find self-trigger point therapy helpful? It usual just causes me more pain (I used to do that shit with the lateral aspect of my knees a lot in the past). Who knee'd your calf???

well i was moving into spp but my feet are kind of wrecked.. i can't do jump sessions the way i want, left heel and right foot pad are kind of wrecked.. now i got this damn calf shit, which hopefully will be alot better tomorrow, i think it will.. single leg jumping, for my feet, feels alot better, and i have a feeling my single leg vert is about to explode.. it feels ---- different.

self trigger point stuff, i rarely do it.. i don't find it too helpful to be honest.. sometimes it has been but generally it just is only good for me to inflict pain on myself.

years ago, when i was 20-21, someone knee'd my calf while i was on a fast break going up for a layup, so picture my going up for a layup and at the same time someone's knee collapsing down into my calf.. tore that shit up bad.

Dang man, I'm surprised you were able to have such a productive training session after a level 7 level 7 experiences usually get me feeling all negative after the fact. Dang man it's insane that you hit 32s with a 3 step run up ON A RAINY SURFACE!!! mad propz!!!

lol ya i always have better training after level-7 or perceived level-7.. i feel awake/alive all of a sudden, kind of like when i'm peaking for vert, all caff'd up and rested.

thanks man, ya it was some good jumping.. wanted to jump today on cam but calf is still bugging, so ill probably do some light jumps tonight as recovery, then hope tomorrow my calf will be alright... i kind of think it will.



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Re: ADARQ's journal
« Reply #1599 on: October 01, 2010, 04:53:33 pm »
Ha raccoons. We had a couple of them go through our trash in Canada. What a mess.

hah, ya they are sneaky buggers. i like them though, they are cool looking/sneaky.

Sucks about your calf. Have you considered if it might be a compartment syndrome? That would be BAAAD!!

pretty sure it's from the tear i had, koz man, my right calf is fine most of the time during these midfoot runs, and after.. my muscles are so small too, in my posterior lower leg, i just really think it has to do with that tear i suffered.. it was major.. no walking for around 2 months, i can only imagine how bad it actually was in there.. no mri but tons of rehab/stim/massage at a PT place.

hope it's not compartment, but i doubt it..

peace man

Yeah raccoons looks cool.

Probably isnt compartment. Its fairly rare.


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Re: ADARQ's journal
« Reply #1600 on: October 01, 2010, 04:56:42 pm »

FORGOT TO MENTION, i was bored during last night's walk so, i thought, hm lemme try and hold my breathe, ill count how many walking strides i can take while holding my breathe.. first set got like 40, by like the 20th set i hit 70 strides holding breathe.. was kind of fun.. every time after holding my breathe for so long, i felt blood rush into my legs and i felt real light for a short period of time.

was pretty cool


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Re: ADARQ's journal
« Reply #1601 on: October 01, 2010, 06:08:03 pm »

FORGOT TO MENTION, i was bored during last night's walk so, i thought, hm lemme try and hold my breathe, ill count how many walking strides i can take while holding my breathe.. first set got like 40, by like the 20th set i hit 70 strides holding breathe.. was kind of fun.. every time after holding my breathe for so long, i felt blood rush into my legs and i felt real light for a short period of time.

was pretty cool

New level-7 idea: Hold breath while doing max RVJs, until you start to black out. Then breathe. Body freaks out. Dunks galore.
Muscles are nonsensical they have nothing to do with this bullshit.

- Avishek

black lives matter


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Re: ADARQ's journal
« Reply #1602 on: October 01, 2010, 06:20:29 pm »

FORGOT TO MENTION, i was bored during last night's walk so, i thought, hm lemme try and hold my breathe, ill count how many walking strides i can take while holding my breathe.. first set got like 40, by like the 20th set i hit 70 strides holding breathe.. was kind of fun.. every time after holding my breathe for so long, i felt blood rush into my legs and i felt real light for a short period of time.

was pretty cool

New level-7 idea: Hold breath while doing max RVJs, until you start to black out. Then breathe. Body freaks out. Dunks galore.

i tend to hold my breathe during my runup/jump, kind of like when im squatting, then you hear that hiss sound as i expel the air.

holding breathe was kind of fun though, it woke me up pretty good.


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Re: ADARQ's journal
« Reply #1603 on: October 02, 2010, 03:53:37 am »
weather was amazing today................ autumn > *

edit: i saw another racoon, word.


bw = 154
soreness = left calf (bad)
aches/injuries = just the calf, well a little bit of lower back
fatigue = a little bit (mental)

lots of stretching during the day

workout: jumps + plyo
- came in pretty heavy, dinner + lots of fluid i was prolly like 160 come jump time
- LR DLRVJ: 33" off two step
- RL DLRVJ: 30" off two step
- L-SLRVJ & R-SLRVJ = sucked.. BLEH!
- MR tuck jumps: 40, 40, 45, 40, 40, 50, 40, 10 (max effort), 10 (max effort)
- MR (edit: double leg) bound: 30 bounds, 30 bounds... jumping the distance between steps in the sidewalk, so like 6 feet or so each one.
- drop step RVJ to deep ADA landing: about 20 or so

a shitload of reactive work ^^^^^

i might start doing more reactive work while im going for my big walks................... i'm starting to want to.. heh..

i want to jump tomorrow so, should be interesting if i feel fine, which i predict i will..



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Re: ADARQ's journal
« Reply #1604 on: October 02, 2010, 10:50:41 pm »
flying tonight.. gonna work on a vid, i messed my wrist up bad, lump on it.. slammed it into the rim so hard.