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Re: ADARQ's journal
« Reply #8700 on: February 28, 2019, 10:32:19 pm »
legs destroyed.. but not as destroyed as i predicted.


2019 spinach salads: 5

- ate decent

08:30 AM: empty bar upper: 15 min
- standing ohp: 45 lb x 26 reps (last few reps were rough lol)

this is mostly standing OHP .. basically like intervals. 26 first set, then like ~5 reps each effort after that.. because arms didn't work. just kept trying to push through it. i don't get how they can recover for 5 reps, and that's it.

08:30 PM: empty bar upper: 7 min
- standing curl: 45 lb x 28 reps

incredible how hard empty bar ohp is.


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Re: ADARQ's journal
« Reply #8701 on: March 01, 2019, 11:21:25 am »
legs were wrecked when i wokeup, so decided not to run and went back to sleep. slept another 1.5 hours. wokeup, legs felt good. lol.

triceps sore from high rep upper.

legs sore but feel good.


2019 spinach salads: 5

- eating light

- triceps sore af! too much standing OHP.

09:00 AM: walking lunges: 22 minutes
- duration PR! (+4 minutes) :personal-record:
- was thinking about making a push for 30 minutes but knees were getting stressed the last ~3-4 minutes.
- around ~600 total (more, lost count on lap 3)
- hr really goes way up, shit is crazy

great session.


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Re: ADARQ's journal
« Reply #8702 on: March 01, 2019, 09:01:08 pm »
saw these and just ordered a pair. always wanted a pair of mamba spikes. these are Bowerman Track Club Mamba 5's


 :wowthatwasnutswtf: :ibrunning:


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Re: ADARQ's journal
« Reply #8703 on: March 02, 2019, 06:11:04 am »
guy with a violent crime from 20 years ago was asking for leniency to coach his kids baseball team. turned out to be very interesting.

Wow! How did it turn out?

Reminds me of those border security shows where someone it trying to enter the country and they have an assualt charge from 20 years ago and are turned away.

didn't turn out too good for the guy. everyone (mayor, assistant deputy mayor, and these attorneys etc) basically said it's impossible. it's state and city law or something. and there's absolutely no exceptions for violent crimes: disqualifier for life.

it had to be pretty bad too.. because they wouldn't actually say what it was, nor even hint to what it was, other than that it was "violent". and when some attorney asked the guy if he could mention what it was to the room, the guy said "i don't think it would be good with my kids being here" etc.. then the attorney basically said something like "and that's another reason why it's so hard to grant any kind of leniency .. if it's hard to talk about, how will the other parents feel when they find out?"

it was nuts.

one guy on the "panel" was very empathetic to him.. seemed like he wanted to try and do something for him. but you could tell from the other reactions on the panel, that there was no way anything was going to change.

the mayor mentioned "voting" .. but he said, voting is a right. we fight to restore rights to people who have lost them, and then paid their debt to society.. but coaching isn't a right. etc.

the mayor also listed off the crimes in the statute or whatever, that qualify.. he listed: homicide, armed robbery, rape, manslaughter, and "potentially others" ....... so this guy must have done some crazy shit back when he was 19.

mayor also mentioned: it's also relevant that you were 19, and not much younger. (even though the judge somehow tried him as a minor.. for some reason.. to lighten his sentence). but that is still in this law, it mentioned everything he was convicted of etc. so this law basically protects against any violent offender, from being able to officially coach/supervise children etc.

so this dude went there as a last chance to ask for leniency for a violent crime he did 20 years ago, to coach his kids baseball team.

was just intense to witness in person. wasn't expecting to see anything like that.

even if he is the best dude now, allowing him to do it seems like it's more trouble than it's worth, when it comes to public officials, attorneys, parents, etc. these folks aren't trying to lose sleep at night, and they care about no one getting hurt etc, so no one will be getting leniency.

very interesting moment!



oh also.. it was funny/interesting watching some of the "cops on guard" (big tough dudes w/ vests and guns etc) wake the fu*k up once this guy mentioned his violent past... prior to that they were kinda nodding off. once this guy started talking, they were locked in. every cop in there looked like they switched to "high alert" once he started mentioning his violent past.

the panel itself (with the mayor etc) was incredibly polite/respectful though. it was impressive. I enjoyed the dialogue. The mayor himself is extremely sharp.

That's crazy to be there for something that intense. I can't even imagine how many people would find themselves in a similar position.

Given America's prison population I think it would be a surprisingly high number.

"the mayor mentioned "voting" .. but he said, voting is a right. we fight to restore rights to people who have lost them, and then paid their debt to society.. but coaching isn't a right. etc."

It would be interesting to see whether having a job was treated as a right or a privilege?

in the US, convictions can be disqualification for employment etc. it can also be a disqualification from voting, but lots of state laws passing to restore those voting rights. it'll probably be federal law at some point. for work however, i personally think it'll always be a potential disqualification. work is just way more complex than voting. ie, who you work with, what you do, who you provide services to, what kind of materials you handle, etc.. it's just so complex. voting is simple.

shoutouts to maine/vermont, can actually vote while in prison. LMFAO.

i mean the idea of being in prison for a marijuana offense, then being able to vote for legalizing marijuana while in prison, is amazing to me. love it.

Australia's legal system is much more lenient in comparison to the USA. However, one of the biggest factors of recidivism is that ex-criminals can't even get a job at McDonald's as almost every job requires a police clearance in this day and age. Therefore, if people don't have the right connections their destined for a life of welfare and relative poverty, which makes drugs and crime an appeasing alternative.

it's similar here. very hard for felons to find work.

My recommendation would be to double the punishments in Australia for crime. However, once the time has been served the person comes out with a clean slate (I would have some exceptions e.g. pedophiles) but for the most part everyone is given a second chance. If the person re-offends the sentence is tripled but they still come out with a clean slate and society gives them a chance to reintegrate once they have their shit together. The current system in Australia is a revolving door of pathetic sentences, which does nothing to deter crime but does everything to destroy opportunity of people ever getting decent jobs. Thus, the cycle continues.

it's an interesting idea but i personally can't fathom the concept of "clean slate".

to me, there's no clean slate. someone commits a crime, it stays with them forever. whether it's small or serious, i don't see a problem with it being part of the vetting process by an employer. I respect people who take chances on violent offenders, it's commendable but it'd be personally risky to me. It'd be hard for me to ever hire someone who was convicted of a senseless violent crime (ie some attack on an "innocent victim",) as opposed to some bar room fight for example. And if I worked in finance etc, it'd be hard for me to ever hire/trust someone convicted of a financial crime or petty theft. If the slate were wiped clean & hidden from the hiring process/vetting process, i'd definitely be against that. Even if my kind of reasoning makes it harder for people with criminal records to find work, i still think employers should have more leverage.


That's a very understandable view point. My idea would be radical and I've never been a business owner. However, if I do run a business in the future I would give people a second chance. On reflection it is reasonable for employers to be given information about applicant's backgrounds but instead of being like 99% of employers and ditching their resumes I would at least give them a chance at an interview (if they qualified) and an opportunity to explain themselves.
"IMO, It didn't happen if it's not on vid/official"- adarqui

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Re: ADARQ's journal
« Reply #8704 on: March 02, 2019, 02:57:43 pm »
been looking at some old vids.

i was such a beast. not kidding.

i did this for 45 reps once, should have done it for 50 at the time. i actually stopped short of 50 because i wanted to force myself to try it again in the not-so-distant-future. but i never tried it again.


anyway, this 31 reps looks damn strong.

i really was a high rep half squat monster. that's what took it to the next level. legs were crazy strong for my bodyweight.

<a href="" target="_blank"></a>

and 275 x 21 prior to that. (eventually did 315 x 20 or something, i forget)

<a href="" target="_blank"></a>


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Re: ADARQ's journal
« Reply #8705 on: March 02, 2019, 09:34:34 pm »
run day.

glutes toast.


2019 spinach salads: 5

- ate good

- glutes very sore, legs slightly

08:20 AM: light progression: 1h22m @ {9:30 to 7:19} ::: (grass/dirt/rocks, legs feel great but flat, pretty hot out)

06:00 PM: bodyweight
- a little improvement over ~monday (5,5)

3-5sec dead hang neutral grip pullups: BW x 8

full dips: BW x 8


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Re: ADARQ's journal
« Reply #8706 on: March 03, 2019, 11:14:29 pm »
speed day!


2019 spinach salads: 6

- ate alot but good

- glutes/hamstrings sore, left hamstring oddly sore

- upon waking up: left low back, left hamstring (i think sleeping on my side is wrecking me)
- after short evening workout: left knee stinging at patella tendon insertion

09:00 AM: mostly light w/ mod speed: 1h37m @ {27 x ~60-100m, mostly 4:5X min/mi} ::: (grass, spikes, felt great other than left low back/left hamstring) /// felt powerful - cut it short in precaution of hamstring soreness

left hamstring/left low back were achy/sore when i wokeup. felt fine though all day yesterday. i've been finding myself sleeping on my side more lately, think i might be jacking myself up.

on my last stride, almost got hit with a futbol kicked hard af. did something out of the matrix to avoid it hitting my stomach. it grazed my hip. i was running along the edge of the field, and a soccer match was going on. so as i was striding it out, someone kicked a missile at the goal and i reflexively did some crazy sh*t to avoid getting hit. lol.

07:00 PM: empty bar
- shoulders sore/tired, but still made some progress

standing barbell overhead press: 45 lb. x 27 (20 + 7 breathing reps, recovering at the top) :personal-record:

standing barbell curl: 45 lb. x 31 :personal-record:

left knee was feeling fine all day. after that short barbell session, it started stinging a bit at the patella tendon insertion. i think i was locking my legs really hard while hitting some of those final reps in the standing OHP. kind of funny if that's the case. hope it's fine tomorrow.


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Re: ADARQ's journal
« Reply #8707 on: March 04, 2019, 09:15:35 pm »
lunge day! high rep nation making a come back.


2019 spinach salads: 6

- ate light/good

- glutes/hamstrings: slightly

- left patella tendon insertion slightly

08:45 AM: walking lunges: 27 min (~800)
- duration PR: 27 min :personal-record:
- total reps PR: ~800 :personal-record:
- those 3:XX min lunges x 100 splits look like hard equivalent 3:XX kilometer splits, lmao.

almost at 30 minutes!

stopped at 27 min, knees were achy the last few minutes. in the last 3 sessions i've stopped because of that, but it happened later each session. so that's a good sign.


got my spikes & endorphin racer v2's! :ibrunning:


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Re: ADARQ's journal
« Reply #8708 on: March 05, 2019, 10:55:25 pm »
light run day.

dude my glutes are SORE AS FU*K.


2019 spinach salads: 6

- ate light/good. broc/cauli stir fry to finish the day!

- glutes: CRAZY SORE.

- not much

08:30 AM: very light "micro progression" until the last few miles: 1h29m ::: (grass/dirt/rocks, feel great except for my CRAZY SORE glutes lmao)

08:30 PM: empty bar
- felt really strong. nice.

standing barbell overhead press: 45 lb. x 30 (25 + 5 breathing) :personal-record: (+3)

standing barbell curl: 45 lb. x 30

standing barbell overhead press: 45 lb. x 15 (10 + 5 breathing)

nice. i'm able to breathing-OHP now, a little. trying stay consistent with this and see how many reps I can hit with an empty bar.


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Re: ADARQ's journal
« Reply #8709 on: March 06, 2019, 10:46:02 pm »
speed day but, had to shut it down.. glutes sore but, left one more achy than sore. hereditary sacral spine issue seems to be inflamed lately (low back/sacral spine related stuff).

this speed session would have been really good if i was 100%. i mean, i was flying EZ and felt great.

now hoping this glute ache disappears quick.


2019 spinach salads: 6

- ate light/good. burger + milkshake for dinner.

- glutes: sore, but more achy than sore (left especially)

- not much
- left glute "ache", low back/sacral spine ache

08:00 AM: this was going to be such a great session, fu*k! -> 1h43m @ {relaxed speed progression: 8 x ~330m, 6:41 min/mi to 4:54 min/mi, stopped because glutes (left especially) were too sore & low back achy} + {light miles} ::: (grass, spikes, felt great, nice weather)

felt really good on the ~330's. last one made my left glute feel really achy so i stopped. glute soreness is from the lunges but there's also some glute/hip achiness from the low back/sacral spine "issue". sux.

hoping to feel alot better tmw.



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Re: ADARQ's journal
« Reply #8710 on: March 07, 2019, 10:50:35 pm »
slight left glute strain lol. so, did some low intensity cardio (didn't bug it at all).

solid jump rope session.

i tell you what i think i should do........ instead of just lunge days, turn that into jump rope + lunge days. damn. ballin. :ibjumping: :ibsquatting: :ibrunning:


2019 spinach salads: 6

- ate light/good. nice steak quesadilla for lunch and caramel frap w/ whipped cream. also some epic "irish" cheddar w/ crackers to finish the night :D

- glutes: left achy/slight strain

08:45 AM: relaxed (aerobic) speed rope (jump rope): 1h ::: felt great /// HR mostly 140-150 /// relaxed speed rope = aerobic, walking lunges = threshold

only a few messups the first 20 minutes. 2 messups the first 15 minutes. by 40 minutes, all shoulder fatigue disappeared and i could have kept jump roping for a long time, was having fun. wonder if the SPM measurements show my actual "turns per minute" (130-140's avg).

08:30 PM: empty bar session
- very short rest between super sets
- ohp was alot harder

S1: standing barbell overhead press: 45 lb x 15, 14, 13, 12, 11, 10
S2: standing barbell curl: 45 lb x 15, 14, 13, 12, 11, 10



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Re: ADARQ's journal
« Reply #8711 on: March 08, 2019, 09:08:37 pm »
wow these nike vaporfly 4% flyknit's feel HORRIBLE.

though, it feels like I can probably run very long distance, very comfortably -> that's why i got them. these things feel like "pillows" and have this weird "rocker motion".

absolute shit that companies can't just make a normal spike style road shoe. ie, if my endorphin's had a plate in them, they'd be perfect.. something like that.

feels like i'm wearing clown shoes. :uhhhfacepalm:

definitely curious to see how i'll race in these. probably will be better than expected.

the flyknit material feels great tho.

need to find more XC races so I can spike up and enjoy it.



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Re: ADARQ's journal
« Reply #8712 on: March 09, 2019, 07:43:29 am »
If you really want to set your glutes on fire, get on a treadmill on the fastest settings on the highest incline and while holding just run on it for at least 20 seconds - 1 minute (if you can last that long).

My glutes are sore like crazy when running on it for about 30 seconds.
Warm up drills
   - a walk, b skip quick powerful switch (heel to hams focus), a runs, dribbles small to big to run, straight leg to runs (force, reflex, go up/forward). force to hit the ground before it hits the ground knee/hip is at 90 degrees.
   - acceleration: low heel recovery, shin angle low, drive legs back before hitting the ground and drive thighs/knee forward not up
Measuring reminder:
5 toe to heel steps = 148cm

�Strength comes from the legs, Power comes from the torso and Speed comes from the arm.� � Al Vermeil
Arm also aids the legs in driving it down with power - seifullaah73

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Re: ADARQ's journal
« Reply #8713 on: March 09, 2019, 08:57:20 am »
that sounds so dangerous.
Muscles are nonsensical they have nothing to do with this bullshit.

- Avishek

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Re: ADARQ's journal
« Reply #8714 on: March 09, 2019, 03:22:34 pm »
that sounds so dangerous.

most of the highest speed settings is 23km/h and since you are holding, it definitely is easier. but you can realize when your body cannot keep up with the pace and then you stop.
Warm up drills
   - a walk, b skip quick powerful switch (heel to hams focus), a runs, dribbles small to big to run, straight leg to runs (force, reflex, go up/forward). force to hit the ground before it hits the ground knee/hip is at 90 degrees.
   - acceleration: low heel recovery, shin angle low, drive legs back before hitting the ground and drive thighs/knee forward not up
Measuring reminder:
5 toe to heel steps = 148cm

�Strength comes from the legs, Power comes from the torso and Speed comes from the arm.� � Al Vermeil
Arm also aids the legs in driving it down with power - seifullaah73

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