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Re: ADARQ's journal
« Reply #8220 on: July 22, 2018, 10:56:30 pm »
light + light speed day.


bw = 141
bw before bed last night = ?
soreness = glutes alot, hamstrings/adductors moderate, right calf slightly
aches/injuries = ankles in a few spots occasionally - mostly right ankle
calves painful to touch/massage = much less so lately (right more so)
cramping = none
morning quad flexibility = loose
morning hamstring flexibility = loose, less clicky
morning calf flexibility = loose, not thick
morning adductor flexibility = loose
toenails: 2 on left foot, 2 on right (black)
feel = good
hours sleep: 8

wakeup = 09:00 AM

sub5 mile or sub3 km splits in 2018: 4 (mi) + 1 (km) = 5 of 50 :ibrunning:
- sub5's: ..., 2018/07/14
- sub3's: ...

data collected throughout the day when I have my watch on:
HR low: 37
HR high: ?

09:00 AM: water
09:50 AM: workout: quick + light (grass, legs/CNS toast, HOT AF): ~45 min light with 1 stride @ 4:40
10:45 AM: workout: bw
10:55 AM: food: 3 x grapefruit
01:00 PM: food: araxi burger: bleu cheeseburger w/ bacon, sweet potato fries, cookies & cream milkshake, water
04:15 PM: movies: equalizer 2
07:00 PM: water
08:45 PM: workout: quick session: light + speed (grass, legs dead): ~40 minutes with {3m:32s @ 5:13, peak 4:50} + {32s @ 5:02, peak 4:50} + {30s @ 4:36, peak 4:31} ::: felt good /// today i saw a video of a 9y/o running 59s for 400m
10:00 PM: food: flax oatmeal + pink salt + honey, peanut butter, lots of water
10:30 PM: some light self massage on my right calf
11:30 PM: light/moderate stretching: calves/quads/top of feet/glutes/upper (no adductors/hamstrings) (~1-2s holds, alternating each limb, just non stop, just feel too tight and body is telling me to stretch, so, figured i'd give in but perhaps not do my traditional static. maybe this'll have me feeling ok. we'll see tomorrow).

workout: quick + light (grass, legs/CNS toast, HOT AF): ~45 min light with 1 stride @ 4:40

workout: bw
- ok

3-5sec paused dead hang neutral grip pullups: BW x 8
full dips: BW x 8

workout: quick session: light + speed (grass, legs dead): ~40 minutes with {3m:32s @ 5:13, peak 4:50} + {32s @ 5:02, peak 4:50} + {30s @ 4:36, peak 4:31} ::: felt good /// today i saw a video of a 9y/o running 59s for 400m

^^ that last ~30s, i let my hips really open up, felt perfect. no change in effort really, just change in relaxation/ROM. need to figure out how to hold that for 15 minutes. would probably feel like heaven. :F


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Re: ADARQ's journal
« Reply #8221 on: July 22, 2018, 11:17:34 pm »
9yo running 59s? link? wtf?
Muscles are nonsensical they have nothing to do with this bullshit.

- Avishek

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Re: ADARQ's journal
« Reply #8223 on: July 23, 2018, 11:59:08 pm »
light + light speed day.

eating light as you can see. had my eggs been fine, tonight would have been very light.

trying to get used to "less frequent" food... i feel so much different during my fasted runs, or if i haven't eaten for a while.

want to get "better" at running on "less food" or "not as frequent food", hence some of the fasted running lately.


bw = 142
bw before bed last night = ?
soreness = glutes slightly, hamstrings/adductors moderate, calves slightly
aches/injuries = hip flexors/groin barely, right big toe baely
calves painful to touch/massage = much less so lately (right more so)
cramping = none
morning quad flexibility = loose
morning hamstring flexibility = loose, less clicky
morning calf flexibility = loose, not thick
morning adductor flexibility = loose
toenails: 2 on left foot, 2 on right (black)
feel = good
hours sleep: 8

wakeup = 08:30 AM

sub5 mile or sub3 km splits in 2018: 4 (mi) + 1 (km) = 5 of 50 :ibrunning:
- sub5's: ..., 2018/07/14
- sub3's: ...

data collected throughout the day when I have my watch on:
HR low: 41
HR high: ?

08:30 AM: water
09:15 AM: workout: light/quick (dirt/rocks, fasted): ~26min with {1m:30s @ 5:1X, so slippery} + {stride @ 4:42} ::: stride length gets wrecked on these loose rocks, felt so weird, not good to run hard on that
11:00 AM: food: dunkin donuts: 4 x egg & cheese wraps, frozen butter pecan coffee, water
12:00 PM - 07:00 PM: lots of water
08:30 PM: workout: light to moderate progression (grass, kinda mushy, legs better, NO WATCH): 54min from 9:49 to 5:42 + 42s kick (~5 avg, 4:48 peak) :: felt pretty good, surprisingly easy first 3 miles
10:00 PM: food: oatmeal + pink salt + blueberry honey, 5 x EGGS (ABORT: tainted, FUCK, water
11:00 PM: food: boreshead chicken & bacon ~6" sub, pint of haagen dazs peanutbutter ice cream, lots of water

eggs wrecked me. thought it was my taste buds at first but, they tasted fishy...... :(

feel awful after the pint of ice cream, but it made me feel good at the time. decided to down it to get my mind off the tainted eggs. lol. won't make this a frequent occurrence.

workout: light/quick (dirt/rocks, fasted): ~26min with {1m:30s @ 5:1X, so slippery} + {stride @ 4:42} ::: stride length gets wrecked on these loose rocks, felt so weird, not good to run hard on that

workout: light to moderate progression (grass, kinda mushy, legs better, NO WATCH): 54min from 9:49 to 5:42 + 42s kick (~5 avg, 4:48 peak) :: felt pretty good, surprisingly easy first 3 miles


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Re: ADARQ's journal
« Reply #8224 on: July 24, 2018, 11:46:55 pm »
light + speed day.


bw = 141
bw before bed last night = ?
soreness = hamstrings/adductors slightly
aches/injuries = hip flexors/groin barely
calves painful to touch/massage = much less so lately (right more so)
cramping = none
morning quad flexibility = loose
morning hamstring flexibility = loose, less clicky
morning calf flexibility = loose, not thick
morning adductor flexibility = loose
toenails: 2 on left foot, 2 on right (black)
feel = good
hours sleep: 7.5

wakeup = 08:00 AM

sub5 mile or sub3 km splits in 2018: 4 (mi) + 1 (km) = 5 of 50 :ibrunning:
- sub5's: ..., 2018/07/14
- sub3's: ...

data collected throughout the day when I have my watch on:
HR low: 32
HR high: ?

08:00 AM: water
08:45 AM: workout: light/moderate (grass, kinda dead, fasted): 35min with {8m:15s min @ ~6:15} + {30s kick @ 4:40}
10:00 AM: food: buffalo chicken wrap, lots of water
03:00 PM: food: rxbar, banana, trail mix bar, 4 x hersheys kisses, lots of water
06:00 PM: lots of water
07:00 PM: water
08:15 PM: workout: surprisingly good session: light (grass/mud/flooded, dead): 1.5 hr @ progression from 10:27 to 6:45 with {stride @ mile 9, 30s @ 4:33 peak}
10:00 PM: food: 1/2 of an egg sandwich, curry chicken salad (so good), beet juice (so good), some jalapeno potato chips, lots of water
11:45 PM: food: rxbar, water

workout: light/moderate (grass, kinda dead, fasted): 35min with {8m:15s min @ ~6:15} + {30s kick @ 4:40}

workout: surprisingly good session: light (grass/mud/flooded, dead): 1.5 hr @ progression from 10:27 to 6:45 with {stride @ mile 9, 30s @ 4:33 peak}


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Re: ADARQ's journal
« Reply #8225 on: July 25, 2018, 11:31:15 pm »
light-ish + speed-ish day.


bw = 141
bw before bed last night = ?
soreness = hamstrings/adductors barely
aches/injuries = legs a little achy, calves achy
calves painful to touch/massage = much less so lately (right more so)
cramping = none
morning quad flexibility = loose
morning hamstring flexibility = loose, less clicky
morning calf flexibility = loose, not thick
morning adductor flexibility = loose
toenails: 2 on left foot, 2 on right (black)
feel = good
hours sleep: 8

wakeup = 08:30 AM

sub5 mile or sub3 km splits in 2018: 4 (mi) + 1 (km) = 5 of 50 :ibrunning:
- sub5's: ..., 2018/07/14
- sub3's: ...

data collected throughout the day when I have my watch on:
HR low: 32
HR high: ?

08:30 AM: water
09:20 AM: workout: light-to-mod progression (grass/mud/flooding/mush, fasted, CRAZY HOT): 45 min @ {10:45 peak to 4:49 peak} - {mile 3 = 5:53} + {1.5min lunges} ::: felt like running on beach sand in some spots, so mushy
10:10 AM: workout: bw
10:30 AM: food: new orleans chicken salad wrap, turmeric drink, rxbar, lots of water
02:30 PM: food: a few chocolates, rxbar, banana, lots of water
05:00 PM: water
08:00 PM: rxbar, water
08:30 PM: workout: light (grass/mud/mush): 1 hour @ {light progression, from 9:59 to 6:50} + {35s kick @ 4:40, 4:33 peak} + {1min lunges} :: solid session. happy with the kick on the mud. the mush is tough.
10:00 PM: food: 1/2 of an egg sandwich, curry chicken salad (love this), some jalapeno potato chips, beet juice, tons of water
11:00 PM: food: koia coconut almond protein drink (so good), water
12:45 AM: food: up late (work stuff): needed an rxbar, water

workout: light-to-mod progression (grass/mud/flooding/mush, fasted, CRAZY HOT): 45 min @ {10:45 peak to 4:49 peak} - {mile 3 = 5:53} + {1.5min lunges} ::: felt like running on beach sand in some spots, so mushy

^^ rough but got a sub6 fasted in the crazy heat.

workout: light (grass/mud/mush): 1 hour @ {light progression, from 9:59 to 6:50} + {35s kick @ 4:40, 4:33 peak} + {1min lunges} :: solid session. happy with the kick on the mud. the mush is tough

^^ 138 after workout


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Re: ADARQ's journal
« Reply #8226 on: July 27, 2018, 12:00:50 am »
a photo of my cousin's son (nephew). some national sports participation thing in Australia.. solid running form in this shot, kid could have some potential! lol.


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Re: ADARQ's journal
« Reply #8227 on: July 27, 2018, 12:27:58 am »
light-ish speed day.

no hard workouts tomorrow, because I might do a 5k on Saturday.



bw = 141
bw before bed last night = ?
soreness = hamstrings barely, calves barely
aches/injuries = legs a little achy, calves achy
calves painful to touch/massage = much less so lately (right more so)
cramping = none
morning quad flexibility = loose
morning hamstring flexibility = loose, less clicky
morning calf flexibility = loose, not thick
morning adductor flexibility = loose
toenails: 2 on left foot, 2 on right (black)
feel = good
hours sleep: 8

wakeup = 08:00 AM

sub5 mile or sub3 km splits in 2018: 4 (mi) + 1 (km) = 5 of 50 :ibrunning:
- sub5's: ..., 2018/07/14
- sub3's: ...

data collected throughout the day when I have my watch on:
HR low: 32
HR high: ?

08:15 AM: water
09:10 AM: workout: light (grass/mud/mush, CRAZY HOT, mush universe): ~45 min @ {quick progression from 10:20 to 5:51, peak kick @ 4:36} ::: think i'm nearing full glycogen depletion, lol // 137 lb after run
10:15 AM: food: beet juice, rxbar, english muffin with irish butter, banana, lots of water
01:30 PM: food: turmeric drink, rxbar, lots of water
05:00 PM: lots of water
06:00 PM: food: rxbar, water
07:30 PM: food: rxbar, water
08:00 PM: workout: nice session! (grass/mush drying): 1.5 hours light w/ 10 strides (4:5X) mixed in ::: breaking in my new pair of shay xc4's (found a few on ebay!!)
09:40 PM: food: beet juice, banana, lots of water
11:00 PM: food: tons of blueberries, italian sub, 2 x pickles, blueberry/watermelon juice, coconut water, rxbar, water
12:20 AM: lots of water

workout: light (grass/mud/mush, CRAZY HOT, mush universe): ~45 min @ {quick progression from 10:20 to 5:51, peak kick @ 4:36} ::: think i'm nearing full glycogen depletion, lol // 137 lb after run

137 after workout.

workout: nice session! (grass/mush drying): 1.5 hours light w/ 10 strides (4:5X) mixed in ::: breaking in my new pair of shay xc4's (found a few on ebay!!)

138 after workout

ate a decent amount tonight. need to keep it light tomorrow and maybe try for sub11 2 mile on saturday. no idea yet tho.. i really need to get this sub11 2 mile though.


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Re: ADARQ's journal
« Reply #8228 on: July 27, 2018, 12:57:26 am »
I tell you what.. those fasted runs in the morning, especially in the heat, are HARD.

It's interesting to run in a fasted state. It's very difficult especially when you try and run hard. So it's interesting to say, put a "governor" (speed limiter) on your engine, using a nutritional strategy (ie fasted state), and then see how you perform. I did this a few other times with decent results. Going to keep messing around with it for a bit, but being extremely cautious not to wreck my stomach. I think I have that figured out though: can't train too long & have to avoid caffeine. The morning fasted workouts have to be shorter. They can be hard, but not like 2-3 hours. <= 1 hour seems do-able (with only a small amount of that work being hard, if that). Also, if stomach is rumbling really bad, probably best to skip the fasted run - or eat something. Running with your stomach rumbling prior, means it could go nuclear.



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Re: ADARQ's journal
« Reply #8229 on: July 27, 2018, 10:28:05 pm »
signed up for a 5k tomorrow.

trying to focus on just PR'n my 2 miles. been way too long to not go sub11. doesn't even make sense tbh.. 11:09 for 2 miles is my PR, and that happened in a 3.1. I should be able to hit 2 in under 11 min. Seems more like a mental barrier at this point. Going to try and crack it tomorrow I think.


bw = 141
bw before bed last night = ?
soreness = calves barely
aches/injuries = calves a little achy
calves painful to touch/massage = much less so lately (right more so)
cramping = none
morning quad flexibility = loose
morning hamstring flexibility = loose, less clicky
morning calf flexibility = loose, not thick
morning adductor flexibility = loose
toenails: 2 on left foot, 2 on right (black)
feel = good
hours sleep: 7

wakeup = 08:00 AM

sub5 mile or sub3 km splits in 2018: 4 (mi) + 1 (km) = 5 of 50 :ibrunning:
- sub5's: ..., 2018/07/14
- sub3's: ...

data collected throughout the day when I have my watch on:
HR low: ?
HR high: ?

08:15 AM: food: rxbar, orange juice, coconut water, 3 x banana
01:00 PM: food: rxbar, banana, water
04:00 PM: food: 6 x hershey's chocolates
06:15 PM: food: true foods kitchen: bowl of chicken noodle soup, salad w/ grilled chicken + goat cheese, water w/ lemon
07:30 PM: food: beet juice, few pieces of multigrain sourdough, water
09:30 PM: food: coconut almond protein drink (love this), rxbar

cool story: :ibrunning:

some dude (worker at the restaurant) gets my attention at true foods kitchen.. says:

him: "excuse me?"
me: "hey"
him: "are you from Kenya?" (looking at my Kenya bracelet)
me: "hahahaaha. no, I follow the running culture of Kenya. Love Kenya."
me: "this bracelet is straight from Iten Kenya though!"
me: "where are you from?"
him: "Nairobi"
me: "ah awesome. they just announced today that Nairobi will host the 2020 IAAF World Championships"
him: "cool"

"are you from Kenya?" <-- haha.

I think he just didn't know what to ask me, or how to ask why I was wearing a Kenya bracelet. You could see he was very surprised, but also very happy.

pretty cool. :D

a beautiful bracelet indeed.. i truly love it. ordered one last week from Artiken, which will arrive in like 2-6 months lmao. Takes them forever apparently, so many orders, all hand made.




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Re: ADARQ's journal
« Reply #8230 on: July 28, 2018, 01:35:31 am »
round-trip tickets from miami to nairobi are less than $800 for september/october on turkish, which is a decent airline. $1000 on qatar, which is the best airline. just sayin'.
Muscles are nonsensical they have nothing to do with this bullshit.

- Avishek

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Re: ADARQ's journal
« Reply #8231 on: July 28, 2018, 11:54:49 am »
round-trip tickets from miami to nairobi are less than $800 for september/october on turkish, which is a decent airline. $1000 on qatar, which is the best airline. just sayin'.

is good point :D

that's pretty cheap.. surprised by that. I'd definitely go to Iten though. To me that's the Mecca. I'll make my pilgrimage there in the not-so-distant future.

i'd love to spend a few months in kenya, living the run life.

I just have a hard time leaving my dogs to the "care of others". I love my dogs. Definitely a major "dependency", factors into my plans. Wouldn't feel comfortable taking them up to Kenya. I'll probably go through with it for at least 2 weeks though at some point, but i'd love to train/live there for longer. Would also love to be faster before I go up, so I can hang w/ the women at least. :f


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Re: ADARQ's journal
« Reply #8232 on: July 28, 2018, 11:56:46 am »
yeah but you can't fly right into iten, it's little. you fly to NBO and then get there overland probably.

what i'm saying is, doooo iiiit.
Muscles are nonsensical they have nothing to do with this bullshit.

- Avishek

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Re: ADARQ's journal
« Reply #8233 on: July 28, 2018, 11:56:50 am »
This guy I raced with today, is followed by Eliud Kipchoge on IG.. wut?


I got first OA @ 17:48. He got 2nd OA. Talked to him for a bit, he's an Interesting dude, not sure what he's about but he just got back from Ethiopia and knows alot about the elite running world, said he's friends with Dibaba/Disesa/etc.

But ya.. followed by Eliud Kipchoge.. I mean that's pretty incredible. LOL.


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Re: ADARQ's journal
« Reply #8234 on: July 28, 2018, 11:59:25 am »
yeah but you can't fly right into iten, it's little. you fly to NBO and then get there overland probably.

what i'm saying is, doooo iiiit.

ah cool.

ya for sure. I want to. I really love everything i've seen/read about Kenya and my interactions with some Kenyans online. Just seem like great people.

work hard, live a simple life. -- Eliud Kipchoge