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Re: ADARQ's journal
« Reply #7860 on: February 24, 2018, 02:51:54 pm »
long run workout day!


bw = 145
bw before bed last night = ?
soreness = calves slightly, hamstrings slightly, adductors slightly
- soreness = lunge fallout
aches/injuries = right pinky toenail barely, left groin barely, top of right foot barely (stretching it last night helped, i think)
cramping = none
morning quad flexibility = loose
morning hamstring flexibility = loose
morning calf flexibility = loose
feel = good
hours sleep: 6.5

wakeup = 05:00 AM

05:15 AM: food: oatmeal + pink salt + tons of honey, water
06:30 AM: workout: long run workout w/ Loco Rio: 3 w/u, 10 mi @ 6:5X, 2 @ 7:XX, 1.5 light, smoothie, 3 mi of bridge repeats, 1 c/d ::: wore my heavier shoes, I like them, but at mile 9 of the 10 the stitched insoles started ripping off (LAME!)
08:00 AM: food: GU, water
08:30 AM: food: smoothie, water ^^ then went back to the bridge
10:00 AM: food: fresh first: egg sandwich on a waffle, smoothie, lemonade, water
11:00 AM: food: rxbar, water
03:00 PM: food: banana, rxbar, water
06:30 PM: food: 2 x banana, 4 x scrambled eggs, 2 x avocado, french bread, water
07:00 PM: food: vanilla almond milk, vegan fudge brownie, water

RHR while eating? who knows.

workout: long run workout w/ Loco Rio: 3 w/u, 10 mi @ 6:5X, 2 @ 7:XX, 1.5 light, smoothie, 3 mi of bridge repeats, 1 c/d ::: wore my heavier shoes, I like them, but at mile 9 of the 10 the stitched insoles started ripping off (LAME!)

had to pull those insoles out afterwards so I could run properly (for the bridges etc). The construction of the insoles stitched insoles is so weak in these shoes, kinda ridiculous. Afterwards while i'm eating breakfast, some guy is like, "those look nice, do you recommend them?", I go "well this is my first run in them and the stitches insoles ripped out", and he lol'd and showed me his phone, he was about to purchase them. So, a lesson to Brooks: need better insole construction!

Hit some decent paces on the bridge uphill segments, 6:XX's after mile 17 so, nice.

Planned on hitting 4 mi @ 6:4X after the 10 but was toast. Abort.

I need to start transitioning into work mode....... have tons of stuff to do today.. fml! :D


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Re: ADARQ's journal
« Reply #7861 on: February 25, 2018, 04:36:34 pm »
long walk day! (rest, but also a light run later)


bw = 143
bw before bed last night = ?
soreness = calves slightly, hamstrings slightly, adductors slightly
aches/injuries = none! (temporarily! lol)
cramping = none
morning quad flexibility = loose
morning hamstring flexibility = loose
morning calf flexibility = loose
feel = good
hours sleep: 8

wakeup = 06:30 AM (slept in)

06:35 AM: food: water
07:30 AM: workout: morning light to moderate long walk: 11 mi total, ending with 4 faster miles.
10:30 AM: food: rxbar, banana, water
11:30 AM: food: 4 x eggs, 1 of which for a toasted sourdough rye sandwich, avocado, sauteed mushrooms, pinksalt/black pepper, water
01:00 PM: food: rxbar, water
02:30 PM: nap while coding: 30 min
04:30 PM: food: water
06:00 PM: workout: light run w/ hundreds of folks to Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School -> In support of MSD, Parkland, Coral Springs, & all victims of senseless violence :: A few extra miles with friends afterwards
08:00 PM: food: tons of cashews, some prunes, rxbar, water


workout: morning light to moderate long walk: 11 mi total, ending with 4 faster miles.

ended with 13:22, nice.

TODO: light MSD/CS/Parkland support run..

workout: light run w/ hundreds of folks to Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School -> In support of MSD, Parkland, Coral Springs, & all victims of senseless violence :: A few extra miles with friends afterwards

intense stuff.

Father to one of the victims, Joaquin Oliver, spoke some powerful words at the end.


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Re: ADARQ's journal
« Reply #7862 on: February 26, 2018, 04:53:48 pm »
light running day .. should have been a rest day. wut.


bw = 143
bw before bed last night = ?
soreness = legs slightly
aches/injuries = none
cramping = none
morning quad flexibility = loose
morning hamstring flexibility = loose
morning calf flexibility = loose
feel = good
hours sleep: 7

wakeup = 06:00 AM (slept in)

06:05 AM: food: water
06:20 AM: workout: fasted morning run (no watch): 5 mi light-to-moderate progression (7:37 to 6:20) with a light-to-hard progression in that last mile (7:0X to 5:1X = 6:20)
07:45 AM: workout: bw
08:30 AM: food: 4 x eggs, blueberries, 2 x banana, water
11:00 AM: food: work life: hazelnut coffee + 4 creams + 3 sugars
02:30 PM: food: steak fried rice (omg), 2 x water w/ lemon
07:30 PM: food: 2 x rxbar, beet juice drink, water
08:30 PM: food: oatmeal, cashews, water

workout: fasted morning run (no watch): 5 mi light-to-moderate progression (7:37 to 6:20) with a light-to-hard progression in that last mile (7:0X to 5:1X = 6:20)
- 6:15 AM

bringing back some light fasted runs & no-watch (no looking at watch) runs. \o/

workout: bw
- 08:30 AM
- strong

S1: 3sec paused dead hang ng pullups: BW x 10
- felt in left groin alot, was making progress it seemed like
S1: full dips: BW x 13
S1: standing single leg abductions (partial at the top - harder): x 20
S1: neutral calf raises, back extended/hips locked: BW x 30
S1: 3sec paused forward walking lunges: BW x 10 each leg
- hurting on lunges

S2: 3sec paused dead hang chinups: BW x 10
S2: full dips - split stance: BW x 14
S2: standing single leg abductions (partial at the top - harder): x 20
S2: wide calf raises, back extended/hips locked: BW x 30
S2: 3sec paused forward walking lunges: BW x 10 each leg

S3: 3sec paused dead hang wide pullups: BW x 9
S3: full dips: BW x 14


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Re: ADARQ's journal
« Reply #7863 on: February 27, 2018, 09:49:59 am »
tweaked my left soleus this morning.. unreal. reaching over, into the shower, for some face soap: my left foot catches the tub and dorsiflexes + toes extend hard, felt it in my soleus immediately.. disappeared, no prob. Then felt it in the very last mile of the workout, which cut my session short. Afterwards, it's gotten really tight.

just incredible how something so simple/stupid can cause a tweak..


bw = 143
bw before bed last night = ?
soreness = legs slightly
aches/injuries = none / this morning: tweaked my left soleus slightly, started hurting again at the end of my track workout, massaged it (bad idea), made it worse, tight
cramping = none
morning quad flexibility = loose
morning hamstring flexibility = loose
morning calf flexibility = loose
feel = ok
hours sleep: 6.5
- getting to sleep was rough

wakeup = 04:30 AM

04:45 AM: food: GU with caffeine, oatmeal + pink salt + tons of honey, water
05:45 AM: workout: morning light speed: 3 x 10' (1.6mi) / 2' rest @ {6:15, 6:22, 5:59}, 8' rest, 4 mi w/ Andrea @ {6:30, 6:26, 6:38, 6:17}. ~1 hour worth of work @ < 6:30 (nice!) ::: tweaked left soleus *slightly* after waking up / b4 workout - BLEH!! felt it at the end
07:00 AM: food: rxbar, water
08:30 AM: food: banana, water
09:30 AM: icing left soleus
10:00 AM: food: 4 x egg, french bread, blueberries, rxbar, water
02:30 PM: lunch: brie burger, fries, bread, water

workout: morning light speed: 3 x 10' (1.6mi) / 2' rest @ {6:15, 6:22, 5:59}, 8' rest, 4 mi w/ Andrea @ {6:30, 6:26, 6:38, 6:17}. ~1 hour worth of work @ < 6:30 (nice!) ::: tweaked left soleus *slightly* after waking up / b4 workout - BLEH!! felt it at the end

solid session. everything felt pretty easy today. annoyed with my left soleus. basically stepped on something that caused my toes to extend/ankle to dorsiflex, and soleus pulled slightly. so stupid. didn't feel it until the last mile. planned on finishing with some HARD speed but didn't since I started feeling it. bleh bleh bleh.

it's interesting how easy that workout was.. i guess this was one of my good days. everything was easy, no problem.

also kicked hard the last 400m of the last mile, for fun. probably hit that 400m @ < 75s (sub5 pace).


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Re: ADARQ's journal
« Reply #7864 on: February 27, 2018, 07:30:02 pm »
signed up for a 5k on sat .. even tho my calf is acting weird. i won't run if it's messed up, but if i'm healthy, 5k sat. no big plans, just try and get top 3.


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Re: ADARQ's journal
« Reply #7865 on: February 28, 2018, 09:30:10 am »
rest day. planned to get in a light run but.. calf. calf (soleus) feels fine for the most part. in shoes can't feel it. barefoot can feel it slightly.


bw = 143
bw before bed last night = ?
soreness = none
aches/injuries = left calf/soleus slightly, right peroneal/ant tib/ankle slightly (i think from crossing my leg over to put pressure on my left leg, when icing it.......... lmao)
cramping = none
morning quad flexibility = loose
morning hamstring flexibility = loose
morning calf flexibility = loose
feel = good
hours sleep: 8.5

wakeup = 06:30 AM (slept in)
- slept in for more "healing"

06:45 AM: food: water
07:45 AM: workout: walk dogs + bw
09:00 AM: food: 4 x eggs, blueberries, banana, oatmeal + honey, rxbar, water
11:15 AM: food: work life: coffee + 4 creams + 3 sugars
03:00 PM: food: kapow: vegetable/egg fried rice with avocado, bunch of water
03:30 PM: food: le macaron: banana caramel gelato milk shake, roasted coconut chocolate
07:30 PM: food: rxbar, beet juice, water
09:10 PM: leg drain: 40 minutes
10:00 PM: food: prunes, cashews, water

workout: bw
- 08:00 AM
- kinda strong

S1: 3sec paused dead hang ng pullups: BW x 11 :wowthatwasnutswtf:
- barely felt it in groin
S1: full dips: BW x 13
S1: standing single leg abductions (partial at the top - harder): x 20
S1: neutral calf raises, back extended/hips locked: BW x 20
- no calf pain
S1: 3sec paused forward walking lunges: BW x 10 each leg

S2: 3sec paused dead hang chinups: BW x 9
S2: full dips - split stance: BW x 13
S2: standing single leg abductions (partial at the top - harder): x 20
S2: wide calf raises, back extended/hips locked: BW x 20
- no calf pain
S2: 3sec paused forward walking lunges: BW x 10 each leg

S3: 3sec paused dead hang wide pullups: BW x 9
S3: full dips: BW x 14
S3: standing single leg abductions (partial at the top - harder): x 20
S3: close calf raises, back extended/hips locked: BW x 20
- no calf pain
S3: 3sec paused forward walking lunges: BW x 10 each leg


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Re: ADARQ's journal
« Reply #7866 on: February 28, 2018, 09:54:49 pm »
5k march 3, 10k march 10!!


i dropped 1s off my PR without trying!! loool. weird, i could have swore it said 1:27:11 ... just checked the results:

says 1:27:10.81

but, it says 25th OA like i've been writing............... and my screenshot says 26th OA.

I'll pick and choose the 1:27:10 AND the 25th OA!

 :trolldance: :derp: :trollface: :ibrunning:


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Re: ADARQ's journal
« Reply #7867 on: March 01, 2018, 01:44:40 pm »
light day.


bw = 143
bw before bed last night = ?
soreness = none
aches/injuries = left calf/soleus barely, right peroneal/ankle moderate
cramping = none
morning quad flexibility = loose
morning hamstring flexibility = loose
morning calf flexibility = loose
feel = good
hours sleep: 8

wakeup = 06:00 AM (slept in)
- slept in for more "healing"

06:05 AM: food: water
06:30 AM: workout: light morning trot (grass): 2 x light progressions: 1: 5 mi @ {7:28->6:33} ... 2: 4 mi @ {8:25->6:31} with the 6:31 going from 7:4X->5:4X ::: being careful of left calf & right tib ant
08:15 AM: food: rxbar, banana, water
09:30 AM: food: 4 x egg sandwich on ciabata bread (with spanish olive oil + pink salt + black papper + 2 x banana), water
12:00 PM: nap: 30 minutes
02:45 PM: food: rxbar, banana, water
04:00 PM: food: black tea
08:00 PM: food: mission bbq: small serving of brisket, corn bread, mac & cheese, water
09:30 PM: food: prunes, water

workout: light morning trot (grass): 2 x light progressions: 1: 5 mi @ {7:28->6:33} ... 2: 4 mi @ {8:25->6:31} with the 6:31 going from 7:4X->5:4X ::: being careful of left calf & right tib ant

felt great. really easy effort on everything. nice.


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Re: ADARQ's journal
« Reply #7868 on: March 01, 2018, 06:03:48 pm »
Forget Diamond league. All the action is on this thread. All the competitions you take part it and posting the results on a regular basis too. Just awesome.

Maybe a televised competition of a marathon in the near future you up against some of the best, neck and neck to the finish line.

Good luck with and keep up the good work.
Warm up drills
   - a walk, b skip quick powerful switch (heel to hams focus), a runs, dribbles small to big to run, straight leg to runs (force, reflex, go up/forward). force to hit the ground before it hits the ground knee/hip is at 90 degrees.
   - acceleration: low heel recovery, shin angle low, drive legs back before hitting the ground and drive thighs/knee forward not up
Measuring reminder:
5 toe to heel steps = 148cm

�Strength comes from the legs, Power comes from the torso and Speed comes from the arm.� � Al Vermeil
Arm also aids the legs in driving it down with power - seifullaah73

My Progress Log
A Journey to Running fast and Jumping High


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Re: ADARQ's journal
« Reply #7869 on: March 01, 2018, 09:55:40 pm »
Forget Diamond league. All the action is on this thread. All the competitions you take part it and posting the results on a regular basis too. Just awesome.

Maybe a televised competition of a marathon in the near future you up against some of the best, neck and neck to the finish line.

Good luck with and keep up the good work.

haha thanks man!!! :D :highfive:

ya maybe in like 3-4 years lmao!! if i stay healthy and push it for 3-4 years, i should be flying.. then maybe i can get some TV time!! :D :D  :ninja:


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Re: ADARQ's journal
« Reply #7870 on: March 01, 2018, 09:57:34 pm »
went to a tableau "mini convention" / meetup today .. turned out to be pretty fun. volunteered to be a judge for some data visualization contest.

got a nice coffee mug out of the deal:

here's a photo of me w/ the mic - laughing, lol:

also.. surprised how many beautiful af women were at this thing. interesting. smart as hell too, talked to a few. ehehe.


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Re: ADARQ's journal
« Reply #7871 on: March 02, 2018, 04:26:34 pm »
light day.


bw = 143
bw before bed last night = ?
soreness = none
aches/injuries = left calf/soleus barely, right peroneal/ankle slightly
cramping = none
morning quad flexibility = loose
morning hamstring flexibility = loose
morning calf flexibility = loose
feel = good
hours sleep: 7

wakeup = 05:30 AM

05:45 AM: food: water
06:15 AM: workout: fasted very light morning trot (grass/no watch): 7 mi @ 7:XX to 6:4X ::: was surprised to see what my lap paces were. heh ::: late signup 5k race tomorrow! :D
07:45 AM: food: rxbar, 2 x banana, water
08:30 AM: food: rxbar, banana, water
10:00 AM: food: whole foods: egg sandwich, chicken briyani, chocolate cookie, water
11:30 AM: food: work: coffee + 4 cream + 4 sugar
01:30 PM: food: flat bread chicken pizza, lots of water w/ lemon
07:00 PM: food: rxbar, beet juice, water
08:00 PM: food: prunes, cashews, water

TODO: dinner snack, leg drain?

workout: fasted very light morning trot (grass/no watch): 7 mi @ 7:XX to 6:4X ::: was surprised to see what my lap paces were. heh ::: late signup 5k race tomorrow! :D

just going to try and get top 3 in this 5k, then do a long run on the hills at the same park. 5k course is flat I think.


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Re: ADARQ's journal
« Reply #7872 on: March 03, 2018, 12:48:43 pm »
will post more later but,

official 18:05 (long by ~0.07 mi I think):

17:43 unofficial! new 5k PR by 7s. :personal-record: :personal-record: :personal-record:

5:37, 5:48 (hill at 1.5 which took me into the low 6's), 5:43, 0.17 @ 5:21.

Felt like I was in all splits sub-5:40 today.. crazy. The first 5:37 was very easy, relaxing/effortless easy.

ran the whole thing solo too .. that's why the 5k itself was easy .. just ran at a steady pace, no one to battle with etc.

also, while doing my middle-long run after, hundreds of people at the park running/sprinting hills etc.. like this:


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Re: ADARQ's journal
« Reply #7873 on: March 03, 2018, 06:50:15 pm »
 :ibjumping: :ibrunning:
"IMO, It didn't happen if it's not on vid/official"- adarqui

It's easier to keep up than it is to catch up...


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Re: ADARQ's journal
« Reply #7874 on: March 03, 2018, 08:49:05 pm »
race day + long run day!


bw = 144
bw before bed last night = ?
soreness = none
aches/injuries = left calf/soleus barely, right peroneal/ankle barely
cramping = none
morning quad flexibility = loose
morning hamstring flexibility = loose
morning calf flexibility = loose
feel = good
hours sleep: 7

wakeup = 05:30 AM

05:45 AM: food: GU with caffeine, oatmeal + tons of honey + pink salt, water
06:45 AM: workout: warmup for race
07:30 AM: race
09:30 AM: workout: long run
- MPS Superhero 5k: 1st OA @ 18:05 official. Easy effort for a 5k PR (-7s): 17.43 unofficial :personal-record: @ {5:37, 5:47, 5:43, 54s/5:21}. Big hill @ 1.5 mi wrecked my second split. \o/
- after 5k race: middle-long run on a hilly path - love hilly long runs!!! 9 mi @ 7:5X-7:4X
11:00 AM: food: rxbar, water
12:00 PM: food: char hut: 2 x chicken on a pita (one with bacon), banana, water
02:00 PM: food: rxbar
03:30 PM: food: kilwins: double peanutbutter milkshake with whipped cream, omg omg omg omg
08:00 PM: food: prunes, bread, water

workout: MPS Superhero 5k: 1st OA @ 18:05 official. Easy effort for a 5k PR (-7s): 17.43 unofficial :personal-record: @ {5:37, 5:47, 5:43, 54s/5:21}. Big hill @ 1.5 mi wrecked my second split. \o/
- (edit: official adding results)

the last 0.1 said 0.17 for me. felt like it too based on the mile markers.

good stuff. great event with a great cause.

the guy on a bike who was leading me through the course stopped midway up the hill, he was like F that. lol.

also since this was the first ever MPS Superhero 5k, I have the course record! *trollface*

some little kid lead us out at the start .. he was running pretty fast I was impressed. He was moving for ~300m.

I thought this was going to be a completely flat 5k.. lol'd up the hill.

workout: after 5k race: middle-long run on a hilly path - love hilly long runs!!! 9 mi @ 7:5X-7:4X

eventually started pushing the pace up the hills. fun stuff.

will post more later but,

official 18:05 (long by ~0.7 mi I think):

17:43 unofficial! new 5k PR by 7s. :personal-record: :personal-record: :personal-record:

5:37, 5:48 (hill at 1.5 which took me into the low 6's), 5:43, 0.17 @ 5:21.

Felt like I was in all splits sub-5:40 today.. crazy. The first 5:37 was very easy, relaxing/effortless easy.

ran the whole thing solo too .. that's why the 5k itself was easy .. just ran at a steady pace, no one to battle with etc.

also, while doing my middle-long run after, hundreds of people at the park running/sprinting hills etc.. like this: