speed day!
12/23/2017bw = 143
bw before bed last night = ?
soreness = quads slightly, calves slightly
aches/injuries = none
cramping = none
morning quad flexibility = loose
morning hamstring flexibility = loose
morning calf flexibility = loose
feel = ok
wakeup = 8:30 AM
log:09:30 AM: food: oatmeal with honey, black tea, prunes, water
12:30 PM: food: 2 x banana, water
02:30 PM: food: grilled chicken, sea salt pita chips, hummus, almond milk, peach green tea
04:00 PM: leg drain: 30 minutes
06:00 PM: workout: hard speed with Cory "speed all day" Braddy: CRUSHED MY 1KM ESTIMATED PR, SUB3 @ 2:56 (-4s) @ ~4:43min/mi pace/12.7mph?
:personal-record:Also a hard 400m @ 63s (estimated 61s) - CR. Cory got the 2 lap CR, I got the one lap. FAU = WRECKED.
09:00 PM: food: whole foods: mac & cheese, orange chicken, grapefruit lemonade
10:00 PM: food: coconut water
11:00 PM: food: almond milk, water
stretch:- quads slightly at whole foods
icing:self massage:leg drain:04:00 PM: leg drain: 30 minutes
contrast showers:naps:workout: hard speed with Cory "speed all day" Braddy: CRUSHED MY 1KM ESTIMATED PR, SUB3 @ 2:56 (-4s) @ ~4:43min/mi pace/12.7mph? Also a hard 400m @ 63s (estimated 61s) - CR. Cory got the 2 lap CR, I got the one lap. FAU = WRECKED.-
https://www.strava.com/activities/1324961618/overviewhappy af. Cory helped pace me through the first 800m of the 1km attempt, so he grabbed the 2 lap (800m CR) on that effort, then I kicked the last 200m to get my 1km PR.
Then we both took turns at the 1 lap CR: him first, my finishing the last 200m with him. He got the CR. Then I went, him running the last 200m with me, then I got the CR.
Monthly Tracker: 2017December (12) 2017TODO:Bodyweight: [(01,138),(04,139),(05,141),(06,140),(07,142),(08,143),(09,140),(10,141),(11,142),(12,142),(13,143),(14,142),(15,143),(16,142),(18,142),(19,144),(20,141),(21,143),(22,143)]
- FORMAT: (day, weight in lbs)
Total Jumps per leg: []
- FORMAT: (day, # of jumps per leg)
- per leg total:
Max SLRVJ Touch: []
- FORMAT: (day, touch height in ft'inches")
Total speed interval distance: []
- FORMAT: (day, total speed interval distance in meters)
- total:
Max run speed (mph)/pace (min/mi): [(04,16.3,3:4X?),(06,16?,?),(08,14.8,?),(10,14.8,?)]
- FORMAT: (day, mph max, pace max in minutes per mile)
Resting HR: []
- FORMAT: (day, minutes for this test, average hr, minimum hr)
PR's: [(04,"alone mile 5:11, alone 1km 3:04"),(06, "race mile 5:03, 1km 3:01"),(08,"alone 1km 3:01"),(10,"1.67 mi @ 9:02 / 5:24 pace"),(13,"4:58 official mile, 4:57 watch mile"),(15,"alone 2 mile PR 11:21 @ 5:31+5:50"),(19,"1km PR @ 3:00 (-1s)")]
Races: [(02,1mile,5:16,5:13),(06,1mile,5:03,5:06),(13,1mile,4:58,4:57),(17,5k,18:37,18:34)]
- FORMAT: (day, distance, official, watch)
Soreness: [(01,"hamstrings barely, quads barely"),(04,"quads slightly (left moderate), hamstrings slightly (left moderate)"),(05,"calves slightly, quads slightly",(06,"calves barely"),(07,"none"),(08,"calves slightly"),(09,"calves slightly"),(10,"calves slightly"),(11,"calves slightly"),(12,"calves slightly"),(13,"none"),(14,"none"),(15,"none"),(16,"quads moderate"),(17,"none"),(18,"none"),(19,"none"),(20,"quads moderate"),(21,"quads slightly"),(22,"quads slightly, glutes moderate, calves moderate, hamstrings slightly")]
- FORMAT: (day, overall soreness, specifics)
Aches/Injuries: [(01,"none"),(04,"none"),(05,"none"),(06,"none"),(07,"none"),(08,"right big toe"),(09,"right big toe barely, left knee barely"),(10,"left calf a bit tight"),(11,"left calf/back of left knee tight"),(12,"none"),(13,"back of left knee/calf a little tight"),(14,"none"),(15,"left & right big toes a little - lmao, lower back slightly as the day goes on"),(16,"none'),(17,"none"),(18,"none"),(19,"none"),(20,"none"),(21,"none"),(22,"none")]
- FORMAT: (day, specifics)
Morning Quad Flexibility: [(01,"loose"),(04,"loose"),(05,"loose"),(06,"loose"),(07,"loose"),(08,"loose"),(09,"tight"),(10,"loose"),(11,"loose"),(12,"loose"),(13,"loose"),(14,"loose"),(15,"loose"),(16,"tight"),(17,"loose"),(18,"loose"),(19,"loose"),(20,"tight"),(21,"loose"),(22,"tight")]
- FORMAT: (day, general flexibility)
Morning Hamstring Flexibility: [(01,"loose"),(04,"loose"),(05,"loose"),(06,"loose"),(07,"loose"),(08,"loose"),(09,"loose"),(10,"loose"),(11,"loose"),(12,"loose"),(13,"loose"),(14,"loose"),(15,"loose"),(16,"loose"),(17,"loose"),(18,"loose"),(19,"loose"),(20,"loose"),(21,"loose"),(22,"loose")]
- FORMAT: (day, general flexibility)
Morning Calf Flexibility: [(01,"loose"),(04,"loose"),(05,"tight"),(06," left tight / right loose"),(07,"loose"),(08,"loose"),(09,"tight"),(10,"tight"),(11,"tight"),(12,"tight"),(13,"left tight, right ok"),(14,"loose"),(15,"left tight, right ok"),(16,"tight"),(17,"loose"),(18,"loose"),(19,"loose"),(20,"loose"),(21,"loose"),(22,"tight")]
- FORMAT: (day, general flexibility)
Cramping: []
- FORMAT: (day, symptom)
Wakeup: [(01,08:30AM,9),(04,07:00AM,6),(05,07:45AM,6.45),(06,09:00AM,7),(07,08:00AM,7),(08,09:45PM,8.5),(09,10:00AM,8),(10,09:30AM,7),(11,08:30AM,8),(12,09:00AM,8),(13,09:00AM,7.5),(14,10:00AM,8),(15,08:30AM,7.5),(16,08:00AM,7),(17,05:15AM,2),(18,09:00AM,10),(19,08:00AM,8),(20,08:00AM,8),(21,09:30AM,9),(22,09:30AM,8)]
- FORMAT: (day, wakeup time, hours slept)