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Re: ADARQ's journal
« Reply #7575 on: November 26, 2017, 07:02:41 pm »
Guy who replied, works with them.. some high up position. Looks like this is going to happen..... :headbang: :headbang: :headbang: :ibrunning:


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Re: ADARQ's journal
« Reply #7576 on: November 27, 2017, 12:09:45 pm »
Guy who replied, works with them.. some high up position. Looks like this is going to happen..... :headbang: :headbang: :headbang: :ibrunning:

they emailed me a few raw clips, haha. pretty cool, but i don't think they recorded the whole race. I emailed them some examples of pace-car recorded races, ie the Carlsbad 5000 Masters footage etc. Trying to see if I can push them into recording the full race next year.. :D


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Re: ADARQ's journal
« Reply #7577 on: November 27, 2017, 12:15:09 pm »
rest #2

feel good, but right adductor/right hamstring tendon are actually a bit achy .. so just resting again today.

right adductor from stretching it incredibly light yesterday, fml.

right hamstring/tendon from the run drills.

going to be increasing the intensity/volume/exercise selection of my bodyweight workouts


bw = 137
bw before bed last night = 141
soreness = none
aches/injuries = right adductor, right hamstring tendon a little
- from some of those drills & stretching, i'm so dumb
cramping = none
morning quad flexibility = loose
morning hamstring flexibility = loose
morning calf flexibility = loose
feel = good

wakeup = 8:30 AM
- slept in, going to keep sleeping in the for the foreseeable future.. would love to still get up early though, just need to sleep earlier
- but i need to make sure i'm sleeping in and recovering 100%

09:30 AM: food: ribs, mac and cheese, cashews, sourdough toast, black tea, coconut water
10:30 AM: stretch: hamstrings/calves/soleus/quads/chest alot, very good stretch
01:30 PM: workout: bw
- 3-5sec paused dead hang ng pullups: BW x 10  :headbang:
- full dips: BW x 10 :headbang:
- 3-5sec paused dead hang wide grip pullups: BW x 6
- full pushups: BW x 20
- 3sec paused dead hang chinups: BW x 7 :headbang:
- standing single leg raises: x 20
- standing single leg abductions: x 20
- standing double leg calf raises, pause at the top: BW x 20
- standing single leg rdl's: x 20
- standing single leg calf raises: BW x 15
- single leg squat variation: BW x 15
- double leg glute bridge: x 20
- single leg glute bridge: x 15 (surprisingly weak on these)
02:15 PM: food: non-dairy cashew kefir
04:00 PM: food: spinach salad w/ olive oil/lemon dressing, cashews, strawberries, blueberries, lemon chicken, coconut water
04:30 PM: stretch: hamstrings/calves/soleus/quads/chest alot, very good stretch
- right ham tendon = bugged out, right adductor = tight
- crazy
06:00 PM: workout: recovery walk turned into progression walk & 1-mi PR attempt: MASSIVE WALKING PR: 1 mile in 11:39 (5.14 mph) - previous PR = 12:09 (4.94mph), -30s :personal-record: :personal-record: :personal-record:
08:00 PM: food: coconut water, non-dairy cashew kefir
10:00 PM: food: chicken sandwich on avocado toast, sea salt pita chips + hummus, banana chips
10:30 PM: stretch: everything before bed

10:30 AM: stretch: hamstrings/calves/soleus/quads/chest alot, very good stretch
04:30 PM: stretch: hamstrings/calves/soleus/quads/chest alot, very good stretch
- right ham tendon = bugged out, right adductor = tight
- crazy
10:30 PM: stretch: everything before bed

self massage:
leg drain:
contrast showers:

workout: recovery walk turned into progression walk & 1-mi PR attempt: MASSIVE WALKING PR: 1 mile in 11:39 (5.14 mph) - previous PR = 12:09 (4.94mph), -30s  :personal-record: :personal-record: :personal-record: :personal-record: :personal-record:

WTF. mind blown.

everything says 11:40, but my watch at the mile split said 11:39 and strava says 11:39 .. it was 11:39, annoying.

I've tried to go sub-12 many times, sometimes during dedicated walking phases, sometimes out of nowhere.. Never been able to crack that barrier (and hence the 5 mph barrier) .. and then just smashed it with a -30s PR, +0.2 mph. crazy.

Same shoes as last time, basically the same area.

Here's the old PR:

 :ibrunning: :ibrunning:

Monthly Tracker: 2017

November (11) 2017


Bodyweight: [(01,139),(02,138),(03,140),(04,140),(05,139),(06,140),(07,140),(08,138),(09,138),(10,140),(11,140),(12,139),(13,139),(14,138),(15,137),(16,137),(17,138),(18,139),(19,137),(20,138),(21,139),(22,138),(23,138),(24,?138?),(25,137),(26,136),(27,137)]
- FORMAT: (day, weight in lbs)

Total Jumps per leg: []
- FORMAT: (day, # of jumps per leg)
- per leg total:

Max SLRVJ Touch: []
- FORMAT: (day, touch height in ft'inches")

Total speed interval distance: []
- FORMAT: (day, total speed interval distance in meters)
- total:

Max run speed (mph)/pace (min/mi): [(01,15.8,3:40),(07,14.8,4:12),(10,15.8,3:40),(12,13.7,4:20),(15,14.3,4:12),(20,16.6,3:30?)]
- FORMAT: (day, mph max, pace max in minutes per mile)

Resting HR: []
- FORMAT: (day, minutes for this test, average hr, minimum hr)

PR's: [(18,"official 5k (18:05), watch 5k (17:51), 3 x sub 6 splits, cooper's (2.10), 3 mile (17:18))]

Races: [(04,5k,18:52,18:37),(18,5k,18:05,17:51),(23,5k,19:17,19:08),(25,5k,19:29,19:17)]
- FORMAT: (day, distance, official, watch)

Soreness: [(01,"none"),(02,"hamstrings slightly, quads moderately, shoulders moderately"),(03,"hamstrings slightly, quads moderately, shoulders moderately, calves slightly"),(04,"quads barely, calves barely"),(05,"quads barely, calves barely"),(06,"none"),(07,"none"),(08,"calves slightly"),(09,"none"),(10,"calves barely"),(11,"quads slightly as the day went on, hamstrings slightly as the day went on"),(12,"quads slightly"),(13,"quads slightly"),(14,"none"),(15,"none"),(16,"none"),(17,"none"),(18,"none"),(19,"none"),(20,"none"),(21,"none"),(22,"none"),(23,"none"),(24,"none"),(25,"none"),(26,"none"),(27,"none")]
- FORMAT: (day, overall soreness, specifics)

Aches/Injuries: [(01,"none"),(02,"left hamstring tendon slightly, right back of knee slightly, left heel slightly"),(03,"left hamstring tendon slightly, right back of knee slightly, left heel slightly"),(04,"none"),(05,"left ankle slightly (weird prickly thing on my left ankle, feels skin related, very odd)"),(06,"none"),(07,"none"),(08,"right foot slightly"),(09,"right foot slightly"),(10,"none"),(11,"none"),(12,"none"),(13,"left calf slightly"),(14,"none"),(15,"none"),(16,"none"),(17,"right shin/foot slightly, right calf slightly, right hamstring tendon slightly, right illiac crest slightly, feet slightly from walking around out back barefoot too long"),(18,"none"),(19,"top of left foot slightly, right tib ant & left ham tendon as the day went on"),(20,"left hamstring tendon"),(21,"none"),(22,"ankles/achilles somewhat - random achy"),(23,"none"),(24,"none"),(25,"none"),(26,"right groin slightly, right hamstring tendon slightly"),(27,"right adductor slightly, right hamstring tendon slightly")]
- FORMAT: (day, specifics)

Morning Quad Flexibility: [(01,"loose"),(02,"tight"),(03,"tight"),(04,"loose"),(05,"loose"),(06,"loose"),(07,"loose"),(08,"loose"),(09,"loose"),(10,"loose"),(11,"tight"),(12,"tight"),(13,"loose"),(14,"loose"),(15,"loose"),(16,"loose"),(17,"loose"),(18,"loose"),(19,"loose"),(20,"loose"),(21,"loose"),(22,"loose"),(23,"loose"),(24,"loose"),(25,"loose"),(26,"loose"),(27,"loose")]
- FORMAT: (day, general flexibility)

Morning Hamstring Flexibility: [(01,"loose"),(02,"tight"),(03,"tight"),(04,"loose"),(05,"loose"),(06,"loose"),(07,"loose"),(08,"loose"),(09,"loose"),(10,"loose"),(11,"tight"),(12,"loose"),(13,"loose"),(14,"loose"),(15,"loose"),(16,"loose"),(17,"loose"),(18,"loose"),(19,"loose"),(20,"loose"),(21,"loose"),(22,"loose"),(23,"loose"),(24,"loose"),(25,"loose"),(26,"loose"),(27,"loose")]
- FORMAT: (day, general flexibility)

Morning Calf Flexibility: [(01,"loose"),(02,"tight"),(03,"tight"),(04,"loose"),(05,"loose"),(06,"loose"),(07,"loose"),(08,"loose"),(09,"loose"),(10,"loose"),(11,"tight"),(12,"loose"),(13,"loose"),(14,"loose"),(15,"loose"),(16,"loose"),(17,"tight"),(18,"loose"),(19,"loose"),(20,"loose"),(21,"tight"),(22,"moderate"),(23,"loose"),(24,"loose),(25,"loose"),(26,"loose"),(27,"loose")]
- FORMAT: (day, general flexibility)

Self Massage: []
- FORMAT: (day, area)

Cramping: [(01,"stomach + abdominal during morning 1 mile interval, after 2 mile interval"),(03,"very slight at the end of my morning run"),(12,"slight cramp after my 2nd 400, during my evening light long run - MAJOR"),(20,"very slight during my last 800"),(23,"major during 5k race"),(25,"morning"),(26,"slightly during walk")]
- FORMAT: (day, symptom)

Wakeup: [(01,06:50 AM,9.5),(02,06:00AM,8),(03,06:00AM,7),(04,05:00AM,7),(05,06:00AM,8),(06,05:30AM,7.5),(07,05:30AM,7.5),(08,05:30AM,7),(09,05:30AM,7),(10,05:30AM,7.5),(11,05:00AM,7),(12,05:30AM,7),(13,07:00AM,8),(14,05:30AM,7.5),(15,05:30AM,7),(16,05:15AM,7),(17,08:00AM,10),(18,05:00AM,7),(19,05:00AM,6),(20,05:00AM,7.5),(21,05:30AM,7),(22,07:00AM,8.5),(23,05:00AM,6.5),(24,07:30AM,7),(25,05:00AM,5),(26,05:30AM,7.5),(27,08:30AM,10)]
- FORMAT: (day, wakeup time, hours slept)


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Re: ADARQ's journal
« Reply #7578 on: November 27, 2017, 12:58:49 pm »
i'm about to order a soloshot3........ this clip has me excited.

<a href="" target="_blank"></a>

edit: and then, can't pull the trigger.. negative reviews always prevent me from doing so.. fu*k.


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Re: ADARQ's journal
« Reply #7579 on: November 27, 2017, 08:13:04 pm »


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Re: ADARQ's journal
« Reply #7580 on: November 28, 2017, 01:07:45 pm »
flying today, even though that speed walking last night beat me up.. great sign.

fatigue disappearing. :D

stomach also recovering .. i think when it gets as bad as it was thurs/fri/sat, it has to do with some major "depletion" of something inside of it, like gut flora or something.. who knows.. but when it feels "empty and dead" even with food in it etc, i've never been able to run good if I feel that way .. that's basically the "complete meltdown" signal. It happened to me several months back, before I started eating pickles/drinking kefir, if anyone remembers. lol.


bw = 139
bw before bed last night = 142
soreness = feet moderately, calves slightly, glutes slightly
aches/injuries = right adductor barely, right hamstring tendon barely, feet slightly
cramping = none
morning quad flexibility = loose
morning hamstring flexibility = loose
morning calf flexibility = loose
feel = good

wakeup = 7:55 AM
- slept in
- dreams were VERY vivid/intense, most intense in a long while

08:00 AM: food: toasted (plain) english muffin, coconut water
09:00 AM: workout: peaking time (hopefully): hard relaxed speed, calves/feet sore from speed walking: 1110m @ 3:26 (5:04 min/mi, 2nd best 1km @ 3:07), 630m @ 1:48.6 (4:39 min/mi), 515m @ 1:27 (4:35 min/mi)
10:30 AM: food: coconut water, non-dairy cashew kefir
12:00 PM: food: bbq chicken breast, cashews, banana chips, sweet green tea
- bbq chicken was really good, from whole foods
- solid meal
03:00 PM: workout: bw
- 3-5sec paused dead hang ng pullups: BW x 10 :headbang:
- full dips: BW x 10 :headbang:
- 3-5sec paused dead hang wide grip pullups: BW x 6
- full pushups: BW x 20
- 3sec paused dead hang chinups: BW x 6
- dip holds at the top: BW x F
- standing single leg raises: x 25
- standing single leg abductions: x 25
- standing double leg calf raises, pause at the top: BW x 40
- standing single leg rdl's: x 20
- standing single leg calf raises: BW x 20
- single leg squat variation: BW x 20
- double leg glute bridge: x 50
- single leg glute bridge: x 20
03:45 PM: food: almond milk, water
04:50 PM: stretch: everything light, hips/hamstrings/calves more so
05:00 PM: food: coconut water
06:00 PM: workout: moderate recovery walk, legs feel great but are dead from morning speed: 6 miles @ 14:XX
08:30 PM: food: huge spinach salad with olive oil, lemon, strawberries, blueberries, sea salt pita chips, banana chips, cashews, grilled chicken
09:00 PM: food: non-dairy cashew kefir
10:30 PM: stretch: soleus during dishes, everything before bed

04:50 PM: stretch: everything light, hips/hamstrings/calves more so
10:30 PM: stretch: soleus during dishes, everything before bed

self massage:
leg drain:
contrast showers:

workout: peaking time (hopefully): hard relaxed speed, calves/feet sore from speed walking: 1110m @ 3:26 (5:04 min/mi, 2nd best 1km @ 3:07), 630m @ 1:48.6 (4:39 min/mi), 515m @ 1:27 (4:35 min/mi)
- 137 lb after workout .. didn't sweat much either, so emptied out alot after waking up

great session. speed walking mile PR last night wrecked me a bit, but still had lots of power as expected. warming up was rough though, feet/calves were making me feel heavy. once I "turned it on" though, speed was there. Hips were opening up bigtime. Forgot to wear my footpod, wanted to see the stride length data.

Next speed session like this will be on thursday most likely. Then a 1 mile race on Saturday, yay.

such a solid session.. That 1km split has me at 5:01, and this was "relaxed speed", not dipping into every fiber and flooring it to hit a time/pace. Very happy.

Also, the last two intervals have me very excited. To hit those after my first 1km, has me very confident I can hang with a ~4:29 miler for 1km. I really think I can. I won't be able to hold it for the full mile (yet), but still, if I can hold that for a km, that'd be insane PR city for 800, 1k, and mile. :D

also, wore my NB MRC5000v2's.. Feet are so tender/sore that, my XC flats didn't feel supportive enough, so wore these which have some alien substance in them, makes them feel like "jogger shoes" but they are only 3.5 oz. Insanity. I've been meaning to try them out again recently, so that's why I pulled the trigger on this.. and I just might wear them for my mile races coming up.

I can't believe those shoes are 3.5 oz it's insane. Compare that to my saucony endorphin racer v2's, which are advertised as 4 oz and weigh in at 5 oz, and it's just insane. Because these NB MRC5000v2's feel stronger & faster than my endorphins, and they are 1.5 oz lighter. That's serious.

The good thing: the ones I wore today are already broken in, even though they look new.. ~200 miles.

The even "gooder" thing: I have a brand new pair in the box, never opened.. :D

TODO: long light walk

Monthly Tracker: 2017

November (11) 2017


Bodyweight: [(01,139),(02,138),(03,140),(04,140),(05,139),(06,140),(07,140),(08,138),(09,138),(10,140),(11,140),(12,139),(13,139),(14,138),(15,137),(16,137),(17,138),(18,139),(19,137),(20,138),(21,139),(22,138),(23,138),(24,?138?),(25,137),(26,136),(27,137),(28,139)]
- FORMAT: (day, weight in lbs)

Total Jumps per leg: []
- FORMAT: (day, # of jumps per leg)
- per leg total:

Max SLRVJ Touch: []
- FORMAT: (day, touch height in ft'inches")

Total speed interval distance: []
- FORMAT: (day, total speed interval distance in meters)
- total:

Max run speed (mph)/pace (min/mi): [(01,15.8,3:40),(07,14.8,4:12),(10,15.8,3:40),(12,13.7,4:20),(15,14.3,4:12),(20,16.6,3:30?)]
- FORMAT: (day, mph max, pace max in minutes per mile)

Resting HR: []
- FORMAT: (day, minutes for this test, average hr, minimum hr)

PR's: [(18,"official 5k (18:05), watch 5k (17:51), 3 x sub 6 splits, cooper's (2.10), 3 mile (17:18))]

Races: [(04,5k,18:52,18:37),(18,5k,18:05,17:51),(23,5k,19:17,19:08),(25,5k,19:29,19:17)]
- FORMAT: (day, distance, official, watch)

Soreness: [(01,"none"),(02,"hamstrings slightly, quads moderately, shoulders moderately"),(03,"hamstrings slightly, quads moderately, shoulders moderately, calves slightly"),(04,"quads barely, calves barely"),(05,"quads barely, calves barely"),(06,"none"),(07,"none"),(08,"calves slightly"),(09,"none"),(10,"calves barely"),(11,"quads slightly as the day went on, hamstrings slightly as the day went on"),(12,"quads slightly"),(13,"quads slightly"),(14,"none"),(15,"none"),(16,"none"),(17,"none"),(18,"none"),(19,"none"),(20,"none"),(21,"none"),(22,"none"),(23,"none"),(24,"none"),(25,"none"),(26,"none"),(27,"none"),(28,"feet moderate, calves slightly, glutes slightly")]
- FORMAT: (day, overall soreness, specifics)

Aches/Injuries: [(01,"none"),(02,"left hamstring tendon slightly, right back of knee slightly, left heel slightly"),(03,"left hamstring tendon slightly, right back of knee slightly, left heel slightly"),(04,"none"),(05,"left ankle slightly (weird prickly thing on my left ankle, feels skin related, very odd)"),(06,"none"),(07,"none"),(08,"right foot slightly"),(09,"right foot slightly"),(10,"none"),(11,"none"),(12,"none"),(13,"left calf slightly"),(14,"none"),(15,"none"),(16,"none"),(17,"right shin/foot slightly, right calf slightly, right hamstring tendon slightly, right illiac crest slightly, feet slightly from walking around out back barefoot too long"),(18,"none"),(19,"top of left foot slightly, right tib ant & left ham tendon as the day went on"),(20,"left hamstring tendon"),(21,"none"),(22,"ankles/achilles somewhat - random achy"),(23,"none"),(24,"none"),(25,"none"),(26,"right groin slightly, right hamstring tendon slightly"),(27,"right adductor slightly, right hamstring tendon slightly"),(28,"right adductor barely, right hamstring tendon barely, feet slightly")]
- FORMAT: (day, specifics)

Morning Quad Flexibility: [(01,"loose"),(02,"tight"),(03,"tight"),(04,"loose"),(05,"loose"),(06,"loose"),(07,"loose"),(08,"loose"),(09,"loose"),(10,"loose"),(11,"tight"),(12,"tight"),(13,"loose"),(14,"loose"),(15,"loose"),(16,"loose"),(17,"loose"),(18,"loose"),(19,"loose"),(20,"loose"),(21,"loose"),(22,"loose"),(23,"loose"),(24,"loose"),(25,"loose"),(26,"loose"),(27,"loose"),(28,"loose")]
- FORMAT: (day, general flexibility)

Morning Hamstring Flexibility: [(01,"loose"),(02,"tight"),(03,"tight"),(04,"loose"),(05,"loose"),(06,"loose"),(07,"loose"),(08,"loose"),(09,"loose"),(10,"loose"),(11,"tight"),(12,"loose"),(13,"loose"),(14,"loose"),(15,"loose"),(16,"loose"),(17,"loose"),(18,"loose"),(19,"loose"),(20,"loose"),(21,"loose"),(22,"loose"),(23,"loose"),(24,"loose"),(25,"loose"),(26,"loose"),(27,"loose"),(28,"loose")]
- FORMAT: (day, general flexibility)

Morning Calf Flexibility: [(01,"loose"),(02,"tight"),(03,"tight"),(04,"loose"),(05,"loose"),(06,"loose"),(07,"loose"),(08,"loose"),(09,"loose"),(10,"loose"),(11,"tight"),(12,"loose"),(13,"loose"),(14,"loose"),(15,"loose"),(16,"loose"),(17,"tight"),(18,"loose"),(19,"loose"),(20,"loose"),(21,"tight"),(22,"moderate"),(23,"loose"),(24,"loose),(25,"loose"),(26,"loose"),(27,"loose"),(28,"loose")]
- FORMAT: (day, general flexibility)

Self Massage: []
- FORMAT: (day, area)

Cramping: [(01,"stomach + abdominal during morning 1 mile interval, after 2 mile interval"),(03,"very slight at the end of my morning run"),(12,"slight cramp after my 2nd 400, during my evening light long run - MAJOR"),(20,"very slight during my last 800"),(23,"major during 5k race"),(25,"morning"),(26,"slightly during walk")]
- FORMAT: (day, symptom)

Wakeup: [(01,06:50 AM,9.5),(02,06:00AM,8),(03,06:00AM,7),(04,05:00AM,7),(05,06:00AM,8),(06,05:30AM,7.5),(07,05:30AM,7.5),(08,05:30AM,7),(09,05:30AM,7),(10,05:30AM,7.5),(11,05:00AM,7),(12,05:30AM,7),(13,07:00AM,8),(14,05:30AM,7.5),(15,05:30AM,7),(16,05:15AM,7),(17,08:00AM,10),(18,05:00AM,7),(19,05:00AM,6),(20,05:00AM,7.5),(21,05:30AM,7),(22,07:00AM,8.5),(23,05:00AM,6.5),(24,07:30AM,7),(25,05:00AM,5),(26,05:30AM,7.5),(27,08:30AM,10),(28,07:55AM,9)]
- FORMAT: (day, wakeup time, hours slept)


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Re: ADARQ's journal
« Reply #7581 on: November 28, 2017, 02:10:41 pm »
So quick recap from the last week.

Biggest lesson learned, which I thought I learned last year at basically the EXACT SAME TIME (fml), is: when you are feeling great, do not hold back, push hard and empty the tank.

Last year around the same time, I had a 5k where I PR’d massively (18:22 official, 18:16 watch), but I held back the last mile because I didn’t want to completely drain myself for the Turkey Trot 5k which was ~5 days later. Then in the turkey trot, I was dead, but still hit 18:29. So I told myself, man when I feel as good as I did on that 18:22 day, don’t hold back, take what the moment (and your body) gives you.

Fast forward to last week: I hit my 18:05 official (17:51 watch) 5k. The goal there was a hard 2 miles, and then shut it down but try and maintain sub 6 pace for the third. I achieved that, but, I should have pushed harder because I felt incredible. I should have aborted that plan at the time, and shifted into “empty the tank” mode. Because my plan was created with the Turkey Trot 5k in mind once again. And once again, I had issues in that race (19:17 official). FWIW, I felt very fast and I think I could have set another massive PR had I not had stomach issues during that first mile, which shut me down. But it comes back to that point about, if everything is clicking, just go for it, don’t hesitate and think about some magical performance that in reality may not happen.

That’s one example of how my mindset differs completely with dunking. When I was dunking, if out of nowhere I felt incredible & I could just feel myself ready to hit my best jumps ever, it was game on. Immediate flip of the switch mentally, and 100% full attack mode until I was toast. With running & races, this idea about the future sometimes holds me back and I really need to make sure to avoid that from now on. I’m not in that “stage” yet, I have some serious improvements I need to make. So if in training, or during some unimportant race, out of nowhere I feel ready to PR etc, just go for it. Something i’ll keep in mind.

TLDR: continue listening to my body but also, if my body is firing on all cylinders, don’t hold back based on some dreams of some magical performance in X race etc - take advantage of it and push the limits then and there.


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Re: ADARQ's journal
« Reply #7582 on: November 28, 2017, 02:11:29 pm »
The basic plan for the next few weeks is:

Tuesday (Today): (speed, walk)
Wednesday: (walk, walk)
Thursday: (speed, walk)
Friday: (walk, _)
Saturday: (1 mile race, light run)
Sunday: (walk, _)
Monday: (speed, walk)
Tuesday: (walk, _)
Wednesday: (walk, 1 mile race)
Thursday: (walk, _)
Friday: (walk, speed)
Saturday: (walk, walk)
Sunday: (walk, speed)
Monday: (walk, walk)
Tuesday: (walk, _)
Wednesday: (walk, 1 mile race)
Thursday: (walk, _)
Friday: (speed, walk)
Saturday: (walk, _)
Sunday: (5k race, _)

where (x,y) = (morning,evening)
where (_, x) = just one evening session
where (x, _) = just one morning session
where walk could be anywhere from slow to fast, but mostly moderate, and never fast the day before a race - can cause too many aches.

Also, you can see I like to time my speed sessions with the upcoming race. So if it's an evening race, I try to shift my speed sessions into the evening. Even if it's just a few sessions like that, I feel it helps get my body more ready to perform at that time.

Lots of walking too.. i've done more than enough running recently, and my speed sessions still total 7-10 miles or so, with the warmup/cooldown stuff and the jog rest in between. So still getting in plenty of running. Just don't want any "junk running" at this point.

Finally, all of that is subject to change. But that's the general structure for the training schedule.


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Re: ADARQ's journal
« Reply #7583 on: November 28, 2017, 04:55:12 pm »
So quick recap from the last week.

Biggest lesson learned, which I thought I learned last year at basically the EXACT SAME TIME (fml), is: when you are feeling great, do not hold back, push hard and empty the tank.

Last year around the same time, I had a 5k where I PR’d massively (18:22 official, 18:16 watch), but I held back the last mile because I didn’t want to completely drain myself for the Turkey Trot 5k which was ~5 days later. Then in the turkey trot, I was dead, but still hit 18:29. So I told myself, man when I feel as good as I did on that 18:22 day, don’t hold back, take what the moment (and your body) gives you.

Fast forward to last week: I hit my 18:05 official (17:51 watch) 5k. The goal there was a hard 2 miles, and then shut it down but try and maintain sub 6 pace for the third. I achieved that, but, I should have pushed harder because I felt incredible. I should have aborted that plan at the time, and shifted into “empty the tank” mode. Because my plan was created with the Turkey Trot 5k in mind once again. And once again, I had issues in that race (19:17 official). FWIW, I felt very fast and I think I could have set another massive PR had I not had stomach issues during that first mile, which shut me down. But it comes back to that point about, if everything is clicking, just go for it, don’t hesitate and think about some magical performance that in reality may not happen.

That’s one example of how my mindset differs completely with dunking. When I was dunking, if out of nowhere I felt incredible & I could just feel myself ready to hit my best jumps ever, it was game on. Immediate flip of the switch mentally, and 100% full attack mode until I was toast. With running & races, this idea about the future sometimes holds me back and I really need to make sure to avoid that from now on. I’m not in that “stage” yet, I have some serious improvements I need to make. So if in training, or during some unimportant race, out of nowhere I feel ready to PR etc, just go for it. Something i’ll keep in mind.

TLDR: continue listening to my body but also, if my body is firing on all cylinders, don’t hold back based on some dreams of some magical performance in X race etc - take advantage of it and push the limits then and there.

Never hold back!!!

It's you against the clock. When you're feeling good go and get it. I understand that you want to conserve for bigger meets but that's just the mind playing tricks on you. At the end of the day it's still the same distance.

"IMO, It didn't happen if it's not on vid/official"- adarqui

It's easier to keep up than it is to catch up...


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Re: ADARQ's journal
« Reply #7584 on: November 28, 2017, 05:48:45 pm »
So quick recap from the last week.

Biggest lesson learned, which I thought I learned last year at basically the EXACT SAME TIME (fml), is: when you are feeling great, do not hold back, push hard and empty the tank.

Last year around the same time, I had a 5k where I PR’d massively (18:22 official, 18:16 watch), but I held back the last mile because I didn’t want to completely drain myself for the Turkey Trot 5k which was ~5 days later. Then in the turkey trot, I was dead, but still hit 18:29. So I told myself, man when I feel as good as I did on that 18:22 day, don’t hold back, take what the moment (and your body) gives you.

Fast forward to last week: I hit my 18:05 official (17:51 watch) 5k. The goal there was a hard 2 miles, and then shut it down but try and maintain sub 6 pace for the third. I achieved that, but, I should have pushed harder because I felt incredible. I should have aborted that plan at the time, and shifted into “empty the tank” mode. Because my plan was created with the Turkey Trot 5k in mind once again. And once again, I had issues in that race (19:17 official). FWIW, I felt very fast and I think I could have set another massive PR had I not had stomach issues during that first mile, which shut me down. But it comes back to that point about, if everything is clicking, just go for it, don’t hesitate and think about some magical performance that in reality may not happen.

That’s one example of how my mindset differs completely with dunking. When I was dunking, if out of nowhere I felt incredible & I could just feel myself ready to hit my best jumps ever, it was game on. Immediate flip of the switch mentally, and 100% full attack mode until I was toast. With running & races, this idea about the future sometimes holds me back and I really need to make sure to avoid that from now on. I’m not in that “stage” yet, I have some serious improvements I need to make. So if in training, or during some unimportant race, out of nowhere I feel ready to PR etc, just go for it. Something i’ll keep in mind.

TLDR: continue listening to my body but also, if my body is firing on all cylinders, don’t hold back based on some dreams of some magical performance in X race etc - take advantage of it and push the limits then and there.

Never hold back!!!

It's you against the clock. When you're feeling good go and get it. I understand that you want to conserve for bigger meets but that's just the mind playing tricks on you. At the end of the day it's still the same distance.


yup exactly ^^


I don't want to conserve anymore. I think that happening again killed that idea. I mean if i'm feeling like crap, conserving makes more sense.. but not when you are feeling 100% and PR level, that's like wasting PR level jumps by "conserving them" for some other day. Forget that. Kill it then and there.

dunk mentality is back.



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Re: ADARQ's journal
« Reply #7585 on: November 29, 2017, 09:16:54 pm »
fatigue back. lmao.


bw = 1388
bw before bed last night = ?
soreness = feet moderately, calves slightly, glutes slightly, hamstrings slightly, quads slightly
aches/injuries = feet slightly
cramping = none
morning quad flexibility = tight
morning hamstring flexibility = tight
morning calf flexibility = tight
feel = dead

wakeup = 8 AM
- slept in

08:15 AM: food: 3 x grapefruit, english muffin, sea salt pita chips, hummus, beet juice with some coconut water in it to water it down
10:00 AM: food: coconut water
11:00 AM: stretch: everything, hamstrings/hips/quads/calves especially
03:00 PM: food: anthony's pizza: salad, roast beef sandwich, 1 slice of pizza, water w/ lemon
05:30 PM: workout: bw
- ng pullup hold at the top: ~20s
- dip hold at the top: ~20s
- wide pullup hold at the top: ~20s
- dip variant hold at the top: ~20s
- chinup hold at the top: ~20s
- dip variant hold at the top: ~20s
- standing single leg raises: x 20
- standing single leg abductions: x 20
- standing double leg calf raises, pause at the top: BW x 20
- standing single leg rdl's: x 20
- standing single leg calf raises: BW x 20
- single leg squat variation: BW x 15
07:00 PM: workout: walk: ~6.x miles, 2 moderate, 1 hard (12:XX), 2 moderate, 1 light
- feet feeling it during walk, left calf tightened up a bit too towards the end (during the light part), lame
08:30 PM: food: non-dairy keifr, banana chips, cashews
09:30 PM: leg drain: 25 minutes

11:00 AM: stretch: everything, hamstrings/hips/quads/calves especially
10:00 PM: stretch: everything before bed

self massage:
leg drain:
09:30 PM: leg drain: 25 minutes

contrast showers:

Monthly Tracker: 2017

November (11) 2017


Bodyweight: [(01,139),(02,138),(03,140),(04,140),(05,139),(06,140),(07,140),(08,138),(09,138),(10,140),(11,140),(12,139),(13,139),(14,138),(15,137),(16,137),(17,138),(18,139),(19,137),(20,138),(21,139),(22,138),(23,138),(24,?138?),(25,137),(26,136),(27,137),(28,139),(29,139)]
- FORMAT: (day, weight in lbs)

Total Jumps per leg: []
- FORMAT: (day, # of jumps per leg)
- per leg total:

Max SLRVJ Touch: []
- FORMAT: (day, touch height in ft'inches")

Total speed interval distance: []
- FORMAT: (day, total speed interval distance in meters)
- total:

Max run speed (mph)/pace (min/mi): [(01,15.8,3:40),(07,14.8,4:12),(10,15.8,3:40),(12,13.7,4:20),(15,14.3,4:12),(20,16.6,3:30?),(27,14.1,4:18?)]
- FORMAT: (day, mph max, pace max in minutes per mile)

Resting HR: []
- FORMAT: (day, minutes for this test, average hr, minimum hr)

PR's: [(18,"official 5k (18:05), watch 5k (17:51), 3 x sub 6 splits, cooper's (2.10), 3 mile (17:18))]

Races: [(04,5k,18:52,18:37),(18,5k,18:05,17:51),(23,5k,19:17,19:08),(25,5k,19:29,19:17)]
- FORMAT: (day, distance, official, watch)

Soreness: [(01,"none"),(02,"hamstrings slightly, quads moderately, shoulders moderately"),(03,"hamstrings slightly, quads moderately, shoulders moderately, calves slightly"),(04,"quads barely, calves barely"),(05,"quads barely, calves barely"),(06,"none"),(07,"none"),(08,"calves slightly"),(09,"none"),(10,"calves barely"),(11,"quads slightly as the day went on, hamstrings slightly as the day went on"),(12,"quads slightly"),(13,"quads slightly"),(14,"none"),(15,"none"),(16,"none"),(17,"none"),(18,"none"),(19,"none"),(20,"none"),(21,"none"),(22,"none"),(23,"none"),(24,"none"),(25,"none"),(26,"none"),(27,"none"),(28,"feet moderate, calves slightly, glutes slightly"),(29, "feet moderately, calves slightly, glutes slightly, hamstrings slightly, quads slightly")]
- FORMAT: (day, overall soreness, specifics)

Aches/Injuries: [(01,"none"),(02,"left hamstring tendon slightly, right back of knee slightly, left heel slightly"),(03,"left hamstring tendon slightly, right back of knee slightly, left heel slightly"),(04,"none"),(05,"left ankle slightly (weird prickly thing on my left ankle, feels skin related, very odd)"),(06,"none"),(07,"none"),(08,"right foot slightly"),(09,"right foot slightly"),(10,"none"),(11,"none"),(12,"none"),(13,"left calf slightly"),(14,"none"),(15,"none"),(16,"none"),(17,"right shin/foot slightly, right calf slightly, right hamstring tendon slightly, right illiac crest slightly, feet slightly from walking around out back barefoot too long"),(18,"none"),(19,"top of left foot slightly, right tib ant & left ham tendon as the day went on"),(20,"left hamstring tendon"),(21,"none"),(22,"ankles/achilles somewhat - random achy"),(23,"none"),(24,"none"),(25,"none"),(26,"right groin slightly, right hamstring tendon slightly"),(27,"right adductor slightly, right hamstring tendon slightly"),(28,"right adductor barely, right hamstring tendon barely, feet slightly"),(29,"feet slightly")]
- FORMAT: (day, specifics)

Morning Quad Flexibility: [(01,"loose"),(02,"tight"),(03,"tight"),(04,"loose"),(05,"loose"),(06,"loose"),(07,"loose"),(08,"loose"),(09,"loose"),(10,"loose"),(11,"tight"),(12,"tight"),(13,"loose"),(14,"loose"),(15,"loose"),(16,"loose"),(17,"loose"),(18,"loose"),(19,"loose"),(20,"loose"),(21,"loose"),(22,"loose"),(23,"loose"),(24,"loose"),(25,"loose"),(26,"loose"),(27,"loose"),(28,"loose"),(29,"tight")]
- FORMAT: (day, general flexibility)

Morning Hamstring Flexibility: [(01,"loose"),(02,"tight"),(03,"tight"),(04,"loose"),(05,"loose"),(06,"loose"),(07,"loose"),(08,"loose"),(09,"loose"),(10,"loose"),(11,"tight"),(12,"loose"),(13,"loose"),(14,"loose"),(15,"loose"),(16,"loose"),(17,"loose"),(18,"loose"),(19,"loose"),(20,"loose"),(21,"loose"),(22,"loose"),(23,"loose"),(24,"loose"),(25,"loose"),(26,"loose"),(27,"loose"),(28,"loose"),(29,"tight")]
- FORMAT: (day, general flexibility)

Morning Calf Flexibility: [(01,"loose"),(02,"tight"),(03,"tight"),(04,"loose"),(05,"loose"),(06,"loose"),(07,"loose"),(08,"loose"),(09,"loose"),(10,"loose"),(11,"tight"),(12,"loose"),(13,"loose"),(14,"loose"),(15,"loose"),(16,"loose"),(17,"tight"),(18,"loose"),(19,"loose"),(20,"loose"),(21,"tight"),(22,"moderate"),(23,"loose"),(24,"loose),(25,"loose"),(26,"loose"),(27,"loose"),(28,"loose"),(29,"tight")]
- FORMAT: (day, general flexibility)

Self Massage: []
- FORMAT: (day, area)

Cramping: [(01,"stomach + abdominal during morning 1 mile interval, after 2 mile interval"),(03,"very slight at the end of my morning run"),(12,"slight cramp after my 2nd 400, during my evening light long run - MAJOR"),(20,"very slight during my last 800"),(23,"major during 5k race"),(25,"morning"),(26,"slightly during walk")]
- FORMAT: (day, symptom)

Wakeup: [(01,06:50 AM,9.5),(02,06:00AM,8),(03,06:00AM,7),(04,05:00AM,7),(05,06:00AM,8),(06,05:30AM,7.5),(07,05:30AM,7.5),(08,05:30AM,7),(09,05:30AM,7),(10,05:30AM,7.5),(11,05:00AM,7),(12,05:30AM,7),(13,07:00AM,8),(14,05:30AM,7.5),(15,05:30AM,7),(16,05:15AM,7),(17,08:00AM,10),(18,05:00AM,7),(19,05:00AM,6),(20,05:00AM,7.5),(21,05:30AM,7),(22,07:00AM,8.5),(23,05:00AM,6.5),(24,07:30AM,7),(25,05:00AM,5),(26,05:30AM,7.5),(27,08:30AM,10),(28,07:55AM,9),(29,08:00AM,9)]
- FORMAT: (day, wakeup time, hours slept)


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Re: ADARQ's journal
« Reply #7586 on: November 30, 2017, 02:52:50 pm »
still fatigued. time to recover the rest of the day & tmw.


bw = 140
bw before bed last night = ?
soreness = feet slightly, quads slightly, hamstrings slightly
aches/injuries = feet slightly
cramping = slightly during last portion of workout & cooldown
morning quad flexibility = tight
morning hamstring flexibility = tight
morning calf flexibility = tight
feel =ok

wakeup = 6 AM
- tired

08:15 AM: food: 3 x grapefruit, english muffin, sea salt pita chips, hummus, beet juice with some coconut water in it to water it down
06:30 AM: food: toasted plain english muffin, large glass of coconut water
07:45 AM: workout: morning hard relaxed speed, legs dead/sore (quads/hams) but had power (like last night): 885m @ ~4:55 min/mi (660m @ 1:59.6/4:49 min/mi + 225m @ 43.0/5:06 min/mi), 420m @ 67.2 (4:19 min/mi), bunch of ~100m strides @ <= 4:30 min/mi, long cooldown
09:30 AM: food: non-dairy cashew kefir, coconut water
12:00 PM: food: whole foods: berry smoothie, orange chicken, mac and cheese, fried yuca, plantains
03:00 PM: nap: 1 hour
04:45 PM: workout: bw
- 2-3sec paused dead hang ng pullups: BW x 10 :headbang:
- full dips: BW x 10 :headbang:
- 3-5sec paused dead hang wide grip pullups: BW x 6
- full pushups: BW x 20
- 3sec paused dead hang chinups: BW x 6
- standing single leg raises: x 20
- standing single leg abductions: x 20
- standing double leg calf raises, pause at the top: BW x 40
- standing single leg rdl's: x 20
- single leg squat variation: BW x 20
05:15 PM: food: coconut water
07:00 PM: food: 1/2 of a big spinach salad with olive oil + apple cider vinegar + salt dressing, raspberries, blueberries, banana chips, cashews, carrots, and tandori chicken breast
11:00 PM: food: 1/2 of a big spinach salad with olive oil + apple cider vinegar + salt dressing, raspberries, blueberries, banana chips, cashews, carrots, and a grilled chicken sandwich on toasted sourdough
- 139.x before this meal.. kinda nuts considering how good I ate today and how much I weighed in the morning..
- but after my run I was almost 135, so lost a ton of water.. rehydrated, ate good etc, and still really light
- nice
11:30 PM: food: coconut water, non-dairy cashew kefir

self massage:
leg drain:
contrast showers:
03:00 PM: nap: 1 hour

workout: morning hard relaxed speed, legs dead/sore (quads/hams) but had power (like last night): 885m @ ~4:55 min/mi (660m @ 1:59.6/4:49 min/mi + 225m @ 43.0/5:06 min/mi), 420m @ 67.2 (4:19 min/mi), bunch of ~100m strides @ <= 4:30 min/mi, long cooldown

legs feel like complete crap .. but have some solid power. IMHO, good sign for Saturday. They are still hurting from Tuesday's session, so by Saturday they should be much more recovered - this session my legs were holding me back, so don't think I created any extra fatigue.

just need to NOT walk hard tomorrow.. heh.. going to do a light walk in the morning or afternoon, not fast at all. Fast walking can really wreck you, it's surprising. Feet get destroyed, 1000000x more so than running.

Monthly Tracker: 2017

November (11) 2017


Bodyweight: [(01,139),(02,138),(03,140),(04,140),(05,139),(06,140),(07,140),(08,138),(09,138),(10,140),(11,140),(12,139),(13,139),(14,138),(15,137),(16,137),(17,138),(18,139),(19,137),(20,138),(21,139),(22,138),(23,138),(24,?138?),(25,137),(26,136),(27,137),(28,139),(29,139),(30,140)]
- FORMAT: (day, weight in lbs)

Total Jumps per leg: []
- FORMAT: (day, # of jumps per leg)
- per leg total:

Max SLRVJ Touch: []
- FORMAT: (day, touch height in ft'inches")

Total speed interval distance: []
- FORMAT: (day, total speed interval distance in meters)
- total:

Max run speed (mph)/pace (min/mi): [(01,15.8,3:40),(07,14.8,4:12),(10,15.8,3:40),(12,13.7,4:20),(15,14.3,4:12),(20,16.6,3:30?),(27,14.1,4:18?),(30,15.1,4:00?)]
- FORMAT: (day, mph max, pace max in minutes per mile)

Resting HR: []
- FORMAT: (day, minutes for this test, average hr, minimum hr)

PR's: [(18,"official 5k (18:05), watch 5k (17:51), 3 x sub 6 splits, cooper's (2.10), 3 mile (17:18))]

Races: [(04,5k,18:52,18:37),(18,5k,18:05,17:51),(23,5k,19:17,19:08),(25,5k,19:29,19:17)]
- FORMAT: (day, distance, official, watch)

Soreness: [(01,"none"),(02,"hamstrings slightly, quads moderately, shoulders moderately"),(03,"hamstrings slightly, quads moderately, shoulders moderately, calves slightly"),(04,"quads barely, calves barely"),(05,"quads barely, calves barely"),(06,"none"),(07,"none"),(08,"calves slightly"),(09,"none"),(10,"calves barely"),(11,"quads slightly as the day went on, hamstrings slightly as the day went on"),(12,"quads slightly"),(13,"quads slightly"),(14,"none"),(15,"none"),(16,"none"),(17,"none"),(18,"none"),(19,"none"),(20,"none"),(21,"none"),(22,"none"),(23,"none"),(24,"none"),(25,"none"),(26,"none"),(27,"none"),(28,"feet moderate, calves slightly, glutes slightly"),(29, "feet moderately, calves slightly, glutes slightly, hamstrings slightly, quads slightly"),(29,"feet slightly, quads slightly, hamstrings slightly")]
- FORMAT: (day, overall soreness, specifics)

Aches/Injuries: [(01,"none"),(02,"left hamstring tendon slightly, right back of knee slightly, left heel slightly"),(03,"left hamstring tendon slightly, right back of knee slightly, left heel slightly"),(04,"none"),(05,"left ankle slightly (weird prickly thing on my left ankle, feels skin related, very odd)"),(06,"none"),(07,"none"),(08,"right foot slightly"),(09,"right foot slightly"),(10,"none"),(11,"none"),(12,"none"),(13,"left calf slightly"),(14,"none"),(15,"none"),(16,"none"),(17,"right shin/foot slightly, right calf slightly, right hamstring tendon slightly, right illiac crest slightly, feet slightly from walking around out back barefoot too long"),(18,"none"),(19,"top of left foot slightly, right tib ant & left ham tendon as the day went on"),(20,"left hamstring tendon"),(21,"none"),(22,"ankles/achilles somewhat - random achy"),(23,"none"),(24,"none"),(25,"none"),(26,"right groin slightly, right hamstring tendon slightly"),(27,"right adductor slightly, right hamstring tendon slightly"),(28,"right adductor barely, right hamstring tendon barely, feet slightly"),(29,"feet slightly"),(30,"feet slightly")]
- FORMAT: (day, specifics)

Morning Quad Flexibility: [(01,"loose"),(02,"tight"),(03,"tight"),(04,"loose"),(05,"loose"),(06,"loose"),(07,"loose"),(08,"loose"),(09,"loose"),(10,"loose"),(11,"tight"),(12,"tight"),(13,"loose"),(14,"loose"),(15,"loose"),(16,"loose"),(17,"loose"),(18,"loose"),(19,"loose"),(20,"loose"),(21,"loose"),(22,"loose"),(23,"loose"),(24,"loose"),(25,"loose"),(26,"loose"),(27,"loose"),(28,"loose"),(29,"tight"),(30,"tight")]
- FORMAT: (day, general flexibility)

Morning Hamstring Flexibility: [(01,"loose"),(02,"tight"),(03,"tight"),(04,"loose"),(05,"loose"),(06,"loose"),(07,"loose"),(08,"loose"),(09,"loose"),(10,"loose"),(11,"tight"),(12,"loose"),(13,"loose"),(14,"loose"),(15,"loose"),(16,"loose"),(17,"loose"),(18,"loose"),(19,"loose"),(20,"loose"),(21,"loose"),(22,"loose"),(23,"loose"),(24,"loose"),(25,"loose"),(26,"loose"),(27,"loose"),(28,"loose"),(29,"tight"),(30,"tight")]
- FORMAT: (day, general flexibility)

Morning Calf Flexibility: [(01,"loose"),(02,"tight"),(03,"tight"),(04,"loose"),(05,"loose"),(06,"loose"),(07,"loose"),(08,"loose"),(09,"loose"),(10,"loose"),(11,"tight"),(12,"loose"),(13,"loose"),(14,"loose"),(15,"loose"),(16,"loose"),(17,"tight"),(18,"loose"),(19,"loose"),(20,"loose"),(21,"tight"),(22,"moderate"),(23,"loose"),(24,"loose),(25,"loose"),(26,"loose"),(27,"loose"),(28,"loose"),(29,"tight"),(30,"tight")]
- FORMAT: (day, general flexibility)

Self Massage: []
- FORMAT: (day, area)

Cramping: [(01,"stomach + abdominal during morning 1 mile interval, after 2 mile interval"),(03,"very slight at the end of my morning run"),(12,"slight cramp after my 2nd 400, during my evening light long run - MAJOR"),(20,"very slight during my last 800"),(23,"major during 5k race"),(25,"morning"),(26,"slightly during walk"),(30,"slightly during last portion of track workout & cooldown")]
- FORMAT: (day, symptom)

Wakeup: [(01,06:50 AM,9.5),(02,06:00AM,8),(03,06:00AM,7),(04,05:00AM,7),(05,06:00AM,8),(06,05:30AM,7.5),(07,05:30AM,7.5),(08,05:30AM,7),(09,05:30AM,7),(10,05:30AM,7.5),(11,05:00AM,7),(12,05:30AM,7),(13,07:00AM,8),(14,05:30AM,7.5),(15,05:30AM,7),(16,05:15AM,7),(17,08:00AM,10),(18,05:00AM,7),(19,05:00AM,6),(20,05:00AM,7.5),(21,05:30AM,7),(22,07:00AM,8.5),(23,05:00AM,6.5),(24,07:30AM,7),(25,05:00AM,5),(26,05:30AM,7.5),(27,08:30AM,10),(28,07:55AM,9),(29,08:00AM,9),(30,06:00AM,7)]
- FORMAT: (day, wakeup time, hours slept)


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Re: ADARQ's journal
« Reply #7587 on: November 30, 2017, 08:14:34 pm »
Strava's November distance challenge:

Current Rank 220/136,059

524 km. :ibrunning:

Pretty close to what I did last month, but the last few weeks volume has dropped dramatically, was in the 120's or so before that, hah.

Not going to place high in December, that's for sure. :ninja:

FWIW, I could drop as the night finishes up:



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Re: ADARQ's journal
« Reply #7588 on: November 30, 2017, 08:21:30 pm »
my 18:05 official hit Athlinks, has me at 5:49 pace. kewl!! first 5:4X official pace.

Can't wait to post my "2017 Athlinks" summary, or the full history summary .. times ALL OVER the place. LMAO.


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Re: ADARQ's journal
« Reply #7589 on: November 30, 2017, 11:18:21 pm »
legs feel bionic right now, dunk level.. if they feel better than this come saturday morning, going to be flying. :ibrunning:

no stretching, hard walking, or anything tomorrow (just like today).. just relaxing and eating light/good. going to get in two spinach meals w/ chicken again, like i did today. Feel good when i'm on teh spinach, but, want to split up a ~10 oz bag into two 5 oz meals.. feel like that's a smarter idea.

only problem is i'm up way too late. should be asleep already. :ninja: