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Re: ADARQ's journal
« Reply #7410 on: October 13, 2017, 02:53:51 pm »
Just realizing my 2-mile test yesterday, 2 consecutive sub 6 mile splits, under 12 minutes, and was just thinking back to last year & how many times I tried, and how hard I tried, to achieve that. I must have tried like 15-20 times to get 2 miles in under 12 minutes, then when I finally got that, I must have tried about 6-10 more times to get two consecutive sub 6 splits. So it took a while.

This is only my second all out 2 miles since coming back from injury .. obviously I didn't detrain completely, but I did detrain considerably. So just gives me more confidence that i'm on the right track. I haven't been pushing my miles hard. I've also been pushing my speed "less hard", by focusing on producing that speed but also trying to stay very relaxed, so basically not "forcing it". My weekly mileage is way up, at all time highs, but i'm also getting in ~2-3 rest days per week, so i'm building this mileage during my 2 sessions per day training, alternating hard and light days, while still getting a decent amount of rest.

I feel less confident right now in my "guts", ie, my sheer will power to achieve some major PR times, like I did last year at this time - just willed myself to PR after PR .. but, i'm also trying to deliberately avoid that. I really want to hit PR's without being in complete hell during a race or training. That's where the volume comes in and trying to produce speed without forcing it, and also getting lighter. One example is an official sub 5 mile: I have it in my head right now that I want to hit an official sub 5 mile in December, but, it's a completely different mentality than last year, where I had the same result-goal but not at all the same effort goal. I'd rather hit a more comfortable 4:55 than a grind it out and die 4:55.. I mean, I imagine anyone would.. but, most people don't think about it like that. Most people think about 4:55 as an "ultimate achievement" with massive effort etc.. Everyone I know that wants to break 5, thinks about it like that. I don't though.. I want to hit 4:55 while being able to know I can hit 4:40 in a death run. I guess this is where my mindset has changed regarding running, focusing on pushing my limits without actually spending much time in that area of the field ... i've been removing the idea of "grinding it out to the death", to achieving things "more comfortably".. An example training change specific to that, would be say, 12m x 400 @ 76s, versus 4 x 400m @ 70s, relying more on hard but less intense work, and increasing the volume of it. IMHO, not sure if it'll work as well, but so far i'm optimistic, seems like things have been moving in the right direction.

I like it.

:ibrunning: :wowthatwasnutswtf: :almostascoolasnyancat:



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Re: ADARQ's journal
« Reply #7411 on: October 14, 2017, 09:18:47 pm »
rest day, race tomorrow.


bw = 143
bw before bed = ?
soreness = none
aches/injuries = calves moderately tight
:pissed: :pissed: :pissed:
cramping = none
morning quad flexibility = loose
morning hamstring flexibility = loose
feel = ok

wakeup = 6 AM

06:00 AM: sweet green tea
07:30 AM: light walk, experiment
- cut short due to thunderstorm
- felt good but calves so tight
09:00 AM: 2% milk, coconut water
12:00 PM: grilled chicken w/ lemon, watermelon, avocado
05:00 PM: cup of coconut water
06:00 PM: huge sweet potato, chicken skewer, coconut water
08:30 PM: 3 x grape fruit, 2% milk, avocado, cup of coconut water

- 12:45 PM: light gastroc stretching - very tight
- light quads/hamstrings/soleus/gastrocs throughout the day
- 03:00 PM: LEG DRAIN - 20 minutes .. man this REALLY helped loosen up my legs.. pretty ridiculous tbh.. as SOON as I put my legs up, i felt the "pulsating" and blood flowing back down, after they felt quite fresh. I think it works best if you don't do it all the time.. dno though.  :wowthatwasnutswtf:

workout:rest day walking heart rate experiment ruined due to thunderstorm: analyzing how walking pace changes over time, while maintaining ~79 BPM heart rate: avg = 77

Wanted to do 8 miles, got cut short after 3. Surprised how low my HR is at 16:XX min/mi walking pace, that's a good sign I guess. I remember several months ago at 16:XX it was > 100. Apparently I burned *16* calories on my second mile, lmao.

Monthly Tracker: October 2017

October (10) 2017

- 10/3
- 10/4

Bodyweight: [(01,147),(02,146),(03,146),(04,145),(05,146),(06,145),(07,143),(08,142),(09,146),(10,145),(11,145),(12,144),(13,144),(14,143)]
- FORMAT: (day, weight in lbs)

Total Jumps per leg: []
- FORMAT: (day, # of jumps per leg)
- per leg total: 190

Max SLRVJ Touch: []
- FORMAT: (day, touch height in ft'inches")

Total miles walked: [(2,5.5)]
- FORMAT: (day, miles walked)
- total: 5.5

Total walk time: [(2,01h:30m:00s]
- FORMAT: (day, total walking time in hh:mm:ss)
- total: 01h:30m:00s

Total speed interval distance: [(05,4000m),(05,8400m),(08,1480m),(10,4827m),(10,4000m)]
- FORMAT: (day, total speed interval distance in meters)
- total: 19107m

Max run speed (mph)/pace (min/mi): [(05,11.9,5:03),(05,11.9,5:05),(08,14.0,4:18),(13,14.0,4:18)]
- FORMAT: (day, mph max, pace max in minutes per mile)

Total jump rope time: []
- FORMAT: (day, minutes)
- total:

Total jump rope messups: []
- FORMAT: (day, # of mess ups)
- total:

Resting HR: [(2,20,40,35)]
- FORMAT: (day, minutes for this test, average hr, minimum hr)

PR's: []

Races: [(08,500m,20:14,20:02)]
- FORMAT: (day, distance, official, watch)

Soreness: [(1,"slightly","calfs slightly - left more so"),(2,"slightly","calfs moderate, quads slightly"),(05,"none"),(06,"none"),(07,"none"),(08,"none"),(09,"none - calves tight slightly)"),(10,"none"),(11,"none"),(12,"none"),(13,"none"),(14,"none")]
- FORMAT: (day, overall soreness, specifics)

Aches/Injuries: [(1,"left calf a bit tight"),(2,"none"),(05,"none"),(06,"left calf a little tight"),(07,"right ankle slightly - medial side"),(08,"none"),(09,"none"),(10,"none"),(11,"none"),(12,"none"),(13,"left hamstring tendon slightly, right hip slightly, left heel slightly, calves tight"),(14,"calves modertely tight")]
- FORMAT: (day, specifics)

Morning Quad Flexibility: [(1,"stiff"),(2,"loose"),(05,"loose"),(06,"loose"),(07,"loose"),(08,"loose"),(09,"loose"),(10,"loose"),(11,"loose"),(12,"loose"),(13,"loose"),(14,"loose")]
- FORMAT: (day, general flexibility)

Morning Hamstring Flexibility: [(1,"stiff"),(2,"loose),(05,"loose"),(06,"loose"),(07,"loose"),(08,"loose"),(09,"loose"),(10,"loose"),(11,"loose"),(12,"loose"),(13,"loose"),(14,"loose")]
- FORMAT: (day, general flexibility)

Cramping: [(06,"bloated up at night, messed up my running"),(07,"still lightly bloated from previous night, until I got it out after a long walk"),(08,"right stomach cramp during 5k race"),(09,"right abdominal/stomach area feels bloated/weird"),(10,"none"),(11,"none"),(12,"none"),(13,"none"),(14,"none")]
- FORMAT: (day, symptom)

Wakeup: [(1,6:15AM,7), (2,10:00AM,9),(05,9:00AM,10),(06,6:00AM,7),(07,7:30AM,8.5),(08,5:00AM,6),(09,08:30AM,8.5),(10,06:30AM,8),(11,06:15 AM,7.5),(12,06:15 AM, 7.5),(13,05:40AM,7.5),(14,06:00AM,8)]
- FORMAT: (day, wakeup time, hours slept)


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Re: ADARQ's journal
« Reply #7412 on: October 15, 2017, 06:12:15 am »
quick pre-race update before I head out:

legs feel great, body feels great.

though, left calf is tight, right hip bugging a little .. more worried about the calf.

didn't do my fasted experiment because of left calf .. figured i'd try to get some more electrolytes in, so I had:
- black coffee
- 1 grapefruit
- 1 avocado
- cup coconut water



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Re: ADARQ's journal
« Reply #7413 on: October 15, 2017, 12:42:51 pm »

quick recap.

felt GREAT. yesterday's diet + this morning's diet, had me feeling superb. no cramping, not too much peeing, though a few big #2's.. easily hitting sub 5 pace during my warmups, tons of bounce, very relaxed, explosive etc.. so, very happy about that.

from strava:

devil dog 5k race: 3rd in 35-39 age group, 10th overall @ 19:08: first mile (5:29) felt very good (comfortable/relaxed), tanked @ ~1.5 or so, lmfao.
man I hate 5k distance, but I absolutely love local 5k events, this one was impressive & huge. Obviously i'm not in 5k shape to hold ~5:30 per mile, but it really is crazy to me how comfortable that first mile feels, and then how everything just shuts down (especially mentally) around 1.5. I don't care at all though, I love just pushing it that first mile, makes the whole thing so much fun.

Next week i'm doing an even faster 5k, in which I will be trying to PR my mile like I did last year in that race. I'm going to push it hard (hopefully) and not give one sh*t about anything past 1 mile, which should allow me to really crank it up. Watch based mile PR is 5:06, official is 5:12 .. I'll be shooting to PR my watch based mile, so expecting to max out the last 400 or so of it and try to get sub 5. Who knows though. I might literally have to walk after that, but i'll try to trot it out.

so ya, 5:29 comfortable first mile, felt great.

#3rd in age group, 10th overall.. it's funny, the #1 and #2 guy hit 5:48 and 5:50 respectively for the first mile. pacing yourself is a great idea :D but not my kind of party. :ibrunning:

held lead or tied with 2nd place overall guy (a 58 year old, leaner than me, similar leverages/build, crazy shape, in flats like me) - shoulder to shoulder or a step ahead, for ~1.3-1.4 miles. He was breathing about the same as me, we both seemed very similar. #1 guy behind us at the time, was breathing really easy though, he even said "good job guys!" at the 1 mile mark when everyone's watches beeped, no huffing/puffing, so he was solid.

These 5k guys are nuts.. I looked up a bunch of their stats on strava, i'm pretty sure I have a faster 1k and even faster mile than alot of these guys, but they crush me over 5k, and destroy me over 10k, and annihilate me over half marathon, and completely eviscerate me over marathon. I really just have more of a speed mindset, even though i'm not "fast" *yet*. The #2 overall guy i talked about earlier, I have better tracked stats for 1k, he is 3s faster over a mile, but he is 1.5 minutes faster over 5k, 6 minutes faster over 10k, and 16 minutes faster over half marathon. I just find it interesting, from a physiology/architecture/training/mindset standpoint.

damn look at the difference between the guy who was #1 overall, and myself, according to strava (left = him, right = me):

that's pretty nuts.. never would have expected that.

To me, that makes me even more optimistic about getting my <= mile down. I think that's just where my strengths are (800m, 1k, 1500m, mile). Keep nurturing them. ie, don't "try and be a dunker", or in this case, a 5k, 10k, half, marathoner etc .. just nurture my strengths and max that out.

Some stats:

notice on both of my final warmups, 4:57 pace @ low 18x SPM.. So when I say things like, "relaxed sub 5", that's what I mean, and the max SPM in those short intervals isn't much higher at all. So my first mile, was basically the same cadence (SPM) but much less stride freq. So I felt VERY comfortable. During that mile I was like, damn I might be able to hold this for 5k......... lmfao. But then my training/body/mind kicked in and said, hey you know you're only half way there, alot more torture to go.

You can see my SPM just goes way down ~1.3 miles in.

A bunch of photos, got some SICK ones.

Finally.. stomach is destroyed. Ate some free organic b.s. after the race, got my stomach absolutely wrecked. fml. lmfao.



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Re: ADARQ's journal
« Reply #7414 on: October 15, 2017, 04:52:29 pm »
a video of the start of the race, lul.

took like 15s to get out of the crowd. makes me even happier about my first 5:29 split, lmao.

that 13 year old girl who started in front of me finished 2nd overall for females.


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Re: ADARQ's journal
« Reply #7415 on: October 15, 2017, 05:13:52 pm »

I've been looking into kenyan warmup videos etc for the last week, about to start incorporating some stuff .. This video is going to make me start tonight. Going to mix 1 mile very light runs, with relaxed drilling maybe on grass. I imagine it'll make me a little sore so i'm going to keep it very submax .. even then, stiffer/straighter leg contacts are going to really stress the gastrocs/quads.

Need to just improve my motor control more, in general.

These African athletes know how to train.


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Re: ADARQ's journal
« Reply #7416 on: October 15, 2017, 05:31:32 pm »
photos/recap on previous page


bw = 143
bw before bed = ?
soreness = none
aches/injuries = left calf slightly tight
cramping = none
morning quad flexibility = loose
morning hamstring flexibility = loose
feel = great

wakeup = 5 AM

05:15 AM: black coffee
05:25 AM: avocado, grapefruit, cup of coconut water
- PERFECT!!!!!!!!!!!  :wowthatwasnutswtf: :wowthatwasnutswtf: :wowthatwasnutswtf: :ibrunning: :ibrunning: :ibrunning:
07:00 AM: workout: warmup for race
07:30 AM: 5k race
08:00 AM: sweet green tea, rxbar
09:00 AM: some organic JUNK from a few of the booths at the venue, wrecked my stomach so bad
10:00 AM: whole foods: smoothie with whey, some chicken, plantains, fried yucca
11:00 AM: workout: bw
- 3-sec dead hang ng pullups: BW x 9
- full dips: BW x 10
12:00 PM: coconut water
03:00 PM: coconut water
04:30 PM: workout: bw
- 5+sec dead hang pullups: BW x 5
-- could have done more but chillin
- full dips: BW x 10
05:00 PM: cup of coconut water, avocado, 2 x sour dough
06:30 PM: workout: light running
- 139 lb. after workout lmao  :wowthatwasnutswtf: :ninja: :trolldance:
09:30 PM: 3 x 2% milk, 3 x coconut water, watermelon


race: photos & recap

workout: awesome light session: ~400m of intermittent "kenyan drills" / "track drills" mixed in between reps: 5 x 1 mile (light, 7:XX), 1 x 2 mile (very light, 8:XX), 1 x 2 mile (uber light, 9:XX)

going to be incorporating more drills, to improve mobility, flexibility, coordination etc. This session felt really great. Loved how I felt after activating my calves/quads/glutes more doing various drills with hip/knee/ankle locked .. reminds me of the stuff i used to do for dunking - stiff leg pogo hops, to improve my triple extension for vertical jump. I've really been missing out by not incorporating this stuff sooner.

Monthly Tracker: October 2017

October (10) 2017

- 10/3
- 10/4

Bodyweight: [(01,147),(02,146),(03,146),(04,145),(05,146),(06,145),(07,143),(08,142),(09,146),(10,145),(11,145),(12,144),(13,144),(14,143),(15,143)]
- FORMAT: (day, weight in lbs)

Total Jumps per leg: []
- FORMAT: (day, # of jumps per leg)
- per leg total: 190

Max SLRVJ Touch: []
- FORMAT: (day, touch height in ft'inches")

Total miles walked: [(2,5.5)]
- FORMAT: (day, miles walked)
- total: 5.5

Total walk time: [(2,01h:30m:00s]
- FORMAT: (day, total walking time in hh:mm:ss)
- total: 01h:30m:00s

Total speed interval distance: [(05,4000m),(05,8400m),(08,1480m),(10,4827m),(10,4000m)]
- FORMAT: (day, total speed interval distance in meters)
- total: 19107m

Max run speed (mph)/pace (min/mi): [(05,11.9,5:03),(05,11.9,5:05),(08,14.0,4:18),(13,14.0,4:18)]
- FORMAT: (day, mph max, pace max in minutes per mile)

Total jump rope time: []
- FORMAT: (day, minutes)
- total:

Total jump rope messups: []
- FORMAT: (day, # of mess ups)
- total:

Resting HR: [(2,20,40,35)]
- FORMAT: (day, minutes for this test, average hr, minimum hr)

PR's: []

Races: [(08,500m,20:14,20:02),(15,19:08,19:18)]
- FORMAT: (day, distance, official, watch)

Soreness: [(1,"slightly","calfs slightly - left more so"),(2,"slightly","calfs moderate, quads slightly"),(05,"none"),(06,"none"),(07,"none"),(08,"none"),(09,"none - calves tight slightly)"),(10,"none"),(11,"none"),(12,"none"),(13,"none"),(14,"none"),(15,"none")]
- FORMAT: (day, overall soreness, specifics)

Aches/Injuries: [(1,"left calf a bit tight"),(2,"none"),(05,"none"),(06,"left calf a little tight"),(07,"right ankle slightly - medial side"),(08,"none"),(09,"none"),(10,"none"),(11,"none"),(12,"none"),(13,"left hamstring tendon slightly, right hip slightly, left heel slightly, calves tight"),(14,"calves modertely tight"),(15,"left calf slightly tight")]
- FORMAT: (day, specifics)

Morning Quad Flexibility: [(1,"stiff"),(2,"loose"),(05,"loose"),(06,"loose"),(07,"loose"),(08,"loose"),(09,"loose"),(10,"loose"),(11,"loose"),(12,"loose"),(13,"loose"),(14,"loose"),(15,"loose")]
- FORMAT: (day, general flexibility)

Morning Hamstring Flexibility: [(1,"stiff"),(2,"loose),(05,"loose"),(06,"loose"),(07,"loose"),(08,"loose"),(09,"loose"),(10,"loose"),(11,"loose"),(12,"loose"),(13,"loose"),(14,"loose"),(15,"loose")]
- FORMAT: (day, general flexibility)

Cramping: [(06,"bloated up at night, messed up my running"),(07,"still lightly bloated from previous night, until I got it out after a long walk"),(08,"right stomach cramp during 5k race"),(09,"right abdominal/stomach area feels bloated/weird"),(10,"none"),(11,"none"),(12,"none"),(13,"none"),(14,"none"),(15,"none")]
- FORMAT: (day, symptom)

Wakeup: [(1,6:15AM,7), (2,10:00AM,9),(05,9:00AM,10),(06,6:00AM,7),(07,7:30AM,8.5),(08,5:00AM,6),(09,08:30AM,8.5),(10,06:30AM,8),(11,06:15 AM,7.5),(12,06:15 AM, 7.5),(13,05:40AM,7.5),(14,06:00AM,8),(15,05:00AM,7)]
- FORMAT: (day, wakeup time, hours slept)


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Re: ADARQ's journal
« Reply #7417 on: October 15, 2017, 06:11:48 pm »

raw irc log:

18:07 <@mo_f> i found the rightful owners of the photo i took, of the couple running with the dog
18:08 <@mo_f>
18:08 < polybot> Instagram : 5 Likes, 2 Comments - Melanie Haraldson (@melanieharaldson) on Instagram: “Our little Lua ran her first @devildog5k today! #mytribe #myloves”
18:08 <@mo_f>
18:08 <@mo_f> how cool is that
18:09 <@mo_f> dude
18:09 <@mo_f> they are so fucking happy
18:09 <@mo_f> such happy looking people
18:09 <@mo_f> insane
18:09 < bcow> just like us
18:10 <@mo_f> hahah

my original photo:

the couple that ran with that dog I took a photo of:

cool story++


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Re: ADARQ's journal
« Reply #7418 on: October 16, 2017, 09:54:53 am »

only training 4 days this week, instead of 5 .. can I still SAFELY get to 80+ miles? I think so..

mandatory rest day before & after a race day, gives me 4 possible training days this week, because i'm on my mandatory rest day from yesterday's race.

rest = a form of training. It actually takes quite a bit of effort to not train, when you think about it.. :ninja:

I love it.

I like how this came out, lul. Headshot looks kewl.


bw = 141
:wowthatwasnutswtf: :wowthatwasnutswtf: :wowthatwasnutswtf: :wowthatwasnutswtf: :wowthatwasnutswtf: :ibrunning:
bw before bed = ?
soreness = left vmo barely, quads barely, calves barely
- definitely from stiff leg drills last night.. legs feel incredibly good, but those locked landings really hit my glutes, quads (vmo), and calves hard.
aches/injuries = left calf barely tight
cramping = none
morning quad flexibility = loose
morning hamstring flexibility = loose
feel = great

wakeup = 7:30AM
- slept in

7:30 AM: 1/2 black tea
09:00 AM: 1 x grapefruit, 1 x avocado, 2 x sourdough toasted, 1 x coconut water
- man this is such an amazing meal.. well, the grapefruit/avocado/coconut water combo is what's epic.
01:30 PM: workout: bw, light/no strain
- 3-sec dead hang ng pullups: BW x 8
- full dips: BW x 10
02:00 PM: 1/2 black tea, avocado, 2% milk
05:30 PM: big sweet potato - saute slices in oil/salt and some black pepper, chicken skewer, water w/ lemon
08:30 PM: ruby red grape fruit, coconut water, 2 x sour dough, 2% milk

- light stretching of quads during dog walk
- 09:00 PM: soleus during dishes
- 09:55 PM: everything before bed, real quick


Monthly Tracker: October 2017

October (10) 2017

- 10/3
- 10/4

Bodyweight: [(01,147),(02,146),(03,146),(04,145),(05,146),(06,145),(07,143),(08,142),(09,146),(10,145),(11,145),(12,144),(13,144),(14,143),(15,143),(16,141)]
- FORMAT: (day, weight in lbs)

Total Jumps per leg: []
- FORMAT: (day, # of jumps per leg)
- per leg total: 190

Max SLRVJ Touch: []
- FORMAT: (day, touch height in ft'inches")

Total miles walked: [(2,5.5)]
- FORMAT: (day, miles walked)
- total: 5.5

Total walk time: [(2,01h:30m:00s]
- FORMAT: (day, total walking time in hh:mm:ss)
- total: 01h:30m:00s

Total speed interval distance: [(05,4000m),(05,8400m),(08,1480m),(10,4827m),(10,4000m)]
- FORMAT: (day, total speed interval distance in meters)
- total: 19107m

Max run speed (mph)/pace (min/mi): [(05,11.9,5:03),(05,11.9,5:05),(08,14.0,4:18),(13,14.0,4:18)]
- FORMAT: (day, mph max, pace max in minutes per mile)

Total jump rope time: []
- FORMAT: (day, minutes)
- total:

Total jump rope messups: []
- FORMAT: (day, # of mess ups)
- total:

Resting HR: [(2,20,40,35)]
- FORMAT: (day, minutes for this test, average hr, minimum hr)

PR's: []

Races: [(08,500m,20:14,20:02),(15,19:08,19:18)]
- FORMAT: (day, distance, official, watch)

Soreness: [(1,"slightly","calfs slightly - left more so"),(2,"slightly","calfs moderate, quads slightly"),(05,"none"),(06,"none"),(07,"none"),(08,"none"),(09,"none - calves tight slightly)"),(10,"none"),(11,"none"),(12,"none"),(13,"none"),(14,"none"),(15,"none"),(16,"left vmo barely, quads slightly, calves slightly")]
- FORMAT: (day, overall soreness, specifics)

Aches/Injuries: [(1,"left calf a bit tight"),(2,"none"),(05,"none"),(06,"left calf a little tight"),(07,"right ankle slightly - medial side"),(08,"none"),(09,"none"),(10,"none"),(11,"none"),(12,"none"),(13,"left hamstring tendon slightly, right hip slightly, left heel slightly, calves tight"),(14,"calves modertely tight"),(15,"left calf slightly tight"),(16,"left calf barely")]
- FORMAT: (day, specifics)

Morning Quad Flexibility: [(1,"stiff"),(2,"loose"),(05,"loose"),(06,"loose"),(07,"loose"),(08,"loose"),(09,"loose"),(10,"loose"),(11,"loose"),(12,"loose"),(13,"loose"),(14,"loose"),(15,"loose"),(16,"loose")]
- FORMAT: (day, general flexibility)

Morning Hamstring Flexibility: [(1,"stiff"),(2,"loose),(05,"loose"),(06,"loose"),(07,"loose"),(08,"loose"),(09,"loose"),(10,"loose"),(11,"loose"),(12,"loose"),(13,"loose"),(14,"loose"),(15,"loose"),(16,"loose")]
- FORMAT: (day, general flexibility)

Cramping: [(06,"bloated up at night, messed up my running"),(07,"still lightly bloated from previous night, until I got it out after a long walk"),(08,"right stomach cramp during 5k race"),(09,"right abdominal/stomach area feels bloated/weird"),(10,"none"),(11,"none"),(12,"none"),(13,"none"),(14,"none"),(15,"none"),(16,"none")]
- FORMAT: (day, symptom)

Wakeup: [(1,6:15AM,7), (2,10:00AM,9),(05,9:00AM,10),(06,6:00AM,7),(07,7:30AM,8.5),(08,5:00AM,6),(09,08:30AM,8.5),(10,06:30AM,8),(11,06:15 AM,7.5),(12,06:15 AM, 7.5),(13,05:40AM,7.5),(14,06:00AM,8),(15,05:00AM,7),(16,07:30AM,8)]
- FORMAT: (day, wakeup time, hours slept)


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Re: ADARQ's journal
« Reply #7419 on: October 17, 2017, 11:31:09 am »
im such a little social media bich.

found some more photos, this one is nice:


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Re: ADARQ's journal
« Reply #7420 on: October 17, 2017, 12:22:59 pm »

bw = 142
- nice
bw before bed = ?
soreness = none
aches/injuries = right hip slightly
cramping = during cooldown of morning workout - stomach cramps
morning quad flexibility = loose
morning hamstring flexibility = loose
feel = great

wakeup = 6:00 AM
- slept in :D

06:15 AM: black coffee, coconut water, avocado, grapefruit
07:00 AM: workout: relaxed speed + bw
- 3-sec paused dead hang ng pullups: BW x 9
- full dips: BW x 10
- standing single, straight leg lifts: x 20
- standing single, straight leg abductions: x 20
- standing single leg calf raises: x 10
- leg lifts on dip bars: x 10
08:30 AM: 2% milk, coconut water
11:30 AM: 2% milk, coconut water
03:00 PM: avocado toast! (avocado + two pieces of sour dough toasted), grape fruit, 2% milk, coconut water
- avocado toast = epic .. ill IG it tmw maybe
05:00 PM: 1/2 sweet green tea
05:30 PM: workout: track/speed
07:30 PM: 1/2 sweet green tea
08:00 PM: 2 x 2% milk
09:00 PM: 1 x sour dough toasted, dipped in a bunch of olive oil + salt + black pepper, 2% milk, 2 x water w/ lemon

- soleus during dishes

workout: morning relaxed speed, drills during full recovery, no looking at watch: 1-mi (very light, 8:00), 1-mi (light, 6:36, surprised me), 3 x ~1km @ {5:31 mm, 5:37 mm, 5:29 mm}, cooldown 5k (fail, stomach cramps, park water = bad?? eek)
nice session. started it too late though.

think the park water is bad, i was wrecked immediately after i drank it.

workout: track with GFLRRC: 420m (74.4/4:50mm), 200m (34.2/4:37mm), 400m (71.6/4:48mm), 200m (32.9/4:26mm), 400m (74.9/5:01mm), 200m (34.1/4:42mm), 2 x 400m (72.5/4:53mm, 77.2/5:19mm), 3 x 200m (33.2/4:35mm, 31.8/4:27mm, 31.5/4:24), opened it up, 200m rest

opened it up quite a bit, pushed it nicely. The best thing about this session was the last three 200m's, those really exploded, and my cadence was LESS than any of my previous intervals. All of the previous intervals were ~190 to ~195 SPM... The last three 200's were all < 190 {187, 186, 189}, with really solid stride length {1.88, 1.94, 1.93}..

So those last three 200's felt absolutely ridiculous.. that's the kind of form I need to hold for a mile, only 1409m to go. :D That would be ridiculous.. I just love that rhythm.

solid session!!

tomorrow = very light day.

the sky was kinda ridiculous after the track session..

140.0 after workout... with a bit of extra water in me (drank a glass right when i got home).

 :ibrunning: :wowthatwasnutswtf: :ibrunning:

Monthly Tracker: October 2017

October (10) 2017

- 10/3
- 10/4

Bodyweight: [(01,147),(02,146),(03,146),(04,145),(05,146),(06,145),(07,143),(08,142),(09,146),(10,145),(11,145),(12,144),(13,144),(14,143),(15,143),(16,141),(17,142)]
- FORMAT: (day, weight in lbs)

Total Jumps per leg: []
- FORMAT: (day, # of jumps per leg)
- per leg total: 190

Max SLRVJ Touch: []
- FORMAT: (day, touch height in ft'inches")

Total miles walked: [(2,5.5)]
- FORMAT: (day, miles walked)
- total: 5.5

Total walk time: [(2,01h:30m:00s]
- FORMAT: (day, total walking time in hh:mm:ss)
- total: 01h:30m:00s

Total speed interval distance: [(05,4000m),(05,8400m),(08,1480m),(10,4827m),(10,4000m)]
- FORMAT: (day, total speed interval distance in meters)
- total: 19107m

Max run speed (mph)/pace (min/mi): [(05,11.9,5:03),(05,11.9,5:05),(08,14.0,4:18),(13,14.0,4:18)]
- FORMAT: (day, mph max, pace max in minutes per mile)

Total jump rope time: []
- FORMAT: (day, minutes)
- total:

Total jump rope messups: []
- FORMAT: (day, # of mess ups)
- total:

Resting HR: [(2,20,40,35)]
- FORMAT: (day, minutes for this test, average hr, minimum hr)

PR's: []

Races: [(08,500m,20:14,20:02),(15,19:08,19:18)]
- FORMAT: (day, distance, official, watch)

Soreness: [(1,"slightly","calfs slightly - left more so"),(2,"slightly","calfs moderate, quads slightly"),(05,"none"),(06,"none"),(07,"none"),(08,"none"),(09,"none - calves tight slightly)"),(10,"none"),(11,"none"),(12,"none"),(13,"none"),(14,"none"),(15,"none"),(16,"left vmo barely, quads slightly, calves slightly"),(17,"none")]
- FORMAT: (day, overall soreness, specifics)

Aches/Injuries: [(1,"left calf a bit tight"),(2,"none"),(05,"none"),(06,"left calf a little tight"),(07,"right ankle slightly - medial side"),(08,"none"),(09,"none"),(10,"none"),(11,"none"),(12,"none"),(13,"left hamstring tendon slightly, right hip slightly, left heel slightly, calves tight"),(14,"calves modertely tight"),(15,"left calf slightly tight"),(16,"left calf barely"),(17,"right hip slightly")]
- FORMAT: (day, specifics)

Morning Quad Flexibility: [(1,"stiff"),(2,"loose"),(05,"loose"),(06,"loose"),(07,"loose"),(08,"loose"),(09,"loose"),(10,"loose"),(11,"loose"),(12,"loose"),(13,"loose"),(14,"loose"),(15,"loose"),(16,"loose"),(17,"loose")]
- FORMAT: (day, general flexibility)

Morning Hamstring Flexibility: [(1,"stiff"),(2,"loose),(05,"loose"),(06,"loose"),(07,"loose"),(08,"loose"),(09,"loose"),(10,"loose"),(11,"loose"),(12,"loose"),(13,"loose"),(14,"loose"),(15,"loose"),(16,"loose"),(17,"loose")]
- FORMAT: (day, general flexibility)

Cramping: [(06,"bloated up at night, messed up my running"),(07,"still lightly bloated from previous night, until I got it out after a long walk"),(08,"right stomach cramp during 5k race"),(09,"right abdominal/stomach area feels bloated/weird"),(10,"none"),(11,"none"),(12,"none"),(13,"none"),(14,"none"),(15,"none"),(16,"none"),(17,"during cooldown of morning workout - stomach cramps")]
- FORMAT: (day, symptom)

Wakeup: [(1,6:15AM,7), (2,10:00AM,9),(05,9:00AM,10),(06,6:00AM,7),(07,7:30AM,8.5),(08,5:00AM,6),(09,08:30AM,8.5),(10,06:30AM,8),(11,06:15 AM,7.5),(12,06:15 AM, 7.5),(13,05:40AM,7.5),(14,06:00AM,8),(15,05:00AM,7),(16,07:30AM,8),(17,06:00AM,8)]
- FORMAT: (day, wakeup time, hours slept)


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Re: ADARQ's journal
« Reply #7421 on: October 18, 2017, 12:15:54 am »
yes, this is the problem with my intervals: i'm much less fit than you but running 500s at a slightly harder pace than your 400s. must find chiller pace. should get watch.
Muscles are nonsensical they have nothing to do with this bullshit.

- Avishek

black lives matter


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Re: ADARQ's journal
« Reply #7422 on: October 18, 2017, 06:10:57 am »
yes, this is the problem with my intervals: i'm much less fit than you but running 500s at a slightly harder pace than your 400s. must find chiller pace.

ya if you notice I write "relaxed speed" etc alot now.. because my problem last year, was forcing it. So, i'd be just activating too much fast twitch fiber and basically sprinting, rather than really trying to hit a pace that I can sustain for alot longer, by really relaxing, staying loose, not picking up my stride frequency too much etc.

one of the "tricks" (basics) these Kenyans use, from what i've seen. So much to learn from them, they have mastered running & everything that goes into it.

also I didn't look at my watch during any of those intervals, until the end of each interval. Sometimes I don't even look at the watch at all, not even after the intervals, then I look at it when I get home. This is another great way to not "stress yourself out" and force the speed. By not looking at the watch during the interval, you just focus more internally - which is extremely important. So getting a watch is great but it can also wreck you, if you "use it wrong".

should get watch.

garmin forerunner series is such a great investment. I have one of the older models (forerunner 15), but it's perfect. Joe has one of the newer models, gives him HR via wrist etc.

GPS watches are like power racks for runners.. best running investment ever.




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Re: ADARQ's journal
« Reply #7423 on: October 18, 2017, 08:51:07 am »
word, think i'm gonna get myself a garmin for my birthday. now just need to figure out which one. don't want a smartwatch, do want something that tells me how fast i'm going, has an interval timer/stopwatch, and syncs easily with mapmyrun.
Muscles are nonsensical they have nothing to do with this bullshit.

- Avishek

black lives matter


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Re: ADARQ's journal
« Reply #7424 on: October 18, 2017, 10:24:57 am »
word, think i'm gonna get myself a garmin for my birthday. now just need to figure out which one. don't want a smartwatch, do want something that tells me how fast i'm going, has an interval timer/stopwatch, and syncs easily with mapmyrun.

awesome. ya man you will love it. will make you want to run even more too, hehe.

it's cool in a race when everyone's watch beeps at basically the same time.. things are really accurate.