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Re: ADARQ's journal
« Reply #7380 on: October 07, 2017, 09:25:02 am »
complete rest day! 5k race tomorrow morning.

143 today.. would like to wake up around 143/144 or so tomorrow. I definitely don't want to be heavier, that would indicate alot of extra water retention, which i'd be peeing out like crazy because of the "extra nerves".. so 143/144 tomorrow morning would be nice. Need to make sure not to overhydrate & overeat today. Nothing is worse than going to the bathroom non-stop before a race. I just want to feel comfortable lmao. Worst case scenario would be, waking up at like 147-148, and just peeing my brains out every 10 minutes.

I'm pretty sure i'm going to drink one of my large coffee drinks, in addition to eating a quarter watermelon.. the coffee thing has me on the fence, but, it's helped my morning sessions alot lately, since i haven't been in this early morning groove for too long. So, just going to chug it @ 5 AM, ASAP, and eat that watermelon right after.

5 AM wakeup time tomorrow, because I have to leave the house at 6 AM, light warmup and such by 6:30 AM, race at 7 AM.. one of the earlier races. Most start at 7:30.

I won this race last year, so i'd like to win it again.. "Defending Champ!!" lmfao.

As for race strategy, the question is, will there be someone racing who pulls me out of my comfort zone? ie, someone who can run a fast low 5's first mile, and get me all lactic acid'd up for the last 2 miles. Honestly, if the fastest person there is ~5:45+ per mile, I really feel like i'm in the kind of condition to hang, the entire race. I'm really confident in that. I haven't put that kind of effort in for 5k at all since my come back, but my 400m repeat work capacity and my speed in general is way better right now that it was last year. So my race strategy is always to just keep up with the fastest, i'm not changing that, I don't fall back until i'm dying .. but, hoping it's more of a 5:45+ kind of race so I can relax a bit more and not try to survive a death match with myself. If i'm the leader, going to try and just maintain it at 5:55+ pace, but I won't be looking at my watch.

This is the race from last year, the one where I ran an extra 0.2 mi because they screwed me up on where to turn around. Photos from last year's race:

I need some new hardware, lulz. :D


bw = 143
:wowthatwasnutswtf: :wowthatwasnutswtf: :wowthatwasnutswtf:
bw before bed = ?
soreness = none
aches/injuries = right ankle a little - medial side
- fuqn calf stretches!@$!
morning quad flexibility = loose
morning hamstring flexibility = loose
feel = great

wakeup = 7:30 AM
- slept in a bit

09:30 AM: 4 eggs x sunny side up, 2 x SF sour dough bread, banana, avocado, sweetened green tea
03:00 PM: coconut water
03:30 PM: workout: light walk
05:00 PM: 5 x grape fruit, 2 x coconut water, avocado
07:00 PM: coconut water, banana
09:00 PM: fried banana in olive oil/salt, 2 x sf sour dough, water with alot of fresh lemon
- so good.

my new white plate .. for taking photos with. LMFAO. :D I mean I ate everything on it afterwards, I just wanted a white plate to take some better shots. I like it already.

- bunch of soleus a few times
- some quad
- 09:45 PM: everything light, before bed

workout: light walk
- midway through the walk i took off my shoe and sock, felt like a rock was under my big toe ..
- as i was getting home, very sharp sting
- i think something went into my toe, like a small thorn/picker
- then it happened again ~20 minutes after i was done walking, barefoot.
- WTF.
:pissed: :pissed: :pissed: :pissed: :pissed: :pissed:


Monthly Tracker: October 2017

October (10) 2017

- 10/3
- 10/4

Bodyweight: [(01,147),(02,146),(03,146),(04,145),(05,146),(06,145),(07,143)]
- FORMAT: (day, weight in lbs)

Total Jumps per leg: []
- FORMAT: (day, # of jumps per leg)
- per leg total: 190

Max SLRVJ Touch: []
- FORMAT: (day, touch height in ft'inches")

Total miles walked: [(2,5.5)]
- FORMAT: (day, miles walked)
- total: 5.5

Total walk time: [(2,01h:30m:00s]
- FORMAT: (day, total walking time in hh:mm:ss)
- total: 01h:30m:00s

Total speed interval distance: [(05,4000m),(05,8400m)]
- FORMAT: (day, total speed interval distance in meters)
- total: 8800m

Max run speed (mph)/pace (min/mi): [(05,11.9,5:03),(05,11.9,5:05)]
- FORMAT: (day, mph max, pace max in minutes per mile)

Total jump rope time: []
- FORMAT: (day, minutes)
- total:

Total jump rope messups: []
- FORMAT: (day, # of mess ups)
- total:

Resting HR: [(2,20,40,35)]
- FORMAT: (day, minutes for this test, average hr, minimum hr)

PR's: []

Races: []

Soreness: [(1,"slightly","calfs slightly - left more so"),(2,"slightly","calfs moderate, quads slightly"),(05,"none"),(06,"none"),(07,"none")]
- FORMAT: (day, overall soreness, specifics)

Aches/Injuries: [(1,"left calf a bit tight"),(2,"none"),(05,"none"),(06,"left calf a little tight"),(07,"right ankle slightly - medial side")]
- FORMAT: (day, specifics)

Morning Quad Flexibility: [(1,"stiff"),(2,"loose"),(05,"loose"),(06,"loose"),(07,"loose")]
- FORMAT: (day, general flexibility)

Morning Hamstring Flexibility:[ [(1,"stiff"),(2,"loose),(05,"loose"),(06,"loose"),(07,"loose")]
- FORMAT: (day, general flexibility)

Wakeup: [(1,6:15AM,7), (2,10:00AM,9),(05,9:00AM,10),(06,6:00AM,7),(07,7:30AM,8.5)]
- FORMAT: (day, wakeup time, hours slept)


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Re: ADARQ's journal
« Reply #7381 on: October 08, 2017, 06:00:21 am »
Muscles are nonsensical they have nothing to do with this bullshit.

- Avishek

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Re: ADARQ's journal
« Reply #7382 on: October 08, 2017, 11:10:39 am »

thanks alot dewd .. went & got it. :highfive: :ninja: :ibrunning:


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Re: ADARQ's journal
« Reply #7383 on: October 08, 2017, 11:27:24 am »
my head ~15 minutes after the race.

solid skull vein, lul.

should have removed the jersey from my shoulder though, distorts it a bit IMHO.

man it was crazy humid .. phone said 93% humidity @ like 82 F.


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Re: ADARQ's journal
« Reply #7384 on: October 08, 2017, 12:44:46 pm »
some photos and stuff from today.

Parkland Dash 5k Race: 1st overall - "defended my title" (lmfao): 5k @ 20:14, splits: 5:54, 6:19, 7:04 - felt great early on, started abdominal cramping at ~1.3 mi, shut it down completely at mile 2 to avoid death-cramping.


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Re: ADARQ's journal
« Reply #7385 on: October 08, 2017, 12:58:48 pm »
Good stuff bro! What's your pb and what time did you finish this race in last year?

Squat 340x3               Power clean 265

BP 225x3                    100m - 11.5


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Re: ADARQ's journal
« Reply #7386 on: October 08, 2017, 01:31:51 pm »
Good stuff bro! What's your pb and what time did you finish this race in last year?

y0! thanks alot man!!!

here's an actual link to it & the journal entry:'s-journal/msg126171/#msg126171

funny, very similar splits except for the third mile. 2016 vs 2017:
- prep training: "tons of hard 5k's and 2 5k races" vs "no 5k's and no races"
- mile 1: 5:49 vs 5:54 (+6s)
- mile 2: 6:19 vs 6:19 (0s)
- mile 3: 6:04 vs 7:04 (+60s)
- 0.1: sprint vs trot

Last year I ran like ~19:48 official or something, but I ran 3.3 miles not 3.1, because of a course screw up. So was more like low 19's. This year was 20:14, so WAY slower.

Here's the differences though:
- Last year: it happened on October 23, not Oct 8, and it was apparently very cool and I "didn't sweat at all"

Also ... I didn't sweat at all. LOLOL. Was nice and cool (sub 70 F).

- This year: I was completely soaked from head to toe, with water coming out of my feet. It was 80+ with ~93+% humidity. Everyone was absolutely drenched.

- Last year: I didn't cramp
- This year: I cramped at ~1.3 miles or so

- Last year: I was in a real race with someone next to me from 1.5 to 3.1 and sprinted at the end.
- This year: I literally didn't see anyone behind me, any time I looked, though they definitely gained on me by the end. I completely shut it down the last 1.1 miles.

This year as I approached the finish line, some guy said, "great job, and yeah just walk it in" LMFAO. Last year it was a race sprint to the finish with everyone cheering/going nuts, haha.

So, a completely different race/situation.

My PB is ~18:12 watch, ~18:22 official.

anyway nice question, lead to some nice "analysis".. This is why journaling is great :D :D :D  :wowthatwasnutswtf: :wowthatwasnutswtf: :wowthatwasnutswtf: :ibrunning: :ibrunning:  :ninja: :ninja:



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Re: ADARQ's journal
« Reply #7387 on: October 08, 2017, 02:54:34 pm »
searching for third party photos/video of the race.

found one of me in the back doing who knows what, lmao. calves/lower legs are so thin.

will just update this if i find any third party stuff.


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Re: ADARQ's journal
« Reply #7388 on: October 08, 2017, 11:20:40 pm »
didn't journal properly today, will do it tomorrow.

but was 142 this morning lmao. "physique update" today, that's 144. ~148 right now with tons of water in me. Crazy though, last night I was 145 or so, then 142 in the morning, with only ~6 hours sleep.


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Re: ADARQ's journal
« Reply #7389 on: October 09, 2017, 11:25:12 am »
Nice man! Maybe it was better you didn't have much competition given the weather conditions and not having any races in you. I know they had the Scranton marathon yesterday and it was wet, super humid and close to 80 degrees. So many people didn't finish or had to receive medical treatment even the top ranked woman didn't finish. The Kenyan who finished in 1st said it was one of the worst races he's ever ran. I think it's mostly the humidity, extremely draining and makes it difficult to breathe even when you're walking around. Can't imagine running distance in that sort of weather.

That's some major weight loss in 6 hours for sure. Sometimes, and I don't know if this was the case with you, I feel like the anxiety before competitions makes our bodies work harder and possibly burn more energy/ hold less water. Maybe and more probable that's some major bro- science on my part lol.

Squat 340x3               Power clean 265

BP 225x3                    100m - 11.5


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Re: ADARQ's journal
« Reply #7390 on: October 09, 2017, 11:51:54 am »
quick log, yesterday:


bw = 142
- after several trips to bathroom
:wowthatwasnutswtf: :wowthatwasnutswtf: :wowthatwasnutswtf:
bw before bed = 145
soreness = none
aches/injuries = none
morning quad flexibility = loose
morning hamstring flexibility = loose
feel = great

wakeup = 5 AM
- 4:15 AM, but, tried to go back to sleep, got in 15-30 more minutes or so

05:00 AM: black coffee (pre-made) drink (250 mg caffeine), quarter watermelon, piece of sour dough toasted to ease my stomach
06:45 AM: warmup + 5k race
07:30 AM: rxbar, sweet green tea
09:00 AM: whole foods breakfast! bacon egg & cheese, chocolate muffin, very berry smoothie with whey protein
11:00 AM: watermelon juice
12:00 PM: pink coconut water, protein bar
03:00 PM: 2 hour nap
05:00 PM: coconut water
07:30 PM: workout: light speed
09:30 PM: 2 x 2% milk, coconut water, banana
10:30 PM: turkey burger on sour dough bread, avocado, water w/ lemon

long day.

photos: in previous posts

race: Parkland Dash 5k Race: 1st overall - "defended my title" (lmfao): 5k @ 20:14, splits: 5:54, 6:19, 7:04 - felt great early on, started abdominal cramping at ~1.3 mi, shut it down completely at mile 2 to avoid death-cramping.
- 7 AM

happy with it. first 5k race in like 8 months, first hard 3 mile effort since coming back from injury. First ~5:54 was really comfortable/easy, felt great. Didn't look at my watch at all so, had no idea what my pacing was like, but was in the lead for 5k the entire way - lost the lead at ~1.4 mi to someone running the 5 mile race, but he kept going & we parted ways (change of course) at 1.5 miles anyway.

humidity was insane. some pretty fast kids out there too. great race course, love this one. They also fixed the "turnaround point" for 5k vs 5 miler, it was way better than last year where I got messed up. This time they had a guy on a bike who sorted everyone out.

good cadence early on .. pretty steady. increased it a bit when i felt someone coming up on me. eventually it dropped under 180 when I started shutting it down, as low as 170 or so when i was going my slowest.

included some of my warmup intervals, body felt really good. easily hitting sub 5 pace, so legs felt normal, nice & light/fast.

workout: frequency hopping: (very light 1 mile run, walk ~400m, kinda hard 370m, walk ~400m) x 4 sets: 370's @ {1:11/5:10mm, 1:07/4:57mm, 1:06/4:52mm, 1:04/4:44mm}, road surface sidewalk in park
- 7:30 PM

speed felt very good. loved this workout. love hitting the faster paces.

Monthly Tracker: October 2017

October (10) 2017

- 10/3
- 10/4

Bodyweight: [(01,147),(02,146),(03,146),(04,145),(05,146),(06,145),(07,143),(08,142)]
- FORMAT: (day, weight in lbs)

Total Jumps per leg: []
- FORMAT: (day, # of jumps per leg)
- per leg total: 190

Max SLRVJ Touch: []
- FORMAT: (day, touch height in ft'inches")

Total miles walked: [(2,5.5)]
- FORMAT: (day, miles walked)
- total: 5.5

Total walk time: [(2,01h:30m:00s]
- FORMAT: (day, total walking time in hh:mm:ss)
- total: 01h:30m:00s

Total speed interval distance: [(05,4000m),(05,8400m),(08,1480m)]
- FORMAT: (day, total speed interval distance in meters)
- total: 10280m

Max run speed (mph)/pace (min/mi): [(05,11.9,5:03),(05,11.9,5:05),(08,14.0,4:18)]
- FORMAT: (day, mph max, pace max in minutes per mile)

Total jump rope time: []
- FORMAT: (day, minutes)
- total:

Total jump rope messups: []
- FORMAT: (day, # of mess ups)
- total:

Resting HR: [(2,20,40,35)]
- FORMAT: (day, minutes for this test, average hr, minimum hr)

PR's: []

Races: [(08,500m,20:14,20:02)]
- FORMAT: (day, distance, official, watch)

Soreness: [(1,"slightly","calfs slightly - left more so"),(2,"slightly","calfs moderate, quads slightly"),(05,"none"),(06,"none"),(07,"none"),(08,"none")]
- FORMAT: (day, overall soreness, specifics)

Aches/Injuries: [(1,"left calf a bit tight"),(2,"none"),(05,"none"),(06,"left calf a little tight"),(07,"right ankle slightly - medial side"),(08,"none")]
- FORMAT: (day, specifics)

Morning Quad Flexibility: [(1,"stiff"),(2,"loose"),(05,"loose"),(06,"loose"),(07,"loose"),(08,"loose")]
- FORMAT: (day, general flexibility)

Morning Hamstring Flexibility:[ [(1,"stiff"),(2,"loose),(05,"loose"),(06,"loose"),(07,"loose"),(08,"loose")]
- FORMAT: (day, general flexibility)

Wakeup: [(1,6:15AM,7), (2,10:00AM,9),(05,9:00AM,10),(06,6:00AM,7),(07,7:30AM,8.5),(08,5:00AM,6)]
- FORMAT: (day, wakeup time, hours slept)


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Re: ADARQ's journal
« Reply #7391 on: October 09, 2017, 12:09:17 pm »
Nice man! Maybe it was better you didn't have much competition given the weather conditions and not having any races in you.

For me personally, i'd rather have had someone to race against. I mean, the cramp would have wrecked me (if I got it) and i'd have probably not been able to hang after 2 mile or so, but there's one thing I love about horrible conditions, in my head I feel it evens out the playing field a bit. So, if some 17/18:XX'r was there, I know he'd be feeling it maybe even worse than me, since I love shitty weather. Last year, my first race back was the 9/11 run, so a month earlier than this race, conditions were nearly as bad, but not as bad as yesterday. Yesterday morning, and the night prior, my glasses would fog up completely just walking outside with them: serious humidity.

My dad is similar. He beats young guys all of the time in the 4.0 tennis division. He'll get killed in the first set, then he'll beat them the next two. Because the weather conditions are just so hot/humid, that his opponents fade like crazy. He *never* fades. It's incredible. lmao. I mean even when I was playing tennis with him, i'd be completely soaked, fading a bit, and he'd be 100% fine, no problem. He considers the first set a warm up usually. Sometimes his opponents actually retire too, because they are on the verge of heat stroke or something, wrecked. hah.

I know they had the Scranton marathon yesterday and it was wet, super humid and close to 80 degrees. So many people didn't finish or had to receive medical treatment even the top ranked woman didn't finish. The Kenyan who finished in 1st said it was one of the worst races he's ever ran. I think it's mostly the humidity, extremely draining and makes it difficult to breathe even when you're walking around. Can't imagine running distance in that sort of weather.

damn!! ya heat + humidity = the destroyer of runners.

i'm used to the humidity, having grown up in S.FLA my whole life. I think that's why you never see any TOP marathoners come down for the MIA marathon etc (there's probably also not enough money in it).. No one wants to look bad in the heat/humidity. You never see people breaking 15 minutes in 5k's either.. rarely do you see 16's.

it's funny how, around here, everyone comes out of their caves once it starts cooling off.. run/race season is like November through January, lmao! I mean elite marathoners, many of them, train at high altitude but, the humidity is low and it's cool.. I could have probably beat Kipchoge yesterday at this 5k :trollface:

One thing I know, is once it cools off, I feel even better having fought through the summer heat etc.. usually get an enormous "boost" once the conditions are nearly optimal.

That's some major weight loss in 6 hours for sure. Sometimes, and I don't know if this was the case with you, I feel like the anxiety before competitions makes our bodies work harder and possibly burn more energy/ hold less water. Maybe and more probable that's some major bro- science on my part lol.

definitely man.. the uncontrollable "nerves/excitement", makes me drop more water and empty out my GI (a nice way of putting it).

for as far back as i can remember, i've always had to go to the bathroom way too much, before any competition, whether it was basketball, boxing, running, important dunk sessions etc. I embrace the "nerves" side of it, I recognize i'm much more powerful, explosive, focused, amp'd up etc. I hate the bathroom side of it. HEH!!

also, when i go for those long walks in the hot sun, i'm usually bundled up (long sleeve shirt, high socks, sun blocking hat, even a thick sweat shirt many times).. people must think i'm nuts.

just saw this on the race i'm signing up for:

Heat Warning: Temperatures/humidity can be high in South
Florida. Participants should drink plenty of fluids (non-alcoholic)
for 48 hours prior to, during and upon finishing the race. Beware
of heat-injury symptoms (dizziness, no sweating, nausea, cramps,
redness, incoherent speech and thoughts). Seek immediate
assistance if symptoms occur. Wear loose, light-colored clothing




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Re: ADARQ's journal
« Reply #7392 on: October 09, 2017, 12:15:34 pm »
searching for third party photos/video of the race.

found one of me in the back doing who knows what, lmao. calves/lower legs are whole body is so thin.

Muscles are nonsensical they have nothing to do with this bullshit.

- Avishek

black lives matter


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Re: ADARQ's journal
« Reply #7393 on: October 09, 2017, 12:26:19 pm »
feel a bit tired today. but today is active rest anyway, so.. all good.


bw = 146
- lots of water in me
bw before bed = ?
soreness = none but calves somewhat tight
aches/injuries = none
cramping = right abdominal area feels bloated/weird
morning quad flexibility = loose
morning hamstring flexibility = loose
feel = ok, kinda tired

wakeup = 8:30 AM
- slept in

09:00 AM: workout: bw
- 3-sec paused dead hang ng pullups: BW x 9
- full dips: BW x 10
09:30 AM: 2 x banana, 2% milk
12:15 PM: soleus during dishes
12:30 PM: water w/ lemon, avocado, banana
03:30 PM: workout: light walking/running mixed
06:00 PM: 2 x 2% milk, 2 x banana
- stomach returned to normal post workout ....... but then this meal made my gut bloat.. wondering if 1) gut flora is broken 2) bananas are wrecking me 3) both.
- kinda leaning towards bananas.. going to cut them out for a few days and see how i feel.
07:00 PM: big sweet potato sliced & saute in olive oil/salt (AMAZING), 4 x eggs, avocado, 2 x water w/ lemon
- sweet potato came out amazing
10:00 PM: water w/ lemon

- 09:30 PM: soleus during dishes

- new recovery protocol experiment
- walk 400m, very light jog 400m, repeat x 1.5-2 hours

workout: rest day: experimenting with (walk 400m, extremely light run 400m) x N.

about to fuel up for tomorrow. felt pretty dead today, so i'm glad i force myself to have rest days. just hoping the stuff i did wasn't too intense.. didn't seem like it, kept it light.

Monthly Tracker: October 2017

October (10) 2017

- 10/3
- 10/4

Bodyweight: [(01,147),(02,146),(03,146),(04,145),(05,146),(06,145),(07,143),(08,142),(09,146)]
- FORMAT: (day, weight in lbs)

Total Jumps per leg: []
- FORMAT: (day, # of jumps per leg)
- per leg total: 190

Max SLRVJ Touch: []
- FORMAT: (day, touch height in ft'inches")

Total miles walked: [(2,5.5)]
- FORMAT: (day, miles walked)
- total: 5.5

Total walk time: [(2,01h:30m:00s]
- FORMAT: (day, total walking time in hh:mm:ss)
- total: 01h:30m:00s

Total speed interval distance: [(05,4000m),(05,8400m),(08,1480m)]
- FORMAT: (day, total speed interval distance in meters)
- total: 10280m

Max run speed (mph)/pace (min/mi): [(05,11.9,5:03),(05,11.9,5:05),(08,14.0,4:18)]
- FORMAT: (day, mph max, pace max in minutes per mile)

Total jump rope time: []
- FORMAT: (day, minutes)
- total:

Total jump rope messups: []
- FORMAT: (day, # of mess ups)
- total:

Resting HR: [(2,20,40,35)]
- FORMAT: (day, minutes for this test, average hr, minimum hr)

PR's: []

Races: [(08,500m,20:14,20:02)]
- FORMAT: (day, distance, official, watch)

Soreness: [(1,"slightly","calfs slightly - left more so"),(2,"slightly","calfs moderate, quads slightly"),(05,"none"),(06,"none"),(07,"none"),(08,"none"),(09,"none - calves tight slightly)")]
- FORMAT: (day, overall soreness, specifics)

Aches/Injuries: [(1,"left calf a bit tight"),(2,"none"),(05,"none"),(06,"left calf a little tight"),(07,"right ankle slightly - medial side"),(08,"none"),(09,"none")]
- FORMAT: (day, specifics)

Morning Quad Flexibility: [(1,"stiff"),(2,"loose"),(05,"loose"),(06,"loose"),(07,"loose"),(08,"loose"),(09,"loose")]
- FORMAT: (day, general flexibility)

Morning Hamstring Flexibility: [(1,"stiff"),(2,"loose),(05,"loose"),(06,"loose"),(07,"loose"),(08,"loose"),(09,"loose")]
- FORMAT: (day, general flexibility)

Cramping: [(06,"bloated up at night, messed up my running"),(07,"still lightly bloated from previous night, until I got it out after a long walk"),(08,"right stomach cramp during 5k race"),(09,"right abdominal/stomach area feels bloated/weird")]
- FORMAT: (day, symptom)

Wakeup: [(1,6:15AM,7), (2,10:00AM,9),(05,9:00AM,10),(06,6:00AM,7),(07,7:30AM,8.5),(08,5:00AM,6),(09,08:30AM,8.5)]
- FORMAT: (day, wakeup time, hours slept)


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Re: ADARQ's journal
« Reply #7394 on: October 09, 2017, 12:26:37 pm »
searching for third party photos/video of the race.

found one of me in the back doing who knows what, lmao. calves/lower legs are whole body is so thin.


true.. lol.