bw = 156
soreness = shoulders slightly
aches/injuries = none, post: jumping - right knee slightly
feel = ok
wakeup = 7:30 AM
- tired though
- 10 AM
- 90 submax jumps each leg, in groups of 10 each
- first 10 jumps each just warmup, next 80 each - all kinds of anlges & runup distances
- L-SLRVJ: lots of easy 10'2-10'3"s, moderate effort 10'4"
- R-SLRVJ was just a bunch of backboard taps
- jumped in my XC flats on concrete, so couldn't go hard.. as long as I keep it light I should be ok doing this, but the plan was to jump in the bball gym today (closed but open tomorrow feh!)
felt good. legs definitely not in jumping shape, but better shape than last time I jumped, that's for sure.
track: 3 x 200m, 1 x 100m, 5 x 200m, 2 x 100m, 3 x 200m
- TODO: going to focus more on speed tonight hopefully, lots of 200's
- can't see what I did, internet is broken, tethering to phone, can't sync garmin, need to make food rather than investigate/figure it out.
- all I know is first two hard 200's were ~30, then I hit a ton of ~35's, even while taking selfie videos (like 5 videos, so 5 x ~35 while holding the phone pointed at me), then finished with a ~32
- felt good, first two hard 200's really smashed me tho.
- max speed: 16.6 mph
interesting: interesting how the 2nd/3rd 200m's both have basically the same time (30.6/30.7) but have very different stride frequency/stride distance
I had less hip power in the 3rd one so I seemed to compensate by upping freq.. just need to combine the two somewhat when i'm fresh and should drop a nice time.
went to a new track today:
looks cool.. but, it was broken:
so i just took my phone out and f'd around during my workout:
one of the ~35's selfies, lol:
Going to try a new style of progress tracker: monthly, embedded into my journal posts. Obviously this should be something fancy/amazing by now but, will make do with this. Also, going to go "across" rather than down, so it all fits into one small block.
TBH, I really like this so far.. even though I only have a few data points thus far.
September (09) 2017Bodyweight: [(1,155), (2,156)]
Total Jumps per leg: [(2,90)]
- per leg total: 90
Max SLRVJ Touch: [(2,10'4)]
- L-SLRVJ: 10'4"
- R-SLRVJ: ?
Total miles walked: []
Total speed interval distance: [(2,2500m)]
- total: 2500m
PR's: []
Max run speed (mph)/pace (min/mi): [(2,16.6,3:31)]
Races: []
Soreness: [(3,"very sore","hamstrings,adductors,shoulders,upper back")]
Aches/Injuries: []