slightly sick.
04/06/2017Bio: Morninglast night's sleep: 8 hours
last night fell asleep: 7 AM
wakeup = 4 PM
bw = 155
morning resting heart rate = didn't measure
soreness = none
aches = none
injuries = callous on the bottom of my big toe - so annoying
quad stretches throughout the day = none
standing desk (when on computer): no
feel = ok
water = alot
mosquito bites: 0
Session: Evening5 PM
dead hang neutral grip pullups: BW x 10
full dips: BW x 13
dead hang wide grip pullups: BW x 8
dip variation: BW x 10
dead hang chinups: BW x 9
my hands usually hurt so bad toward the end.. i should get some pads to go over the handles one day, i bet it'd allow me to knock out a bunch more pullups. hands just die and are in pain from the raw iron.
Session: Evening7 PM
- felt decent, surprisingly
- L-SLRVJ: 2 x ~10'7"'s, nice
- R-SLRVJ: ~10'1-10'2"s, nice!
- LR-DLRVJ + RL-DLRVJ: ~10'2"s .. LR-DLRVJ actually hurts my right hip flexor, need to keep it light.
-- tried hard on a few jumps, and listened to some music.. wanted to see where i'm at with some more intense jumps.
those insoles in my shoes are really helping i think.. gives me just a bit more cushion in my XC flats, which seems to protect my feet a bit more.