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Re: ADARQ's journal
« Reply #7035 on: February 07, 2017, 05:25:53 am »

Bio: Morning

last night's sleep: 7.5 hours
last night fell asleep: 5:30 AM
wakeup = 1 PM
bw = 156 lb.
morning resting heart rate = didn't measure
soreness = left hamstring slightly - right hamstring moderate
aches = left knee barely (patella)
injuries = abrasions where my shorts sit - from friction (mostly left hip and lower back), left shoulder barely
quad stretches throughout the day = none
standing desk (when on computer): no
feel = ok
water = alot
mosquito bites: 0

Potential Races

- 02/05/2017: 7 AM: Butterfly Run 5k
- 02/19/2017: 6 AM: Publix A1A Half Marathon:
- 03/25/2016: 6 AM: Coral Springs Half Marathon:
-- would need to run ~6:30 min/mi to be top 3.


- Kipsang Fartlek: 20 x (1-min on, 1-min off), 20 x (30s on, 30s off)
- half surface: run N miles hard on X surface (asphalt), run N miles light on Y surface (turf/grass)


1 PM

- ensure
- green tea


4 PM

- cereal + 2% milk
- kale smoothie
-- lol

Session: Evening

7 PM

run: light, a few fast intervals mixed in
- left knee felt slightly achy at times, but not when i turn up the speed .. only did 2.5 miles total
- best interval: 0.30 mi @ 4:37 min/mi pace! yay!  :ibrunning:
- up near 15 mph.

jumps: L-SLRVJ ~10'4 touch
- right hamstring wrecked.. so that's why my right hamstring is still so sore, from those jumps a few days ago.
- only did a few, light warmups an then a few harder ones.

walking lunges: 2 x football field up and back
- best lunges so far.. very powerful. also exploded out from the bottom.

when i got home:

dead hang neutral grip pullups: BW x 8

dips: BW x 7

fast full rom chinups: BW x 9

dips: BW x 5

good session!!

absolutely no knee discomfort during lunges, great sign.


8:30 PM

- whole milk


10 PM

- a bunch of chicken wings
- 1 x pizza slice
- propel
- m&m's after


5:15 AM

- cereal + whole milk
- banana
- propel

happy about the speed I hit today during my run.. enjoying not training as hard. :ninja:

well, the lunges are hard.. but today they were much easier than previous sessions.. also I didn't do 3x, only 2x.. still, usually dying during my first set. adaptations already perhaps.



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Re: ADARQ's journal
« Reply #7036 on: February 07, 2017, 02:15:18 pm »
how could've it been grass that messed your knee up? Also, are you near any beaches, maybe running in the sand would help with knee issues until you heal?

Squat 340x3               Power clean 265

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Re: ADARQ's journal
« Reply #7037 on: February 07, 2017, 06:07:06 pm »
how could've it been grass that messed your knee up? Also, are you near any beaches, maybe running in the sand would help with knee issues until you heal?

i dno, just the change of surface somehow messing me up. I had been running big distances on pavement/asphalt, no problem - that's what i normally run on. It's very weird, when I run on grass, I feel my left knee/quad aching. I could go from feeling fine on asphalt/concrete, and then feel my knee once i transition to grass. I mean it could be other things but, that's what it seems like. It definitely flared up more, to the point of actual injury, when I was being careful of my right knee.

I'll stay away from sand too .. though no sand near me. I feel much better running on hard surfaces, so I should just stick to that.

I was trying to transition my long distance runs to grass, just as a 'precaution'.

edit: my right quad is the one that bothers me on asphalt/concrete, but not on grass. So the left knee issue seemed somewhat similar, so I didn't think it was too serious. I just hope I didn't do any damage under the patella. TBH, I think I did, but maybe not enough that it won't heal.


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Re: ADARQ's journal
« Reply #7038 on: February 07, 2017, 09:16:21 pm »
The Cruz and Bernie debate looks more like a Presidential Debate than the actual ones.
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Re: ADARQ's journal
« Reply #7039 on: February 08, 2017, 04:03:43 pm »
The Cruz and Bernie debate looks more like a Presidential Debate than the actual ones.


I wish it were Cruz or Kasich at the helm right now (on the GOP side. Obviously I wish Bernie had won it all :D).. The stuff that's going on with Bannon & Trump is disgraceful, but i'm not a fan of the alt-right (white supremacy) movement & corporate takeovers, so that explains my disgust.



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Re: ADARQ's journal
« Reply #7040 on: February 09, 2017, 04:22:31 am »

there's no excuse for me not to post ... im just so locked into some stuff right now, i get that way.. i lock in and everything else around me disappears.


Bio: Morning

last night's sleep: 7.5 hours
last night fell asleep: 5:30 AM
wakeup = 1 PM
bw = 156 lb.
morning resting heart rate = didn't measure
soreness = left hamstring slightly - right hamstring moderate
aches = left knee barely (patella)
injuries = abrasions where my shorts sit - from friction (mostly left hip and lower back), left shoulder barely
quad stretches throughout the day = none
standing desk (when on computer): no
feel = ok
water = alot
mosquito bites: 0

Potential Races

- 02/05/2017: 7 AM: Butterfly Run 5k
- 02/19/2017: 6 AM: Publix A1A Half Marathon:
- 03/25/2016: 6 AM: Coral Springs Half Marathon:
-- would need to run ~6:30 min/mi to be top 3.


- Kipsang Fartlek: 20 x (1-min on, 1-min off), 20 x (30s on, 30s off)
- half surface: run N miles hard on X surface (asphalt), run N miles light on Y surface (turf/grass)


1 PM

- cereal + 2% milk
- green tea
- banana


4 PM

- fruit smoothie

Session: Evening

5 PM

5 sets of:
- lots of partial pullup variations, reps of 20-25 .. at the top (minis)
- some dip holds
- 50 calf raises


6 PM

- whole milk


10 PM

- smoothie
- propel


4 AM

- cereal + whole milk
- banana
- propel
- english muffin with butter


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Re: ADARQ's journal
« Reply #7041 on: February 09, 2017, 04:29:44 am »

left knee (patella bugging me after running).


Bio: Morning

last night's sleep: 7.5 hours
last night fell asleep: 5:30 AM
wakeup = 1 PM
bw = 155 lb.
morning resting heart rate = didn't measure
soreness = left hamstring slightly - right hamstring moderate
aches = left knee slightly (patella)
injuries = abrasions where my shorts sit - from friction (mostly left hip and lower back), left shoulder barely
quad stretches throughout the day = none
standing desk (when on computer): no
feel = ok
water = alot
mosquito bites: 0

Potential Races

- 02/05/2017: 7 AM: Butterfly Run 5k
- 02/19/2017: 6 AM: Publix A1A Half Marathon:
- 03/25/2016: 6 AM: Coral Springs Half Marathon:
-- would need to run ~6:30 min/mi to be top 3.


- Kipsang Fartlek: 20 x (1-min on, 1-min off), 20 x (30s on, 30s off)
- half surface: run N miles hard on X surface (asphalt), run N miles light on Y surface (turf/grass)


1 PM

- cereal + 2% milk
- green tea
- banana


4 PM

- 3 x pizza slices
- beet juice smoothie
- bread + pesto
- gatorade

Session: Evening

7 PM

run: light 2.5 miles with a few intervals mixed in

jumps: ~10'2 touch - right hamstring keeps getting more sore.. HEH!

some dips/chinups

run home: 2.5 miles, a few intervals mixed in

the 0.36 interval was actually better than 5:06 pace, had to slow down a few times then pick it back up.. so it was decently fast

felt ok.. definitely feeling less in shape than when i was running that higher volume.. but i'm also being cautious about my knee


9 PM

- 2% milk


10 PM

- smoothie
- propel
- banana

Session: Stretching

4 AM - 4:30 AM

- quad stretching
-- mostly doing hip flexor/quad stretches while computering.

this'll probably end up being a bad idea.. left knee is bugging out a bit, trying to just relax and loosen up. :/

right knee flexibility has improved alot, but it's not back to normal. left is really loose, but felt it behind the knee a few times when i stretched.

weird stuff. seems like i'm broken, tehehe.


4:30 AM

- 2 x southwest style egg rolls
- 2% milk


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Re: ADARQ's journal
« Reply #7042 on: February 10, 2017, 05:50:54 am »
felt good today!


Bio: Morning

last night's sleep: 7.5 hours
last night fell asleep: 5:30 AM
wakeup = 1 PM
bw = 155 lb.
morning resting heart rate = didn't measure
soreness = light hamstrings
aches = left knee slightly (patella)
injuries = abrasions where my shorts sit - from friction (mostly left hip and lower back), left shoulder barely
quad stretches throughout the day = none
standing desk (when on computer): no
feel = ok
water = alot
mosquito bites: 0

Potential Races

- 02/05/2017: 7 AM: Butterfly Run 5k
- 02/19/2017: 6 AM: Publix A1A Half Marathon:
- 03/25/2016: 6 AM: Coral Springs Half Marathon:
-- would need to run ~6:30 min/mi to be top 3.


- Kipsang Fartlek: 20 x (1-min on, 1-min off), 20 x (30s on, 30s off)
- half surface: run N miles hard on X surface (asphalt), run N miles light on Y surface (turf/grass)


1 PM

- cereal + 2% milk
- green tea
- banana


5 PM

- gatorade

Session: Evening

6 PM

dead hang neutral grip pullups: BW x 10
- nice!! ~3s pause too at the bottom

dips: BW x 7

dead hang pullups: BW x 8
- nice!!

pushups: BW x 30
- felt strong

run: light 2.5 miles with some intervals

jumps: ~10'3 touch - right hamstring felt ok

run home: light ~1 mile with a few more intervals

some nice speed there.. felt way faster than yesterday. a nice ~quarter mile effort at ~4:30 pace.

left knee was annoying me when i first start running, but disappeared after my quarter mile sprint.. and completely during/after my jumps.

only scary thing was when i was done, a half hour later, bent down to touch my toes and right knee (behind the knee) felt real sore.. but that disappeared too.


7:30 PM

- ensure


9 PM

- propel
- alot of brie + crackers
- bread + pesto


10 PM

- some ice cream


11 PM

- propel


5 AM

- cereal + whole milk
- banana

#DoYourJob <-- nice.

feel good right now, but up way too late.

haven't read anything or politic'd in like 2 days.. because i've been coding so much. Porting some crazy disgusting PHP over to golang.. and i'm almost done i think.. which is amazing. Can't wait until i get this ported over, going to be awesome as fuck.


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Re: ADARQ's journal
« Reply #7043 on: February 10, 2017, 05:53:50 am »
dumb question: the coding you're doing, is it just for yourself right now? or are you doing some contract work? combo?
Muscles are nonsensical they have nothing to do with this bullshit.

- Avishek

black lives matter


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Re: ADARQ's journal
« Reply #7044 on: February 11, 2017, 05:40:26 am »
felt good, but less powerful.


Bio: Morning

last night's sleep: 7.5 hours
last night fell asleep: 5:30 AM
wakeup = 1 PM
bw = 155 lb.
morning resting heart rate = didn't measure
soreness = light hamstrings
aches = left knee slightly (patella)
injuries = abrasions where my shorts sit - from friction (mostly left hip and lower back), left shoulder barely
quad stretches throughout the day = none
standing desk (when on computer): no
feel = ok
water = alot
mosquito bites: 0

Potential Races

- 02/05/2017: 7 AM: Butterfly Run 5k
- 02/19/2017: 6 AM: Publix A1A Half Marathon:
- 03/25/2016: 6 AM: Coral Springs Half Marathon:
-- would need to run ~6:30 min/mi to be top 3.


- Kipsang Fartlek: 20 x (1-min on, 1-min off), 20 x (30s on, 30s off)
- half surface: run N miles hard on X surface (asphalt), run N miles light on Y surface (turf/grass)


1 PM

- cereal + 2% milk
- green tea
- banana


3 PM

- 1/2 of a wrap
-- was so good

Session: Evening

7:30 PM

run: light 3.5 miles with some moderate intervals

decent, held back alot.. so good speed considering.


8 PM

- whole milk
- propel


10 PM

- 1/2 wrap


5:30 AM

- cereal + whole milk
- banana


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Re: ADARQ's journal
« Reply #7045 on: February 11, 2017, 05:43:05 am »
dumb question: the coding you're doing, is it just for yourself right now? or are you doing some contract work? combo?

ya some contract work for a friend.. no personal projects atm, still annoyed at how bad the forum project went - the author of GHCJS ignoring me completely for over 2 months, when he literally worked with me for an entire day to get my project setup on his local, and he told me he'd look into fixing the bug in HIS COMPILER.

so ya, eventually i'll have to re-write the frontend i was doing in haskell -> in javascript. I dropped GHCJS forever. I'd never recommend anyone take a risk on it. Full stack haskell is a nightmare.

but ya the stuff i'm doing right now is in golang .. well, converting PHP (nightmare) to golang (awesome).. so it's a mix of fun and hell. hah.



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Re: ADARQ's journal
« Reply #7046 on: February 13, 2017, 05:54:38 am »
yesterday: 02/11/2017: rest, absolutely nothing.


Bio: Morning

last night's sleep: 8 hours
last night fell asleep: 6 AM
wakeup = 2 PM
bw = 157 lb.
morning resting heart rate = didn't measure
soreness = none
aches = ankles slightly
injuries = abrasions where my shorts sit - from friction (mostly left hip and lower back), left shoulder barely
quad stretches throughout the day = none
standing desk (when on computer): no
feel = ok
water = alot
mosquito bites: 0

Potential Races

- 02/05/2017: 7 AM: Butterfly Run 5k
- 02/19/2017: 6 AM: Publix A1A Half Marathon:
- 03/25/2016: 6 AM: Coral Springs Half Marathon:
-- would need to run ~6:30 min/mi to be top 3.


- Kipsang Fartlek: 20 x (1-min on, 1-min off), 20 x (30s on, 30s off)
- half surface: run N miles hard on X surface (asphalt), run N miles light on Y surface (turf/grass)


2 PM

- cereal + 2% milk
- green tea
- banana
- pre-made beet juice drink


5 PM

- gatorade

Session: Evening

7 PM

dead hang neutral grip pullups: BW x 10
- ~2-3s hang

dips: BW x 10

dead hang pullups: BW x 8
- ~2s hang

pushups: BW x 35

run: 2.5 mile run with some hard intervals
- 0.34 mi @ 4:40 pace

jumps: L-SLRVJ ~10'5
- ~10 or so jumps each
- felt good

lunges: football field up and back
- explosive/strong

light run home: ~1 mi
- ive never run after lunges.. felt tough, legs dead.. left knee bugged a little during that.

felt fast today.

OH ALSO: I tried to hit those numbers at a lower cadence and I did .. so that's cool. I wanted sub 5's with sub 200 SPM... i was taking "stronger" but less frequent strides.


8:30 PM

- ensure propel


9 PM

- ice cream


10 PM

- mixed nuts
- cereal + whole milk
- propel


5:50 AM

- dno yet, something

im wrecked lately.. programming life. trying to finish this concept still.. i dno why but every time i code something, it seems to turn into an 'eternity'.. i mean i'm definitely getting close to finishing but, it just never seems to end.


i can't wait to forum tomorrow.. going to fucking forum and not code for a bit.


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Re: ADARQ's journal
« Reply #7047 on: February 15, 2017, 06:32:57 am »
got destroyed by a bug for hours.

some weird shit going on in this raymond handlebars library .. makes no sense

im up way too late but it's driving me batshit insane.. it makes no sens.e

works on my local, tests pass on loca, tests pass on remote server, but doens't work on remote server. it has to be something odd beyond belief.


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Re: ADARQ's journal
« Reply #7048 on: February 16, 2017, 03:35:13 pm »
a few days ago:

02/13/2017: run, left knee hurt.


Bio: Morning

last night's sleep: 8 hours
last night fell asleep: 6 AM
wakeup = 2 PM
bw = 155 lb.
morning resting heart rate = didn't measure
soreness = hamstrings slightly, glutes slightly
aches = ankles slightly
injuries = abrasions where my shorts sit - from friction (mostly left hip and lower back), left shoulder barely
quad stretches throughout the day = none
standing desk (when on computer): no
feel = ok
water = alot
mosquito bites: 0

Potential Races

- 02/05/2017: 7 AM: Butterfly Run 5k
- 02/19/2017: 6 AM: Publix A1A Half Marathon:
- 03/25/2016: 6 AM: Coral Springs Half Marathon:
-- would need to run ~6:30 min/mi to be top 3.


- Kipsang Fartlek: 20 x (1-min on, 1-min off), 20 x (30s on, 30s off)
- half surface: run N miles hard on X surface (asphalt), run N miles light on Y surface (turf/grass)

Session: Evening

dead hang neutral grip pullups: BW x 9

dips: BW x 10

some "intense speed":

left knee hurt when going slow .. from those lunges the day before.


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Re: ADARQ's journal
« Reply #7049 on: February 16, 2017, 03:38:32 pm »
a few days ago:

02/14/2017: some BW exercises.


Bio: Morning

last night's sleep: 8 hours
last night fell asleep: 6 AM
wakeup = 2 PM
bw = 154 lb.
morning resting heart rate = didn't measure
soreness = hamstrings slightly, glutes slightly
aches = ankles slightly
injuries = abrasions where my shorts sit - from friction (mostly left hip and lower back), left shoulder barely
quad stretches throughout the day = none
standing desk (when on computer): no
feel = ok
water = alot
mosquito bites: 0

Potential Races

- 02/05/2017: 7 AM: Butterfly Run 5k
- 02/19/2017: 6 AM: Publix A1A Half Marathon:
- 03/25/2016: 6 AM: Coral Springs Half Marathon:
-- would need to run ~6:30 min/mi to be top 3.


- Kipsang Fartlek: 20 x (1-min on, 1-min off), 20 x (30s on, 30s off)
- half surface: run N miles hard on X surface (asphalt), run N miles light on Y surface (turf/grass)

Session: Evening

S1: pullup variations
1. neutral grip pullups, partials at the top: BW x 25
2. pullups, partials at the top: BW x 22
3. chinup, partials at the top: BW x 22
4. neutral grip pullups, partials at the top: BW x 20
5. pullups, partials at the top: BW x 20

S1: dip variations
1. dip hold at the top: BW x ~minute
2. full dips: BW x 10
3. dip partials at the top: BW x 50
4. full dips: BW x 10

S1: calf raises: 5 x 20

good w/o