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Re: ADARQ's journal
« Reply #6945 on: December 31, 2016, 03:08:57 am »
run day.


Bio: Morning

last night's sleep: 8 hours
last night fell asleep: ~4 AM
wakeup = 12 PM
bw = 157 lb.
morning resting heart rate = didn't measure
soreness = quads barely, adductors/hamstrings moderately, erectors barely, calfs tight (left more so)
aches = none
injuries = 2 toenails black, left shoulder moderately
quad stretches throughout the day = ok amount
standing desk (when on computer): no
feel = very tired
water = alot
mosquito bites: 0


12 PM

- big bowl of cereal + 2% milk + honey
- green tea


4 PM

- watermelon
- blueberries
- oatmeal + honey
- green tea

Session: Evening

7 PM

moderate/hard long run: 10.04 mi in 1h:08m:33s @ 6:50 min/mi pace
- COLD AF (~56 F)
- felt decent
- wanted to hit 9 miles in an hour, failed
- miles in one hour: 8.86  :personal-record:

also according to strava:

Best estimated 10 mile effort (1:08:15)
Best estimated 15k effort (1:03:22)

that 6:13 in there @ mile 6 :ibrunning:

it's funny tho.. my legs simply aren't strong enough right now.. i mean i push with less effort initially, and have a decent pace.. then at mile 4+, i push harder and my pace creeps down slowly.. so less effort early on, easy speed.. more effort later on, less speed. Legs simply aren't strong enough, need to get them way stronger.

i'll post PR's in the PR thread once I go sub 40 min in 10k and 9.0+ miles in an hour.


9 PM

- 2 x 2% milk


10 PM

- 2 x southwest style egg rolls
- tons of brie + crackers
- propel


11 PM

- 2% milk
- vegan fudge brownie
- propel


3 AM

- ensure
- water

saturday = big high rep lifting session
- probably: half squat 135 lb. @ 5 x 30, standing barbell overhead press: 45 lb. @ 5 x F, standing barbell curl: 45 lb. @ 5 x F, barbell RDL: 95 lb. @ 5 x 30

sunday = very slow but very long (duration) run

exciting. :D


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Re: ADARQ's journal
« Reply #6946 on: December 31, 2016, 04:21:40 am »
I'd build up to 10x10, first time I did it i had extremely sore legs for over a week a I was pretty conditioned with basketball, track and lifting.

yup, i still think building up via 5x10 and occasional 20's will prepare you pretty good.

but def not going from 3-5x5 to 10x10 etc.. wrecked.

That's exactly what I'm intending to do... 4 weeks of 4x10 and a 20 rep finisher occasionally then 4 weeks of 5x10 + optional 20 rep finisher and then maybe 2-3 weeks of 10x10 (not sure yet). Gonna be jacked! :trollface:


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Re: ADARQ's journal
« Reply #6947 on: December 31, 2016, 01:43:54 pm »
I'd build up to 10x10, first time I did it i had extremely sore legs for over a week a I was pretty conditioned with basketball, track and lifting.

yup, i still think building up via 5x10 and occasional 20's will prepare you pretty good.

but def not going from 3-5x5 to 10x10 etc.. wrecked.

That's exactly what I'm intending to do... 4 weeks of 4x10 and a 20 rep finisher occasionally then 4 weeks of 5x10 + optional 20 rep finisher and then maybe 2-3 weeks of 10x10 (not sure yet). Gonna be jacked! :trollface:

siiick. beast the F out.  :ibsquatting: :ibsquatting: :ibsquatting: :ibsquatting:


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Re: ADARQ's journal
« Reply #6948 on: December 31, 2016, 02:18:14 pm »


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Re: ADARQ's journal
« Reply #6949 on: December 31, 2016, 09:08:30 pm »
hope everyone makes some serious progress in 2017.. time to turn it up a notch.

today i made a photo with my running pr's of 2016:

would be nice if i could crush all of that in 2017.. especially the 10k/half marathon numbers, those are way off compared to my 5k/1-mile.. Just need to get stronger/put in more miles for a while, i think.

 :ibrunning: :ibsquatting: :ibjumping:


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Re: ADARQ's journal
« Reply #6950 on: December 31, 2016, 10:06:17 pm »
lift day.


Bio: Morning

last night's sleep: 9 hours
last night fell asleep: ~4 AM
wakeup = 1 PM
bw = 157 lb.
morning resting heart rate = didn't measure
soreness = quads barely, adductors/hamstrings barely, erectors barely, calfs tight barely (left more so)
aches = none
injuries = 2 toenails black, left shoulder moderately  :raging:
quad stretches throughout the day = ok amount
standing desk (when on computer): no
feel = tired
water = alot
mosquito bites: 0


1:30 PM

- 2% milk
- green tea

Session: Afternoon

2:30 PM

bent y-t-w: x 20

some deep squat holds with heels elevated, to loosen up

barbell parallel squat (heels elevated): 135 lb. @ 6 x 20
- some reps below parallel too
- warmup: 45 lb. @ 30 (felt very powerful)
- semi-wide: 135 lb. @ 2 x 20
- neutral: 135 lb. @ 2 x 20
- close: 135 lb. @ 2 x 20

headache in first set.. i felt this last session too during my 60 repper .. probably fucked up my brain a little bit, lmao.


S1: standing barbell overhead press:
- 45 lb. x 20
- 45 lb. @ 3 x 15

S1: standing barbell curl:
- 45 lb. x 20
- 45 lb. @ 3 x 15

biceps/shoulders completely toast from that.. swole/dead.

barbell RDL:
- 45 lb. x 20
- 95 lb. @ 3 x 25

felt really good after..


4 PM

- ensure


5 PM
- tijuana taxi co restaurant

- tortilla chips + salsa
- chicken fajitas with an extra order of steak


7:30 PM

- 1 pint of cherry vanilla ice cream (haagen dazs)


9:30 PM

- propel
- trail mix + cashews


1 AM

- ensure

NOTE TO SELF: STOP DRINKING ENSURE .. GIVES ME HEART BURN  :raging: :raging: :raging: :raging: :raging: :raging: :raging: :raging: :raging: :raging:


3 AM

- 2 x banana
- water

tomorrow i'm going to force myself to run very slow.. i'd like to get over 15 miles in.



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Re: ADARQ's journal
« Reply #6951 on: January 01, 2017, 07:38:42 am »
hope everyone makes some serious progress in 2017.. time to turn it up a notch.

today i made a photo with my running pr's of 2016:

would be nice if i could crush all of that in 2017.. especially the 10k/half marathon numbers, those are way off compared to my 5k/1-mile.. Just need to get stronger/put in more miles for a while, i think.

 :ibrunning: :ibsquatting: :ibjumping:

Happy new may the god of gains be with us all!! I can see some good things coming with your current «simplistic» training approach and some added power through high rep weight training.


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Re: ADARQ's journal
« Reply #6952 on: January 01, 2017, 03:25:22 pm »
hope everyone makes some serious progress in 2017.. time to turn it up a notch.

today i made a photo with my running pr's of 2016:

would be nice if i could crush all of that in 2017.. especially the 10k/half marathon numbers, those are way off compared to my 5k/1-mile.. Just need to get stronger/put in more miles for a while, i think.

 :ibrunning: :ibsquatting: :ibjumping:

Happy new may the god of gains be with us all!!

same to you man!! and yes! The God Of Gains aka our will power/drive/focus lmao!

I can see some good things coming with your current «simplistic» training approach and some added power through high rep weight training.

hope so man.. time to try and solve more pieces of the puzzle.

ya simple training is usually more effective.. throwing lots of (new) different ingredients into the pot is usually a recipe for disaster.

mastering monotony seems to be the most effective way to make progress.. i've never been much of a fan of 'cross training' etc. It almost seems like you should get to the point where you get 'bored' of training at times (or often), and you just do it anyway. When doing something new, it's always more fun & you make progress fast. Some people screw up and change things up once they stop making progress; they think they are shocking their system etc. In reality you've just finally reached a baseline, now it's time to grind.

I've mentioned a few times on here about finding your rhythm .. switching things up in order to find something that you feel works great for you is fine, but once you find it, stick to it and just ride it for a significant period of time. Gut through the boredom/stagnation and just keep pushing.. That process is where I feel most of the gains actually happen.

(also i'm not directing this at you, just mentioning some things in general :D)

Actually, if I was directing that to anyone, it would be Stamos. He switches things up alot. I'd like to be able to predict what he's going to do (and even eat) week after week.. I think if he stuck to a rhythm like that (also keeping it simple), he'd make way more gains in 2017.

Just picture it like an EKG reading.. the heart beat doesn't just get bored and start doing weird crazy fun shit. It's 100% predictable.. If it's not, it's a problem. Our training should be like an EKG reading, for the most part. lol.

Just look at Kingfish ... He's pretty much the master of consistency. If there was anyone on this forum (or any forum) who is predictable, it'd be him. He grinds out the basics day-in-day-out.

As for lifting & running, there are two reasons I want to lift other than strength gains:
1. I think it will help me get leaner. Simply running/sprinting didn't get me anywhere near as lean as I was when I dunked/jumped.
2. I think high rep lifting is a great way for me to recover more from running; I can achieve similar or greater amounts of lactic acid by doing high volume squats - similar to a max 400m run, but without the impact forces. Once I adapt completely to this style of training, I really shouldn't experience much soreness. I've already noticed some of my running related aches have been disappearing - since i'm running only 3-4 days per week now; most notably in my feet. If I could substitute a running day with a non-impact lifting day, and still improve my lactic threshold/strength/mental strength, I think that will be extremely effective.

My high frequency + high volume squat face was definitely my most effective phase when i was jumping/dunking, but I went alot heavier (max 20's). Turning the intensity down a notch but increasing the volume makes sense given my goal now is mostly improving running performance. I'm also incorporating high volume upper body lifting because I think I lack the machinery in my upper body to remove lactic acid - like I do in my lower body.. And when I boxed, I seemed to have that machinery (from all of the punching I would do). So I think there are some gains to be made there also.




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Re: ADARQ's journal
« Reply #6953 on: January 01, 2017, 03:32:20 pm »
happy new year folks, 2017 leggo.

slow long run day.


Bio: Morning

last night's sleep: 8 hours
last night fell asleep: ~5 AM
wakeup = 1 PM
bw = 155 lb.
morning resting heart rate = didn't measure
soreness = quads barely, adductors barely, hamstrings moderately, glutes moderately, erectors barely, calfs tight barely (left more so)
aches = none
injuries = 2 toenails black, left shoulder barely
- best my left shoulder has felt in a long time since it started bothering me.. high rep overhead press probably helped it a bit
quad stretches throughout the day = ok amount
standing desk (when on computer): no
feel = tired
water = alot
mosquito bites: 0


1:30 PM

- huge bowl of cereal + 2% milk + honey
- green tea


5 PM

- 2 x angus beef hotdogs with mustard/katsup/hotdog buns
- sun chips
- monteray jack cheese, olives, crackers
- baked beans

not the best idea before my long run.. stomach was bloated to fuq HEH!!

Session: Evening

7:30 PM

long light run: 12 (light), 1 (hard), 2 (very light)
- 15.16 mi in 2h:15m:58s @ 8:58 min/mi
- strava:
- longest continuous run since having a gps watch :personal-record: (old PR 15.07 mi)
- i wanted to do 20 miles but, i was holding a ... since mile 3.. so, by mile 14 I started heading home and just barely made it.
- so far i've had to goto the bathroom on like 99% of my long runs.. kinda odd..
- torture


9:30 PM

- 2 x 2% milk
- 2 x banana


10 PM

- propel
- watermelon
- blueberries
- banana


10:30 PM

- propel
- small cup of cherry garcia ice cream


2:30 AM

- oatmeal
- 2% milk


4 AM

- 2% milk
- banana

legs are very dead after my long run.. they felt really good tonight when i pushed that mile at mile ~12, so that was cool.

hamstrings/glutes are crazy sore right now. quads are dead.

edit: small blister on the bottom of my right foot i think.. lameness. probably won't turn out to be a problem though, i've had one of these same type on my heel before.


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Re: ADARQ's journal
« Reply #6954 on: January 01, 2017, 04:29:32 pm »
mastering monotony seems to be the most effective way to make progress.. i've never been much of a fan of 'cross training' etc. It almost seems like you should get to the point where you get 'bored' of training at times (or often), and you just do it anyway. When doing something new, it's always more fun & you make progress fast. Some people screw up and change things up once they stop making progress; they think they are shocking their system etc. In reality you've just finally reached a baseline, now it's time to grind.

I've mentioned a few times on here about finding your rhythm .. switching things up in order to find something that you feel works great for you is fine, but once you find it, stick to it and just ride it for a significant period of time. Gut through the boredom/stagnation and just keep pushing.. That process is where I feel most of the gains actually happen.

I think your addressing one of the most important things here. Finding what works for you and then keep doing it. Keep grinding day in and day out. There's no faster way or better way to get to where you want to be with some fancy new exercise or magical training method  than with a lot of dedicated work over a long period of time. I think switching things up a bit from time to time to stay motivated and not get bored too much with training is not bad but I still try to stick with the basics as much as I can 90% of the time.

Let's go get it! :)


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Re: ADARQ's journal
« Reply #6955 on: January 02, 2017, 02:14:32 am »
mastering monotony seems to be the most effective way to make progress.. i've never been much of a fan of 'cross training' etc. It almost seems like you should get to the point where you get 'bored' of training at times (or often), and you just do it anyway. When doing something new, it's always more fun & you make progress fast. Some people screw up and change things up once they stop making progress; they think they are shocking their system etc. In reality you've just finally reached a baseline, now it's time to grind.

I've mentioned a few times on here about finding your rhythm .. switching things up in order to find something that you feel works great for you is fine, but once you find it, stick to it and just ride it for a significant period of time. Gut through the boredom/stagnation and just keep pushing.. That process is where I feel most of the gains actually happen.

I think your addressing one of the most important things here. Finding what works for you and then keep doing it. Keep grinding day in and day out. There's no faster way or better way to get to where you want to be with some fancy new exercise or magical training method  than with a lot of dedicated work over a long period of time. I think switching things up a bit from time to time to stay motivated and not get bored too much with training is not bad but I still try to stick with the basics as much as I can 90% of the time.

Let's go get it! :)

yup & yup!@#



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Re: ADARQ's journal
« Reply #6956 on: January 02, 2017, 02:21:07 am »
after 3 hours of non-stop research (yes i'm weird), I went with the adidas adios boost 3's instead of the 2's.. For one simple fact, the boost 2's have some 'ridge' down the middle in the forefoot, and people say they can feel it. I know for a fact that will annoy the absolute fu*k out of me, so, I went with the 3's.

I ordered these:

Here's the ridge vs no ridge:

that ridge down the middle looks evil annoying.

ok so.. these are going to be heavy for me (~8 oz) but, I think that'll help me when I try and do some 20+ mile runs.. Well, I think that'll help me more than my NB RC5000v2's - which aren't meant for that - and I think I can feel that they aren't meant for that.

we'll see.



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Re: ADARQ's journal
« Reply #6957 on: January 02, 2017, 07:21:06 pm »
after 3 hours of non-stop research (yes i'm weird), I went with the adidas adios boost 3's instead of the 2's.. For one simple fact, the boost 2's have some 'ridge' down the middle in the forefoot, and people say they can feel it. I know for a fact that will annoy the absolute fu*k out of me, so, I went with the 3's.

I ordered these:

Here's the ridge vs no ridge:

that ridge down the middle looks evil annoying.

ok so.. these are going to be heavy for me (~8 oz) but, I think that'll help me when I try and do some 20+ mile runs.. Well, I think that'll help me more than my NB RC5000v2's - which aren't meant for that - and I think I can feel that they aren't meant for that.

we'll see.


nice. and don't worry, i'm like that with my shoes too. i'm like obsessed with the technologies and stuff, and always wanna get like the perfect shoe or something.


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Re: ADARQ's journal
« Reply #6958 on: January 02, 2017, 07:50:49 pm »
barbell conditioning.


Bio: Morning

last night's sleep: 8 hours
last night fell asleep: ~4 AM
wakeup = 12 PM
bw = 155 lb.
morning resting heart rate = didn't measure
soreness = quads barely, adductors barely, hamstrings alot, glutes alot, erectors barely, calves slightly
aches = blister on bottom of right foot
injuries = 2 toenails black, left shoulder barely
- shoulder seems like it's finally getting a little better, ever since i started lifting
quad stretches throughout the day = ok amount
standing desk (when on computer): no
feel = tired
water = alot
mosquito bites: 1


12:30 PM

- huge bowl of cereal + 2% milk + honey
- 4 x banana
- green tea

Session: Afternoon

4:30 - 5:30 PM

barbell conditioning:

circuit #1:
- 5 rounds total (1 set of each in succession, a total of 5 times)
- short rest
1. bent y-t-w variation: 2.5 lb. x 30
2. barbell deep squat, heels elevated: 45 lb. @ 5 x 20
3. standing barbell overhead press: 45 lb. @ 20, 4 x 15
4. barbell RDL: 45 lb. @ 5 x 20
5. standing barbell curl: 45 lb. @ 5 x 20
6. standing barbell row: 45 lb. @ 5 x 20
7. barbell calf raise, toes elevated: 45 lb. @ 5 x 10
8. overhead press barbell calf raise: 45 lb. @ 5 x 10

circuit #2:
- misc stuff
1. barbell deep (5-second) paused squat: 3 x 10
2. standing barbell (5-seconds) paused (at the bottom) overhead press: 3 x 10
3. barbell reverse curl holds: 3 x F

barbell deep mini squats: 45 lb. x 100 (50, 20, 20, 10)

many squats atg, all deep.

swole af after that workout, lol.. I remember around the same time last year I tried doing a workout like this, and I was completely dead after 3 rounds. So obviously i'm in much better shape jajaja.

my legs were very wrecked prior to this session.. they feel great right now though :D

:ibsquatting: :ibsquatting: :ibsquatting: :ibsquatting: :ibsquatting: :ibrunning:


6 PM

- 2 x 2% milk
- 2 x banana


6:30 PM

- steak sandwich
- tons of blue corn chips + fresh hot salsa
- propel


7 PM

- 2% milk
- vegan fudge brownie


10 PM

- propel
- 2 x banana
- big bowl of cookie crisps cereal + 2% milk
-- saw them at buy1get1 free so I figured i'd try them out.. haven't had them since I was a kid. They weren't as good as I remembered.


3 AM

- 2% milk
- banana

Leg Drain

3:50 AM

20 minutes

John Stamos

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Re: ADARQ's journal
« Reply #6959 on: January 02, 2017, 08:40:25 pm »
If you're not against kipping, I'm curious about what your Murph time would be.

1 mile run
100 pull ups
200 push ups
300 air skwaats
1 mile run
Every Monday
50 JR

PR: 19:51 --> 17:41