barbell conditioning.
01/02/2017Bio: Morninglast night's sleep: 8 hours
last night fell asleep: ~4 AM
wakeup = 12 PM
bw = 155 lb.
morning resting heart rate = didn't measure
soreness = quads barely, adductors barely, hamstrings alot, glutes alot, erectors barely, calves slightly
aches = blister on bottom of right foot
injuries = 2 toenails black, left shoulder barely
- shoulder seems like it's finally getting a little better, ever since i started lifting
quad stretches throughout the day = ok amount
standing desk (when on computer): no
feel = tired
water = alot
mosquito bites: 1
Food12:30 PM
- huge bowl of cereal + 2% milk + honey
- 4 x banana
- green tea
Session: Afternoon4:30 - 5:30 PM
barbell conditioning:
circuit #1:
- 5 rounds total (1 set of each in succession, a total of 5 times)
- short rest
1. bent y-t-w variation: 2.5 lb. x 30
2. barbell deep squat, heels elevated: 45 lb. @ 5 x 20
3. standing barbell overhead press: 45 lb. @ 20, 4 x 15
4. barbell RDL: 45 lb. @ 5 x 20
5. standing barbell curl: 45 lb. @ 5 x 20
6. standing barbell row: 45 lb. @ 5 x 20
7. barbell calf raise, toes elevated: 45 lb. @ 5 x 10
8. overhead press barbell calf raise: 45 lb. @ 5 x 10
circuit #2:
- misc stuff
1. barbell deep (5-second) paused squat: 3 x 10
2. standing barbell (5-seconds) paused (at the bottom) overhead press: 3 x 10
3. barbell reverse curl holds: 3 x F
barbell deep mini squats: 45 lb. x 100 (50, 20, 20, 10)
many squats atg, all deep.
swole af after that workout, lol.. I remember around the same time last year I tried doing a workout like this, and I was completely dead after 3 rounds. So obviously i'm in much better shape jajaja.
my legs were very wrecked prior to this session.. they feel great right now though
Food6 PM
- 2 x 2% milk
- 2 x banana
Food6:30 PM
- steak sandwich
- tons of blue corn chips + fresh hot salsa
- propel
Food7 PM
- 2% milk
- vegan fudge brownie
Food10 PM
- propel
- 2 x banana
- big bowl of cookie crisps cereal + 2% milk
-- saw them at buy1get1 free so I figured i'd try them out.. haven't had them since I was a kid. They weren't as good as I remembered.
Food3 AM
- 2% milk
- banana
Leg Drain3:50 AM
20 minutes