08/26/2016Bio: Morninglast night's sleep: ~6.5 hours
last night fell asleep: ~1 AM
wakeup = 7:30 AM
bw = 151 lb.
morning resting heart rate = didn't measure
soreness = calves slightly, hamstrings slightly, glutes slightly (moderate after evening workout)
aches = left lower back slightly
injuries = none
standing desk (when on computer): not much
feel = good
water = alot x 2
mosquito bites: 0
Food7:30 AM
- orange juice
Session: MorningWAKEUP RUN
8:30 AM
- 84 F, 79% humidity, "feels like" 94 F
- wtf..
- pretty good!
- paused running form in place, 1 x 50
run: 3.19 mi in 28:10
- very slow, but good form/bouncyness
- working on form: keeping my ankle locked, posture good, hands good, pulling back with a quick stiff strike, low gct
- very submax power
Food9 AM
- 2% milk
Food9:30 AM
- green tea
- banana
- 2 x wheat bread with peanut butter
- beet + tart cherry juice
Food4:30 PM
- broccoli and cheese soup
- some crackers
- 2% milk + 2 tspn coffee + honey
Session: Evening8 PM
warmup + submax short sprints:
- last sprint, ~17.1 mph
- felt good but jumps felt crappy.. felt off
- havent jumped in basically a week .. and all of the lifting i've been doing, quads felt off
- hit ~10'5 or so at least, L-SLRVJ
near max effort sprints:
- 3 out of 4 sprints (not including warmup) over 17 mph
- fastest 17.9 mph- honestly thought I was over 18 mph, felt great.. had lots of power
sup to my garmin squad!!
sprinting is fun.. fun fun fun.
half squat:
- 135 lb. x 5
- 155 lb. x 5
- 175 lb. x 5
- 195 lb. x 20, TOUGH
- legs were much weaker because of the sprinting... really caused some fatigue
slightly below knee BB RDL:
- 95 lb. x 5
- 115 lb. x 5
- 135 lb. x 15
calf raises:
- BW x 50
Food10 PM
- 2% milk
Food10:30 PM
- chicken taco
- a few chips + salsa
- 2% milk
- banana
- a few banana bites
Food11:30 PM
- 2% milk
lots of milk.
i got some coding done. need to figure out some react performance issue though over the next few days.. i think it's becoming critical, time to try and fix it.