hello. i'm gluteman.
08/22/2016Bio: Morninglast night's sleep: ~8.5 hours
last night fell asleep: ~2 AM
wakeup = 10:30 AM
bw = 154 lb.
- legs (quads/hamstrings/glutes) and calves feeling beefier
morning resting heart rate = didn't measure
soreness = calves moderate, hamstrings alot (right more-so), shoulders alot, glutes alot alot
- glutes wrecked
aches = left bicep slight strain (probably from deadlifts)
injuries = left big toe (previously ingrown toenail, just feels weird.. eek)
standing desk (when on computer): mostly
feel = good
water = alot x 2
mosquito bites: 0
sickness: 5 canker sores in my mouth
- lmao wtf
- canker fest
- I think they are getting better
Food11 AM
- green tea
- banana
- 2 x wheat bread with peanut butter
Session: Afternoon3 PM
- ~92 F
- really hot
warmups and run to court:
- several light warmup runs
- 0.3 mi, forefoot, at 5:50 pace
- crossed street
- 0.3 mi, light, 6:30 pace
jumps at court:
- legs pretty dead
- worked up to a light ~10'4 SLRVJ, which was good .. but, left bicep was actually hurting really bad from arm swing
- had to stop after ~10 jumps each leg
- i've had this before, not worried
walk + submax sprints mixed in:
- fastest speed hit: ~16.4 mph
- felt really good on sprints, even though glutes/hamstrings sore
forefoot run:
- 0.37 mi @ ~5:50 pace
more walking
light dead run: ~0.4 mi @ 7 min pace, dead
Food- 2% milk
high rep half squats:
- rest between sets: ~5 min
- 45 lb. x 10, shoulders width, fast
- 135 lb. x 30, shoulders width, fast
- 155 lb. x 20, shoulders width, fast
- 175 lb. x 21, shoulders width, moderate/slow, was toast but still felt strong
- 135 lb. x 20, very close stance, slow, dead
really dead at the end of the workout.
forefoot running:- goal was to keep a submax intensity while focusing entirely on locking my ankle hard for the entire run... toes up
- I think I hit some interesting paces given my perceived exertion. I definitely couldn't hold it for a long time but, I was also toast from sprints and it was hot as fuq.
- but i'd like to be able to hold my forefoot form safely, for much longer.. ie, at least 1.x miles. then i'll re-evaluate.
Food5 PM
- 2% milk
Food6 PM
- big salad: 1 bag of spinach, tons of olive oil, 1 whole lemon, mixed nuts, croutons, asiago cheese
- green tea
Food9 PM
- orange juice
- big bowl of cereal: 2% milk + cheerios + honey
- 2 x wheat bread with butter
- banana
- greek yogurt
not much programming today.. need to get alot more done tomorrow.. have a few things I want to start.
here's a pic of my salad, hehe.
feels healthy.
i'm so sore right now it's crazy.. hamstrings/glutes are destroyed. I do have a feeling they will feel alot better tomorrow morning, than they do right now.. but if not, would suck.. because I *MIGHT* visit a local running meetup tomorrow and just run a few miles or so.