hips were quite achy today.. right hip is usually achy.. sucks. need to be careful stretching them. Simply stretching my hips at all can cause them to become very achy... but, they are also tight.. catch-22.
05/1/2016Bio: Morninglast night's sleep: good
last night fell asleep: ~5 AM
wakeup = 1:15 PM
bw = 149
morning resting heart rate = didn't measure
soreness = right hamstring slightly, right pec
aches = left & right hip slightly (right more-so), low back slightly
injuries = toenails slightly wrekt! 1 black toenail instead of 4
feel = good
toenails felt great today!!! - only have one black toenail right now.. fixed those other 3.
- hoping they stay healthy and don't die again
Food1:30 PM
- 2 x wheat bread with peanut butter
- green tea
- beat + tart cherry juice
- chocolate chip cookie
Food4 PM
- propel with added salt
Session: Evening5:30 PM
- hot + humid, drenched by the time i got to the court
run to court:
- 3.88 mi in 26:56
- pace: 6:56 min/mi
- speed: 8.6 mph
- max speed: 10.7 mph
- splits: 6:12, 6:36, 6:51, 8:16 *CRAMP*
cramped up on mile 4. sucked. good run though.. was moving nice.
- L-SLRVJ recent PR: ~10'6"
- got it at jump ~12
- jumps started off meh, but then I started to feel good and my runups got alot faster
run home:
- 3.88 mi in 35:37
- worked on stride length with slow stride frequency.. so focus on hip ext
- also may have figured out how to run like an olympian.. I have this obsession with trying to clear these successive pavement steps, when I do this overstriding stuff.. so, each step is ~4.5 feet apart. Something clicked today and I did several short runs clearing the steps so powerful/fast, using a stiffer leg/hip dominant style.. every single time I did it, I hit 8 mph, which is good. If I did that fresh, it might be more like 10 mph (i'm theorizing).
(edit: I have other areas of sidewalk where the steps are ~6 feet apart too, which could eventually be useful).
i've done this before several times, but it never really clicked like it did today.. it may sound crazy but, I think there is something to this technique/drill... I mean it makes sense, it's a stride length drill, but, how you achieve that length (via more of a stiff bounce) could be the key.
my legs/shins feel a bit more tired than usual so, could be from that.. I need to be careful with it.
Also, I can keep it going.. it's not like I get tired after some short distance.. so it seems to be a style I could implement for actual distance.
I watch a few elite runner vids per day and there's just something, other than VO2/lactic threshold etc, that they are doing that I am not seeing. My interest is more about how they are generating so much power whilst looking so relaxed/effortless, at various paces.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rIWJgLxCDY4I think i'm on to something with this one.. much more so than caring about foot strike. This technique basically makes it feel like my legs are pogo sticks..
I also think that's why i've been so obsessed with midfoot/forefoot previously.. I just don't see how I could reach high speeds with my natural foot strike, using my current running form. So it made sense to default to a more explosive/bouncy foot strike, which I can hit much higher speeds with.. However, that wrecks my calves and actually becomes slow if i'm tired; I lose alot of pop if i'm fatigued.
So instead of foot strike.. I could perhaps achieve the same effect by focusing on this 'stiffer leg strike' which is MUCH more hip (but much more quad too; just much more of everything).
A proper running coach might go "duh that's how you're supposed to do it", but I don't hear anyone talking about that on youtube videos etc (coaching vids). There's so much obsession with foot strike but hardly anyone mentions how the hips should feel, or about dorsiflexion and such. So i dno.. still trying to figure this thing out.
I know i've rambled quite a bit, forgive me.
Food7 PM
- 2% milk
Food10 PM
- big stir fry: brussels sprouts, carrots, various peppers, mixed nuts
- 6 chicken tenders
- banana
Food11 PM
- hot mint tea
- biscotti
Session: Stretching12 AM - 1 AM
- very good stretching
- hips feel tight tho
Food3:30 AM
- greek yogurt
- 3 x banana
- propel with added salt
Session: Recovery4:30 AM
- 15 minute, very hot shower
- several bouts of very hot direct water on each hip
got LOTS of coding done today.. gr8 day.. also heat won.. also, Game of Thrones wtf?
also.. Silicon Valley is actually a nightmare, reminds me of what happened at my previous job.. funny as fuq tho.. lmao.