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Re: ADARQ's journal
« Reply #6210 on: April 22, 2016, 03:36:49 am »
I was wondering, I'm thinking of going to a boxing club. Except that usually it's filled with under 80 IQ people, gypsies, and extremely idiotic "coaches". Plus probably I would quickly get in a fight with someone and, well, let's just say that getting in a fight at a boxing club is the last thing you want to do.

What do you think? What's your experience with this?

lots of good people at boxing gyms.. sure most of them might not be into the stuff you're into but, you'll find lots of dedicated people in there.. most of which probably wouldn't judge you/size you up at all; they'd probably be pretty helpful.

i seriously doubt anyone would get into a fight with you.. think about it, you're in a boxing gym. In boxing gyms, if people really have a beef, they get in the ring and slug it out, usually under supervision. Fighting outside of the square circle is often a big no-no and can get you banned from most gyms.

People actually go into boxing gyms looking for fights.. there's videos on youtube. Usually, the boxing coach will find some young tough amateur KID to beat this grown man's ass in the actual ring.

so ya, not much fighting happens outside of the ring in a boxing gym (even if you were joking, just addressing it).

who knows you might love it.. one thing you absolutely must not do though is "rush it". You'd need someone in there to show you how to wrap your hands, get you good gloves, show you how to work a bag, maybe hold the mitts for you.. If you do want to spar, you'd want to go light first with people who know how to hold back.

Hitting the bag is the only thing (other than dunking) that I miss. It's so much fun and a very good workout. Also speed bag is so damn fun.

If you have a gym near you, ya stop by and check it out. No reason to be intimidated.. if it's an actual gym, it should have somewhat responsible coaches and people at all levels preparing for amateurs or pros, or just trying to get fit/improve.

One way to look at boxing gyms is similar to your comment in Eric's thread, about not giving up on people. You know how many criminals have ended up in boxing gyms and completely turn their lives around? ALOT. That should give you an idea of the respect/discipline that can be found in most of those places.

My experience with boxing gym's has been mostly positive. The only negatives I have is when people allowed me to spar 100% with less than optimal gloves. Ended up permanently hurting my hand. I got good gloves after that and sparred for several months but the injury just never went away. So that kind of wrecked everything.. The coaches should have taken more interest in the gloves I was using, IMHO. I thought they were decent, but they apparently sucked. I should have gotten some Winning gloves initially which are much safer for your knuckles.



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Re: ADARQ's journal
« Reply #6211 on: April 22, 2016, 03:48:48 am »
I was wondering, I'm thinking of going to a boxing club. Except that usually it's filled with under 80 IQ people, gypsies, and extremely idiotic "coaches". Plus probably I would quickly get in a fight with someone and, well, let's just say that getting in a fight at a boxing club is the last thing you want to do.

What do you think? What's your experience with this?

lots of good people at boxing gyms.. sure most of them might not be into the stuff you're into but, you'll find lots of dedicated people in there.. most of which probably wouldn't judge you/size you up at all; they'd probably be pretty helpful.

i seriously doubt anyone would get into a fight with you.. think about it, you're in a boxing gym. In boxing gyms, if people really have a beef, they get in the ring and slug it out, usually under supervision. Fighting outside of the square circle is often a big no-no and can get you banned from most gyms.

People actually go into boxing gyms looking for fights.. there's videos on youtube. Usually, the boxing coach will find some young tough amateur KID to beat this grown man's ass in the actual ring.

Yeah I absolutely LOVE that. Always makes me think of Charlie Zelenoff (although that guy is a victim of mental illness, so I can't really make fun of him, but still, you get the idea).

The more I think about boxing the more I want to do it.

Do you "have" to fight in the ring or you can just train? What's the progression? How does the typical learning curve look like? (what do you learn first, and how do you grow as a boxer, even a non-competitive one)?
Current PR status:

All time squat: 165 kg/Old age squat: 130 kg
All time deadlift: 184 kg/Old age deadlift: 140 kg
All time bench: 85 kg/Old age bench: 70kgx5reps
All time hip thrust (same as old age hip thrust): 160kgx5reps


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Re: ADARQ's journal
« Reply #6212 on: April 22, 2016, 03:56:57 am »
These come to mind, btw:

<a href="" target="_blank"></a>
<a href="" target="_blank"></a>
Current PR status:

All time squat: 165 kg/Old age squat: 130 kg
All time deadlift: 184 kg/Old age deadlift: 140 kg
All time bench: 85 kg/Old age bench: 70kgx5reps
All time hip thrust (same as old age hip thrust): 160kgx5reps


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Re: ADARQ's journal
« Reply #6213 on: April 22, 2016, 04:32:12 pm »
I was wondering, I'm thinking of going to a boxing club. Except that usually it's filled with under 80 IQ people, gypsies, and extremely idiotic "coaches". Plus probably I would quickly get in a fight with someone and, well, let's just say that getting in a fight at a boxing club is the last thing you want to do.

What do you think? What's your experience with this?

lots of good people at boxing gyms.. sure most of them might not be into the stuff you're into but, you'll find lots of dedicated people in there.. most of which probably wouldn't judge you/size you up at all; they'd probably be pretty helpful.

i seriously doubt anyone would get into a fight with you.. think about it, you're in a boxing gym. In boxing gyms, if people really have a beef, they get in the ring and slug it out, usually under supervision. Fighting outside of the square circle is often a big no-no and can get you banned from most gyms.

People actually go into boxing gyms looking for fights.. there's videos on youtube. Usually, the boxing coach will find some young tough amateur KID to beat this grown man's ass in the actual ring.

Yeah I absolutely LOVE that. Always makes me think of Charlie Zelenoff (although that guy is a victim of mental illness, so I can't really make fun of him, but still, you get the idea).

ya.. the zelenoff stuff is bad. He was harassing Wilder's daughter etc, who I think has handicaps. So Wilder definitely wanted to hurt him.. but even then, he refrained from just beating his brains in when he was on the ground helpless.

The more I think about boxing the more I want to do it.

Do you "have" to fight in the ring or you can just train? What's the progression? How does the typical learning curve look like? (what do you learn first, and how do you grow as a boxer, even a non-competitive one)?

nah you don't have to fight at all, ever. most people don't.

the progression is:
- learning how to wrap your hands
- joining a class: a coach runs you through various drills and basic stuff, holds the mitts for you, has you and a partner in the class do drills together, gives you instruction while you're hitting a bag, takes you through some finishing extra stuff like core-work/jump rope etc.
- after a while of this, you may want to actually spar, so you'd let the coach know or he'd ask you: light supervised sparring, where going out of control/going 100% is not the goal.. the goal is to learn how to move and react to punches, throw clean but light punches, get hit a bit
- after a while of this, you may want to hard spar: this is 100% effort while sparring, again supervised. A coach (or multiple coaches) supervise and will step in if someone is hurt or can't defend themselves. They also try and pair you with someone you are "equal with", or, someone who is slightly better than you if the goal is to get you to improve against better opposition.. This person who is better might be told to hold back a bit, but still try to get the better of you obviously.
- after a while of this, you may want to do amateurs or turn pro: At this point your coach is literally your coach, and you have a team etc.. Anyone can go pro or do amateurs.

In sparring (at any level), everyone should have a mouth piece and wear head gear, a body guard, and heavier gloves (16 oz for example). They will put vaseline on your face, head gear, and gloves so that you have less risk of getting cut and punches slip off easier. Heavier gloves (16oz or more) are preferred because they slow down the punches, protects your hands more, and protect your opponent more.

If you're going CRAZY LIGHT with someone you know/trust, you could go without head gear etc. You should never do that with someone you don't know though.

But ya once you get some of the basics down, you can just go into a gym and hit the bag, work the speed bag, jump rope, shadow box, all on your own. Don't need to train with anyone.



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Re: ADARQ's journal
« Reply #6214 on: April 22, 2016, 04:34:12 pm »
fuuuuck. was just driving home and passed this area where I most often run; a bus ran off the road completely.. Lately I run around this time too, eek.

I always worry about stuff like that.


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Re: ADARQ's journal
« Reply #6215 on: April 22, 2016, 04:37:43 pm »
Sounds great, thanks for the detailed response. Here's one maybe weird question - I have dental work done, pretty significant - I'm kind of weary to, you know, expose myself to taking punches in my mouth/face, even light ones could do serious damage. How much does that mouth piece protect you? I mean if my dental piece detaches, even a little, it could be a catastrophe.
Current PR status:

All time squat: 165 kg/Old age squat: 130 kg
All time deadlift: 184 kg/Old age deadlift: 140 kg
All time bench: 85 kg/Old age bench: 70kgx5reps
All time hip thrust (same as old age hip thrust): 160kgx5reps

John Stamos

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Re: ADARQ's journal
« Reply #6216 on: April 22, 2016, 05:41:24 pm »
fuuuuck. was just driving home and passed this area where I most often run; a bus ran off the road completely.. Lately I run around this time too, eek.

I always worry about stuff like that.

As long as you didnt have a vision about it beforehand, movie rules say you're good.
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Re: ADARQ's journal
« Reply #6217 on: April 22, 2016, 06:30:18 pm »
fuuuuck. was just driving home and passed this area where I most often run; a bus ran off the road completely.. Lately I run around this time too, eek.

I always worry about stuff like that.

As long as you didnt have a vision about it beforehand, movie rules say you're good.

i have a vision about it every time i run, how's that factor in? lol


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Re: ADARQ's journal
« Reply #6218 on: April 22, 2016, 06:35:33 pm »
Sounds great, thanks for the detailed response. Here's one maybe weird question - I have dental work done, pretty significant - I'm kind of weary to, you know, expose myself to taking punches in my mouth/face, even light ones could do serious damage. How much does that mouth piece protect you? I mean if my dental piece detaches, even a little, it could be a catastrophe.


well I have a chipped tooth in the front, which i had fixed. I had a simple mouth piece and it protected it from getting cracked. I thought about it at times, wondering if it would ever crack, never happened. I sparred hard alot, ~3x/wk for a little over a year. So I took my fair share of punches.

you can get some pretty serious mouth pieces, I imagine they would protect whatever you have to a high degree. You rarely see broken jaws and basically never see broken teeth in professional boxing matches, and they hit with much lighter gloves (8-12 oz).

there's always a risk though.

part of slowly progressing is learning how to bite down on your mouth piece when you're punching and/or receiving punches.

here's normal head gear:

hard gear with cushioning around the face probably helps more:


John Stamos

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Re: ADARQ's journal
« Reply #6219 on: April 22, 2016, 07:01:44 pm »
Well hopefully in your case other people go running in that area at that time also it'll probably take out one of them.  If you have anymore visions then just don't go to those places, easy nuff. #Deathcan'ttouchthis #runallday #AdarqvsTheBus
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Re: ADARQ's journal
« Reply #6220 on: April 23, 2016, 02:41:10 am »
I just (kinda) tried to fix my ingrown toenail myself.

Sometimes I just don't get what goes on in my head. I'm my own worst enemy.

I temporarily made things better, by getting it out of there.. it wasn't much. My toe does feel waaay better right now. Put hydrogen peroxide on it, now soaking it for the 4th time since yesterday. I could tell it was definitely ingrown because I used tweezers to pull up on the edge where the pain is, and i'd see the skin pop up too. So it was under there. So i slowly trimmed away at it with some sharp tweezers and got it out.

I bet i'll still need to see a pro though.. probably cut my toenail wrong, or several other things, that'll cause this to become a chronic issue.

I guess I just dwell hard on injuries. You'd think by now, over my life span of soo many injuries, that i'd be able to handle them better.. It's actually the opposite.

I figured i'd try to do it myself because if I go to a podiatrist, they are going to go to town on my toenail(s). So if I made sure to avoid any pain and just go really slow, I couldn't do TOO MUCH damage (presumably).


also, ultra marathonners are fucking nuts man:

getting their toenails removed..  :o

Ultramarathoners, who number more than 17,000 nationwide, according to UltraRunning magazine — “appear crazy sometimes, but they are great strategists,” said Dr. Robert M. Conenello, a sports podiatrist who tended to contestants of a multiday race in the Sahara. “A lot of them look at their toenails as useless appendages, remnants of claws from evolutionary times long ago. I’ve heard them say, ‘Toenails are dead weight.’

they have a point..

I don't consider any of my wrecked (4 black, 1 ingrown) toenails a badge of honor. I absolutely hate it. I've also wrecked my toenails when dunking and when I was younger playing basketball, so it's not something i've only obtained from running. I still remember the first time I got black toenails .. got them after wearing my new iverson's and playing several games at the park:

i loved those shoes. ;f


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Re: ADARQ's journal
« Reply #6221 on: April 23, 2016, 02:52:33 am »
for stupid decision to try and fix my ingrown toenail myself, see previous post.. EH



Bio: Morning

wakeup = 1:30 PM
fell_asleep = 5 AM
bw = 148
morning resting heart rate = didn't measure
soreness = none
aches = right tennis elbow barely, left hamstring tendon slightly (from messing with my foot )
injuries = toenails wrekt, left foot big toenail (ingrown)
feel = good


2 PM

- green tea
- greek yogurt


5 PM

- greek yogurt
- green tea

Session: Evening

8 PM - 9:30 PM

- let set-shot shooting at basketball court, working on lefty/righty form
- not jumping at all because of toe issue
- really accurate from everywhere, barely missed anything.. everything was freethrow line or closer though, set shots
- some dribbling drills, mostly in place

- walking home: deep between the legs dribbling for ~0.75 mi straight, a few messups
- felt goood!


10 PM

- 2% milk


12 AM

- big stir fry: grilled chicken, brussels sprouts, 1 potato, jalapeno pepper, red chili pepper, carrots, olives, garlic, coconut aminos, olive oil, salt/pepper, lemon juice from lemon, 1 teaspn brown sugar (experiment, didnt taste it)
- banana
- a few crackers

Session: Stretching

3:30 AM - 5 AM

- soaked foot in hot water/epsom salt 3 times

highlight of my day today: watching bill maher and vice.. well that's usually the highlight of my Friday ;f

excited to watch the HEAT tomorrow, game 3.. 2:30 ... who knows maybe i'll wakeup at 2, have no pain in my toe and watch the heat game.



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Re: ADARQ's journal
« Reply #6222 on: April 23, 2016, 04:22:53 am »
I feel like Dr. Thackery from The Knick.


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Re: ADARQ's journal
« Reply #6223 on: April 23, 2016, 06:44:06 am »
What's up with the toe nails, I don't get it. It's something people have trouble with once they start running or what?
Current PR status:

All time squat: 165 kg/Old age squat: 130 kg
All time deadlift: 184 kg/Old age deadlift: 140 kg
All time bench: 85 kg/Old age bench: 70kgx5reps
All time hip thrust (same as old age hip thrust): 160kgx5reps


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Re: ADARQ's journal
« Reply #6224 on: April 23, 2016, 05:37:28 pm »
nail feels sooooooo much better today. but i think there's still a very small portion under the skin. if so, it'll get painful as it grows and eventually i'll need to see a foot doc.

What's up with the toe nails, I don't get it. It's something people have trouble with once they start running or what?


black toenails are common among runners, it's basically a dead toenail. usually happens when you wear shoes that are too small, but you can get them regardless if you do a ton of volume.

ingrown toenails can affect anyone. but runners & people in sprint-like/jumping sports are at an even higher risk apparently. During a foot strike, the nail can crush through the skin on the side. That is what happened to me. My toenails were just a little bit grown out, I was planning to clip them but kept forgetting. Somehow during my jumping a few days ago, the nail went through the skin near the side/base.