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Re: ADARQ's journal
« Reply #5880 on: January 07, 2016, 12:02:24 am »

Bio: Morning

sleep = 9 hr
wakeup = 10:00 AM
bw = 157 lb.
morning resting heart rate = didn't measure
soreness = calves slightly, legs a bit tight, left shin painful (but went away ~1 hr after waking up)
aches = right elbow slightly, left achilles SLIGHTLY (on only a few strides) when I ran in the evening
injuries = toenails wrekt.

teeth cleaning & stuff pushed back my morning.

Session: Afternoon

2 PM - 3 PM

- mostly dip/pullup/ng pullup variations

- notables:
-- parallel bar dips: BW x 10
-- dead hang ng pullups (pulling up even higher now): BW x 7
-- dead hang pullup singles: BW + 30 lb. x singles
-- went to failure: dead hang ng pullups, parallel bar dips, dead hang pullups; adding 10 lb, 20 lb, 30 lb.
-- parallel bar dip partials at the bottom: BW x 15-20

- dip belt snapped at 40 lb.
- finished with core (leg lifts from dip & pullup position)

- pulling up higher on my pullups/chinups/ng pullups etc.. because of strength gains.. if i pull up a bit higher, it'll make muscle ups easier


3 PM

- 1 x failife whole milk


3:30 PM

- 6 x eggs over easy
- 1 x greek yogurt
- 1 x orange juice
- 2 x banana

Session: Evening

7:45 PM

crap session.. dead

jump rope warmup:
- 5 x 100, very fast
- based on this, figured it would be a good session

- 3.71 mi in 24:48
- legs tight (quads especially), felt my achilles "ache" on a few strikes, mentally dead
- strike: mostly heel->toe
- avg speed: 9.0 mph / 6:41 min/mi
- max speed: 11.4 mph

- 5k: 20:21
- ^^ ran like crap and actually ran my best 5k since running with the watch.. heh
- mile 1: 6:16.3
- mile 2: 6:40.0
- mile 3: 6:39.5

got to this ~3.5 mi point and decided to just head home because of how I felt, primarily due to the achilles ache. That "jolt" it took yesterday definitely strained it a bit. It doesn't seem like anything serious though soo..

- bad

bb deep squat, pausing on low pin:
- planned on doing 155 lb. @ 5 x 5
- instead i did:
- 45 lb. x 10
- 135 lb. x 5
- 155 lb. x 5
- cut the workout here well early.


- fake greak salad with a decent amount of grilled chicken
- 1 x greek yogurt


- 1 x fairlife whole milk

a combination of things wrecked my evening workout.. including kcal intake.

that long run yesterday might have drained me quite a bit too, even though it was only ~2 miles more than I usually run on my long run.. quad tightness and right elbow definitely suffered from that run.

all good tho.


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Re: ADARQ's journal
« Reply #5881 on: January 08, 2016, 01:15:09 am »

Bio: Morning

sleep = 9 hr
wakeup = 10:00 AM
bw = 157 lb.
morning resting heart rate = didn't measure
soreness = none
aches = right elbow slightly
injuries = toenails wrekt.


2 PM

- 1 x fairlife whole milk


2:30 PM

- lentil soup with carrots and potatoes
- brie and crackers
- 1 x greek yogurt
- 2 x banana

Session: Evening

- 8.30 mi in 1:02:35
- pace: 7:32 min/mi
- avg speed: 8.0 mph
- calories: ~1,015
- shoes: NB XC900v2 = realized these make me heel->toe more than my saucony's .. which is actually good prep for my NB 5000v2's
- strike: heel->toe
- feel depleted, but still ran good
- fastest 8.3 mi run so far.. also ~6min faster than my best 8.3 mi run since getting the watch

- wanted to hit every mile split under 8:xx .. failed on two miles
- mile 1: 6:35
- mile 2: 6:18
- mile 3: 7:36
- mile 4: 7:38
- mile 5: 7:55
- mile 6: 8:15  :raging:
- mile 7: 8:04  :raging:
- mile 8: 7:57
- mile 9: ~7:25

interestingly.. mile 6 & 7 are the "darkest sections'.. and if I go back to my other runs, I think there seems to be a little bit of a theme here. Need to push harder in these darker sections.

annoyed about those two miles but whatever..


- 1 x fairlife whole milk


- 6 x eggs over easy
- 5 x banana
- 1 x greek yogurt
- 1 x orange juice


- 1 x greek yogurt
- couldn't sleep unless I ate this

tmw calisthenics fun, lower lift, and ~6 mi run HOPEFULLY in my new 3.6 oz NB 5000v2's that should arrive tomorrow night. WORD!!



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Re: ADARQ's journal
« Reply #5882 on: January 09, 2016, 12:36:06 am »
i'm WRECKED. well at least it's friday.. sat/sun = REST.

my glutes are VERY sore from my calisthenics session. I was activating them like crazy trying to hit some positions and they've been sore all day (as well as quads & abs).


Bio: Morning

sleep = 7.5 hr
wakeup = 9:00 AM
bw = 155 lb.
morning resting heart rate = didn't measure
soreness = none
aches = none
injuries = toenails wrekt.
feel = dead

Session: Afternoon

12 - 1:30 PM
- probably too long, but was having fun

- progress yet again
- made progress on L-sit, front-lever, muscle up, and planche
- also did lots of stuff i've never done before; seems to happen as I get stronger.. my brain gives me more ideas.


2 PM

- 1 x fairlife whole milk


3 PM
- too late for this meal

- 1 x orange juice
- 6 eggs scrambled with gorgonzola, some of it in the form of an egg sandwich on a thomas english muffin
- 1 x greek yogurt
- 4 x banana


5 PM

- 1 x gatorade

Session: Evening

- glutes/quads and energy, toast

- 6.66 mi in 51:38
- shoes: nb 5000v2's
- strike: heel->toe or midfoot
- calories: ~813

really crappy run.. nb 5000v2's felt AMAZING though.

here's how bad the splits were:
- mile 1: 6:32
- mile 2: 6:52
- mile 3: 7:03
- mile 4: 7:40
- mile 5: 8:40
- mile 6: 8:56
- mile 7: ~8:54
- basically every mile got worse.. wanted to quit (turn home) at ~3.5 mi but just gutted it out.

so, basically combination of overall lack of kcal, accumulated wreckage from the previous days, and glutes/quads/core (glutes especially) getting wrecked from calisthenics.

didn't lift after, wanted to just collapse.



- 1 x fairlife whole milk
- lentil soup
- brie and crackers
- a few brookside chocolates


- bowl of cottage cheese (2%) with some optional honey for some spoonfuls

ok so sat/sun rest.. but.. not going to refeed as much as the last few weeks. Also going to get in some walking Sat & Sun, with possibly some toying around with my gymnastics rings (when they arrive tmw).

next week going to cut the distance quite a bit & shorten the sessions.



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Re: ADARQ's journal
« Reply #5883 on: January 09, 2016, 02:06:34 am »
What do you think are the major advantages that aerobic training offers over intervals? The articles I have seen comparing intervals to aerobic exercise are generally heavily in favor of intervals. Do you training aerobically because you think it will have more carryover to tennis or another goal you have?


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Re: ADARQ's journal
« Reply #5884 on: January 09, 2016, 05:08:54 am »
What do you think are the major advantages that aerobic training offers over intervals? The articles I have seen comparing intervals to aerobic exercise are generally heavily in favor of intervals. Do you training aerobically because you think it will have more carryover to tennis or another goal you have?

answer won't be as good/detailed as adarqs but for me

aerobic - weightlifing are on completely different ends of the energy system spectrum, so you could do run 30 mins + lift the next day without real detrimental effects from the running. anaerobic(interval)-weightlifting - much closer on the energy system spectrum, lots of overlap so intervals may mess with recovery from lifting/performance next day etc. this is just from my perspective as someone focusing on weightlifting though....for sports performance the interval type stuff is much more important. + this isn't adarqs reason either.

also i think adarq focusses on aerobic because - his main focus is a (largely) aerobic event? (5k). although i have noticed a lot of 5k sort of running 'programs' suggest a bit more interval stuff than i see you do - is this because you feel your speed/lactate threshold fitness is stronger than your aerobic base anyway?


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Re: ADARQ's journal
« Reply #5885 on: January 09, 2016, 05:21:00 am »
^Exactly. The aerobic vs anaerobic vs weightlifting analysis is correct. However, adarqui is not training his aerobic capacity, he is training his distance running, because he wants to get better at.... distance running.  ;D
gukl, i think he is tempted to do much more than 5k, he got to almost 20 the other day. I think his personality fits better to ultramarathons!
Oh well, maybe we should let the man talk for himself, hahaha  :uhhhfacepalm:
« Last Edit: January 09, 2016, 05:27:13 am by vag »
Target training paces (min/km), calculated from 5K PR 22:49 :
Easy run : 5:48
Tempo run : 4:50
VO2-max run :4:21
Speed form run : 4:02


it's the biggest trick in the run game.. go slow to go fast. it doesn't make sense until it smacks you in the face and you're like ....... wtf?


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Re: ADARQ's journal
« Reply #5886 on: January 09, 2016, 02:37:58 pm »
What do you think are the major advantages that aerobic training offers over intervals? The articles I have seen comparing intervals to aerobic exercise are generally heavily in favor of intervals. Do you training aerobically because you think it will have more carryover to tennis or another goal you have?

Muscles are nonsensical they have nothing to do with this bullshit.

- Avishek

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Re: ADARQ's journal
« Reply #5887 on: January 09, 2016, 11:11:32 pm »
What do you think are the major advantages that aerobic training offers over intervals?

physiologically, aerobic training benefits the heart (stroke volume) more than intervals. Intervals improve lactic threshold more-so than aerobic training. Together, both also improve VO2-max. No references, so I could be wrong at this point in life. ;f

submax steady aerobic training is alot easier than intervals when you are reducing calories. Once I push the pace, i'm either going to be able to hold it if i'm feeling good that day, or i'm going to get wrecked if i'm depleted. So, for me, intervals are harder right now. I just have too many variables going on that tap into my overall recovery/cns/nutrition etc. So that's why i'm not doing them right now. I want to, but then I just get mega-wrecked and sometimes even quit runs. I havn't quit a run in a while other than one this week. Several weeks ago I quit a bunch of runs. So i'm really trying to avoid pushing it to the point where I just mentally tank.

The articles I have seen comparing intervals to aerobic exercise are generally heavily in favor of intervals.

ya I definitely should be incorporating them. I planned on incorporating them starting in December, but, that fell apart. I need to be eating alot more in order to incorporate intervals/speed work.

I'd like to be able to improve my 5k time right now without intervals. So i'm relying a bit on volume and on trying to improve the overall quality of my split times for each run. If I can keep improving overall quality (pace per mile), that'll be enough to cause adaptations. That's my point of attack right now.

Do you training aerobically because you think it will have more carryover to tennis or another goal you have?

mostly for running events; 5k specifically, but i'll probably do other distances too at some point. My main goal is still to improve my running.

I havn't been playing as much tennis lately, though I would like to fit it in ~2-3x/wk.

pc man


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Re: ADARQ's journal
« Reply #5888 on: January 10, 2016, 12:11:13 am »
What do you think are the major advantages that aerobic training offers over intervals? The articles I have seen comparing intervals to aerobic exercise are generally heavily in favor of intervals. Do you training aerobically because you think it will have more carryover to tennis or another goal you have?

answer won't be as good/detailed as adarqs but for me

aerobic - weightlifing are on completely different ends of the energy system spectrum, so you could do run 30 mins + lift the next day without real detrimental effects from the running. anaerobic(interval)-weightlifting - much closer on the energy system spectrum, lots of overlap so intervals may mess with recovery from lifting/performance next day etc. this is just from my perspective as someone focusing on weightlifting though....for sports performance the interval type stuff is much more important. + this isn't adarqs reason either.

ya I can lift "fine" right after (up to) an hour of aerobic work. That's not really the reason though. If I was incorporating intervals more & eating better, I would be able to lift afterwards as well (i've done it before). When not eating a ton, definitely easier to pull off lifting after aerobic work, IMHO.

also i think adarq focusses on aerobic because - his main focus is a (largely) aerobic event? (5k).

yup, definitely.

although i have noticed a lot of 5k sort of running 'programs' suggest a bit more interval stuff than i see you do - is this because you feel your speed/lactate threshold fitness is stronger than your aerobic base anyway?

lactate threshold used to be my bread and butter.. right now it doesn't seem like it, lmao. I never had any "quit" in me. If my muscles/lungs/heart were "shutting down" I could just keep pushing. I imagine the decline of this ability is both physiological and mental. I still have alot of work to do to make up for the past years of detraining. Even though it may seem like i'm working hard, prime adarq would be working harder. I still have quite a while before I feel like a real athlete again.



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Re: ADARQ's journal
« Reply #5889 on: January 10, 2016, 12:18:21 am »
^Exactly. The aerobic vs anaerobic vs weightlifting analysis is correct. However, adarqui is not training his aerobic capacity, he is training his distance running, because he wants to get better at.... distance running.  ;D

ya. and I need that distance to get better at shorter runs ;f

gukl, i think he is tempted to do much more than 5k, he got to almost 20 the other day. I think his personality fits better to ultramarathons!

ya I definitely am tempted at increasing distance & total time running (not to ultra level though :f). Before I give in to that though, I need to increase the amount of miles I can run in an hour etc. I'd rather keep trying to get 9 miles in an hour, then 10 miles in an hour etc. Once I can get that, I can then decide whether I want to try and hold that pace for even longer.

I need to be able to hold 10mph in my <= 1 hour runs. That is definitely a goal of mine.

Oh well, maybe we should let the man talk for himself, hahaha  :uhhhfacepalm:




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Re: ADARQ's journal
« Reply #5890 on: January 10, 2016, 12:18:45 am »
What do you think are the major advantages that aerobic training offers over intervals? The articles I have seen comparing intervals to aerobic exercise are generally heavily in favor of intervals. Do you training aerobically because you think it will have more carryover to tennis or another goal you have?


nice! read part 1, going to read the rest tmw.



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Re: ADARQ's journal
« Reply #5891 on: January 10, 2016, 12:33:34 am »

NFL Playoffs this weekend.. makes for a great two rest days :D


Bio: Morning

sleep = 8 hr
wakeup = 9:00 AM
bw = 155 lb.
morning resting heart rate = didn't measure
soreness = glutes (very sore), quads slightly, various areas of upper body slightly
aches = right hip slightly
injuries = toenails wrekt.
feel = dead

Session: Morning

- ~2 hr
- very slow/relaxed
- glutes dead

- rings have arrived!
- did a bunch of simple stuff with rings, LOVE THEM
- did a few ring dips
- not going to do anything crazy/risky at my house because i'm doing ring-stuff over hard concrete, and in a tight space in my power rack. I'll do riskier stuff at the park, since the surface is this soft rubber dirt & I have more room.
- did lots of pushup variations, horizontal pullup variations etc.. lots of stuff where I move from one position to another & yet another, just keeping the tension.. all of this with my feet on the ground
- did a few things with feet off the ground (like dip and pullups/chinups (combo))) and some holds while turning hands in/out and moving them away from my body etc.
- went really well but have a weird pain (occasionally) in my left bicep/tricep, feels odd.. almost feels like some blood vessels exploded .. it's gotten better though.

really loved training with rings.. it's definitely extremely difficult.


2 PM

- 1 x fairlife whole milk


3 PM

- zona fresca: 3 soft tacos (beef, chicken, and shredded pork .. 1 each)
- a few tortilla chips and salsa
- 1 x sierra mist


- 1 x bolthouse: banana, blueberry, and almond milk


9 PM

- 2 x tbsp flax seed oil
- 1 x greek yogurt
- 1/2 pint haagen dazs pistachio ice cream


2:30 PM

- 2 x banana
- 1 x gatorade
- needed this.

still resting tomorrow (i'll do some walking maybe), but going to dose up on bananas in prep for monday.

this next week i'm going to "deload" from any external resistance, reduce my run-volume, and eat lots of bananas. soo, should feel pretty good this upcoming week.



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Re: ADARQ's journal
« Reply #5892 on: January 10, 2016, 09:53:52 pm »
felt good today, but still resting.

Seattle/Minnesota (NFL) was a crazy ending.


Bio: Morning

sleep = 7 hr
wakeup = 10:00 AM
bw = 155 lb.
morning resting heart rate = didn't measure
soreness = glutes slightly
aches = left bicep (weird) slightly / occasionally
injuries = toenails wrekt.
bananas = 10 (edit: can't count, 11)
feel = decent


10:30 AM

- 1 x orange juice
- 1 x greek yogurt
- 2 x banana


12:00 PM

- 1 x grapefruit juice
- 6 x eggs sunny side up, also on a sandwich (english muffin) with shredded parmesan
- 6 x banana


7:00 PM

- grilled chicken sandwich on wheat with shredded parmesan (really good)
- some brie and crackers
- 3 x banana
- 1/2 pint haagen dazs - pistachio


9:30 PM

- 1 x fairlife whole milk

I would like to try and sleep early tonight and wakeup at 6 AM .. that's the goal. Hasn't been working out too well lately though.

this week, banana count must remain high.

optionally, this week I need to start waking up at 6 AM again..



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Re: ADARQ's journal
« Reply #5893 on: January 10, 2016, 10:05:08 pm »
Let me get this straight.... You ate 11 bananas in 1 day? 1100 calories from bananas in 1 day? ~250g carbs from bananas in 1 day?
« Last Edit: January 10, 2016, 10:07:10 pm by Merrick »


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Re: ADARQ's journal
« Reply #5894 on: January 11, 2016, 06:10:44 am »
Let me get this straight.... You ate 11 bananas in 1 day? 1100 calories from bananas in 1 day? ~250g carbs from bananas in 1 day?

ya ;f

lots of potassium too.

this was something that gave me lots of strength/power when dunking way back too. makes me feel REAL good. so cheap, very easy to eat, and very nutritious.
