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Re: ADARQ's journal
« Reply #5760 on: November 24, 2015, 01:13:09 pm »
surprised, took 5 HR's shortly after waking up:

15s: 11 (44)
15s: 11 (44)
15s: 11 (44)
15s: 11 (44)
60s: 46


What do the numbers represent? what is HR?



HR = heart rate. so those numbers are a seated + rested heart rate. The "15s" measurements are heart beats per 15s, then multiplied by 4 to get the total. The "60s" measurements is heart beats per 60 seconds, so more accurate.



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Re: ADARQ's journal
« Reply #5761 on: November 24, 2015, 10:39:11 pm »
probably needed stitches in my finger... eh!

man... I pissed/and #2'd all day. It got alot colder today, so I didn't sweat as much each session.. not sure if that contributed to me retaining more, and thus needed to excrete more water. Was pretty ridiculous.

edit: bananas are responsible for the #2's.. urination though, just was ridiculous. For example, I took 5 #2's between 6-7 AM. Banana power comes with a price.. it makes you feel very powerful, but it makes you poop like an ape.


sleep = 6 hours
morning resting heart rate = 46 (60s)
bw = 166
soreness = none (whoa)
aches = right hip very slightly
injuries = left 4th finger laceration

muscles = feel very full, thick, strong ... packed with energy.

Food: 6:00 AM

- 3 glasses of gatorade

Session: Morning

jump rope warmup: 7:00 AM
- 3 x 100
- ok but not blazing fast

run: 7:45 AM
- 3 mi
- heel->toe
- fast, hit my mark for heel->toe


- greek yogurt

Session: Morning

- 3 hours
- played 4 sets against my dad
- mixed up aggressive play with defensive/pusher play
- did all second serves, still not accurate enough
- relaxed play, so not to take too much out of me


- 4 bananas
- greek yogurt
- orange juice
- 2 x gatorade
- 2 tbsp flax seed oil
- a few chocolates


- gatorade
- greek yogurt

Session: Evening

- ~1 hour
- relaxed and bouncy
- got in ~15-20 SMALL bouts of midfoot running, felt amazing, i'm so much faster with this style.. too bad i can't run midfoot every damn session (because it destroys my calves)
- I think all of the heel to butt work i've been doing on my runs is paying off.. my hamstrings seem to be contracting pretty powerfully when I transition to midfoot.
- I limited the distance of my mid-foot contacts to 20-50 yards, so not to accumulate any damage/soreness.. so hopefully tomorrow I don't have any tightness/soreness in my calves.


- 6 bananas
- 6 eggs sandwich with gorgonzola cheese
- 4 veggie egg rolls
- a few chocolates
- chocolate soy milk

Session: Stretch

plan to wakeup @ 6 AM again. I will make a separate post about my "5k strategy".



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Re: ADARQ's journal
« Reply #5762 on: November 24, 2015, 10:55:30 pm »
Some running goals/strategy:

Not going to be a very long post. My strategy for this 5k on Thursday is to run midfoot. I've been training heel->toe in order to recover my calves from previous midfoot training. If you noticed in my journal, an all out 5k midfoot run can wreck my calves for over 2 weeks. While i'm running it I feel great though. I've been getting "sub 20 minute" pace on most of my runs (3.1, 3.5, 4 mi etc), and that's heel->toe striking. I go significantly faster with a midfoot strike, so i'm hoping I can pull that weapon out of the bag on Thursday.

My only goal right now is simply sub 20. That's it. Official sub-20 to me is like.. touching a 10' rim. Right now I can't even touch a 10' rim (in the running world). Which is insane considering how conditioned i've been in the past, how hard i've been able to push myself etc. Wouldn't mind landing a "dunk" though ;f eeh.

I'm going to really try and start close to the starting line. That corporate 5k I ran several months back, I started in the middle; it was ridiculous having to go around people, go fast, slow down, etc.. Going to make sure I start up front so I don't have to deal with that. I'd love to try and tail someone fast too.. That's been on my mind for a while. When I run, sometime i'll tail someone on a bike even if they are on the other sidewalk etc. Seems to always help me. So if I start up front, would love to try and tail someone. Sounds kind of unrealistic but, dno, those situations usually help me instead of hurt me. Would be cool to find someone fast to run with too.. Running alone is cool but, I feel like running in a "fast pack" would help me.

I'm also going to jog off and on, light, up to the race. Should be a great warmup. I have that luxury since it's ~2 mi from me.

After this 5k race, my focus will shift back to reducing my BW. I simply must get lighter by leaning out completely, to reduce any excess stress on my joints/calves etc... not to mention the relative strength/power benefits per stride.

Eventually once I get to 150-155, i'll start incorporating lifting back into the mix. I miss my high rep squatting, I think it could be extremely helpful with this new running obsession.



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Re: ADARQ's journal
« Reply #5763 on: November 24, 2015, 11:24:44 pm »
A sub 20 minute 5k sounds like a good goal and will be a nice achievement. Sounds like you know how your body operates.  It’s weird how the all-out midfoot run can wreck your calves for 2 weeks but you feel great when running. It must be the adrenaline that prevents you from feeling it. That or it’s some sort of decompression that just builds up. Don’t really know. 

But yeah next time you race in an event definitely try and start from the front (1st row if possible). I remember in school we used to have cross country days where we’d compete against other schools. Each school would send 2-3 runners so we’d end up with hundreds of people all lined up in the one race. I always ran for my school because it was a free day off school. We used to have hundreds of people in the race and it was always people mashed in like sardines. I remember one year I got tripped up and literally fell over. It was really frustrating. The next year I pushed myself to the front of the starters and just sprinted from the start so I was winning until I ran out of breath and proceeded to slowly jog the rest of the run.  Good times.
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Re: ADARQ's journal
« Reply #5764 on: November 25, 2015, 10:06:50 pm »
A sub 20 minute 5k sounds like a good goal and will be a nice achievement. Sounds like you know how your body operates.  It’s weird how the all-out midfoot run can wreck your calves for 2 weeks but you feel great when running. It must be the adrenaline that prevents you from feeling it. That or it’s some sort of decompression that just builds up. Don’t really know.

ya i need to figure it out so i can actually train with it, daily. been a goal of mine for quite some time, still can't do it. going to experiment more starting tomorrow (evening run).

But yeah next time you race in an event definitely try and start from the front (1st row if possible). I remember in school we used to have cross country days where we’d compete against other schools. Each school would send 2-3 runners so we’d end up with hundreds of people all lined up in the one race. I always ran for my school because it was a free day off school. We used to have hundreds of people in the race and it was always people mashed in like sardines. I remember one year I got tripped up and literally fell over.

damn hah.

i wonder if anyone ever gets hurt in these races. like you said, everyone is jammed up like sardines.

It was really frustrating. The next year I pushed myself to the front of the starters and just sprinted from the start so I was winning until I ran out of breath and proceeded to slowly jog the rest of the run.  Good times.

bad strategy (lul), but nice.



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Re: ADARQ's journal
« Reply #5765 on: November 25, 2015, 10:14:25 pm »

sleep = 7 hours
bw = 168
resting heart rate = 47 (60s)
soreness = calves slightly, quads slightly, glutes slightly, it band slightly
aches = none
injuries = left 4th finger laceration .. NO TRIGGER FINGER FOR A FEW DAYS!!!!!!

bounce = not much


- 2.5 x gatorade

Session: Morning

jump rope warmup:
- 3 x 100, sucked

- 1 hour 8 minutes
- 24 of those minutes was a 5k going what I label as "slow"
- light, slow


- gatorade
- greek yogurt


10 AM ET

- 6 x bananas
- 2 x greek yogurt
- 1 x orange juice
- 2 tbsp flax seed oil

^^ got banana intake in early. don't want to be wrecked tomorrow morning.

Session: Recovery

foam roll:
- painful
- hit quads/it band/back good

leg drain:
- 15 minutes
- made legs feel good

contrast shower



- 3 x anthony's thin crust pizza (tomato, basil, mozarella)
- these slices are very thin which is good, not heavy
- also, no pizza sauce (as listed above)


6:30 PM ET

- 6 x egg sandwich on thomas english muffin
- 1 x greek yogurt
- 1 x gatorade
- 1 x orange juice
- 1 x banana

Session: Recovery

contrast shower

did alot yesterday.. so didn't expect to feel too great today.. I should feel normal tomorrow, with maybe some light calf soreness. Should feel bouncy too. If not, would suck.. but whatever, not a huge deal.



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Re: ADARQ's journal
« Reply #5766 on: November 26, 2015, 11:17:58 am »
not to hate but sub-20 doesn't seem very ambitious. i ran a 20 minute 5k when i was a sophomore or junior in high school, with half a season of halfhearted training (thanks DC sniper). given the volume you're already training at, i bet sub-20 would be pretty easy with a bit of race-pace practice. why not aim for sub-19 or 18:30?
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Re: ADARQ's journal
« Reply #5767 on: November 26, 2015, 11:51:14 am »
not to hate but sub-20 doesn't seem very ambitious. i ran a 20 minute 5k when i was a sophomore or junior in high school, with half a season of halfhearted training (thanks DC sniper). given the volume you're already training at, i bet sub-20 would be pretty easy with a bit of race-pace practice. why not aim for sub-19 or 18:30?

Running during the DC sniper saga sounds scary as fuck. I was playing basketball out at street courts during that time, everyone was nervous/worried and we were in Florida, not DC. That's how intense those few weeks were. The only funny thing to come out of that was how people would (jokingly) make fun of me/my race (I was one of the only white people in the park lol), saying stuff indicating it had to be a white guy.. then we find out it's two black people..

Well sub 20 is the goal in an official race, because for some reason I mentally collapse during official races. I'd just be happy with sub-20 because it's more of a "mental barrier" i've overcome. That other 5k I ran several months ago was 22:51, that was a major collapse. I ran 20:06 today (lmao), which is again another collapse, but not as bad as the previous one.. So i'm making progress.

This mental "issue" isn't anything new, but it's definitely worse now than its ever been. I mean I took a few (close to 3 years) off training, so that doesn't help. Alot of my killer instinct has been dampened, but it's slowly coming back. Through my athletic history, I can think back to times where I "freeze" in competition. One of the worst times I froze was the first time I sparred hard in boxing with everyone watching (all of the coaches, pro fighters etc). I had been sparring this kid hard for months, he was a warrior, but I just schooled him every time. So finally we're sparring in front of nearly the whole gym, and I just couldn't throw punches. I was a deer in the headlights. I had to survive for 5 rounds without being able to put together any offense. My instinctive defense got me through it without getting wrecked. It was hell on earth, I can still remember it like it was yesterday. It felt like a nightmare where you can't move. Subsequent sparring matches I would school him in front of everyone. It's as if when there's an "official pressure", I stop thinking. Everything is completely instinctive (which can be a great thing). It's the same with running, it seems. I didn't even know what I ran today, until I saw the results on the wall. I didn't see any of the times on the mile markers or the finish time. My normal ability to 'talk to myself in my head' just disappears. The good news (for me) is that I know this eventually disappears. It may come back somewhat on 'bigger stages', just seems to be in my nature.

It's similar to when I dunked.. Initially, jumping in front of people would make me more passive. Eventually, I would seek it out because i'd get so amped.

I'll post about the race in a sec.



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Re: ADARQ's journal
« Reply #5768 on: November 26, 2015, 12:11:45 pm »

Tamarac Turkey Trot 5k

My goal was sub-20. I got 20:06. I laughed when I saw it, but I deserve it; I should have at least sprint to the finish like I normally do. So i'm happy with it. So in basketball terms, I still can't knick the rim in competition.

The good news is I won my age group (30-34). I got a gift basketball full of food and a trophy.

Legs felt amazing. Felt strong and bouncy. Lungs were hurting. More acidic than normal.

Warmed up really good. Started at the front. Kept pace with some fast runners for a while. I should have tried harder to keep up with them. I'd like to see if I can find my split times for the run, because I imagine the first mile was good.

Overall time: 20:06
Pace: 6:29
Strike: Heel->Toe but, shifting more towards midfoot. So still a fast strike, but not as fast as midfoot/forefoot.

I can't explain why I didn't sprint to the finish. It's that "quitter in me" which seems to manifest more when it matters. It's okay though, i'm slowly killing that.

I don't know if it was the wind or what, but no one cracked 16. One guy got 16:00. Normally this race has people in the 15's. The wind was definitely very strong on the first half up, but at your back on the second half. I didn't even notice it when I was actually running though. I didn't notice much of anything though other than keeping up with a few people, I just zoned out.

Running events are nice.. everyone seems so happy/upbeat.

Finally, so many fine chix it was ridiculous. Makes me look forward to 5k races even more. There was 2k+ people at this event.

December focus:
- weight loss: ~155 lb. (-~10 lb)
- lifting: 20+ rep squats, light
- more volume running
- more interval sprinting (with jog/run recovery) AND longer intervals
- still running morning and night
- keep waking up at 6, or even earlier, i like it.

When i'm hitting some good numbers in competition (official races) several months from now, i'll look back at my log and smile. I'll also be like ~150 lb rippt & squatting, with a much stronger mind. It'll come together. Need to bleed alot more though..



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Re: ADARQ's journal
« Reply #5769 on: November 26, 2015, 12:46:44 pm »
Hey Andrew,

I have a question if you don't mind  ;D

How would you go about fixing bad dorsi -> plantar flexion in single leg bounding? 

Basically, I tend to just land on my forefoot/toes instead of keeping dorsi flexion mid air as I cycle the leg and doing a proper heel to toe roll.

Is it just a matter of practicing it + dorsi flexion strengthening exercises?

not andrew, and not an expert, but my n=1 is that the way to fix the footstrike in SL bounding is just to reach farther in front. if your lead foot is far enough ahead, you have to land on your heel. that plus building up intensity over time.

Ehhh.... your really really really dont want to reach farther out. . If dorsiflexion hasnt started by the time your foot reaches your butt your timing is already shot!


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Re: ADARQ's journal
« Reply #5770 on: November 26, 2015, 12:55:08 pm »

Tamarac Turkey Trot 5k

My goal was sub-20. I got 20:06. I laughed when I saw it, but I deserve it; I should have at least sprint to the finish like I normally do. So i'm happy with it. So in basketball terms, I still can't knick the rim in competition.

The good news is I won my age group (30-34). I got a gift basketball full of food and a trophy.

Legs felt amazing. Felt strong and bouncy. Lungs were hurting. More acidic than normal.

Warmed up really good. Started at the front. Kept pace with some fast runners for a while. I should have tried harder to keep up with them. I'd like to see if I can find my split times for the run, because I imagine the first mile was good.

Overall time: 20:06
Pace: 6:29

I can't explain why I didn't sprint to the finish. It's that "quitter in me" which seems to manifest more when it matters. It's okay though, i'm slowly killing that.

I don't know if it was the wind or what, but no one cracked 16. One guy got 16:00. Normally this race has people in the 15's. The wind was definitely very strong on the first half up, but at your back on the second half. I didn't even notice it when I was actually running though. I didn't notice much of anything though other than keeping up with a few people, I just zoned out.

Running events are nice.. everyone seems so happy/upbeat.

Finally, so many fine chix it was ridiculous. Makes me look forward to 5k races even more. There was 2k+ people at this event.

December focus:
- weight loss: ~155 lb. (-~10 lb)
- lifting: 20+ rep squats, light
- more volume running
- more interval sprinting (with jog/run recovery) AND longer intervals
- still running morning and night
- keep waking up at 6, or even earlier, i like it.

When i'm hitting some good numbers in competition (official races) several months from now, i'll look back at my log and smile. I'll also be like ~150 lb rippt & squatting, with a much stronger mind. It'll come together. Need to bleed alot more though..


Wow.  Congrats on the turkey trot.  Transitioning from dunking to 5ks...  amazing to have talent across such a wide range.   I have a lot of respect for people who can do this even though they dont get a lot of accolades, but the Matt Sherers of the world are amazing to me, because I cant even break 15 minutes for a two mile... 

Is your goal 5ks or are you going to go up to halfs or marathons?  I checked out your log and it seems mostly to be made up of 4 mi runs...  do you do any "speed" work?   The best distance guys I know did crazy "speed" work and would use it as a way to stay honest...  the craziest workout was rested miles... 4x400m with a rest between each one of 1-3 minutes...  when your time goes up on the first one you know your getting too slow... when it goes up for the last you need more volume... kinda a cool test. 


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Re: ADARQ's journal
« Reply #5771 on: November 26, 2015, 01:56:05 pm »

Tamarac Turkey Trot 5k

My goal was sub-20. I got 20:06. I laughed when I saw it, but I deserve it; I should have at least sprint to the finish like I normally do. So i'm happy with it. So in basketball terms, I still can't knick the rim in competition.

The good news is I won my age group (30-34). I got a gift basketball full of food and a trophy.

Legs felt amazing. Felt strong and bouncy. Lungs were hurting. More acidic than normal.

Warmed up really good. Started at the front. Kept pace with some fast runners for a while. I should have tried harder to keep up with them. I'd like to see if I can find my split times for the run, because I imagine the first mile was good.

Overall time: 20:06
Pace: 6:29

I can't explain why I didn't sprint to the finish. It's that "quitter in me" which seems to manifest more when it matters. It's okay though, i'm slowly killing that.

I don't know if it was the wind or what, but no one cracked 16. One guy got 16:00. Normally this race has people in the 15's. The wind was definitely very strong on the first half up, but at your back on the second half. I didn't even notice it when I was actually running though. I didn't notice much of anything though other than keeping up with a few people, I just zoned out.

Running events are nice.. everyone seems so happy/upbeat.

Finally, so many fine chix it was ridiculous. Makes me look forward to 5k races even more. There was 2k+ people at this event.

December focus:
- weight loss: ~155 lb. (-~10 lb)
- lifting: 20+ rep squats, light
- more volume running
- more interval sprinting (with jog/run recovery) AND longer intervals
- still running morning and night
- keep waking up at 6, or even earlier, i like it.

When i'm hitting some good numbers in competition (official races) several months from now, i'll look back at my log and smile. I'll also be like ~150 lb rippt & squatting, with a much stronger mind. It'll come together. Need to bleed alot more though..


Wow.  Congrats on the turkey trot.  Transitioning from dunking to 5ks...  amazing to have talent across such a wide range.

Thanks alot! It was more fun than I thought it would be. Slight correction though, here's my zig-zag transition:

basketball -> boxing + running -> dunking -> sedentary computer nerd -> running + tennis (current).


I love tennis, it's REALLY fun. It's a game after all. But I love running even more, not so much for the fun (it is fun), but the self-competition, the torture, and how I feel afterwards.. So i'll probably continue dedicating most of my effort on improving these running stats.

I have a lot of respect for people who can do this even though they dont get a lot of accolades, but the Matt Sherers of the world are amazing to me, because I cant even break 15 minutes for a two mile...

Never heard of Matt Scherer until now:

pretty crazy: (wth, I couldn't copy/paste from that site, had to go into inspect)

"that I do, I'll practice actually trying to hit certain paces. So when I'm doing 200 repeats I might try to hit a 25.5 or a 26.5, and then I'll just keep doing that over and over and over again."

Is your goal 5ks or are you going to go up to halfs or marathons?

I may do some 10k/half marathons/marathons eventually but "just to do them". My goal so far is definitely 5k's (and maybe even shorter) because of the speed component. I want to be able to run as fast as physiologically possible (for me) in these 5k runs. So really being able to hold 12+ mph (~15min 5k) would make me content (as a second milestone). First milestone is probably being able to hold 10.x mph for the entire 3.1 (~17min 5k).

I still plan on getting back into jumping (SLRVJ), but with less emphasis. I can intersect my training for 5k's with jumping much easier than trying to intersect marathon training with jumping. So that's definitely a big plus. I miss getting vertical. 5k (or less) + running VJ/dunking sounds like a great combo for me.

I checked out your log and it seems mostly to be made up of 4 mi runs...

Ya and some hour runs. I've been trying to run shorter/faster runs in the morning and longer runs at night, ever since I started this 2x/day training.

do you do any "speed" work?

I was starting to incorporate speed work via Fartlek runs. I had lots of sessions labeled "jog and sprint". But I havn't done them since I wrecked my calves going entirely forefoot for ~4 mi, which was over 2 weeks ago. That's something I need to slowly adapt to. I need to be able to hold a more bouncy/powerful form without my calves dying for weeks.

I want to do more structured speed work like you mentioned below, such as the 4x400 with X minute jog rest etc. I may be a bit more liberal with the distances for now, since i'm using the streets, but regardless I need to get in some more structured speed sessions. This should also help my calves adapt. I've tested it out: if I run 400's midfoot/forefoot, i'm fine. If I run a few miles midfoot/forefoot, I can get severe calf soreness.

It's something I need to figure out because I think my strength in running will be my reactive abilities.. another plus will be my lactic acid toleration once I get that back up to par: high rep squatting, 400's etc.. will be fun.

The best distance guys I know did crazy "speed" work and would use it as a way to stay honest...  the craziest workout was rested miles... 4x400m with a rest between each one of 1-3 minutes...  when your time goes up on the first one you know your getting too slow... when it goes up for the last you need more volume... kinda a cool test.

nice! ya exactly.. I need to focus much more on speed work but I need to do it in a way that won't wreck my calves. I predict I can perform sessions like that without much of a problem. The problem comes when I hold mid/forefoot for "too long". So I need to be smart about it and maybe save that for race day etc.

Lots of stuff to figure out. I feel I have so much room for improvement that it gets me excited.

pc man!


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Re: ADARQ's journal
« Reply #5772 on: November 26, 2015, 04:23:38 pm »
I read about the DC Sniper story and remembered when Adarqui was in big trouble when he was running in the streets in Florida at ~3 AM and he was about to become a gang initiation shooting victim.
Current PR status:

All time squat: 165 kg/Old age squat: 130 kg
All time deadlift: 184 kg/Old age deadlift: 140 kg
All time bench: 85 kg/Old age bench: 70kgx5reps
All time hip thrust (same as old age hip thrust): 160kgx5reps


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Re: ADARQ's journal
« Reply #5773 on: November 26, 2015, 05:03:08 pm »
I read about the DC Sniper story and remembered when Adarqui was in big trouble when he was running in the streets in Florida at ~3 AM and he was about to become a gang initiation shooting victim.

Well the gang initiation thing happened, but it was ~1 AM. I ran faster than Usain Bolt that night. That dude probably would have caught up with me in my current state - definitely not when I was jumping 35+ and squatting every day :)

I don't do that anymore. I'm running in the dark again, but during normal human activity hours (so lots of people out on the streets).



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Re: ADARQ's journal
« Reply #5774 on: November 26, 2015, 05:54:19 pm »
Congrats on the meet PR. You almost smashed your sub 20 goal within a couple of days of writing it! Are there any upcoming 5k meets? The more meets you get the more comfortable you’ll get and perform to your potential- just like how you mentioned dunking in front of people.
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