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Re: ADARQ's journal
« Reply #5685 on: November 01, 2015, 01:01:03 am »

sleep = 7.5 hours

bw = 172
soreness = none
aches = right hip slightly, back slightly, right hand slightly
injuries = none

felt really good today.


- orange juice
- greek yogurt

Tennis match: ~10 AM ET

- lost 6-0, 6-0
- HEH! got wrecked.
- match lasted ~1.5 hours (edit: including ~10-15min warmup)
- played very safe..
- lots of safe rallies until i'd hit it to short, guy would hit it back then go to the net, i'd hit it back weak and he'd put it away
- several games went to deuce, lots went to 40-30 then i'd lose it.
- served pretty good, a few aces, but also had some critical double faults
- when i'd hit a wimpy second serve, i'd get wrecked.. i did that because I worried too much about getting it in
- had some really good gets when the opp basically thought he hit a winner


- fruit
- greek yogurt
- orange juice

Tennis: 1 PM ET

- lost 6-1, 6-2
- match lasted 1 hour 45 minutes (edit: including ~10-15 minute warmup)
- tons of games went to deuce
- all of my points came on breaking the opponent's serve
- this match should have been alot closer
- guy had a very powerful / flat serve but it rarely went in, then he'd hit a weak second serve.. when his first serve went in, was very hard to get it back
- aced him a few times
- he aced me once
- had some really good gets when the opp basically thought he hit a winner
- opp had a crazy slice, put some serious spin on it, sometimes i'd stop dead in it's tracks.. but that's because he was slicing my weak safe shots, so he could slice the hell out of it
- i wanted to hit with way more power in this match but i just couldn't.. safe weak shots. not high over the net but just weak.

had fun, that's for sure.

a few issues I need to improve:

- I sweat like a faucet.. makes the racquet more slippery.. how to fix? heh.. i wear a wrist band but that doesn't help too much.. I changed racquets, that helped temporarily.

- Serving! This is by far my biggest issue. I need a more accurate first serve and a much better second serve. I'm serving way better than I was a month ago, i'm getting much more of them in.. but not enough.. and when I worry about double faulting, my second serve is way too weak.. opponent can just destroy it if they want.

- Not hitting my strokes with speed/power.. I need to get back to hitting most every shot with a fast stroke. This has almost become an issue in my head now, very psychological. I worry too much about getting it in, in a match, than just crushing it. In practice hitting I can crush it. No reason I shouldn't be able to crush alot of these shots in the rallies.. I really need to remove this barrier and hit my shots properly in matches.

weird things in the tournament:

- usually forehands are my most trustworthy shot, but, during this tourney, my backhands were actually much more trustworthy. I was getting most of them in, and not even worrying about it.. I was second guessing myself on every forehand, sucked.

- the clay courts had crappy lines.. was really bad in my first match.. when a ball clips those lines, it can go anywhere.. some of them just launched straight up, some went off to the side etc.. surprised me initially; was expecting a ball to bounce normal and instead it bounce like 15 feet in the air (on a serve).. was funny.

- everyone was sweating profusely even after the first game.. was HOT AS FUQ.. I was like a faucet by the end of the matches.. taking a ball out of my pocket, bouncing it once before the serve, it'd pick up tons of clay because it was soaked.. (second match).. lol.


- big thing of popcorn chicken
- chocolate soy milk
- some chocolates


- some halloween chocolates

Session: Late Evening

jump rope:
- 6 x 500
- wanted to do more but a police helicopter was hovering around with a spotlight
- jump rope was surprisingly shitty.. lots of mess ups
- need to do this somewhat frequently; it's also good for my wrist/rhythm/fat loss.
- forearms/shoulders and glutes were getting way too tired.. probably just burnt from my matches today.


- greek yogurt
- fruit



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Re: ADARQ's journal
« Reply #5686 on: November 01, 2015, 08:49:22 am »
Good job with the tournament.
is it free entry for anyone or is there requirements to join?
Warm up drills
   - a walk, b skip quick powerful switch (heel to hams focus), a runs, dribbles small to big to run, straight leg to runs (force, reflex, go up/forward). force to hit the ground before it hits the ground knee/hip is at 90 degrees.
   - acceleration: low heel recovery, shin angle low, drive legs back before hitting the ground and drive thighs/knee forward not up
Measuring reminder:
5 toe to heel steps = 148cm

�Strength comes from the legs, Power comes from the torso and Speed comes from the arm.� � Al Vermeil
Arm also aids the legs in driving it down with power - seifullaah73

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Re: ADARQ's journal
« Reply #5687 on: November 01, 2015, 10:29:00 am »
Good job with the tournament.


is it free entry for anyone or is there requirements to join?

nah not free.. each tournament has a fee of ~$25-$40. Other than that, no requirements; you can just sign up, pay, and play.



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Re: ADARQ's journal
« Reply #5688 on: November 01, 2015, 11:42:01 pm »

sleep = 8 hours

bw = 168
soreness = upper back, traps, neck, glutes, forearms
aches = none
injuries = none

felt pretty good but sore.. i think alot of this soreness is from jump rope, eh!


- orange juice

Session: Afternoon

- 1 hour run
- not sure of the distance
- ran slow on purpose.. long sleeve shirt
- lost 7 lb. of water weight


- 6 eggs with gorgonzola mixed in
- some of those eggs in an egg sandwich
- a few brookside chocolates

Session: Evening

- jump rope: 8 x 500 turns, 1 x 1000 turns
- ~3min rest between sets
- much better than yesterday, made far fewer mistakes


- gatoraid
- 2 bananas
- rice
- 3 egg rolls
- cookies & cream ice cream (sucked.. this brand sucked)


- 2 glasses of chocolate soy milk
- greek yogurt


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Re: ADARQ's journal
« Reply #5689 on: November 02, 2015, 08:16:31 am »
on the jump rope are you just doing simple turns or are you doing any tricks or side-to-sides?
Muscles are nonsensical they have nothing to do with this bullshit.

- Avishek

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Re: ADARQ's journal
« Reply #5690 on: November 02, 2015, 03:33:29 pm »
on the jump rope are you just doing simple turns or are you doing any tricks or side-to-sides?

just simple turns. the only thing I change up is the pace of the turns and what I do with my feet:
- two foot hop
- left-right ...
- left-left-right-right ..
- etc

yesterday, each round of 500 i'd do these in a row, changing footwork each time I hit 100:
- two foot hop x 100
- left-left-right-right x 100
- two-foot hop x 100
- left-left-right-right x 100
- two-foot hop x 100

eventually i'll add in:
- high knees
- single leg side to side or front to back hops
- possibly some double unders



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Re: ADARQ's journal
« Reply #5691 on: November 03, 2015, 12:43:44 am »

sleep = 7.5 hours
bw = 168
soreness = glutes a little
aches = right 5th metacarpal slightly, right 2nd metatarsal slightly (callous)
injuries = none


- orange juice

Session: Morning

- 2.5 hours
- hit forehands mostly with a full western grip, i like it


- 1 glass gatorade
- 5 eggs sandwich on multigrain bread, with bleu cheese crumbles
- some watermelon + pineapple
- banana

Session: Evening

- ~3.5 mi
- felt great, very bouncy, pretty fast
- shirtless
- ran 2/3 using heel->toe
- ran 1/3 using midfoot
- shoes: saucony

jump rope + bodyweight exercises supersets:
- bodyweight exercises done prior to the jump rope set
- AF = Almost Failure.. stop prior to last 1-2 "struggle reps"
- ~2-3 min rest between sets

- S1-S6: jump rope @ 6 x 300 , really pushing the pace on the turns
- S1: dead hang neutral grip pullups: 1 x AF
- S1: parallel bar dips: 1 x AF
- S2: dead hang chinups: 1 x AF
- S2: parallel bar dips: 1 x AF
- S3: dead hang pullups: 1 x AF
- S3: parallel bar dips: 1 x AF
- S4: dead hang neutral grip pullups with hips flexed (more core): 1 x AF
- S4: parallel bar dips with hips flexed (more core): 1 x AF
- S5: dead hang neutral chinups with hips flexed (more core): 1 x AF
- S5: parallel bar dips with hips flexed (more core): 1 x AF
- S6: dead hang wide grip pullups with hips extended + knees flexed: 1 x AF
- S6: parallel bar dips with hips extended + knees flexed: 1 x AF

cold shower + ice cold le croix :F

^^ great session


- 2 bananas
- chicken breast + leg
- a few potato chips
- corn
- coconut water
- 3 mini egg rolls
- a few chocolates


- chocolate soy milk
- greek yogurt

felt pretty good today..



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Re: ADARQ's journal
« Reply #5692 on: November 04, 2015, 12:20:21 am »

sleep = 7 hr
bw = 168
soreness = neck, shoulders, forearms, quads, calves (left especially)
aches = ankles, hips
injuries = 5th metacarpal trigger finger waking up (goes away after ~30s) - scary/annoying - has been happening a little after i started tennis but i havn't been adding it to injuries for whatever reason


- orange juice

Session: Morning

- 1 hour hitting against the wall
- was kind of "bored", wall hitting hasn't been exciting me that much lately


- orange juice
- greek yogurt


- 6 egg sandwich with olives & feta
- 2 bananas

Session: Evening

- ~3.5 mi
- shirtless (effects cooling)
- very fast considering my diet (or not)
- felt great
- strike: heel->toe
- shoes: saucony

- going to try and avoid training mid-foot if i have any calf soreness
- so pretty much go heel->toe until I recover, then try midfoot again, repeat

jump rope:
- 30 minutes
- quite a few mess ups, but decent
- moderate pace


- big spinach salad with jalapeno, olives, gorgonzola, oil/vinegar, green pepper, croutons
- tons of la croix


- pint of haag-en-daz (vanilla swiss almond) ice cream :(
- feel like crap after that pint.. felt gr8 prior

feel pretty crappy after that ice cream. sucks, knew I shouldn't have had it.


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Re: ADARQ's journal
« Reply #5693 on: November 05, 2015, 12:03:11 am »

sleep = 8 hr
bw = 169
soreness = none
aches = none
injuries = right 5th metacarpal - trigger finger (this morning, slightly)


- orange juice

Session: Afternoon

- 11:22 - 12:45
- this should have been much earlier but slept too late & woke up too late
- pace: slow/relaxed
- shoes: saucony
- lots of running on grass
- ran up this big hill (huge hill for florida, ~50 feet or so maybe? it's probably one of the biggest hills in florida, other than land fills.. hah)
- long sleeve shirt
- felt great


- 6 egg sandwich with spinach and gorgonzola
- orange juice
- pickle
- 2 bananas + watermelon

Session: Evening

S1: jump rope
- 3 x 500
- fast

S1: tons of random bodyweight stuff
- 3 x stuff
- pushups, dips, pullups, handstand holds, glute bridges (double = easy, single = hard (not good)), pullup holds, core stuff etc
- just all mixed in randomly, only 3-4 exercises (not all of that at once)

jump rope:
- 5 x 500
-- fast
- 1 x 1000
-- moderate

^^ felt really good/bouncy/light.


- tons of propel
- tons of le croix
- heaven


- rice and beans with jalapeno
- 5 mini spring rolls
- 2 greek yogurts


- chocolate soy milk

feel great!

i'd like to start getting in more long+slow (~2+ hr) runs on maybe wednesday/saturday/sunday morning. But, I shouldn't be doing these in the afternoon, it definitely needs to be early morning. This would be a good complement to my faster/short runs + jump rope in the evening on ~monday/tuesday/thursday/friday. I like that.

Also want to push myself more in the bodyweight exercise arena; mess around with some new stuff.. try to improve more of that "gymnastic style strength".



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Re: ADARQ's journal
« Reply #5694 on: November 06, 2015, 12:01:03 am »

sleep = 7.5 hours
wakeup = 7:30 AM
bw = 172
soreness = none
aches = none
injuries = right 5th metacarpal - trigger finger (this morning, slightly)


- orange juice

Session: Morning

time = 8:30 AM ET

- 2 hours
- crappy today


- greek yogurt


time = 2 PM ET

- chicken wings (not breaded)
- small amount of salt and vinegar chips
- a few chocolates

BAD PRE-RUN MEAL!! Made stomach feel heavy.. knew this but still did it anyway, f-me.

Session: Evening

time = 7 PM ET

- ran faster than any of my recent sessions
- fastest because I ran midfoot for pretty much the entire time and definitely tried to push the pace when I could
- however: nose was mostly clogged, didn't feel too good (heavy from meal)
- ran midfoot too early.. I need almost a mile of heel->toe before I transition into midfoot, otherwise I push the pace too early and feel more tired than I should be
- shoes: saucony
- strike: mostly midfoot

glute bridges:
- 1 x 50

jump rope:
- 2 x 300
- fast
- dead.. wanted to do 10 x 300


- 2 greek yogurts
- chocolate soy milk
- some chocolates


- 2 glasses of water with lemon (whole lemon)

Session: Stretching

- stretching.. feel way too tight
- need to make sure I don't do any stretches that "tax my ankles though", ie, my 'split stretch', or pulling back on my ankle during quad stretching.

I just can't eat heavy if I want to feel good running.. had I eaten fruit + yogurt I imagine I would have run by far my best as of recent.

Stomach still feels heavy even at 12 AM.. fuqn publix chicken wings, they were so good though.

My morning BW is up alot it seems like but, I think alot of it is from hydration. I'm drinking alot of fluids and i'm looking leaner.

I'd love to get into the low 160's (normal hydration) by Nov 26th.



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Re: ADARQ's journal
« Reply #5695 on: November 07, 2015, 12:36:05 am »

sleep = 7 hours (rough night of sleep though)
wakeup = 7:30 AM ET
bw = 169
soreness = chest a little
aches = none
injuries = none


- orange juice

Session: Morning

- 2.5 hours
- came to the net alot after my serve, I like it.. feels aggressive and got me some good points when I did it right


- 2 x greek yogurt
- watermelon
- banana


- 2 x water + lemon
- some salt and vinegar chips

Session: Evening

- ~3.5 mi
- fast: better than last night's run
- rain made the sidewalk slippery for basically half of the run. can't run on the street in florida. still ran good though
- really pushed the pace hard in the second half of the run, i'd say some nice forefoot striking as well as midfoot
- shoes: saucony
- shirtless
- strategy: first ~mile heel->toe, rest = sprint midfoot (& forefoot) pushing the pace

bw exercises & jump rope:
- 5 x superset of jump rope x 300 (fast) and various bodyweight exercises
- really liked doing these dead hang pullup/chinup variations with hips extended and knees flexed, forcing lots of glute/ham to contract


- 2 x banana
- spinach salad with chicken, carrots, jalapeno, olives, gorgonzola cheese, and oli/vinegar


- chocolate soy milk
- greek yogurt

Session: Stretching

- stretching
- real good

tmw morning I plan on doing a long relaxed run.. i'd like to run for ~2 hours.



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Re: ADARQ's journal
« Reply #5696 on: November 07, 2015, 10:42:15 am »
hey man

regarding the calf massage, a video would be nice but could explain how do you massage your tight calf muscles, do you separate the calf and massage each one and then together.

Warm up drills
   - a walk, b skip quick powerful switch (heel to hams focus), a runs, dribbles small to big to run, straight leg to runs (force, reflex, go up/forward). force to hit the ground before it hits the ground knee/hip is at 90 degrees.
   - acceleration: low heel recovery, shin angle low, drive legs back before hitting the ground and drive thighs/knee forward not up
Measuring reminder:
5 toe to heel steps = 148cm

�Strength comes from the legs, Power comes from the torso and Speed comes from the arm.� � Al Vermeil
Arm also aids the legs in driving it down with power - seifullaah73

My Progress Log
A Journey to Running fast and Jumping High

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Re: ADARQ's journal
« Reply #5697 on: November 07, 2015, 01:51:54 pm »
I saw u commented on an article about two black cops gunning down a 6 year old who happened to be white.  I havent seen anything about it on the news so do you think if it were white cops n a black kid itd be different?  I believe so since the media is out there to serve the government.  Just lookin to see your opinion on it and if or when i become a cop I wouldnt care if they wanted to hook up gopros all over me. 
Every Monday
50 JR

PR: 19:51 --> 17:41


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Re: ADARQ's journal
« Reply #5698 on: November 07, 2015, 11:44:24 pm »
seifullaah / eric, will reply tmw! got to pass out.


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Re: ADARQ's journal
« Reply #5699 on: November 07, 2015, 11:57:10 pm »

sleep = 8 hours
wakeup = 9
soreness = none
aches = none
injuries = right 5th metacarpal - trigger finger (this morning, slightly)

felt great, light / bouncy


- orange juice
- greek yogurt

Session: Morning/Afternoon

- ~2 hours: 10:30 - 12:22
- slow/relaxed
- still focused on form
- emphasis: relaxed + emphasis on form
- shoes: saucony
- short: long sleeve
- water loss: ~9 lb.
- issues: ears popped ~1.5 hours in.. makes it hard to breathe when they pop, scary.. I think it might be due to water loss.
- right nipple got ripped up a little (cut from friction)

at the end of the run, i got a large sprite at a burger king.. then refilled it. then refilled it again. heaven.


- hamburger


- 6 egg sandwich
- orange juice
- salt & vinegar chips


- gatorade

Session: Evening

- 1.5 hours
- just tennis serves
- man my serve accuracy sucks


- kefir
- greek yogurt
- banana
- salt & vinegar chips

Session: Stretching

- stretching