What's gonna be your plan of attack when training for your L-SLRVJ?
Yo! Pretty simple for now. My main goal right now is to get back into "boxing shape", which I felt was the (healthiest) best shape I've ever been in. That was around 2006-2008. My training then was 2x/day, some combo of boxing/sparring/heavy bag/running/jump rope/bodyweight exercises etc. However, the tools will be much different this time.
So I have a few things all coming together simultaneously:
- get my bodyweight down to ~150 (first goal is 160)
- keep improving my fitness & reactivity via these jog, jump, and sprint sessions
- eventually throw in some other reactive movements; single & double leg bounds, MR tuck jumps, MR stiff leg ankle hops
- focus on a few strength lifts: ssbar deep squat, plate swings, maybe some flat/overhead pressing dno (tennis effects it), some unilateral lower body lift. Everything in the higher rep ranges for now (10-20).
- throw in some bodyweight movements: single leg squat, variations of pullups/chinups etc, parallel bar dips, some core stuff, single/double leg calf raises
- eventually ~2 jump sessions per week initially? not sure yet. I have sooo much progress I need to make in work capacity/general fitness.
- lots of stretching; I need to permanently fix this "tightness" issue. (especially in my adductors/hamstrings/calfs, quads/hip flexors too but easier to improve)
- eat extremely healthy
- eat less meat/chicken, more veggies/fruit/beans, less dairy
- get my sleep cycle in check (i'd like to sleep at 11/12 and wakeup at 6-7).. This is a big one for me. When I'm in "obsessed programmer mode", my sleep sched drifts to falling asleep at 4-6 AM, it's very very bad... especially when you have work. It's probably actually deadly).. so trying to turn this around and never go back to my chaotic sleep schedule (which is also bad for my brain/heart)
- lots of fun tennis
It might seem like alot (or not), but that's just the "overall" strategy. If you look at my goals, you'll see why overall fitness is so important:
1. compete in tennis tournaments
2. compete in 5k runs
3. eventually be able to do dunk sessions? (would be amazing to re-acquire that).
If/when I do some jump sessions, I also won't be using "caffeine" as a stimulant. I quit coffee/caffeine almost a year ago now. Soo, no nutritional stimulants whatsoever that can give that extra inch or so.
You see i'm also focused on getting lighter. My body definitely isn't meant to be "heavy". My heaviest while being a super computer nerd in 2014 was 207. Eek.
The lack of absolute strength focus means I probably won't be jumping double leg much at all tbh. My DLRVJ really sucks right now. I'd be surprised if I can hit the rim. My L-SLRVJ is much better, decent considering. I've always wanted an impressive SLRVJ too soo, going to really focus on that. I loved the speed component & the "effortlessness" of SLRVJ's.
Eventually this could become another Age vs Vertical thread :F (shouts vag!) ... Considering i'm 33 right now.
peace man!