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Re: ADARQ's journal
« Reply #5640 on: October 13, 2015, 01:20:59 am »
What's gonna be your plan of attack when training for your L-SLRVJ?

Yo! Pretty simple for now. My main goal right now is to get back into "boxing shape", which I felt was the (healthiest) best shape I've ever been in. That was around 2006-2008. My training then was 2x/day, some combo of boxing/sparring/heavy bag/running/jump rope/bodyweight exercises etc. However, the tools will be much different this time.

So I have a few things all coming together simultaneously:
- get my bodyweight down to ~150 (first goal is 160)
- keep improving my fitness & reactivity via these jog, jump, and sprint sessions
- eventually throw in some other reactive movements; single & double leg bounds, MR tuck jumps, MR stiff leg ankle hops
- focus on a few strength lifts: ssbar deep squat, plate swings, maybe some flat/overhead pressing dno (tennis effects it), some unilateral lower body lift. Everything in the higher rep ranges for now (10-20).
- throw in some bodyweight movements: single leg squat, variations of pullups/chinups etc, parallel bar dips, some core stuff, single/double leg calf raises
- eventually ~2 jump sessions per week initially? not sure yet. I have sooo much progress I need to make in work capacity/general fitness.
- lots of stretching; I need to permanently fix this "tightness" issue. (especially in my adductors/hamstrings/calfs, quads/hip flexors too but easier to improve)
- eat extremely healthy
- eat less meat/chicken, more veggies/fruit/beans, less dairy
- get my sleep cycle in check (i'd like to sleep at 11/12 and wakeup at 6-7).. This is a big one for me. When I'm in "obsessed programmer mode", my sleep sched drifts to falling asleep at 4-6 AM, it's very very bad... especially when you have work. It's probably actually deadly).. so trying to turn this around and never go back to my chaotic sleep schedule (which is also bad for my brain/heart)
- lots of fun tennis

It might seem like alot (or not), but that's just the "overall" strategy. If you look at my goals, you'll see why overall fitness is so important:

1. compete in tennis tournaments
2. compete in 5k runs
3. eventually be able to do dunk sessions? (would be amazing to re-acquire that).

If/when I do some jump sessions, I also won't be using "caffeine" as a stimulant. I quit coffee/caffeine almost a year ago now. Soo, no nutritional stimulants whatsoever that can give that extra inch or so.

You see i'm also focused on getting lighter. My body definitely isn't meant to be "heavy". My heaviest while being a super computer nerd in 2014 was 207. Eek.

The lack of absolute strength focus means I probably won't be jumping double leg much at all tbh. My DLRVJ really sucks right now. I'd be surprised if I can hit the rim. My L-SLRVJ is much better, decent considering. I've always wanted an impressive SLRVJ too soo, going to really focus on that. I loved the speed component & the "effortlessness" of SLRVJ's.

Eventually this could become another Age vs Vertical thread :F (shouts vag!) ... Considering i'm 33 right now.

peace man!


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Re: ADARQ's journal
« Reply #5641 on: October 13, 2015, 03:03:27 am »
DAMN! You got up to 207lbs!!!?!?!

On your youtube videos you look like, what? 165?

As you lost quite a bit of max strength, how much did your SL jump go down as opposed to your DL jump?

I'm very interested in the relationship between max strength and SL jumping.  There's obviously a very direct correlation between max strength and DLRVJ/SVJ, but the correlation is a lot fuzzier with SLRVJ's.  You clearly still need high levels of relative strength, but the 'types' of strength and optimal movement efficiency is much more important IMO.  What do you think?

Also in regards to that SL hyper's thread I made recently, do you think there's any benefit of doing them with specificity by having the foot straight up and down instead of externally rotated (pointing out) like how everyone does DL Hyper's?  Pointing outwards clearly allows better glute activation, but less specificity.  What's your take?

« Last Edit: October 13, 2015, 03:07:08 am by Merrick »


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Re: ADARQ's journal
« Reply #5642 on: October 13, 2015, 05:01:11 am »
thats great man, what do u plan on doing when ur done with ur break?

heh, now that ur not all tied up, perhaps u can do what u did for me back then!
you, and later lance were the key factors in getting my fingers above the rim back then heh!
BW: 74kg
Ht: 174cm, 5'8
reach: 220cm


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Re: ADARQ's journal
« Reply #5643 on: October 13, 2015, 06:02:25 am »
Eventually this could become another Age vs Vertical thread :F (shouts vag!) ... Considering i'm 33 right now.

33 is when i started too. Coincidence? Nope! :highfive:
On a serious note, my quest was always max-strength based, weight was mostly in the 190-ish area, jumps were DL off small runups ( 2 steps max ).
So it would be interesting to see the other path, low BW , reactive stuff, SL jumps.
Target training paces (min/km), calculated from 5K PR 22:49 :
Easy run : 5:48
Tempo run : 4:50
VO2-max run :4:21
Speed form run : 4:02


it's the biggest trick in the run game.. go slow to go fast. it doesn't make sense until it smacks you in the face and you're like ....... wtf?


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Re: ADARQ's journal
« Reply #5644 on: October 14, 2015, 12:11:19 am »
DAMN! You got up to 207lbs!!!?!?!

ya, I actually got somewhat fat. albeit, I was transforming into a real computer nerd. I even fit in with the folks at NASA when we went over there. You couldn't tell us apart.

On your youtube videos you look like, what? 165?

depends, weight was all over the place. I think most of my dunk videos are low 150-160 lbs. Towards the "end", my best dunk sessions, I was low 150's.

Found a vid where I was 145:

Was jumping really good around that time IIRC.

As you lost quite a bit of max strength, how much did your SL jump go down as opposed to your DL jump?

Well, not sure. It was weird; towards the end when I stopped dunking, my SLRVJ was going up really good. I ended up getting focused on SLRVJ but I somehow got this "shin splint" in my thigh. That's what it felt like. Made jumping painful and I kind of deflated around that time (due to lots of factors). So, my SLRVJ had been going up "secretly" during all of my DLRVJ training/dunking etc.

So I never really got the chance to get any of those measurements.

All I know is that my SLRVJ seemed to be consistent, even a few days after I had ran ~15 miles one time, and ~23 miles another time. Running that kind of volume seemed to keep me "feeling bouncy" and obviously kept me light. So that's when I was starting to get VERY interested in trying to max out my SLRVJ.. but then that left thigh issue started to emerge. Here's an SLRVJ dunk session:

see my comment on that video back then:

shhhhhhhhhiiiiiiiiiiiiittttttttt....... i didnt even get to jump max.. my left leg is wrecked.. i mean ill be able to dunk again on tues or wed, but this single leg shit is a pain to get adapted too..

left hamstring/glute = murked, left 'leg' feels dead, left lower back = painful, left shin = achy, haha...

anyway ,gotta take my time, koz my SLRVJ is going to eclipse dlrvj for sure.

So, I didn't really know it then but, it never adapted and my leg became "dead". Really sucked. To prevent that in the future: keep volume very low and ease into it over a long period of time :)

I'm very interested in the relationship between max strength and SL jumping.  There's obviously a very direct correlation between max strength and DLRVJ/SVJ, but the correlation is a lot fuzzier with SLRVJ's.  You clearly still need high levels of relative strength, but the 'types' of strength and optimal movement efficiency is much more important IMO.  What do you think?

WARNING: I'm pretty rusty on this stuff.. just saying.

definitely. relative strength is still important, but you have less time to impart that force into the ground when you're actually jumping; thus reactive strength is very important. Improvements in relative strength give you a "bigger container" for reactive strength, so there's always a need for a decent amount of relative strength; Improving strength in the muscles involved in SLRVJ (glutes, quads, hamstrings, calves, shoulders, core), is definitely important. But, you need to tie that together into progressively more intense reactive movements: single leg jumps, sprints, specialized reactive work, throws/swings, bounds etc. Reactive work will also focus even more on the tendons, which are probably more important in an SLRVJ than DLRVJ. They are always important, but probably more so in SLRVJ. Getting leaner & "lighter" also helps. Movement efficiency should improve from the variety of reactive work (which includes SLRVJ's themselves). Since SLRVJ is less max-strength dominant, the act of SLRVJ itself becomes even more important.

Also in regards to that SL hyper's thread I made recently, do you think there's any benefit of doing them with specificity by having the foot straight up and down instead of externally rotated (pointing out) like how everyone does DL Hyper's?  Pointing outwards clearly allows better glute activation, but less specificity.  What's your take?

tbh, i'd go for the slight specificity here. I also like squatting with toes pointed almost forward (or completely forward). There's just something I don't like about possibly causing extra external rotation by overstrengthening something etc. Internal rotators should be working hard to keep everything aligned in the squat, hypers, deadlifts, rdl's, etc.. IMHO. That opinion is specific to performance training, not just trying to improve weightroom numbers at the cost of everything else.

pC man!


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Re: ADARQ's journal
« Reply #5645 on: October 14, 2015, 12:11:41 am »

Eventually this could become another Age vs Vertical thread :F (shouts vag!) ... Considering i'm 33 right now.

33 is when i started too. Coincidence? Nope! :highfive:


On a serious note, my quest was always max-strength based, weight was mostly in the 190-ish area, jumps were DL off small runups ( 2 steps max ).
So it would be interesting to see the other path, low BW , reactive stuff, SL jumps.

ya.. i'm starting to get really focused on it.. hungry for it.. could be very interesting.

I will do as you suggest and go-get-it  :wowthatwasnutswtf: :ibsquatting:  :ibjumping:



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Re: ADARQ's journal
« Reply #5646 on: October 14, 2015, 12:12:53 am »
thats great man, what do u plan on doing when ur done with ur break?

dno yet :/

heh, now that ur not all tied up, perhaps u can do what u did for me back then!
you, and later lance were the key factors in getting my fingers above the rim back then heh!

i'm tied up "mentally", so unfortunately I can't do that kind of stuff right now. really glad we were able to help. I know you know enough though to be able to get back up there if you want, you busted your ass for quite a while.



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Re: ADARQ's journal
« Reply #5647 on: October 14, 2015, 12:23:27 am »

bw = 169
soreness = glutes, hips
aches/injuries = 2nd metatarsals (these have been getting wrecked from running, bruises/calluses on the front.. but i've dealt with that many times in my life.

Session: Morning

- 1.5 hours
- hit lefty

Session: Evening

jog, jump, and sprint:
- 7 mi
- extremely good session
- got in tons of max effort 10-20's
- got in a few 100-200 striders
- a bunch of relaxed jumps focusing on triple ext of jumping leg, transitioning from the jog
- tested slrvj real quick at a court that i was passing by, details below

slrvj vert test:
- L-SLRVJ: ~10'5" touch on 2nd jump, did 3 jumps total
- R-SLRVJ: ~10'0" touch on first jump, only one jump
- surprised I got 10'0" on R-SLRVJ
- also surprised I got 10'5" so early on L-SLRVJ
- I think several months ago was "worse" when I went out and tested some SLRVJ's (L-SLRVJ was ~10'2?, R-SLRVJ was NOTOUCH on 10').
- L-SLRVJ felt good..
- things looking up maybe..

was going to lift/bodyweight, but democratic debate was on soo.. watched that.

gorged on tons of fruit (watermelon/coconut water) after the session.. oh man.

Session: Late Evening

- hamstrings/adductors continue to improve
- getting a ton of stretching in, nice and relaxed, until i'm ready to sleep.

got some new shoes today.. ordered these (Saucony Shay XC 4 Men's Flat Rd/Ny/C):

felt GREAT.. reminded me of NZWR's. They even sounded like new NZWR's when I walked in them; that crunchy rubber sound which I love. Only problem is they run a bit smaller.. so, not sure if I should be wearing 12.5 instead of 12, in those.

felt really good doing SLRVJ's in them. I might order some more, or, I might order a pair of 12.5's just to see if those fit "safer". I could wreck my toes if these things are too small. They fit really snug.. but feel very good. My toes were getting wrecked in my other shoes, so, hard to tell whether they would have been just as wrecked if I had ran in my other flats instead of these new ones.

dno yet.

also got these (already have them in a different color).. love em` so much.. saucony's feel more like NZWR's though.

they don't have that initial "scrunchy rubbery sound".


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Re: ADARQ's journal
« Reply #5648 on: October 14, 2015, 05:08:33 pm »
Thats crazy u got to go to nasa..  What did u do there?

Everything about space and physics fascinates the hell out of me.. The one thing more interesting than athletic performance for me haha


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Re: ADARQ's journal
« Reply #5649 on: October 15, 2015, 12:02:21 am »
Thats crazy u got to go to nasa..  What did u do there?

ya it was one of the most fun things i've ever done. We were invited there to demo our software. We killed it, some nasa dudes' minds were blown. Afterwards we got a "private tour of nasa". We saw SpaceX off in the distance.. Wish they would have taken us over there. I should have kept asking for that HEH!

Everything about space and physics fascinates the hell out of me.. The one thing more interesting than athletic performance for me haha

nice! are you pursuing it at all? i've had my math obsessions. Wanted to get alot better with math/physics. For some reason I just can't commit though, so, not pursuing it anymore (for now).

would be so fun tho..



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Re: ADARQ's journal
« Reply #5650 on: October 15, 2015, 12:11:57 am »
going to really try and log my general food intake from now on.. no excuse not too, especially since i'm eating less and less. :F


bw = 169
soreness = hamstrings, shoulders, traps, calves
injuries = right knee slightly, right hand slightly
aches = ankles slightly


- orange juice

Session: Afternoon

- lefty
- 1.5 hours


- watermelon, honey dew, pineapple
- water + lemon
- oikos yogurt


- oikos yogurt

Session: Evening

jog & sprint
- 7 mi
- lots of 100-200 stride light sprints
- hamstrings were too sore to do anything beast


- BW x 30

neutral grip pullups:
- BW x 9

ssbar curl:
- 75 lb. @ 10

ssbar deep squat:
- 165 lb. x 5
- could have gotten some more, but figured i'd cut it at 5 so maybe i won't be as sore tmw

single leg squat:
- BW @ L=5, R=5

single leg calf raise:
- BW @ L=10, R=10


- 3 glasses of chocolate soy milk
- ministrone soup
- veggie burger with hummus/jalapenos on bread
- sea salt chips
- pickle

i havn't gotten off of the couch for 3 hours.. need to stretch b4 sleep.


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Re: ADARQ's journal
« Reply #5651 on: October 15, 2015, 12:17:39 am »
Thats crazy u got to go to nasa..  What did u do there?

ya it was one of the most fun things i've ever done. We were invited there to demo our software. We killed it, some nasa dudes' minds were blown. Afterwards we got a "private tour of nasa". We saw SpaceX off in the distance.. Wish they would have taken us over there. I should have kept asking for that HEH!

Everything about space and physics fascinates the hell out of me.. The one thing more interesting than athletic performance for me haha

nice! are you pursuing it at all? i've had my math obsessions. Wanted to get alot better with math/physics. For some reason I just can't commit though, so, not pursuing it anymore (for now).

would be so fun tho..


Nah man, I'm just enjoying it as a fun hobby/passion of mine to learn about in my spare time.  Wish my friends liked stuff like that though.  I pretty much never get to have cool conversations in person with topics like theoretical physics and stuff so that sucks haha


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Re: ADARQ's journal
« Reply #5652 on: October 15, 2015, 03:30:03 pm »
Thats crazy u got to go to nasa..  What did u do there?

ya it was one of the most fun things i've ever done. We were invited there to demo our software. We killed it, some nasa dudes' minds were blown. Afterwards we got a "private tour of nasa". We saw SpaceX off in the distance.. Wish they would have taken us over there. I should have kept asking for that HEH!

Everything about space and physics fascinates the hell out of me.. The one thing more interesting than athletic performance for me haha

nice! are you pursuing it at all? i've had my math obsessions. Wanted to get alot better with math/physics. For some reason I just can't commit though, so, not pursuing it anymore (for now).

would be so fun tho..


Nah man, I'm just enjoying it as a fun hobby/passion of mine to learn about in my spare time.


Wish my friends liked stuff like that though.  I pretty much never get to have cool conversations in person with topics like theoretical physics and stuff so that sucks haha

ever look into meetups? ie, could be some cool gatherings near you, might find some interesting people there. I'm not too big into meetups but in some areas, there are some great ones that I would attend (if I lived there).



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Re: ADARQ's journal
« Reply #5653 on: October 15, 2015, 03:35:59 pm »

bw = 169
soreness = hamstrings, traps, mid back, calves
aches = both knees slightly (lateral/vl insert), 2nd metatarsals (bruising on the front)


- ensure (hehe, my mom doesn't like this flavor so i'll drink em`)

Session: Morning

- 2 hours
- hit really good
- serve still sucks (faults), but improving a bit
- good power on all shots when I turned up the heat


- orange juice
- watermelon, banana, honeydew
- oikos traditional yogurt (ridiculous)

Food: ~5pm ET

- chicken, mac & cheese, stuffing, cornbread
- wrecked me


- stretching
- it band massage: pain

Session: Evening

- 3.4 mi
- horrible
- wrecked from meal
- did some DL bounds, sucked
- did some nice leg cycles though: SL jump to cycle leg underneath and land on that leg

- BW @ 9

parallel bar dips:
- BW @ 5

squats on forefoot:
- BW @ 20

single leg squat:
- BW @ L=5, R=5

calf raises:
- BW @ 20


- pistachios
- yogurt

wrecked tonight.. knew that meal would destroy me. bad decision.

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Re: ADARQ's journal
« Reply #5654 on: October 16, 2015, 07:23:16 pm »
Food: ~5pm ET

- chicken, mac & cheese, stuffing, cornbread
- wrecked me

Looks like you pulled an Eric haha  It's hard eating like me
Every Monday
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