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Re: ADARQ's journal
« Reply #1050 on: July 24, 2010, 05:55:45 pm »
mully, u were talkin abt link's jump form tips or something on ur thread.

i googled, but cant find anything abt this, can u link me?
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Re: ADARQ's journal
« Reply #1051 on: July 24, 2010, 06:16:37 pm »
so you had 10lbs in each hand or more than that? then you did 400 walking lunges! that would be pretty tiring

do you squat anymore? that's what i think about when it comes to vertical and speed in the weight room...squat  and oly lifts...but i haven't seen a new squatting video on you channel..unless i missed it or something

well i just got back into squatting but i'm not going heavy, and it's more like a quarter-squat jump-squat at the moment.. i don't plan on going heavy anymore.. I go push myself too hard with maximal weights and have gotten some injuries from it.. it's alot safer to push myself with submax weights.. I mean I'd love to work submax (very slow progressive overload) for so long that my max shoots way up, i mean, that has happened as of recent, as a biproduct of those 400 walking lunge sessions + natural ghr's.

so ya i'm going to keep the weights light.

peace man

I know Adam link and a lot of other guys keep telling me to push the weight like it's you max and you will get results  --great read by lance

yup that's a great post/blog by him, he's right on the money.

but anyway sometimes i feel that when i do 85% and above on my squat the weight is too heavy to go fast and my form is not good enough i go slow down and as fast as possible up

ya well, you're still pretty young in the training process, so you will get used to heavier weights as you gain more experience.. but regardless, heavy weights don't move fast in general, but as long as you are TRYING to move them fast then you're approaching the rep properly.. if you're doing some single on squat @ 95%, it might take 2-3 seconds to complete the rep, but in your head, you're trying to complete it in one second.. that's the kind of "speed" you're trying to explode through the bar with, maximal rate of motor unit recruitment.



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Re: ADARQ's journal
« Reply #1052 on: July 24, 2010, 06:33:08 pm »
Christian Thibaudeau from t-nation has written a similar thing to what lanceSTS said in that blog post. It is definitely the right way to workout. (Not because Thibs says it, it just makes sense).
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Re: ADARQ's journal
« Reply #1053 on: July 25, 2010, 01:13:51 am »
Post workout nonetheless..


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Re: ADARQ's journal
« Reply #1054 on: July 25, 2010, 04:42:22 am »

bw = 161
soreness: glutes mostly, hams a little bit
aches/injuries: feel pretty good, left ham tendon acting a little odd at times

ok so uh, workout started real bad.. had to goto the bathroom prior to training, but couldn't.. ya i know TMI but trying to sprint like that is a type of torture..

- 20 yard sprints x 20 <- felt good but obviously not 100% considering the bathroom issue haha.. even though i tried to go 100% my mechanics were all f'd up
- C1: Neutral grip pullups: explosive(5, 5, 5, 5, 5), BW + 20 lb (5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5)
- C1: Bar-dips                : explosive(5, 5, 5, 5, 5), BW + 20 lb (4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4)
- C1: Natural GHR          : Partials (5, 5, 5, 5, 5)  , Partials (5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5)
- ^ circuit rotation.. not high paced.

so the workout was good after all... having fun adding weight to dips/pullups... my work rate is very good lately, have to use it to the max.

my schedule for next few days should be something like:

- Sunday: sprints, squat singles complexed with jump squats, GHR
- Monday: workout 1: dunks + reactive work  workout 2: 400 walking lunges each leg with 20 lb db's
- Tuesday: sprints, circuit of pullups-dips-ghr's
- Wednesday: sprints, squat singles complexed with jump squats, GHR
- Thursday: workout 1: dunks + reactive work  workout 2: 400 walking lunges each leg with 20 lb db's

we'll see if I can stick to that rotation... that has me jumping after two full days off from jumping, hopefully that can help me "heal my heel".. cause that shit is annoying.. but in the mean time, i hope to add more mass to my legs.



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Re: ADARQ's journal
« Reply #1055 on: July 25, 2010, 05:37:36 am »
Heavier lunges next time?


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Re: ADARQ's journal
« Reply #1056 on: July 25, 2010, 05:42:42 am »
Heavier lunges next time?

ya im pretty sure i should just keep progressing until i cant hit 400 each leg with whatever weight.. or until that soreness becomes very extreme..

surprisingly my quads are not sore at all after those lunges sessions.. hamstrings are usuall less sore than glutes.. so that's a good sign you know? i should really push the intensity and maintain the volume until im taxing my strength/recovery capacity fully, imo.

peace man


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Re: ADARQ's journal
« Reply #1057 on: July 25, 2010, 05:49:35 am »
Heavier lunges next time?

ya im pretty sure i should just keep progressing until i cant hit 400 each leg with whatever weight.. or until that soreness becomes very extreme..

surprisingly my quads are not sore at all after those lunges sessions.. hamstrings are usuall less sore than glutes.. so that's a good sign you know? i should really push the intensity and maintain the volume until im taxing my strength/recovery capacity fully, imo.

peace man

Sounds like a cool plan. My quads are never spre from lunges. Always only hams and glutes.


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Re: ADARQ's journal
« Reply #1058 on: July 25, 2010, 05:53:12 am »
Heavier lunges next time?

ya im pretty sure i should just keep progressing until i cant hit 400 each leg with whatever weight.. or until that soreness becomes very extreme..

surprisingly my quads are not sore at all after those lunges sessions.. hamstrings are usuall less sore than glutes.. so that's a good sign you know? i should really push the intensity and maintain the volume until im taxing my strength/recovery capacity fully, imo.

peace man

Sounds like a cool plan. My quads are never spre from lunges. Always only hams and glutes.

they (quads) were extremely sore the first few times i did 400.. but they adapted pretty well.. i'd expect some soreness honestly, i'm surprised there is none after 10lb db's, which is 20 lb total BW.. who knows maybe 40 lb total BW will hit them, dno though, doubt it.

ps: im glad i dont have any quad soreness, don't want any either.. I want only one day soreness from these sessions, mostly glute & ham.. so it should be interesting as I progress the weights, to see how much soreness I get.


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Re: ADARQ's journal
« Reply #1059 on: July 25, 2010, 06:02:31 am »
Heavier lunges next time?

ya im pretty sure i should just keep progressing until i cant hit 400 each leg with whatever weight.. or until that soreness becomes very extreme..

surprisingly my quads are not sore at all after those lunges sessions.. hamstrings are usuall less sore than glutes.. so that's a good sign you know? i should really push the intensity and maintain the volume until im taxing my strength/recovery capacity fully, imo.

peace man

Sounds like a cool plan. My quads are never spre from lunges. Always only hams and glutes.

they (quads) were extremely sore the first few times i did 400.. but they adapted pretty well.. i'd expect some soreness honestly, i'm surprised there is none after 10lb db's, which is 20 lb total BW.. who knows maybe 40 lb total BW will hit them, dno though, doubt it.

ps: im glad i dont have any quad soreness, don't want any either.. I want only one day soreness from these sessions, mostly glute & ham.. so it should be interesting as I progress the weights, to see how much soreness I get.

Whats the idea of these though? Indestructible hamstrings?


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Re: ADARQ's journal
« Reply #1060 on: July 25, 2010, 06:08:10 am »
Heavier lunges next time?

ya im pretty sure i should just keep progressing until i cant hit 400 each leg with whatever weight.. or until that soreness becomes very extreme..

surprisingly my quads are not sore at all after those lunges sessions.. hamstrings are usuall less sore than glutes.. so that's a good sign you know? i should really push the intensity and maintain the volume until im taxing my strength/recovery capacity fully, imo.

peace man

Sounds like a cool plan. My quads are never spre from lunges. Always only hams and glutes.

they (quads) were extremely sore the first few times i did 400.. but they adapted pretty well.. i'd expect some soreness honestly, i'm surprised there is none after 10lb db's, which is 20 lb total BW.. who knows maybe 40 lb total BW will hit them, dno though, doubt it.

ps: im glad i dont have any quad soreness, don't want any either.. I want only one day soreness from these sessions, mostly glute & ham.. so it should be interesting as I progress the weights, to see how much soreness I get.

Whats the idea of these though? Indestructible hamstrings?

to somehow build legs that thor would be jealous of.

i figure i've spent 25 years of my life not stimulating my glutes/hamstrings, so i have alot of work to do.. walking lunges allow me to recover between reps as i alternate legs, yet still really hit the musculature very hard each session.. my legs have been growing pretty good since i've been doing them with just bodyweight, so using weight will help me really put some significant mass on my glutes/hams, and even quads even though they aren't experiencing DOMS etc.. beyond that, it also is a great conditioning workout, i mean my fitness/work capacity has increased a ton in the last few months.. my unilateral strength feels ridiculously high.

so ya just overall conditioning/strength/mass.. the number seems high, i agree, but the results are exactly what i'm after, a combo of conditioning + strength + mass all in one..

peace man


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Re: ADARQ's journal
« Reply #1061 on: July 25, 2010, 06:15:30 am »
Heavier lunges next time?

ya im pretty sure i should just keep progressing until i cant hit 400 each leg with whatever weight.. or until that soreness becomes very extreme..

surprisingly my quads are not sore at all after those lunges sessions.. hamstrings are usuall less sore than glutes.. so that's a good sign you know? i should really push the intensity and maintain the volume until im taxing my strength/recovery capacity fully, imo.

peace man

Sounds like a cool plan. My quads are never spre from lunges. Always only hams and glutes.

they (quads) were extremely sore the first few times i did 400.. but they adapted pretty well.. i'd expect some soreness honestly, i'm surprised there is none after 10lb db's, which is 20 lb total BW.. who knows maybe 40 lb total BW will hit them, dno though, doubt it.

ps: im glad i dont have any quad soreness, don't want any either.. I want only one day soreness from these sessions, mostly glute & ham.. so it should be interesting as I progress the weights, to see how much soreness I get.

Whats the idea of these though? Indestructible hamstrings?

to somehow build legs that thor would be jealous of.

i figure i've spent 25 years of my life not stimulating my glutes/hamstrings, so i have alot of work to do.. walking lunges allow me to recover between reps as i alternate legs, yet still really hit the musculature very hard each session.. my legs have been growing pretty good since i've been doing them with just bodyweight, so using weight will help me really put some significant mass on my glutes/hams, and even quads even though they aren't experiencing DOMS etc.. beyond that, it also is a great conditioning workout, i mean my fitness/work capacity has increased a ton in the last few months.. my unilateral strength feels ridiculously high.

so ya just overall conditioning/strength/mass.. the number seems high, i agree, but the results are exactly what i'm after, a combo of conditioning + strength + mass all in one..

peace man

Sounds great.Could this be used to loose weight? Like instead of jogging or riding a bike?


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Re: ADARQ's journal
« Reply #1062 on: July 25, 2010, 06:20:48 am »
Heavier lunges next time?

ya im pretty sure i should just keep progressing until i cant hit 400 each leg with whatever weight.. or until that soreness becomes very extreme..

surprisingly my quads are not sore at all after those lunges sessions.. hamstrings are usuall less sore than glutes.. so that's a good sign you know? i should really push the intensity and maintain the volume until im taxing my strength/recovery capacity fully, imo.

peace man

Sounds like a cool plan. My quads are never spre from lunges. Always only hams and glutes.

they (quads) were extremely sore the first few times i did 400.. but they adapted pretty well.. i'd expect some soreness honestly, i'm surprised there is none after 10lb db's, which is 20 lb total BW.. who knows maybe 40 lb total BW will hit them, dno though, doubt it.

ps: im glad i dont have any quad soreness, don't want any either.. I want only one day soreness from these sessions, mostly glute & ham.. so it should be interesting as I progress the weights, to see how much soreness I get.

Whats the idea of these though? Indestructible hamstrings?

to somehow build legs that thor would be jealous of.

i figure i've spent 25 years of my life not stimulating my glutes/hamstrings, so i have alot of work to do.. walking lunges allow me to recover between reps as i alternate legs, yet still really hit the musculature very hard each session.. my legs have been growing pretty good since i've been doing them with just bodyweight, so using weight will help me really put some significant mass on my glutes/hams, and even quads even though they aren't experiencing DOMS etc.. beyond that, it also is a great conditioning workout, i mean my fitness/work capacity has increased a ton in the last few months.. my unilateral strength feels ridiculously high.

so ya just overall conditioning/strength/mass.. the number seems high, i agree, but the results are exactly what i'm after, a combo of conditioning + strength + mass all in one..

peace man

Sounds great.Could this be used to loose weight? Like instead of jogging or riding a bike?

well a session definitely could be used to burn a ton of kcal ya, but you just couldn't really do it every day.. i wouldn't advice that, could be too much for the hips/knees, even tho mine feel fine, every day could become problematic.

yo im out!

gn folks!


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Re: ADARQ's journal
« Reply #1063 on: July 25, 2010, 06:23:44 am »
of course. But I was thinking like a once a week conditioning thing. That could be cool. I think Ill try it out. Like every sunday or something like that.


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Re: ADARQ's journal
« Reply #1064 on: July 25, 2010, 06:50:24 am »
Heavier lunges next time?

ya im pretty sure i should just keep progressing until i cant hit 400 each leg with whatever weight.. or until that soreness becomes very extreme..

surprisingly my quads are not sore at all after those lunges sessions.. hamstrings are usuall less sore than glutes.. so that's a good sign you know? i should really push the intensity and maintain the volume until im taxing my strength/recovery capacity fully, imo.

peace man

Sounds like a cool plan. My quads are never spre from lunges. Always only hams and glutes.

they (quads) were extremely sore the first few times i did 400.. but they adapted pretty well.. i'd expect some soreness honestly, i'm surprised there is none after 10lb db's, which is 20 lb total BW.. who knows maybe 40 lb total BW will hit them, dno though, doubt it.

ps: im glad i dont have any quad soreness, don't want any either.. I want only one day soreness from these sessions, mostly glute & ham.. so it should be interesting as I progress the weights, to see how much soreness I get.

Whats the idea of these though? Indestructible hamstrings?

to somehow build legs that thor would be jealous of.

i figure i've spent 25 years of my life not stimulating my glutes/hamstrings, so i have alot of work to do.. walking lunges allow me to recover between reps as i alternate legs, yet still really hit the musculature very hard each session.. my legs have been growing pretty good since i've been doing them with just bodyweight, so using weight will help me really put some significant mass on my glutes/hams, and even quads even though they aren't experiencing DOMS etc.. beyond that, it also is a great conditioning workout, i mean my fitness/work capacity has increased a ton in the last few months.. my unilateral strength feels ridiculously high.

so ya just overall conditioning/strength/mass.. the number seems high, i agree, but the results are exactly what i'm after, a combo of conditioning + strength + mass all in one..

peace man

Sounds great.Could this be used to loose weight? Like instead of jogging or riding a bike?

well a session definitely could be used to burn a ton of kcal ya, but you just couldn't really do it every day.. i wouldn't advice that, could be too much for the hips/knees, even tho mine feel fine, every day could become problematic.

yo im out!

gn folks!

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