deontay wilder looked impressive.. niiiice.
i've been waking up at 5 AM lately..... completely changed my sleep schedule. Gives me alot more time to do what I need to, before work.. Also allows me to get some training in if I want.. I really miss training as the sun comes up, something 'special' about that.. feels so good. dno 8|
bw = 178
soreness = quads,calfs,hamstrings,shoulders,traps
funny how i'm just consistently sore in the same exact muscle groups even if I get a day or two of rest. These motor units have been sleeping for ~3 years.
bought myself some hyperdunks.. ;f Jumping in my nbmt's is dangerous and I know this, they are basically vibrams.. soo.. I bought these low-top hyperdunk-like bball shoes and hyperdunks.
Session: Jog, Jump, Jog
shoes: low-top-hyperdunk
Jog: 0.75mi
- Tons of jumps from every possible angle and step-length, left and right slrvj.
- Jumped a little higher off of L-slrvj
- Jumped alot higher off of R-slrvj. I might have even possibly hit rim with my left hand, or, I may have hit the thing that the net goes through on the rim. Either way, happy about that.
- SVJ: atrocious hah 8|
Jog: ~3mi
- lots of hamstring stretching as I watched boxing, some holds for ~3min or so.
Flexibility is pretty much #1 on my list of things to tackle.. It's almost always been a problem of mine. During several blocks of my previous dunk phase, i achieved some significant flexibility improvements, especially during "LTMP" (relaxed static stretching between sets of lifts, which made me feel bionic). The key for me is simply consistency.
might run in the morning.