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Re: ADARQ's journal
« Reply #9180 on: April 30, 2020, 12:56:51 am »

nothing. injury areas feeling it microscopically - not sure if they are stressed by it or are fine now, no idea.


3 days of quad doms, some glute/ham doms. alot less than expected tho.

all of the yard work activity is good for the body.


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Re: ADARQ's journal
« Reply #9181 on: May 04, 2020, 01:06:09 am »

grass run: 1h45m
- light, felt good. calves tight after. lungs feel great it's kinda weird.


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Re: ADARQ's journal
« Reply #9182 on: May 09, 2020, 04:53:22 am »
had calf DOMS for 4 days. lol.

no real soreness anywhere else tho.. that's pretty decent.

might run again on sunday. need a DOMS free day first tho.


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Re: ADARQ's journal
« Reply #9183 on: May 09, 2020, 05:27:12 am »
May was going so good "work" wise.. we're hiring one of my old colleagues, an absolute monster on backend/infrastructure & even frontend.

Then today, our lead frontend engineer (who has become an absolute beast), is leaving. fu*k that convo sucked so bad. can tell it was a hard decision for him, was a rough call. we'll miss him & I imagine he'll miss us, but apparently he found an opportunity that is closer to home & more in line w/ what he wants to do in the future.


just wrecked my day + week + month. lol.

it's always something.

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Re: ADARQ's journal
« Reply #9184 on: May 10, 2020, 08:29:44 am »
Thread hijak alert- Hey mate can I "run" something by you.

I want to run twice a week and eventually build up to a decent 5k time in the future (5-6 months away). I was thinking something faster 1 day (intervals/sprints/etc) and 1 slowish day (building from 3-5-10ish). End goal is a relatively fast 5k time and some overall endurance. Any advice?
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Re: ADARQ's journal
« Reply #9185 on: May 10, 2020, 12:04:21 pm »
Thread hijak alert- Hey mate can I "run" something by you.

sure np !

I want to run twice a week and eventually build up to a decent 5k time in the future (5-6 months away). I was thinking something faster 1 day (intervals/sprints/etc) and 1 slowish day (building from 3-5-10ish). End goal is a relatively fast 5k time and some overall endurance. Any advice?


imho, the more "volume buildup" you can do, the better. it's more important than speed training, especially early on. BUT, it's easy to work that in on the speed day.

your speed day can consist of:
- very light but "long" warmup (ie 1 mile to start)
- intervals/strides: don't be so strict with work/rest ratios early on, ie if you want to do 4 x 400 @ 5k pace (and eventually 8-10 x 400 or 4-6 x 800, or 3 x 1k), try to get it done given whatever work/rest ratio you want, but don't be disappointed/upset if you need to take more recovery etc. even at the correct paces, intervals aren't easy. so don't be super strict with them. try to keep it mentally stress free & fun.
- very light but "long" cooldown (ie 1 mile to start) .. can eventually finish off w/ however long you feel comfortable with that day.

volume day could simply be:
- light & steady, building up safely, anywhere from 15 minutes to an hour as the weeks progress.

imho, don't need tempo or anything like that. the interval/sprint stuff is a great idea because it's fun, keeps your body strong, & it's effective at throwing in some lactic acid. the more long/light stuff you get in, the stronger your heart/lungs will get.

one very important thing the light steady long running does, is give you an opportunity to learn how to relax while running. it's extremely important.

also if possible, do as much stuff on softer surfaces as you can .. soft ie inside of track grass, baseball/futbol field grass etc. i'd do most of my stuff on soft surfaces, then just race on concrete, no problem. soft surfaces keep you healthier & make you stronger.

finally, any sign of issues creeping up, take it serious. running injuries are vicious, but almost always have precursors. need to know when to back off etc.

even the very light stuff can end up causing issues, so have to just listen very carefully to the body, then you're good. don't run through injuries etc.

taking time off or missing days won't hurt you too much. it hurts more mentally than physically.

just my quick 2 cents!



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Re: ADARQ's journal
« Reply #9186 on: May 10, 2020, 12:07:22 pm »

bw = 140


man.. talk about pain. excruciating.

the one i stepped on 2 weeks ago, with my big toe, ok that hurt.. but this pinky toe one? haven't dropped that many F bombs in a long time.

felt like a "flaming hot scalpel" for what must have been 15 minutes.. then hurt for several hours after that. i never removed the stinger, so it could still be in there.. couldn't find it like i normally do.

these bees just lay down and die on the pool deck.. then you step on them, game over. lmao. so glad my dogs havent stepped on one.. one got stung years back and he went apeshit.



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Re: ADARQ's journal
« Reply #9187 on: May 10, 2020, 06:55:23 pm »

bw = 140


man.. talk about pain. excruciating.

the one i stepped on 2 weeks ago, with my big toe, ok that hurt.. but this pinky toe one? haven't dropped that many F bombs in a long time.

felt like a "flaming hot scalpel" for what must have been 15 minutes.. then hurt for several hours after that. i never removed the stinger, so it could still be in there.. couldn't find it like i normally do.

these bees just lay down and die on the pool deck.. then you step on them, game over. lmao. so glad my dogs havent stepped on one.. one got stung years back and he went apeshit.


Man that's rough! Never been stung by a bee but imagine it can't be fun. Sure it wasn't one of those murder hornets they've been talking about?
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Re: ADARQ's journal
« Reply #9188 on: May 10, 2020, 06:57:40 pm »
Thread hijak alert- Hey mate can I "run" something by you.

sure np !

I want to run twice a week and eventually build up to a decent 5k time in the future (5-6 months away). I was thinking something faster 1 day (intervals/sprints/etc) and 1 slowish day (building from 3-5-10ish). End goal is a relatively fast 5k time and some overall endurance. Any advice?


imho, the more "volume buildup" you can do, the better. it's more important than speed training, especially early on. BUT, it's easy to work that in on the speed day.

your speed day can consist of:
- very light but "long" warmup (ie 1 mile to start)
- intervals/strides: don't be so strict with work/rest ratios early on, ie if you want to do 4 x 400 @ 5k pace (and eventually 8-10 x 400 or 4-6 x 800, or 3 x 1k), try to get it done given whatever work/rest ratio you want, but don't be disappointed/upset if you need to take more recovery etc. even at the correct paces, intervals aren't easy. so don't be super strict with them. try to keep it mentally stress free & fun.
- very light but "long" cooldown (ie 1 mile to start) .. can eventually finish off w/ however long you feel comfortable with that day.

volume day could simply be:
- light & steady, building up safely, anywhere from 15 minutes to an hour as the weeks progress.

imho, don't need tempo or anything like that. the interval/sprint stuff is a great idea because it's fun, keeps your body strong, & it's effective at throwing in some lactic acid. the more long/light stuff you get in, the stronger your heart/lungs will get.

one very important thing the light steady long running does, is give you an opportunity to learn how to relax while running. it's extremely important.

also if possible, do as much stuff on softer surfaces as you can .. soft ie inside of track grass, baseball/futbol field grass etc. i'd do most of my stuff on soft surfaces, then just race on concrete, no problem. soft surfaces keep you healthier & make you stronger.

finally, any sign of issues creeping up, take it serious. running injuries are vicious, but almost always have precursors. need to know when to back off etc.

even the very light stuff can end up causing issues, so have to just listen very carefully to the body, then you're good. don't run through injuries etc.

taking time off or missing days won't hurt you too much. it hurts more mentally than physically.

just my quick 2 cents!


Thanks man. This is gold. l keep remembering back to when I was running a decent amount a few years back and I just felt so good.
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Re: ADARQ's journal
« Reply #9189 on: May 12, 2020, 12:45:25 am »

bw = 140


man.. talk about pain. excruciating.

the one i stepped on 2 weeks ago, with my big toe, ok that hurt.. but this pinky toe one? haven't dropped that many F bombs in a long time.

felt like a "flaming hot scalpel" for what must have been 15 minutes.. then hurt for several hours after that. i never removed the stinger, so it could still be in there.. couldn't find it like i normally do.

these bees just lay down and die on the pool deck.. then you step on them, game over. lmao. so glad my dogs havent stepped on one.. one got stung years back and he went apeshit.


Man that's rough! Never been stung by a bee but imagine it can't be fun. Sure it wasn't one of those murder hornets they've been talking about?

hah def not a murder hornet ;f i have a photo of it somewhere, just a little bee. they die all the time in my pool, it's odd.

been looking on the ground more lately, as i walk around. lol.

Thread hijak alert- Hey mate can I "run" something by you.

sure np !

I want to run twice a week and eventually build up to a decent 5k time in the future (5-6 months away). I was thinking something faster 1 day (intervals/sprints/etc) and 1 slowish day (building from 3-5-10ish). End goal is a relatively fast 5k time and some overall endurance. Any advice?


imho, the more "volume buildup" you can do, the better. it's more important than speed training, especially early on. BUT, it's easy to work that in on the speed day.

your speed day can consist of:
- very light but "long" warmup (ie 1 mile to start)
- intervals/strides: don't be so strict with work/rest ratios early on, ie if you want to do 4 x 400 @ 5k pace (and eventually 8-10 x 400 or 4-6 x 800, or 3 x 1k), try to get it done given whatever work/rest ratio you want, but don't be disappointed/upset if you need to take more recovery etc. even at the correct paces, intervals aren't easy. so don't be super strict with them. try to keep it mentally stress free & fun.
- very light but "long" cooldown (ie 1 mile to start) .. can eventually finish off w/ however long you feel comfortable with that day.

volume day could simply be:
- light & steady, building up safely, anywhere from 15 minutes to an hour as the weeks progress.

imho, don't need tempo or anything like that. the interval/sprint stuff is a great idea because it's fun, keeps your body strong, & it's effective at throwing in some lactic acid. the more long/light stuff you get in, the stronger your heart/lungs will get.

one very important thing the light steady long running does, is give you an opportunity to learn how to relax while running. it's extremely important.

also if possible, do as much stuff on softer surfaces as you can .. soft ie inside of track grass, baseball/futbol field grass etc. i'd do most of my stuff on soft surfaces, then just race on concrete, no problem. soft surfaces keep you healthier & make you stronger.

finally, any sign of issues creeping up, take it serious. running injuries are vicious, but almost always have precursors. need to know when to back off etc.

even the very light stuff can end up causing issues, so have to just listen very carefully to the body, then you're good. don't run through injuries etc.

taking time off or missing days won't hurt you too much. it hurts more mentally than physically.

just my quick 2 cents!


Thanks man. This is gold. l keep remembering back to when I was running a decent amount a few years back and I just felt so good.

np man!!

yea just don't overdo it. running can def make you feel great. love feeling so light/snappy/relaxed when i'm in great running shape.



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Re: ADARQ's journal
« Reply #9190 on: May 12, 2020, 12:46:20 am »

run: 2h
- mulch trail loops
- canopy park + rain


bw = 139
soreness: calves
aches/injuries: sacrum/tailbone a little


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Re: ADARQ's journal
« Reply #9191 on: May 13, 2020, 09:41:36 pm »

bw = 139

photo = 140 w/ camera in hand. lolz.

lost 18 lb during covid19 "lockdown" (2 months). went back into work today. boss trying to get every1 back in. actually went decent. i'll be dipping out if shit heats up again round here.


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Re: ADARQ's journal
« Reply #9192 on: May 16, 2020, 10:42:11 pm »

bw = 139

physical activity: 6 hr
- urban farming life
- weeding, mulching, transplanting 30 transplants to 3-5 gallon pots etc
- did everything under the shade of this big tree, but somehow my back got sunburned pretty bad.. dumb move going shirtless.
- going to plant a ton of seeds tomorrow. got it all lined up. need to turn it up another notch.

136 after .. lol.

weight is flying off lately.. kinda nuts.

might run tomorrow, might not tho.. clipped a wall with my foot last night, took a little chunk of skin out of the bottom of my pinky toe. still hurts like a mfqr. im an idiot. ;f


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Re: ADARQ's journal
« Reply #9193 on: May 18, 2020, 12:54:38 am »

bw = 139 (again)

back = sunburned af .. crazy.
left foot = painful (small cut/bruise)

sooo.. no run. had planned to do one but, not trying to do a run with these things going on, have my gait affected, then get jacked up. :ninja: :derp:


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Re: ADARQ's journal
« Reply #9194 on: May 21, 2020, 03:14:44 am »
hoping to run this weekend. man o man.. foot hurting like a mfqr. finally started feeling a little better today. can't believe i kicked the wall so hard by accident lmao. ridiculous. started worrying i have a paint chip/splinter in there. once i start running on saturday, we'll find out real quick. :derp: